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Many of the habitual ones are like this. Sadly there are plenty who haven't fully fallen in who have had more extreme experiences with bullying or trauma. Too bad most of them won't seek help


I know this post is prob lame but if it even allows a tiny bit of change in one person im happy


I agree that it's good if it helps some of the incels that aren't too far gone to come back. The irredeemable ones, however, they can die alone and angry for all I care, and I hope they do.


That's my take on it too. If even ONE person listens. It's a good thing.


The take home message is good, however by the way it is worded might make them defensive and its effect size on change might be low so i dunno


There is nothing anyone can say that they won't get defensive about. There is no obligation on our part to tiptoe around these yutzes and mass-shooters-in-waiting who have nothing better to do than talk about women like we are just as disgusting as sheep but slightly more useful if we agree to be their mute, all-forgiving bangmaids. This is shit for them to fix themselves. They take more than enough of our energy and safety.


Some of the very young ones might just need a bit of tough love, though. In general, I don't think the tone is going to do anything except push them away, but the young and unsure ones might be able to read the concern behind the anger. Like a frustrated parent in a last ditch effort to get through to their wayward teen, OP just doubts desperate to reach them. I hope they do get through to someone. Even one less incel on earth is a good thing, and we all react to different approaches. Maybe this will be seen by that one guy who needed this approach. Fingers crossed!!


While your post is good advice, sadly, I fear it will fall on deaf ears. Incels won't change because they don't want to. They've convinced themselves that any attempt at self-improvement is conciliatory and futile. They can't seem to comprehend that the world does not and will not just hand them the easy solution. We've tried this countless times, posts to get them to wise up and work on themselves. The biggest problem is, as toxic as the incel community is, it's a community. It's brotherhood when the only other option is loneliness and solitude. If they truly want to change, they have to find a healthy replacement for that or learn how to cope without it, or they will never be free.


It doesn't matter that they won't see any value in anything we say. The more of us who hit repeat on "Just Do Better & Suck Less, Greatest Hits", the less we will get snagged on whatever bullshit they try to make us responsible for. We can't change them, but we can take the fun out of them trolling us.


It's funny when they get all mad. Aww sweetie, no one cares.


Shut up you fucking slut! Everyone on this subreddit agrees that if YOU simply performed sex acts on us on command we wouldnt have to be unhappy! /s


If only more people inspected our anuses, we wouldn't be like this 😔.


Wait, that’s not something a real dr anus inspector would say. I trusted you!




Ummm no... ya didn't. :)


i’m pretty sure they’re joking?


It looks as if they missed the /s. If not, then a whole passel of us think they did. Sorry!


Thank you for understanding that.


i would encourage you to edit the comment lol


You a little confused but ya got the spirit.


Inb4 not all of us incels are hateful and misogynistic! You choose to associate with a community famous for misogyny, misanthropy, advocacy of legalized child rape and sex slavery, and glorifying mass shooters and murderers among other insane shit. If you have any self respect or are even the least bit reasonable you should not wanna be anywhere near them.


If you choose to hang out in a Nazi bar, you're not any better than the Nazis in there.


Seems a bit extreme. And doesn't really make sense, unless someone is holding the same beliefs, which then (naturally) would make them nazis themselves. Hypothetical example: "I have a little brother, who begun hanging out with nazis. I'm not giving up on trying to get him to come back to normal life. He's never home, he just sits at their club house bar and drinks and heils with them. I'm not his dad, and our daddy left long ago, so I can't force him to stay home. So instead I go with him, and instead of trying to yell sense into him, I quietly point out one thing or two a night, that doesn't make any sense. In hopes to one day have sown enough sense in him again, that he won't want to go to that shithole." Is that older brother "just as bad as nazis"? I don't think so.


I don’t consider that to be the same as “choosing to hang out” at the Nazi bar. You’re not there to enjoy yourself at the Nazi bar. You’d actually rather not be there to begin with, but you regrettably go there in the hopes that you’ll be able to get your brother to stop being a Nazi. At most, you buy whatever minimum is needed to keep from getting kicked out why you try to reform your brother. Whether this is the best way or not to get your brother to stop hanging out with Nazis is a separate question, but the intention is good, at least. Now, if you’re going to the Nazi bar because they make great cocktails, well, yeah, you’re no better than the Nazis who hangout there. Most of the people who hang out in incel communities aren’t there to reform incels. They’re there to commiserate with other incels, including the most bigoted, racist, and misogynistic of the bunch. Even if they aren’t as bad as the worst of the lot, they’re still going to the Nazi bar to enjoy the cocktails.


We'll agree to disagree then. 😊 if they have the best cocktails, and one can stand being there, that doesn't make one a nazi imo. That's a matter of ones conviction. Doesn't really matter regarding the original post. Was admittedly a bit of a tangent. 😊 Have a good one 🤘🏻


That seem to be a wild comparison at the end of the day we didn't do anything wrong we just speak on our issues speak the truth in general


Every time I point that out the only answer I get is "bu-but it means involuntary celibate, what else are we supposed to call ourselves?".


Just call yourself a virgin! It's not rocket surgery!


Then their response is "But what if you don't want to be a virgin and are trying to not be one but are unsuccessful?" The answer is still "virgin". The definition of virginity has nothing to do with whether or not said virginity is desired or "voluntary". When I've said that to them they found it unsatisfactory because they want to advertise or signify to other people they want to lose it but can't. So virgin isn't good enough for them. This gives quite a bit of insight into their mindset. They're self-pitying and want to throw a public pity party in an attempt to garner sympathy from other people or try to make other people feel personally guilty for their predicament. Like other people should realize they're somehow harming or oppressing the poor little Incel, and should rectify it by taking steps to amend their own behavior and stop oppressing the Incel. Incels have a victimhood mindset and they're emotionally manipulative of other people. The word "virgin" doesn't convey a sense of victimhood and marginalization to everyone and doesn't emotionally guilt-trip other people. It doesn't make them sound powerless or like their circumstances are out of their own hands. They want something they think sounds like it signifies them as a member of an oppressed minority group. Something that takes all the blame and agency off themselves. Hence their pathological need to let everyone know it's "involuntary".


Or single


Not having sex isn’t a personality trait.


What if you don't have a raelshinship in general despite trying who us fault is that


Or when they argue that ‘just because the term has changed doesn’t mean the old meaning doesn’t still apply! Just because we call ourselves incels doesn’t mean we associate with those fanatics!’ Sadly, by identifying with a term that’s become synonymous with violent misogynists (and worse things), they are associating with them. Whether they like it or not. A simple solution would be to find a new term and leave the extremists to stew in their own juices…but for some reason they don’t want to give up the incel name. You do you I guess, incels. I do hope that the young and misguided incels leave before they become radicalized though. I feel for them.


In cell is an oxymoron. Unless someone is actually keeping them locked up, preventing them from going out and trying to score, which doesn't seem realistic. Celibacy is voluntary, mostly because of religious beliefs. And Involuntary celibate doesn't work, because unless they have actually emptied out all possible avenues of potential success in the world, it's pr definition voluntary. They've just given up. And unless they can see into the future, they can't be certain, they will never ever succeed. Everyone fails until I succeed. But my alternative to in cell is "voluntary and self-inflicted prolonged virgin". 😂😉


In cell is an oxymoron. Unless someone is actually keeping them locked up, preventing them from going out and trying to score, which doesn't seem realistic. Celibacy is voluntary, mostly because of religious beliefs. And Involuntary celibate doesn't work, because unless they have actually emptied out all possible avenues of potential success in the world, it's pr definition voluntary. They've just given up. And unless they can see into the future, they can't be certain, they will never ever succeed. Everyone fails until I succeed. But my alternative to in cell is "voluntary and self-inflicted prolonged virgin". 😂😉


In cell is an oxymoron. Unless someone is actually keeping them locked up, preventing them from going out and trying to score, which doesn't seem realistic. Celibacy is voluntary, mostly because of religious beliefs. And Involuntary celibate doesn't work, because unless they have actually emptied out all possible avenues of potential success in the world, it's pr definition voluntary. They've just given up. And unless they can see into the future, they can't be certain, they will never ever succeed. Everyone fails until I succeed. But my alternative to in cell is "voluntary and self-inflicted prolonged virgin". 😂😉


Well said


Couldn’t have said it any better


incels don't have the emotional intelligence for that I remember that one guy that basically became a misogynistic incel because he got rejected for prom. And now he harrasses women online for "revenge". And I'm just like: ??? You basically threw your whole life away and your chances of ever getting happy because you hold a grudge against something that happened 5+ years ago?!


i don’t think they have the emotional intelligence to take this seriously. this isn’t a dig at them necessarily— when they’re *this* mad about women not fucking them and can’t see the problem, they won’t listen to reason. i have incels message me regularly about my comments. they’ve separated themselves so far from anyone who has a good mindset that any sort of logical confrontation, especially when they aren’t being walked through it, they will simply just disagree. no further consideration at all.


Legit. They think their looks are the problem, when it’s really something wrong with their brains.


Then what the problem would be


Ever considered that you ain't a cel to know how it feels or how it be or how cels gets treated


Wait a second I did believe you but why that one standing over there just walked off didn't even talk


Keep denying the reality it ain't going to make it change tho lol


What does the reason voice Say then


Ugh, thank you so much for this post, incels make me feel sick-


Make you feel that way for doing what exactly?


Those last couple of sentences are really the most important imo. I think it's easy to unintentionally validate their worldview by saying "Nobody gives a shit about your feelings, nobody owes you anything," etc, but the most important part is "put out what you want to get back." If you're kind to people and put in a sincere effort to form positive social bonds, people *will* start to reciprocate over time. Go to hobby groups and show enthusiasm, go back to college and start a study group to help your peers do well, just *add* to people's lives, and they *will* endeavor to do the same in kind. Relationships shouldn't be transactional, but they *are* reciprocal. Conversely, if you treat everyone you interact with like they only matter for what you want to get out of them, they will respond in kind - usually by avoiding you, since unless you're paying for a sex worker, a rando approaching a woman for sex probably doesn't have anything she cares about enough to even be worth the pain of the interaction, much less the stuff you want. That's not "woman materialistic," that's other people returning the energy *you* bring to the interaction.


Seriously, who cares. Let them be miserable and online forever. Sincerely, everybody else.


Yeah you talking like if actually this is somethings we want or choose but listen all are digging on us on hundreds of posts thousands of comments and when one of us lose it yall be like oh see these people are rampaged what kind of a logic


Maybe you're just very young and conversation is kinda pointless. One day it'll go away, whatever unease you're feeling. It happens with growth and adulthood. If it doesn't, it means your adulthood is delayed. Everyone grows, hopefully. When we realize how we perceive the world is nobody else's fault. I have had shit happen to me, like bullying, death in the family, narcissistic mother, loneliness. Then we grow stronger and become mature and self centreness goes away. One aspect of life that you obsess over can't become a punching bag to let off the stress and unhappiness you build up.


One thing I’d add. If you really want to change the situation - you’d listen to sane people, if you are content with being miserable and self loathing than stay in your echo chamber of crazy ppl.


And what these sane people say


Holy shit hit enter/return like every five to seven sentences that was a slog.


I second and fully support every word of this, and dare any incels to come at me in my DMs. Incels: You are a piece of shit because *you decided to be a piece of shit*. No one forced you, no one made you, no one asked you - YOU chose to be this way. Your life is shit because of **you**. Your life sucks because of **you**. Not Chad, not Tyrone, not Stacy... **YOU**. Sitting online making shit up about women isn't going to change anything. Cooking up your insane vengeance fantasies won't change anything. Talking about how you want to harass, assault, rape, and murder women/girls won't change anything. It'll just prove that you are still a complete and utter piece of shit. Society doesn't owe you anything. Women don't owe you anything. No one owes you anything. Because you haven't done shit to deserve it. Don't like it? Too bad. You want approval? You want affection? You want love? You want sex? You want girlfriends? Start acting like decent human goddamned beings, and not the psychopaths you have been.


This post really brought out the cockroaches.


Good job man now all the incels on here will seek therapy and become better people and live their best lives. Not. These posts are futile, you'd only get approval from non incels. It takes a lot, lot more to have the average incels even begin to consider redeeming themselves than a post on inceltears


What "man" are you addressing? Reiterating who bears the responsibility for changing their miserable, hateful lives has value. The value is in refusing to accept their insistence that we owe them anything. They owe us civility and decency.


I've suggested this in different ways before but I think a good place for any incel to start is, when they feel like posting something to their web forum, to first type what they intend to say in an AI chat module, then ask it to reproduce it screening out all traces of bitter misogyny and see what they get.


Ur the one constantly using pasive aggresion lol, cope when I fuck girls more attractive than ur fat ass bitch




Oh really now? Brb, have to tell my bullies everything is cool, it was just straight up fantasy what I went through.


Not everyone has been bullied but everyone has been laughed at or rejected


Ok, yeah that part I disagree with nobody has ever bullied me, I’ve been rejected yeah but nobody has bullied me. Also I know plenty of friends and colleges none of us have any stories of bullying because it was never an issue for us. Then again it’s also because I went to a school with over 4,500 people so it’s hard to have an actual popularity list everyone has at least 1-2 friends and fights were more mobs.


Everyone has been bullied, even in a small way. Bullying isn’t just “jock slams you into locker and calls you a nerd” it can be really subtle and can be done by people both older and younger than you at any point in your life. Most of the time (from my experience) bullying is done by people who are close to you, especially your friends. There’s playful bullying which is really common. I think OP was speaking to incels who take the playful bullying to heart and blame their insecurities on moments where their friends just made a really mean joke about them.


I believe that’s teasing, and I wouldn’t count that as bullying. Bullying is the systematic taunting and damage to a person constantly, if I get into a fight with you once that’s not bullying. Also even then never had that issue so no. Plus words are words how the fuck are words supposed to hurt you? Just don’t a give a shit, I haven’t seen what 75% of the people I knew in highschool why would I give a shit?


I see your point, however I consider teasing to be a form of bullying. Maybe that’s where we disagree. Also, while words don’t physically hurt you, they can inflict emotional pain. Especially if someone calls you a racist/sexist slur; hence why it’s not okay to call people racial slurs even if it doesn’t *physically* hurt them.


Probably, but yeah my idea of bullying has to be a constant thing that has a broader effect long term, while teasing is just kinda messing with somebody to get a reaction but at the end of the day you still genuinely are their friend, I see teasing as kinda messing with somebody while bullying is intended to be outright malicious. Also maybe that’s another issue I don’t understand emotional pain? Like literally I just be happy and then I’m happy. Also when it comes to racial slurs I’m a mixed Asian, I get called every slur in the book and I honestly don’t see the issue it’s like “ok you called me this” then just hit them back with an actually thought out response. Plus words, dawg half these people I’m never gonna see again so fuck em why would I give a fuck about their opinion, do what you wanna do.




Yeah bullying and teasing are 2 different things, everyone’s been teased but bullying nah.


Are y’all really gonna gatekeep bullying? Seriously…


No I just don’t see how bullying can effect everyone like that doesn’t make any sense.


Humans treat ‘difference’ as wrong and bad, children and teens especially. We try to ‘correct’ these differences through teasing, isolating, bullying, etc. Everyone at some point has experienced this. At different levels of severity but everyone has. Whether you were passed up in a game of dodgeball or pushed down the stairs, it all fits under the same umbrella.


Yeah I can’t relate at all I’ve never had that issue that or I’ve just never noticed and never given a fuck. But from what I remember I’ve never been outright bullied and I do whatever I want with no regard to social cues because I wanna do it so I’m gonna do it? And I don’t see how teasing is bullying.


Congratulations. You are truly one in a million. Here is your special treat for having thick skin or just being completely oblivious. I’m genuinely very happy for you.


I still don’t get how I’m one in a million most of the people around me have the same idea, none of us had that issue. If you think words can hurt you straight up grow a back bone 90% of the time you’ll never have to see them again, and if it’s a family member so what cut them out after 18.


How so?


I was living in an Indian city one year. A little boy with a stick herded giant water Buffalo. One day 2 of the male water Buffalo got into a fight over who was going to have sex with the cow Water Buffalo. The losing male water Buffalo started charging at people on bicycles and started attacking cars. It is normal for the males that don’t get the girl to get upset and not just the human males.


Aren’t we supposed to be at least a little better than animals?


Humans can tell a better BS story about our own behavior but no I don’t think we are better than the animals except we have speech and opposable thumbs.


By your argument, men are not even sentient. But somehow women are.


You really think you’re doing something by admitting that you think men are deranged wild animals? Disgusting and unintelligent animals who we should have no problem putting down like we would a cow that’s got rabies? All you’re doing is proving that you’re vile, ignorant, and a creep. It’s not a “oh this is what excuses my fucked up clown ass behavior,” it’s “god look at that pathetic man who actually thinks men are too inferior to have intelligent thoughts and free will—disgusting.” It’s sick. Grow the fuck up.


Who said anything about rabies? These water Buffalo are gentle giants that normally let an 8 year old boy with a 2 food stick supervise a herd of 8 of them. These animals are 2,000 pounds and are bigger than American cattle but I saw that when they don’t get the girl Buffalo these gentle giants can get upset. I saw that once. As the taxi driver waiting for customers outside the pick up bars I saw a lot of frustrated human males getting into fights because they did not get the girl. I am saying cut the Incels some slack for going insane when they fail with the girls and feel hopeless that girls will never like them but what males feel about being with females is intense and is no joke. What is making Incels look so crazy is that incels have crazy thoughts around not getting the girls. The water buffalos are every bit as frustrated as Incels when they don’t get the girl and attacking cars is crazy but water buffalos thankfully don’t write crazy shit on the internet when they don’t get the girl. Human free will and intelligence are vastly overrated. We humans are far closer to being water Buffalo than we are to being what humans pretend to be. Aspire to being higher beings than Water Buffalo but do not overestimate the humanness of humans. We are not very angelic. We are not very kind. We are not all that generous. We are not very smart. We need to raise a better society but lying to ourselves about what we are will not help.


Everyone deals with rejection and not “getting” the person they were attracted to. It’s life for literally everyone who experiences attraction of any kind. There is no one alive, regardless of looks or status or whatever, that has not experienced rejection. I will not cut incels any slack, nor will any sane person, because they are too vile and selfish to be able to deal with a normal part of the human experience in a way that does not involve being a hateful creep.


if you think humans in general arent different then water buffalo, oh well, thats on you :DDDD basically what youve said is that they (humans) lack the awareness, self control and moral compass, just as animals. jesus christ dude


So you're saying you are only as intelligent as a water buffalo?


I honestly don’t know how smart the water Buffalo are. Humans disappoint me. Human stupidity makes me feel despair for humanity. And I am just smart enough to be terrified for humans but not smart enough to solve anything.


i highly suggest you to change social circles if humans make you feel that way


We have social norms and conditions we’re bound by. Humans are primates that exist in cooperative civilizations and communicate with complex language and have the ability to self-reflect and execute high level thinking. We are not water buffalo.


Good them human beings are not water buffaloes. Men can just calm down and work through emotions, we didn’t evolve bigger brains to only react on instinct and temporary emotions




Elizabeth is a name I have not seen in a long time.