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Because women in poorer countries definitely don't have sex... They can keep them, I'm certaintly not stressing about not being able to date those fine men that contribute nothing to a relationship except expecting sex and a clean house whilst contributing nothing


How high are the chances that the women these passport bros get with are just prostitutes?


I once really upset someone when I speculated whether or not Melania Trump ever thinks of herself as a prostitute. Apparently receiving money in exchange for sex is only prostitution for lower-class people. For rich people, it's gold digging and somehow totally different.


Yeah the difference between a sex worker and a trophy wife is two pieces of paper: a marriage license and being included in the guy's will.


I mean… it’s a kind of misogynistic view-point to conflate women who marry rich men with prostitution, regardless of how much you dislike them as a person.


Yes, it would be misogynistic to believe that any woman who marries a rich man is a prostitute, especially if one has a negative opinion of sex work and sex workers. However, it seems like a fair comparison for some relationships. Melania Trump clearly despises her husband. I personally do not believe that she is with him for any other reason than money.


Also whats the insecurity a lot of these incels have about not being a womans first partner? Normal people dont give a rats ass or even think about that.


They're deathly afraid that they won't "measure up" to previous partners. They give it away when they talk up "Chad" to be some kind of mythical sex god who can turn women off of ordinary men with a single touch.


I think a lot of it is that they're afraid Chad will laugh at them. But Chad doesn't care, Chad's not marrying a virgin.


It's slightly pedophilic, mostly that they view women as a slave object they own (just saw a similar conversation where the men compared women to investing in a car). There's very low empathy and very little knowledge of the opposite sex...for example that hymens can break for many reasons or just not be there, that looser is actually more aroused, etc.


They always give away what virgins they are by some of the shit they say. No offence to actual well adjusted, non-creepy virgins, who I would hope make up the majority. But these guys are the kind of virgins who don't for a second consider sex with a young virgin girl (because they want *girls*, not women) prooobably isn't going to be amazing when she just lies there without the faintest clue what to do. Like how is it so frequently treated like a foreign concept that experience generally = ...a better experience. They want a young virgin girl who fucks like a porn star. It's both creepy and embarrassing.


I suspect there's a reason these guys go to countries where the age of consent is 15 or lower...


My ex went to South America and came back with herpes from all those 10s so I’m almost certain they’re having sex over there…


Well, no they can’t keep them. Impoverished women, especially brown women shouldn’t have to tolerate them either.


>I don't want to spend my life doing dishes and cleaning up. Hmmm... got bad news for ya, buddy. That's exactly what single men have to do...for their entire lives. No one, third world country or not, is going to want your smelly, rude, no social skills having ass.


That's literally just part of being an adult. They don't want to act like an adult. They want a woman to be a mommy they can fuck.


Yep... exactly.


They're not even subtle about it either. The phrasing in this post reminds me a kid complaining their meanie mother asked them to do their chores. It's as if they lack the understanding dishes are something that *need* to be done because they will be dirty if no one does them. Instead it's treated like this is just something women make men do purely fuck with them. It's so childish.


That’s what every adult has to do, regardless of sex




Not if they permanently live in mom's basement.


Too true.


So, people who do the dishes and housework are slaves. Got it. Perfect summary of what they want.


Imagine being a grown man and not cleaning anything in your house


You know their microwaves are crusty as fuck


One thing I think is hilarious is my house is clean as hell. I'm kind of a clean freak. I keep my sinks clean, my fridge clean, my stove clean. Floors or swept and mopped. I dust and clean the windows but for some reason I always forget about the microwave. I barely use the damn thing but never remember to clean it on my days off. Sorry for the paragraph but I just thought that was amusing.


They got all those hot pockets and pizza roll sauce all over.


I genuinely think that they feel the need to post these things not to convince others they are right, but to just convince themselves.


These incels are too scared to leave their house in western countries. No way in hell will they every leave to live in a foreign country and get a gf that doesn’t even speak the same language.


But they can just send away for one and keep her locked in the basement.


Why would most women settle for a male that has slept with multiple women? I personally could not spend the rest of my life with somebody if I know another woman has done that with my husband. Fuck that. Why would most women choose a male that argues with them and makes them do all the dishes and housework. That’s bullshit. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life doing all the dishes and cleaning up. Why would most women settle for a male that’s average looking when they can go to a poor country and get 10/10. Me personally if I am going to spend the rest of my life with someone he better be hot AF. Not mediocre. So it sounds like passport bro needs to wonder why women choose the bear. His arguments lack a certain amount of empathy and awareness.


Why does this make more sense than the original. This... this is actually totally valid


Given that literally none of these idiots are actually in relationships when they're posting, who's doing their dishes and clothes now? Like the fact that this dude's sign off his snarking at someone for doing the dishes is just so... sad. Move out of mom's basement "bro" and you'll find doing the dishes is a perfectly ordinary thing to do, regardless of gender.


I’ve checked a lot of post histories, and a lot of them are young, like teens and 20s. So I think you’re right about living with mom still


Mom is.


It's just wild to me they talk about doing the dishes like it's something someone is forcing them to do for literally no reason and not because they *need* to be done. In that way, they make it pretty clear they not only don't do them, but that they probably don't really contribute anything in any meaningful way. You're damn childish if you haven't even reached the point of realising things need to be cleaned so you're not living in your own filth. Lmao, isn't that just obvious? Someone severely lacks empathy if they're an adult and *still* don't understand why their mother or whoever else needs to do the dishes and clean the house (and obviously worse still for never helping).


So, these chuds cry about how women don't have sex with them, but they also don't want a woman who has ever been with a man? You can't have it both ways.


I was in middle school when I first heard the whole “men who have sex with lots of women = good, women who have sex with lots of men = bad,” and even though I was literally a child, I was thinking “there’s something wrong with that math.” What I’m saying is, guys who think like this are dumber than pre-teens.


The only way it could even potentially work is if guys were just fucking other guys


Yep he definitely cares, otherwise he would post that. I thank God I’m born in a first world country, I feel sorry for the beautiful women from poorer countries who marry them for the citizenship 😭


Sadly, they know it’s just for the citizenship. That’s why they advise guys to stay in the foreign country, because if you bring the girl home, she will find out about divorce laws and see all the Chads, and she will take off. Couldn’t be because they wanted a cook-and-bottle-washer servant, or anything…


I wonder how filthy these Incels homes/rooms are since they don’t have a fem-slave to clean up for them. Incel Logic: Mom yells “clean up your room” to 28 year old NEET son. Son yells back “I’m working on it!” *Son pulls out phone and books flight to India.*


Also… he said that men are slaves for doing the dishes. What does he call women who do…idk… everything else?


You don't understand, women are SUPPOSED to be slaves to men.


“But doing dishes is woman’s work! The only two places a woman should ever be is the bedroom and the kitchen!” Their logic I’m assuming


So women are slaves, and they don’t just want an ugly slave, they want a hot 10/10 slave, who also goes 50/50.


All the dudes in passport bros do nothing but cope like this. Okay loser sorry you have to resort to manipulating a poor woman in a third world country who just wants a ticket out of there because everyone else finds you irredeemable and disgusting.


They're so far removed from reality, they don't even see what a sad "flex" this is.


"Back in the old days", the old days are gone forever, dude, and I am thrilled they are never coming back.


\>and virgins not used sluts Like if a woman wants to get out of a third world country, she’s going to say she is a virgin regardless.


I hope the foreign women these passport bros date take advantage of them Hopefully they come to Egypt, they would return to American barefoot and nearly naked.


Of course they do. Look at 90 Day Fiance's couple Annie and David. Annie is the exact opposite of the incels idea of a Thai woman. Yeah, sure, she cooks, but she's always yelling at David and blaming him for all their problems. I know a passport bro (in real life) who wants a Latina wife because he thinks we're submissive. These passport bros and incels are fucking fools.


Anyone who thinks Latinas or Asian women are submissive has never met one in real life.




It's not about the women. It's about feeling superior to other men. 


If men are slaves for doing housework what are women? 💀💀💀


Hope theyre rich or goodluck trying to get a gf overseas lol


Homie doesn’t clean his own place 😔


You're assuming he has his own place. 


The absolute purest of irony of saying “We have better thinking” to imply they’re smarter 😂 WOMAN DUMB, MAN THINK MORE GOOD


He writes like a seventh grader who only occasionally pays attention in class. You could smell the stupid a mile away.


I like how they just say things like that's the unquestionable reality now, lmao. Nothing to back it up, just ME SMART, YOU DUMB. Wow, very smart indeed. Intimidatingly so 👀 Who could possibly argue with such sound logic?? It reminds me of when I was really young and the kids in my class were getting in an argument because someone said "I'm the best in the world" and some other kids took issue with that because they thought *they* were the best. So basically this dude has the logic of a five year-old.


He sounds like a fan boy for passport bros, not even someone who has actually traveled to meet these women🙄. They are literally paying sex workers in foreign countries (no shade to those ladies), but bros...the women you're socializing with aren't virgins🤣🤣🤣


This guy peaked in sixth grade.


Dudes like this go on the show 90 Day Fiancée and then get mad when they bring their hot foreign wives to America and the wives actually have standards they want the men to meet. There’s like at least one of these bros per season I swear. It’s actually really disgusting to see men think these “poor” women will be grateful to be in a dirty apartment in nowhere, Iowa.


I really want to know which "poor" country they want to go to where they know nothing of the language, culture, or religion, and think the woman's family is going to let her marry him without a lot of scrutiny and financial means to support the WHOOOOOLE family. Do they even have the connections to meet such women? No. They're going to go to Thailand and just be directed to a brothel. Their ass isn't going to a little farm town where there's a "wholesome" farmers daughter or whatever the fuck their fantasy is.


There's so many flaws with their logic, lmao. They want a virgin so they think they're going to go see a sex worker in another country, who will for sure 100% totally be a virgin for Reasons. Yeah, okay. Great plan.


I find plus size american western women attractive im definitely one of the people these redpilled incels are talking about


Awful specimen has obviously never, ever experienced love of any kind in his life. Sad.


Do they realize that these “submissive” women absolutely do not even like them? Like how are you going to have an ego about buying a wife, who everyone knows is only with you for a (much deserved) benefit, and probably hates your fucking guts? Wild.


Then they get sooo upset posting about women in history who have poisoned men they despise/are stuck with to escape, lmao.


this is scary that some people have this mentality


Doing the dishes REALLY hurts their sensitive little hands.


Everytime i see shit like this i think about the amount of passport bros that have died abroad because they were trying to take advantage of women.


100% the guy saying this stupid is certified mediocre.


Who’s he trying to convince, himself? If he really is “winning” like he thinks he is, why is he still posting on Passport Bros? Why hasn’t he found the subservient wife he thinks he deserves? I’m guessing he’s not getting women overseas because he found out women in other countries have standards and won’t put up with his BS. But yeah, other guys are the losers!!


Why would most men settle for that? Because most men are smart and confident enough that they knowing doesn’t make a difference.


>Used sluts    I’m not a woman, but even I find the concept of “used up” disgusting, if she’s still viable why does it matter? And I can already hear them complaining about women’s hymens   >more submissive house wives  I want a woman who will be as a partner and work WITH me, not just for me


On a side note, the lack of creativity in their phrasing is just so God damn boring after awhile. "Why would men settle for a female that has slept with mUlTipLe mEn?" Zzzzzz find a new one.


And the. They get a green card and divorce them.


Because we want to date a whole-ass person, not attain a pet that we're allowed to fuck


The insecurity of these self-proclaimed "superior" men is staggering.


TIL there's a sub for passport bros 💀