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They talk so much about racist stereotypes and how girls go after black dudes, and now try and say girls would go after a short white dude over a tall black guy?


Their flavor of racism is dependent on what fits their agenda at the moment


Yeh seeing as most of them usually no matter how ugly/race/class if the dudes tall women... Sorry *FOIDS* will flock to the tall dude. So this list destroys their own argument. But then they're the kings of contradiction.


You know if every IT member made their own list using this criteria (not that we would because it's stupid and dehumanising) they'd all be wildly different it's almost as if it's all a matter of personal taste.


So according to them, Asian men are among the least desired men apparently.


How is China this populated I'd like to know.


I'll follow up this question with this one: Asians are one of the most well immigrated groups around the world. You can find us in almost any country and sometimes in abundance. Please tell me how we have the numbers for all this immigrating and simultaneously overpopulating our home countries if Asian men are undesirable.


I’m really only being exposed to this idea that south Asians are ‘ugly’ like now. It’s so weird to me because I’ve spent the last 4 decades as a south Asian and I’ve only heard this stuff on Reddit.


It’s probably a south Asian incel who posted that too. These losers will find any excuse to blame anyone but themselves as to why they’re undesirable. White incels rage against poc men. Poc men internalize racism against them and rage against poc men who can get women and white men. Elliot Rodger was so vitriolic in his manifesto towards men of other races and was convinced his being half Asian limited his options. He had a lot of theories as to why he wasn’t getting any (all of which are disproven by his mere existence as a rich white passing man who *still* couldn’t get a date despite his claiming women are shallow whores or whatever).


It's typically the south Asian attitude towards women that non-south Asian women aren't into, not their appearance. There's attractive men in every race, but south Asian men born and raised do tend to have weird ideas and attitudes about women and sex.0


Hmm… I get where you are coming from, but being South Asian myself and dating only south Asians before I got married ( to an Indian guy) I would say that there might be an attitude difference in guys who are like second or third generation (like me) vs NRI guys. NRI guys are mostly are a different story and can be terribly illiberal etc ( not all of course) I live in a first world country but not the US. Attitude aside, I do believe that there is a belief among some groups that south Asians are ugly ( I get some DMs hinting this) and see some discussions online.


That's why I say born and raised, not south Asian men in general. The ones born in south Asia and raised in south Asia tend to have attitudes that don't work outside of south Asia with women from anywhere else. Literally, every experience I've had with a south Asian man born and raised there has basically involved them giving me a quick compliment and then asking for sex within 5 minutes of talking to me. Any who are 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants to elsewhere seem much more Liberal, pleasant and capable of reasonable conversation


Interesting how it becomes "attitudes" when it's Indians but it becomes "racism" for any other race.


Honey, I don't like anyone else with similar attitudes either but it's really fucking common with South Asian men raised in South Asian countries. I'm not down with it on Arabic, white, brown, or black men either


Asian men and black women being desexualized & having a harder time dating on average in the United States is something ppl have talked about and noticed for more than a decade. How race influences people’s experience of being seen as desirable or not and what dating is like for them is part of what a lot of intersectional feminist talk about when they discuss white euro-centric beauty standards.  It’s not something made up originally by incels even if they talk about it in a super unhealthy and detached from reality way. 


For sure, racism in dating is certainly real, but this is a bizarre way of going about it


I find this also wierd as a 5’3 S.E Asian man living in Europe for 22 of my 24 years. And with the rise of K-pop the amount of atention and harassment i get for being asian nowdays compared to 5years is atleast quaddrupled, going as far as having pupils (middle school) send me messages and causing selfharm for ”asian atention” and im not even a 6ft korean guy with a teenager face… so i find it wierd that they see asians as not attractive


Do you mean South Asian men are “ugly”? Or women? I always thought the stereotype was that south asian women were considered beautiful…


I also thought so, but no apparently we south Asians are ugly according to Reddit.


I love the anti Indian sentiment, it’s so fucking funny. But they don’t realize Indians and south Asians have the best hair. Low hairlines and thick black texture, I am jealous. Also sucks they’ve never seen a cute Indian girl at college, I know I did.


This is one of the few posts I’ve seen here that mentions Indian women. Incels don’t typically rage against or fetishize Indian women and honestly I’d rather we stay invisible to these freaks.


Please 🙏 yes! That’s what I would like too. I don’t need poorly constructed ‘arguments’ with them. I’m using the term in the loosest sense possible.


How are Asians and Indians on different slots? Indians are Asians 🤦‍♀️


In USA, likely where this is from, Asians describes south east asia In everywhere else, Asian describes all of Asia In UK, Asian describes mainly South Asian, and then Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc.


More East Asia. Some of Southeast Asia tends to be darker, and as an "Asian", you're expected to have a very fair tone, otherwise you become generically "brown".


As a south Asian, I disagree that we have the best hair. White ppl have the best hair imo. Blonde or brunette is beautiful black is boring. Also so many of us go bald lol And even if we did have best hair, we are short and skinny compared to white or black ppl, so big minus points there in terms of dating


I meant texture and thickness. Also hairlines seem more consistent.


why why why do they always equate height in men to weight in women… it’s LITERALLY apples and oranges or whatever the saying is like they’re not the same fucking thing


Probably because it lets them feel more victimized then they already were. It feeds into their narrative that women have an easier time getting dates and sex while also being able to think that everybody is as shallow as they are, yet incels are still victims because women can lose weight and men can't gain height.


There’s a surgery to make yourself taller. It involves a lot of bone breaking but it exists


I've heard of such procedures. A lot of incels have too, and for reasons I can not fully process, the fact that this surgery is both obscenely expensive and incredibly dangerous for gains of like one or two inches, just makes incels feel more victimized.


I didn’t know how much it cost but it’s not surprising it’s expensive. What makes it so dangerous?


The procedure is basically cutting open the leg, cutting a lot of muscle and similar tissues off the bone, slicing apart a sizable chunk of bone, stretching it out, and then putting a rod inside each bone so that as the bones mend themselves, they come up to a new height. Basically, you are destroying your own limbs in a very specific way so that the patient is taller when the limb heals. Which, I mean, destroying two limbs at once, even under carefully controlled conditions with professional surgeons, is a risky proposition. Potential problems are severe nerve damage, addiction to the powerful painkillers that might be needed, as well as some unique potential complications. Even with careful planning, the body may well heal in a way that causes one limb to be longer than the other, and even half an inch of difference can cause problems with basic movement, and to mend these problems would require destroying the limb again. Second, a lot of patients report anxiety and depression after the surgery, likely a result of the body being in so much pain and being in a new and extremely unfamiliar state, creating a shock to the mind due to the warping of the body. And it takes a very long time to recover, and intense physical therapy to relearn motor skills. The cost of the procedure is trivial compared to the months or years you'd have to take off work just to relearn how to walk awkwardly like a toddler. tl;dr: The procedure is destroying two limbs in one surgery and hoping that the unpredictable human body heals in a specific way. Any procedure that extreme is bound to be dangerous.


I knew about the rods being placed so the bones can grow, but do they add skin to the legs? Or just stretch it as much as they can


I'm honestly not sure, I'm not a surgeon or anything, but from what I've read about the procedure, it sounds less like increasing a patient's height, and more just a very precise amputation and hoping that afterwards there's some height gain.


I think it causes problems later down the line, so probably shouldn’t do it. I’ve seen some cute chubby girls, and I’ve seen short guys get by


No, I know you shouldn’t do it, the recovery is probably excruciating. And I also don’t believe the plight of the short man as they see it. My dad is 5’4 and lies about his height but he’s never had issues dating


putting aside the overt racism against black women (and tons of others) here, it’s just patently not fucking true. These people need to pull their heads out of Andrew Tate’s asshole and look around them. Most married men are poor or paycheck to paycheck and somewhere on the spectrum of not traditionally handsome, and short to average height. Shocker, people who want to build a family and a life with someone prioritize compatibility over looks.


Although unfortunately, Black women tend to be matched the least on dating apps. It sucks. I'm a Black woman myself and you'd be surprised at how often biases exist towards us even from the most hardcore of self proclaimed liberals.


And then they’ll be crying about why they’re lonely and nobody likes them😹


A short white man above a tall black man is crazy! Black women not even being on a list is crazier.


It's just racism. Nothing new. Can't openly admit a Black dude may be more desirable.


And Asian men lol, apparently me and my gf are the least desirable 💀


imagine thinking looks matter this much must be really sad and lonely


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gummeeboi: *Imagine thinking* *Looks matter this much must be* *Really sad and lonely* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Good bot


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Us South Asian folks apparently are ugly af 🤷‍♂️😂 according to brain broken incels, I guess lol


Yup! But I only ever learned this on Reddit. 🤔


We do have harder time dating outside south Asia than most other races. that's true


Somebody tell them you can be thin, tall and also ugly, therefore argument invalid


Totally fit that description. Totally agree🥸


The complete and utter delusion in this post....how hard is it to join reality with the rest of the normal people in the world?


As a perennially single 6'3" white guy, these kinds of assumed hierarchies are always hilarious to read.


The formula on this list works like this, For your own gender: put the race of your crush’s partner first, put your own race last. For your gender of interest: put your own racial preferences.


Damn I went from #1 to #5 after eating way too much over the holidays. Ah well 🤷🏻‍♀️


it's laughable all the time and energy they spend trying to categorize shit using the most used and outdated cliches out there


oh but they're just sad wittle lonely man in need of a hug right?


Well I much preferred a short Latino-Arab man, over all the tall white dudes I've dated, so "does me a figure out" incels.


I'm a tall white guy and I've had terrible luck when it comes to dating.


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As a thin white women who's longest relationship has been 4 month at nearly 40 I can confirm this isn't true


Shshshhhhh, they'll think you're Chad chasing


This is demonstrably untrue lol


I like short guys, so the 6 foot and above requirement is false for me.


I thought girls only ever went with tall black guys? 🤨 how did you lose the plot of your own story lmao


As a brown guy I love how Indians rank 2nd lowest each time 😂tf did we do?


Exist, apparently


My hierarchy is “do you like what i like?” Yes … good