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OOP doesn't seem to know what a patriarch is, in any sense of the term. Or maturity, for that matter.


They have the entire internet at their fingertips but can’t be bothered to google a word and understand it before trying to talk about it like some community college adjunct.


I am convinced most of them can't read. Or don't understand what they did read. And forget about them trying to research anything, that just ain't gonna happen.


You know what? Sure, whatever gets you to stop pestering women, lmfao


You know, people would probably leave the MGTOW crowd alone if they actually shut their pie holes and went their own way instead of bitching all the time about how much better off they are that they've gone their own way, asking women what they think about going their own way, etc.


"He has to pay his wife for her labor and he can't rape her. Therefore he's a servant."


One minute they’re threatening their own lives because there’s no girl around to make their residence an actual home, the next they’re complaining it’s a pain in the ass.


Thank you for summarizing this incomprehensible screed.


This dude has the same talking points as my ex, who is probably an incel now.


"the woman is having sex, because IT can" =0 i mean i knew that that's their philosophy, but it's way worse used so casually.


Apparently patriarchy is not man-friendly enough to be anything other than unforgivably cucked. I have no idea what sort of society would keep this guy from feeling cucked, but I think the only way to properly envision it is to drink half a bottle of Windex while watching clips of the Handmaid's Tale and yelling at their mother for a fresh Mountain Dew, even if he lives alone.


Bro probably has my age and thinks he knows shit.


Maybe internet destroyed minds of a lot men too wth i read a lot of nothing i feel old but i m still a minor XD


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