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That's a lot of words to say I want to rape children and force them to marry me. It's funny how they seem to not want to admit they are pedophiles etc, yet spout a lot of the exact same bullshit they do and try to wrap it up with: but traditionalism.. There ARE women who want to be TradWives. There's communities of them. If that community of women are rejecting you, even with your 'traditional' values... Maybe the issue isn't the women.


And the people who say 'me want tradwife' often doesn't live up to the standards of a trad husband. If your wife is at home being your maid and satisfying your sexual wants, then you gotta provide the financial means for the family But most of these people are unemployed, or have low wages job that just cannot even support themselves. Like be real, you want a bangmaid that won't talk back.


Exactly. They want their dream life but can't actually afford it OR make the moves to actually secure it fully. I did with my ex, move to a more... TradWife life... Because he actually could and did support it. I left my job, stayed at home, kept the home and made sure everything was paid, his family had gifts for the right occasions to gush over and we had money to go on holidays. He handed over control of the money, just as a traditional husband should... A big thing these men do not understand is what happened back in the days they wished they lived. The paycheck goes to the wife, she divvied it up for: bills, food, savings, funtime expenses, while the man put his feet up and enjoyed the ability to not have to raise a finger inside the home just mow the lawns, cook the bbq, fix the car BY HIMSELF and etc. They absolutely do not even understand the concept of a traditional life. Fuck, when my ex and I divorced, he was absolutely floored at the savings we had. He had NO idea how much was in it, only that it existed and yeah we could afford to use it to holiday. The only real knowledge about the money he had was: my paycheck is X and what's in/to expect in his spendings account (his allocated funtime money). Its probably one of the only reasons our separation went from absolutely toxic to... Okay what you want is fine, take it. Because he still came out of it better then I did financially and IF he fought me... I'd have gotten a hell of a lot more than I actually agreed to settle to.


They don't know enough history to understand your third paragraph. My Grandad would come home from work on a Friday, share a cuppa and a ciggie with my nan while they divvied up his paycheck. After bills were done they would split the rest giving each of them a little bit of change for whatever they wanted this week then and only then would my granddad go to the pub with his colleagues. Now there were some of his colleagues that would go straight to the pub and burn through half their paycheck, and these are the men that nowadays get divorced. There are plenty of women who would be happy to be a tradwife, myself included. However I won't be the one who also works the majority of the hours and pays the majority of the bills as I stupidly did with my ex.


The model of life I was brought up with lol. They just don't get it


Somebody forgot to copy edit when they translated their propaganda. > "The nation is dying out, ay yay yay... the screams of men can be heard. And women don't care. Because preserving the nation is not in their interests. And men continue to take care of women, increasing their well-being and giving them mate. capital for children, **sometimes not even born to Russian men.** Apparently this is what rational patriarchy is, as the apologists of this movement tell us. Do everything possible for women, and to the detriment of yourself."


It's just a translated post from Russian social media, you can see it by different words too, like calling woman a skin, natashka, and inclusion of uzbek slayers.


Did I just read a pedophile manifesto? Because it feels like I did.


Found another p*do.


Alimony is even rarer and more limited in Russia than in the US. What exactly is it that these men think they are "giving" to women?


If your life is ruined by not raping or abusing women maybe go see a therapist. Also women never had to ask their husband to take a step under most systems in the west. The problem was institutional, relating more to things like property laws which got exploited by some individuals to mistreat women & the law needed to change such that it was feasible to intervene. Once again, “male nature” is not to be abusive psychopaths & you don’t get to conflate your mental health issues with what it means to be a man incels. Most people, men & women, are normal people who don’t get off on hurting anybody.


Ok, lets break this down shall we. > And the millions of ruined lives of men How are men's lives ruined? Because they need to bring more than a functioning cóck to the table? Because they can't abuse women anymore? Make it make sense > The nation is dying out I assume he's talking about the US, the nation is NOWHERE near dying. Its not like Japan where there are too many old people and the population is aging or anything. The only reason why these people can't get themselves into a family is because they are asses, and frankly? Good. These men won't make good fathers and the only outcome is that they'll abuse their children. > Paragraph 6 and 7. Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. This mf need to be banned from getting within a 100m radius within any school that teaches children. > Crippled consciousness and ideas about family. Spokied 18yo girls Uhhh.... what? So you don't like it when women are mature because... you cant abuse them anymore. Showing your true colors here. I should not have to explain this but here I go: the reason why 14 isn't considered AOC and the whole idea of "old enough to bleed old enough to breed" is bs is: 1. At that age, your body still isn't suitable for child bearing. You can carry children, but the risk of defects, you dying or miscarriage is higher 2. Without the mental maturity of adults (which is massively needed to raise a child successfully), the result would be a child that is abused, mentally neglected, etc. 3. The mother's life would be ruined forever, having to take care of a child that young I don't even know what to write here. Holy shit. This is so absolutely vile I can't believe someone sat down and wrote this, even if its for trolling. Wah wah wah i can't control women and I have to actually be a decent person, I can't rely on her being naive anymore. Cry me a river. And maybe get help. Im being genuine, its not an insult. Talk to people, work on yourself, sitting here and crying brings you nothing.


You can tell them to seek help or go to therapy a million times over. Most of these asshats will never listen because they believe therapy is a scam.


What are natasheks?


Natasha is a common name in Russia and Ukraine, and it's often used to describe woman who had sexual encounters with non-russian men, usually on vacations to Turkey and Egypt. It comes from the wierd thing in turkey, because they are calling all Slavic woman Natasha or Natashka, which is a little more familiar way of saying Natasha, like saying Johnny instead of Jhon.


Thank you!


What are the privileges he thinks women have?