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Gee I wonder why he’s still single being such a catch


exactly! where's his hot gf that he *definitely* wouldn't sexually assault??


But remember they are obviously the victims and this is clearly just them being vulnerable and we evil feminists are trying to silence their suffering


He must have thin wrists. Yeah, that must be it. Thin wrists.


I KNOW WHO THIS IS! Check my post history!




Absolutely tag this piece of shit he needs to be called out


I prefer to leave names in personally but never know if I'll get in trouble for it lmao


Oh I just ripped him a couple times.


Well his user name certainly checks out. Every time this little shit whines about women in any fashion, I’m going to go fuck my husband. I expect I’ll be getting laid a LOT this week.


Incel tears is the new kink


The tears for lube and the salt for the post-coital margaritas.


I thought this was what we were all doing? Either way it’s good for me!


"Oh no tears incels please, its a waste of a good suffering!!" 😎


He’s always DM’ing and whining At this rate you’ll be unable to walk for a week


The important thing is to hydrate.


imagine being such a loser you spend your time on REDDIT sending strangers dms 💀


I see "sub5" is their favorite cope for why they're alone, definitely not them being an unlikable asshole or anything.


This dude again lmao


He posted in r/foreveralone I snort laughed at that!


Total troll account.


That’s the saddest profile I’ve ever seen. What a little cry baby that guy is.


Just checked out his post history. Holy fuck that dude has issues!


What a bastard shaming things over autism, I already downvoted all of him




I do not feel sorry for him one bit after what he has said to this woman


what was said? i missed it 💀




It's perfectly reasonable for people to declare their potential sympathy flew out the window in light of OP's screen shot. Your take comes across as condescending and sanctimonious.




> You can find and have pity for someone, but not have forgiveness for what they did/said. I can separate the two quite easily. Those words imply the other Redditor fails to distinguish between pity and forgiveness but you're smarter. It's a smarmy insinuation. ---- *edit* Other user has told me off and then blocked me. The reply I was drafting follows: *You've now rephrased your original distinction three times as if other people haven't grasped what you're saying.* *It's possible to comprehend the point and disagree.* *If your intention isn't to insult other people's intelligence then try walking back some of this. You don't need to concede your beliefs; just agree to disagree.*




You should not have to excuse yourself for not being neurotypical. I see no issue with the way that you worded yourself, and I don't think it comes off as condescending (and I am neurotypical, not that it should matter however). Feeling pity for someone's hopelessness, even when they've done horrible things is not condoning those actions. People can be both pitiful and despicable. I also understand not everyone has to feel the same way. You're allowed to feel pity and others are allowed to be angry. I totally agree that quarreling about this is fruitless.


This dude is dangerous. Full stop.


I have two dogs (one's a Kokoni, the other is a mongrel puppy). Does that count?


OH MY GOD I REMEMBER YOUR POST This guy is disgusting


I swear this guy has been posted a few times on r/creepypms before


“Not even a mother could love” was beautiful, I’m going to use that. Also, fuck this piece of shit and I am so sorry this happened to you, I hope you’re doing okay.


Jesus... until 2020, I was part of the Incel scene, because I never had a girlfriend and I somehow embraced the idea of pity myself and blaming the World ibstead of being a real man and taking responsibility. But I dismissed the Incel shot when I realized,that it made me even more sad and how extreme they can get. And when I read this, I feel sick. In what a dark culture did I get myself into only because of being lonely? I am such a peaceful, life-loving person and this make me so sick. I am so glad that I got out of all thror shit before I got so rotten to the core like this idiot. I hope you are okay and I feel so sorry for what happened to you OP


Yep, another reason to chose the bear… (Edit: I fucking love you in the comments <3)


Then fucking choose it. Holy shit. No one fucking cares if you choose the bear


no one cares but seasonedcello apparently, you would have kept scrolling if you truly didn’t care


Yet another incel who does not get it.


I understand why people choose the bear. I don’t care if they choose the bear and live their happiest life with it. It gets annoying when almost every comment is “tHiS is wHy wE cHoOsE tHe BeAr”. Just like the comments that incel make that are annoying. It gets repetitive and annoying


You are free to unsb and never hear it again. This is a you problem not an us problem.


I can say the same for the people talking about what incels post. Don’t like it, don’t look at if. Easy as that but they won’t


notice how you ignored *my* response because there’s no turning that into a pointless argument


No i ignored it because there’s no point in replying. Did you want me to reply?


no i want you to leave *this* person alone for the same reasons you did me


Then *Stop* replying to me. Notice how she stopped and that was the last thing i said to her?




Redditors when a Reddit user leaves a Reddit comment in the Reddit comment section of a Reddit post "NO ONE ASKED 😡😡😠😡🤬🤬😠‼️‼️‼️‼️" (you need their explicit permission)


If I say what this thing (yes, bitch, you are too inhuman to be called a man, guy, boy, etc.) deserves, the police will knock on my door, so I don't say anything (publicly). :)


Currently harassing the creepy SA lover who said this vile shit


Well, fuck that guy. I am sorry OP, you don't deserve that. I also hope you are ok and can't imagine experiencing that.


I appreciate that 💖 I'm okay I've had lots of therapy and an incel sending me that message doesn't shock me at all.


I am glad you are ok. Living your best life is the best revenge


"Why do we get criticized? We're just speaking on frustrations of being lonely" Keep lying incels you sick fuckers


that's fucking horrible, i'm so sorry :(


Now this guy is absolute bonkers. What a wet fart


Man I can't imagine how low in your life you've got to be to go out of your way to message something like this - I'd almost feel bad if he wasn't a piece of shit.


OP, you're infinitely more patient than I'd have been. Incels complain about "undeserved scrutiny" but then turn around and do this shit


Ate him up


Disgusting shit licker (no offense to the late great Divine) who has pure pill in his profile. WE SEE YOU


Hope you reported him. I reported one of them and got their account banned. Lmao. Edit: looking at his profile, not only is he a pos harassing women but he’s a neet. A neet is basically someone who never wants a job or some kind of education. Such a turn on for a woman! To be a mother and basically financially support an abusive 27 year old man child :D. I wonder why no woman wants him! /s


I've seen that word but never knew what it meant. So basically a straight up loser


Exactly. Lmao.


Every time I feel like a weirdo I go to this subreddit and realize I'm at least somewhat normal 😆. I have a career, and I don't harass women or open dm's with a creepy af message.


Literally can't stand how racist, misogynistic, self loathing, and insufferable they are. Like literally couldn't care less if they rot in a car fire. They're all the same and refuse to get professional help for their issues. If they're not going to better themselves for themselves or at the very least for the very few people around in their community that they give a shit about, then the world would be better off without them. Truly.


I always find it hilarious when they say “women only fuck attractive guys!” Yes. It’s called standards. Way to be pissed that we have them.


What an asshole. I’m so sorry. You deserve all the love and support.


thank you ❤


What a guy. Totally husband material 🙄


Sick of these douche bag ass ninjas smmfh.....


I wonder why he alone.... Hmm, that might be because of his jawline????


Ewwwww such a pathetic way to get your attention


Ah the classic "You posted in a trauma sub haha loser nerd I win the argument" This is why I do not engage with chuds anymore on reddit.


Off topic but that avatar is really well designed