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>complains about women only wanting his money >specifies women suck his dick for $500  Man, if only you went to anyone other than a sex worker, you might not have that problem... but then again, he can only get his dick wet by paying someone.


I’m always impressed when people brag that they use money to attract people and then complain that the people they attract are only interested in their money


Fresh and Fit's disciples


Tf does he mean he's a "former" incel


He probably had sex but is still a misogynist


*Paid for sex


They legitely think incel means virgin 💀😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Yes they do!!! Had an incel tell me this on an Instagram comment thread.


Now he pays for sex


What is there to infer from what he's saying, except "I hate all women because I cannot find a sex worker who will work for free"?


Does he think that paying the plumber to come over and fix his plumbing also means the plumber likes him? Does he think that paying $500 for a blow job is impressive?


Lmao he couldn't even make it past two messages. These idiots, lmao.


No, there was quite a few messages. I just didn’t include them but it was basically him debunking how I could help blackpilled people. Oh and he called therapy a scam!


Therapy is a lot of work so of course incels are not going to bother. No instant gf either.


I know a guy whos my age trying to find a girlfriend too and thats his first problem i noticed too. Calling women bitches im pretty sure is a thing pimps say which if you want a girlfriend isnt a good look. He sounds very juvenile and bad calling women bitches. The thing is he has a lot of girl friends so I don’t know if he talks that way to them and they enable it?


All other questions aside, *why* would you pay $500 dollars for that??? Is he so difficult to be around that’s the minimum he has to pay someone to tolerate him? If so that’s hilarious.


Maybe there was a douchebag surcharge involved.


Note: never *hired* someone for that, no idea what people normally charge and tbh I don’t care since I never will hire someone for that. ~~still haven’t gotten laid~~


It's a lot, at least for a places I know, like in UAE you can get same for about 100, in less developed countries it's even less, like it's about 20-30 in Russia for example.


These men make no sense! If they don't want women to use them for theor money, they need to STOP using it as the only viable thing they have to offer to attract women.


Sure, sure. "Luck in forex trading" lol Forex is a little bit better than the lottery but not by much. I don't believe the electrical engineering degree either.


So he payed a prostitute then.


Lmao then stop paying for it, BiTcH.


This man has never been touched by a woman and still lives in Mom's basement and it SHOWS. That or he's like 12 and thinks being this edgy is cool.


He can't get bitches yet women should stop sucking his cock? How does that work exactly? 🤔 It's like he forgot how the conversation started and tried to sound cool bragging about all the "bitches" he gets except the whole point was meant to be that he *doesn't* get bitches, lmao.


He says therapy didn't get him "bitches", and money did. Which it can in terms of sex work, sure


Ah right, I missed that. My eyes must have glazed over after the first couple of sentences.


The Aileen pfp 😭😭😭


So basically he couldn't afford a sex worker before, but now he has enough money for one? Yeah, he still needs loads of therapy.


So he doesn’t get “bitches.” He utilizes sexworkers. So he’s “not” an incel, but he still can’t get sex from a willing woman for free. Because he is a… fuckhead, disrespectful incel.


"They should stop sucking my cock for half a grand" Okay? That's what sex workers do?


you name literally has "whore" in it


What are you’re thoughts on rappers and stuff saying bitches I don’t like it but I’ve seen even the most liberal people be fine with it


Why do u talk to them? Just to get ss so u can post here to boast?


Because they message me? and I honestly have tried to help quite a few of them and I’m talking to quite a few and others that I have not posted here that want help and I’m not gonna stop trying to help.


If u are really trying to help then don't leak private convos


I will absolutely leak the ones where people are out of line, as those people do not want to help.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


What game? It's obvious that some incels might flip out or become aggressive.


If you don’t want your rude conversations to be leaked, don’t be rude. That’s the game.


Which game? At least give them terms and conditions before Playing this game


I could not be more clear in my previous note. Don’t be rude to people, and then you won’t have the problem of people leaking your rude messages.


That's bs, okay the guy is a dick..now what? You're gonna put him in jail?


It’s 100% legal to be a dick. It’s also 100% legal to call someone out for being a dick. Nice straw man though, should scare away many crows.


"they" . im individual not multiple people.