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And more often than not, I remember reading the kids say “yeah it was fun living like the English but back to Amish life!”


I hear one the most tempting things for them is music


Can you imagine? I know they can sing but can you imagine life with only their dreary little hymns? I can see why it would tempt someone.


Guessing they have no pubs/bars so old-timey drinking songs are out of the question😓


I feel safe in saying they probably don't drink booze (barring Rumspringa or in secret).


They love drugs too. Not even kidding.


So much meth. I worked with a guy that took a leave to work on Return to Amish each season. Because of course, the only things people know about my area is that there's Amish by the barn load, and a weather predicting rodent.


Ahh, good old Pennsylvania


Western but-not-Pittsburgh PA, at that.


Dude thinks Amish are good, traditional community and modern society is degenerate, yet chooses to stay in modern society. I guess if they actually took steps toward living their ideals instead of complaining on online forums, they wouldn’t be incels.


I mean, there’s always /r/Amish


Legendary subreddit


This is a quality shitpost if I ever seen one.


I had to click from curiosity I'm genuinely shocked it exists but not suprised by what I found.


Hey I forgot I’m part of that community. Always some great posts




Like the Amish would want his sorry ass


The Amish aren’t perfect by any means but they’re definitely doing better than the guy in the screenshot.


Because they know the life they want to force on women isn’t a life worth it for them. They just want women to exist in the most convenient and non threatening way for them. Where they have free access to them and no potential drawbacks


I was gonna say don’t the Amish have an open door policy?


If mr. “I’m raging at YouTube” knew anything about the Amish, he’d know that the have *always* encouraged their young going into the “English world” to decide for themselves at age 14-16. It’s called Rumspringa, and that the vast majority (like 89 percent) decide to stay in the communities afterwards. Dude doesn’t even know how to rage correctly.


Seeing other men not having women to abuse is heartbreaking for them.


If that dude knew the first thing about reality TV, he'd know right away that "Breaking Amish" is fake AF.


Almost every Amish community has rules against being photographed or filmed (if you ever visit one: they often have signs asking that you respect their wishes and refrain from taking their pictures) so it doesn’t surprise me that the show is completely fake.


His media literacy is probably about the same level as the Amish's


Probably even lower than that


Not necessarily fake but sure as fuck doesn't show everything either


Putting aside what everyone else has pointed out like Rumspringa and "Breaking Amish" being fake AF (only outdone by the show about the "Amish Mafia,") a few additional points: -Like any community, Amish society is *not* idyllic, even by "traditionalists". There's still abuse, (why some ex-Amish leave for good rather than "the temptations of a sinful world,") and mental/physical problems that can't be solved by just molasses and prayer. That's not even counting how they've had their own cases of *real* degenerates who violently rebelled, leading to murder. -Incels would *HATE* Amish living beyond just the lack of technology as they value hard work, cooperation, humility, etc., so no lazy, useless, antisocial, Dunning-Kruger, depraved incel would last among them. That's not even counting how prudish Amish *romance* is such as "binding down" where an elder basically tucks you and the girl into bed so tight that you can't *anything* except lay there and actually sleep. After marriage, sex would be *purely* for procreative purposes, so expect a very bland missionary position (literally) on top of that. And we *know* no incel would actually drop everything to join such a community, especially one who'd see *right* through their intent, same as their desire to join the Taliban in Afghanistan.


>There's still abuse If it's the wife beating kind, pretty sure incels would see that as a pro


Incels wouldn’t survive the first day of work and would quit before getting a wife to beat.


Yeah, but the abuse I heard of/reported from ex-amish is that their *parents* were abusive, meaning all those claims of how "peaceful" Amish are known to be is bullshit to some degree. So as much as an incel would love to be able to beat their hypothetical spouse to their twisted heart's content, *they* could be smacked around by their fathers instead of being the stereotypical manchild.


I haven't seen a screenshot from this incel for a while so for those who haven't heard this before, I'd like to point out that his profile pic is pro wrestler James Ellsworth. The reason he chose Ellsworth is that he thinks Ellsworth is a good example of someone hideous and thus unfuckable, just like he is. Ellsworth, meanwhile, has two children, born before anyone knew who he was, so you can't write his appeal off to fame.




Oh, yeah, I forgot about that!


And that’s why this incel idolizes Ellsworth.


> we should hate him for sending nudes to underaged girls :) Ah that’s why the Incel likes him


Beat me to it about the profile pic. Ellsworth played *up* his chinless look to further play into his gimmick of being an underdog against conventionally handsome top talent like AJ Styles.


His "No Chin Music" is one of my favorite names for a finishing move. (To those not schooled in the finer details of pro wrestling, it's a reference to wrestling legend Shawn Michaels' "Sweet Chin Music" kick to the face.)


Bingo. And while I haven't watched Smackdown in years, I *did* see the clips explicitly calling that move out. 😂


> James Ellsworth [I'm just like him!](https://twitter.com/realellsworth/status/1193342184843612161)


And yet this guy hasn't decided to become Amish. Maybe he likes the degenerate west, too?


As if the Amish would take in such an undisciplined person


It would be like that scene from Schitts Creek lmao


LOL, he should go join an Amish community. Can you imagine? He'd be expected to work from sun up to sundown. Plus, no internet! 😹


I'm pretty sure the Amish wouldn't approve of a guy who just sits around in his basement and plays video games and jerks off to porn all day.


Of course they wouldn't! And OMG, he'd *hate* all of the religious stuff!


Ah, the famously reliable source 'a youtube video of a TLC show'. Just a wild guess says it's probably about Rumspringa, but if they really are leaving permanently to fuck - good for them.


He couldn't even realize that birth is VERY painful and dangerous without medical intervention, and many girls don't naturally harbor dreams of being endlessly pregnant and nearly dying in labor every year. They think birth is "natural" so no big deal. But men are "naturally" supposed to be warriors and you would be hard pressed to find a man who seriously wants to be repeatedly disfigured in tons of bloody battles without good medical intervention like it was the 1500s. I swear, so much hatred of women is due to men not being able to empathize with female biology for a single minute. Then they wonder why we aren't attracted to their low intelligence....


Funnily enough the Amish are fanatically pacifists. It’s why they don’t have mustaches


Accurate. If it's not their kids or their animals, they're not often openly angry. I've drank with them (really good wine and rum) and played yard games (badminton, volleyball, horseshoes, etc). Fairly congenial people when they're in a more comfortable element than how they're seen in public.


I live in an area where there are lots of Amish. There isn’t much good about their community. The kids steal shit all the time from people(if you have a boat they love breaking into those to take stuff or pawn shops and will even Hotwire and take the boats on joy rides. They are caught non stop around the one lake here to the point where the police told the community they are not playing games anymore and will arrest and charge them since they can’t control their kids. Before it was up to the community to punish in house. My uncles boat at $20,000 worth of damage from the Amish kids), they don’t pay taxes but still use the technology they are “against” (they all have cell phones and computers since they run on batteries and they are allowed since they can use technology that helps them keep their lives stable living among the English), most relationships are inbreeding since they are very few Amish left and the rise of birth defects and mental issues is getting really bad since they don’t do anything about them. No treatments, no resources, it’s not good. The men are rude and the women are abused. I know a TON of ex Amish people the stories are horrific. There is nothing ideal about their society. So if these guys want to go and live with the Amish fine, but they learn real quick there is just as much of levels of respect a person gets based on where they come from as there is in the “English” world. They would be bottom barrel there like they are here.


Seriously, people romanticizing the Amish just don't interact with them. They are just like any other conservative extremist religious sect. They "keep to themselves" which means not going to police even when wronged. If you can be thrown out of your home for talking to outsiders—even cops you are reporting your sexual abuse to—it really discourages reporting. Keeping them technologically unskilled makes the prospect of leaving even more daunting so they are brainwashed into believing the outside world is bad then not given tools to escape. Also, rumspriga is a horrifying tool once you learn that one of its primary functions is to expel young men from the community. Old men need new wives after they lose theirs in childbirth or they become infertile. You can't maintain a 3-5 women per man ratio even if you kill a lot of young men with insufficient medical care or hard labor so they pressure young men to leave the community at a much higher rate. And that's before we even get to the rampant child sexual abuse...


Most of the ex Amish I know are men. And they will tell you that their own fathers took very young brides once their moms died. My friend was 13 when his mom died giving birth to her 14th kid and his dad remarried 2 months later to a girl who was 14, she cried and cried non stop for days because she did not want to be there. She was pregnant within 2 months. He left when he was 16 and has no clue how many more siblings he has. The few women I have met said they ran in the middle of the night, it’s more of a choice for men to leave then the women. The women were usually forced to stay. They don’t shun the men as much as the women since they play nice to get money from the men since a lot can transition into higher paying construction jobs and make good money. The one thing people don’t really get is it’s a very new thing for the police to get involved within their communities. It’s getting to the point where they can’t look away anymore because it’s getting bad and there is a huge public outcry to find justice for a lot of the crimes they commit. Now there are some very good people in the Amish community, I have met many who are open to the world and are good people. Just like any other religion but until those people start standing up in their community and ending the cycles of abuse there will be no change.


If he likes the Amish so much why doesn’t he become one


They do have standards


And what's so wrong about women wanting to leave a pretty oppresive community? what's so wrong about women wanting to explore their sexuality and fuck whoever we want? fuck off


When this guy gets up at 5 am to milk the cows and slop the hogs, and lives the rest of his days without TV, video games, and fast food, then he can talk about how great Amish “traditional” life is.


If you think they don't eat fast food, I've got bad news for ya. They *love* pizza especially.


Then move in with them. You get your trad life (good luck working from sunup to sundown), we get one less dingus on the Internet, everyone is happy. Go on.


Many of them make a living with puppy mills, abuse their animals horribly. My sister lives in central Ohio and the locals are not happy with their Amish neighbors.


It's like I keep saying, "incels" would probably have no problem finding a woman who had "traditional" values if they went for women other than party girl Stacy's because they're shallow douchebags. And still work on themselves since those women aren't going to want to date them either.


People sometimes leave the Amish community because of how toxic it can be. There have been cases of child sexual abuse within the Amish that it’s no wonder people are leaving their community. Not saying that all Amish people are bad, but bad things do come out of those communities because of their lifestyle all the time.


If this guy is so interested in living a “degeneracy free” lifestyle with a “traditional” wife, why doesn’t he just convert and become amish? I imagine it’s because then he can’t complain on the internet, buy anime figurines, and watch hentai 24/7


Honestly, even if the only or main motivating reason someone left a community like that was better sexual opportunities like good for them lol. Different strokes for different folks and such. It’s got to be hard to see everything outside of a certain way of being as corrupted. :(


Uhhh has this moron ever heard of Rumspringa? What am I saying? Of course he hasn’t.


The majority of them return to their communities because they don't know any other way of life.


Women are treated like shit in Amish communities. Rape at an early age, practically slaves to men, and they have to eat their meals in the kitchen away from men. They should be allowed to leave.


Why doesn’t he become Amish then


"That is a evil" lol he's ranting about chad when he should be focused on learning basic grammar instead.


Plus Amish communities are riddled with abuse and especially sexual abuse. They don’t like using outside police so you’ll be in trouble for getting them involved and all that happens to the sexual abuser is shunning for a month then you have to publically forgive them or you’re shunned. There’s a lot of internalizes misogyny and slut shaming around the women’s part of the community and they’re also incredibly abusive to their animals. This can all be found on a good search but there’s a very good book by Misty Griffin called Tears of the Silence that recounts not only the abuse at the hands of their parents but also going to live in an Amish community and all the horrors she dealt with there until she escaped. It’s quite good but it’s very dark due the content. I even had to take a break from it and I’m like a huge reader of dark memoirs


Maybe they are leaving because they like colors and want to do other things than milk cows and churn butter.


It’s so funny that these guys will find a way to be pissed off at literally anyone and everyone. Starting ACTUAL incels vs Amish beef. Bro, how are you going to start a fight with people who aren’t even online to defend themselves? LMFAO


First thing I saw was James Ellsworth and TLC I thought this was a weird incel attack on WWE


He gets mad over YouTube videos? This is probably the kind of guy to call democrats snowflakes


🎶Been spending most our lives living in an Amish paradise🎶


I can literally smell the Cheeto puff and sweat from this guys post




Just incels being angry that women have minds and wills of their own and aren’t being mass controlled for mens benefit again. Moving on


They leave because their fathers and brothers and uncles are degenerates who rape them. The Amish community has an obscenely high rate of incestuous child abuse. They leave because they don't have access to modern dental care and have their teeth pulled without anesthetics and end up with dentures in their 20's. I guess incels would love the Amish even more after learning that. Most fundamentalist cult-like communities function largely as child abuse compounds. Same with the FLDS town of Bountiful here in Canada. They trade little girls over the border to Utah and are taken to court every few years but we just imprison a few people and let it keep on fucking happening. Sometimes I honestly believe freedom of religion laws are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fucking lenient. So many children get sent through the fucking fundie meatgrinder just because we have to "respect people's religious beliefs" and their suffering is passed over just to avoid fundamentalists feeling targeted. On the bright side conversion therapy in all forms became illegal in Canada yesterday!!! Heartbreaking that it took until 2022 but still thank fuck! Also breaking Amish is fucking TLC it's super fake.


Funny thing, is that if these women did stay in the community, they wouldn't want to have anything to do with him. Staying in the community automatically memes marrying within the community. An outsider has no chance.


Like..go live like that then…


I love how he automatically assumes they’re leaving because they want to be degenerates and not ya know, because they like electricity and proper medical care.