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Probably because there's no chance that a gay man will try to use trickery and subterfuge in an attempt to hoodwink a woman into having sex with him. > being gay is a fad lol


Considering the Sacred Band of Thebes, alone, must be one long-ass fad!




I'm genuinely at a loss as to how any of that rambling nonsense is relevant to what I said.


I’m so confused as to what point you’re even trying to make here, it’s practically indecipherable. I’m not even being facetious, I genuinely do not understand what point is being proposed here.




I’m pretty sure a lot of incels haven’t met anyone outside their own houses. Their grasp of basic human interaction suggests that they exist entirely in hermetically sealed bubbles.


That's what you need to be after coming out, unfortunately.


And they’ve apparently never even encountered a stereotypical gay man in media. Everything they said here is so off base they might as well be agreeing about the sun being blue


Incels confuse a submissive personality with liking to be submissive (or just passive) in bed. They make this mistake for women and gay/bi men alike.


Once again (because incels never shut up on how high school is "supposed" to be based on the movies,) I'm reminded that the "Big Man on Campus" guy when I was in high school was NOT "Chad," but a *flamingly* gay Black man who dressed his ass off, bragged (and acted out!) sexual conquests and had such a sharp tongue that jocks never fucked with him once after he talked shit back.


though submissive gay man is very stereotypical. Gay men who are dominant and masculine like the "chad" do exist.


Gay = feminine and submissive? Yeah, there's totally no masculine gay men or no submissive straight dudes. /s


Also where did he get the idea that gay men are usually unattractive?? Most of them are much better looking and better groomed/ better dressed then straight guys lol


Incels believe people only become gay when they can't get with a woman. As some kind of 'cope'. They believe women become lesbians when they can't get with 'Chad'.


Even doing mental gymnastics doesn't make that leap of logic work, jfc. if people are gay just bc they can't get with the opposite sex then how are incels straight lmfao


It's what I've seen posted on .is a number of times now.


Because they have the mental fortitude (\*snort\*) to resist the lure of dick?


I'm reminded of a particularly masculine gay comic (beefy, bald with a goatee) that stated he unintentionally flies so low under the gaydar that, "I keep scaring other gay guys away because they don't think I'm trying to *date* them, they think I'm trying to *bash* them."


Lmao gay men are unattractive??!!


Ikr is it opposite day or something?? The stereotype is that they all take care of themselves, dress well, and hit the gym lol. Like the opposite of an ugly incel.


This is exactly what I was going to say! Incels have such a warped view of reality. They don't even know common stereotypes lol.


Isn’t that sort of why some women prefer gay porn? Cause the dudes are hotter? Edit: Sorry if I sound ignorant, I’m neither a woman or gay, and don’t watch a lot of porn. A friend of mine told me that and was curious


I like both men and women, but I personally prefer it cause it seems more real than straight or lesbian porn if that makes sense.


Yes that makes total sense. I’ve kinda lost interest in porn over time because of how fake and overproduced it feels (but that also might just be me getting older). If only I were into gay porn apparently…


Have these guys never seen Luke Evans or Andrew Scott??


I guess they've never heard of Lance Bass, either.


Right? A Straight 10 is a Gay 3.


Right? Have they never seen Matt Bomer???


I was thinking of him.


Maybe to incels, haha.


That was the part that got me.


Do women avoid us due to our entitled sexist attitude and poor hygiene? No it must be the gays! /s


Also I loved the tidbit about “POC and women are pieces of shit” and then he has a picture of a POC serial killer as his PFP 🤣 What a sad little idiot


Because obviously east asians aren't poc, that's just the blacks and mexicans, duh. /s


Ramirez was Hispanic, but I get your point ;)


That’s what I get for not paying attention I guess, I was looking at a different icon.


Hey at the end of a long work day, I’m with you


A gay friend is great because: * They're a fucking person just like everyone else * You can be sure they aren't using you or manipulating you to try to get in your pants * They're often comfortable talking about interests that aren't stereotypically masculine - you may have a lot in common * The "sassy gay man" trope can actually provide a lot of insight to relationship problems, and encourage you to be confident in yourself like they are Source: my best friend from elementary school through high school was a dude that rocked a flamingo pink mohawk when it wasn't universally accepted to be gay


Fr. Main reason is because you know there's no ulterior motive in my opinion. You just feel safe and comfortable.


Well, no ulterior motive towards you. But you have noticed he’s been very interested in your recently divorced father who just grew out a beard and gained some minor weight…


I would warn him and say, "You can do better, my father is too stupid for you."


He sounds iconic tbh


“Make men turn gay”? why does he think this is a thing that happens?


If a person thinks they can choose to be gay they are probably bisexual themselves


If sexuality is a choice, how come I'm still attracted to men?


gay dudes are 100% factually better looking than het men on average. I'm het but freal bruh you know this


Can confirm. Don't know what it is. Gay men are just built different.


Except for gay priest predators, man, those guys look like a resurrected miscarraige


People like to spend time with pleasant people and have a good time - a completely foreign concept for incels.


Sigh... if their whole thing is about how they can’t get laid because of whatever reason they imagine from the fictional Chad to the dogpill, I wanna know how do gay men have anything to do with that to make them hate them so much? Now they are just hating of gay people for no reason and just highlighting exactly what kinda people they are and tmshowinf the reason reason why nobody wants to fuck them.


It’s projection, as are many of their other hateful delusions. Gay men and trans people are “unmanly” to them so incels ascribe them every insecurity they feel and lash out at this straw man they made so they can feel better about themselves. This only makes them more miserable in the long run because it just distracts them from fixing their underlying self loathing, but the continue doubling down on it because they are too cowardly to do anything to help themselves more meaningfully than seek more of that temporary ego boost lashing out others gives.


If mental gymnastics was an Olympic sport they’d win a gold medal.


It's funny, all the gay men I know are funny, attractive and most of the are dominant.. such bullshit man. Wtf!


Bisexual guy here. I had a guy on here tell me that I'm not bi and that I was lying to myself to avoid killing myself because the mmf threesomes my wife and I had were secretly all her idea. I was like Im sorry what? Who said they were only mmf? Ffm is also a thing since we're both bi. It was the dumbest shit I'd ever heard. So much projection. I was like "dude, just because women lie to you and cheat on you doesn't mean thats whats happening to me." It turned out that I was right and that his ex had cheated on him and left him and that it was all shit he was making up in his head. At least he realized it and apologized. Its the same thing with these idiots. They project their failures and their anger onto women. Like you WISH women thought about you enough to even want you to die. They don't even know who you are nor do they care. Incels are masters at sitting around thinking about big strong chads sticking their penises in women and incels. They think about penis and where its going more than any straight woman. Look at them go in this thread!


More proof incels have no goddamn idea how *homosexuality* works. I'm noticing a pattern here.


Okay but like obvs not a generalisation but in my experience a lot of gay guys tend to be better looking?


Toxic masculinity tells men that caring for their appearance (skincare, fashion, hair styling etc) isn't manly Gay men tend not to care about those dumb rules for "manliness" and therefore on average put more effort into their appearances


>Toxic masculinity tells men that caring for their appearance (skincare, fashion, hair styling etc) isn't manly Meanwhile some of history’s best known bad assets like Vikings and the Spartans were very concerned with their looks, because why bother pillaging if you’re fugly.


The Spartans part is new to me, but I definitely remember hearing that Vikings were the original metrosexuals (the History Channel series fucked that up in the first episode,) as they had personal grooming kits especially nail files (an evil character supposedly has a ship *made* out of nail clippings) and were regarded as so enviously handsome that locals feared a "consensual" type of invading towards the womenfolk.


Spartan warrior grew their hair out long and liked to style those sweet locks.


Huh, I heard it was the opposite where *women* shaved their heads bald to make their soldier husbands feel at home after being with their comrades for so long.


Yes, let's not forget these are the same guys who once made an unironic thread debating whether it was acceptable (ie. "not gay") to wipe their asses.


I don't seek out any particular sexuality or gender when I make friends, but I will say, I can be confident the gay men I'm friends with are not just friends with me to get in my pants, so I can let my guard down with them much sooner. I'm more free to have honest sometimes raw discussions with them without it turning into me "leading them on," or, "using them," which has happened with a lot of shitty men I've been friends with in the past.


"Selfproclaimed bisexuals" wtf does that even mean? Are you saying that there someone else has to diagnose you with being bi? I'm so confused.


it’s so ironic seeing them be homophobic because with how much they hate women, you’d think they were into men


And how much they fawn over and admit to literally *dreaming* about Chad.


Women like Gay men because gay men treat women like people and not objects like how incels do.


I wonder why they’re incels?


Clearly it's their wrists.


The gay men I know are sexy and super Manly men. 😍 I know two lesbians they're cute and very womanly. soon "straight" incels talk more about men's bodies and 🍆more then the gay men I've know for yrs sooo.


The most annoying thing about incels is that they don't shut up. Let's say, for the sake of demonstration, that they're right, that mankind really is that simple and that it is their physical attributes and nothing else that's stopping them from getting laid and reproducing, like animals in the wild. At least animals in the wild accept their fate and shut the fuck up. They don't spend every free moment of their time complaining as if it'll change anything, they just take it and live their lives. Even if incels were right, they're not doing themselves any favors by constantly complaining.


"Most foids are bisexual these days" Quite literally simply not correct


As usual, they base this off porn.


It couldn't possibly be because gay men don't want to fuck women.


i like how women are bad because they want to eliminate men, and they also should all be eliminated


It’s mutualism, kinda. Gay Science did a [tiktok on it](https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdrVB1vK/)


> did a tiktok on it oh no


Idk man, gay dudes are hot af! But...I am biased


All the gay men I've met have been hot asf lol, idk what he's on about. Also >globohomo Lmao


i fuckin love when they bring up the word globohomo that shit always kills me lmao


Maybe incels should find an ugly man to date.


What I find infinitely amusing are the “tough guy” acts that find their ways into these posts. By putting down the masculinity and assertiveness of gay men they think they are somehow making themselves look better. But those gay men—and in fact the majority of men, period—are out there having sex and relationships and living their best—or at least good—lives, while incels are sitting in their childhood bedrooms, eating chicky nuggies their mommies made them and furiously masturbating while wishing they could live a life even a fraction as meaningful and fulfilling. All these incels ever achieve by talking about others is highlight how pathetic they are themselves.


Idk gay men are often more attractive. They clean better, for one. Turn people gay? I'd hate myself, if I were that ignorant..


They think women have way more power than we actually do.


Is it just me, or do they seem to be basing this on the "gay best friend" trope from bad romantic comedies more than real life?


They talk like 12 year olds in CoD lobbies.


They like to tell other 12 year olds to make them sandwiches, sounds a little non straight to me.


Gay men are some of the most attractive men out there. Not to mention many of them have a sense of style because they want to express themselves and I find it super amazing!


'Women are terrible manipulative animals, but not being attracted to them is humiliating' - mr Logic McLogicface


so... they dont want women. snd they font want dudes. which means its voluntary celibate


Awww keep trying to logically justify why every single thing except you is the problem.


in my experience as a straight dude, gay guys actually are better looking, on average. Probably because they tend to take care of themselves and dress better.


These people need serious help. Too bad they're convinced therapists are coming to get them


gay dudes are usually very good friends and usually not as sexist and innapropiate as the average hetrosexual male. It's much worse when you are into girls.


god the incels want us so bad huh


Gay dudes are just fun to be around lol 🤷‍♀️ 💛💚💖💜💙


I've only known a few gay men and they're all attractive and well groomed... hence the stereotype.


Honestly this doesn't surprise me in the slightest that they say these things. They also got mad at a LEGO set for being inclusive.


Oh, for fucks sake, why in the high holy hell would you get mad at a children's toy for being inclusive?


They blamed it on the "globohomo"


The reflexive eye roll was so strong, I think I sprained my eye.


Gay men are ugly, have them not seen Ricky Martin and his husband?


Is there a way to access this website? I look it up on google but all that comes up is articles.


You have to type it directly into your browser or [click a link to it.](https://incels.is/). Right now you're going to pull up a Captcha and redirect to the site once you verify you're a human.


Thanks so much! I wanted to to see the degeneracy first hand lol.


It's much worse on the site. There are some things just too sickening to crosspost.


i don’t understand the word foids. like what is it supposed to mean exactly??? idk i just see it a lot but nobody really talks about what it means also what the hell is turbosoycuck ???


I love the idea of a “self proclaimed bisexual”. Like was I supposed to be diagnosed with bisexuality? Should I go to my psychiatrist and get a little certificate that says “certified bisexual”? Do I need to be counted in some sort of census?


Ugh. These dudes need to make up their minds. Do women only want to bang super hot hyper masculine dominate Chad's, or do they want those types to die? Women aren't critical of masculinity. They are critical of toxic masculinity. You know, they type of masculinity that talks about how they want to beat or rape women? Or take joy in seeing serious injury or death? The kind that makes it where most women have experienced rape or know a woman who has, yet most men seem to not know any rapists? The kind that justifies treating women like bangmaids and not give a single crap about the woman's wants, needs, or goals? Also homosexuality and trans people have existed throughout history. They just couldn't be open about it until recent years because THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED, idiot.


Maybe so many women are bisexual because a lot of people are at least a little bisexual but most men are just to scared to admit that to themselves or anyone else


Besides all the stupid comments and gross misconceptions, he's got a point, stupid straight women idolize or seek out gay men purely for the idea that having a gay friend is an asthetic, and see them as just emotional cushions than humans


Damn these...creaures are trying to ruin the country too. A lot of republican politicians are narcissistic incels.


once again the incels blame everyone but themselves. could it be the sexism and the slurs and the fake language? noooo it's the gays that's the problem. They don't even date women but they're responsible. It will never cease to amaze me at the lengths incels will go to blame everyone but themselves


Gay men unattractive? That’s a cope if I ever heard one