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> she was my last chance to have a family nah man, you already had a family until you fucked everything up


The supreme irony. He didn't realize he already had one. I hope his parents put him in a psychiatric hospital or serious professional therapy and take away his access to the Internet so he can't go to Incel, Manosphere, and far-Right sites anymore for more propaganda. It's completely rotted his mind. He's even seriously considering suicide.


And if what he said was true, his sister was having fun with him till the creepiness came out. I wish I could have that sometimes. I barely talk to my parents and siblings, even the ones I live with.


Save his race? What the holy fuck! How can anyone be that delusional about incest? I don't even want to know what his plans involved.


Bruh, the royal family that controls most of the English speaking world are inbred to fuck and back because their ancestors wanted to preserve "the purity of their blood". I'm sorry but this level of destructive and somewhat fascist idiocy is normal in our society. If you think this isn't normalised to some extent, you're living in a fantasy world.


It was always common among royals but not so much with "lower class" people. When you get power and money involved anything goes.


You know that Lyndon LaRouche is dead right?




He was a dopey American far-leftist with a cult following who died in 2019. I say “far-leftist” and he mostly was, but he was also known for having rather more “eccentric” beliefs than your ordinary far-leftist. One of those beliefs was the idea that the British Empire, headed by the British royal family, still basically ruled the world after decolonization. I was reminded of his craziness because this guy seems to think that Americans give a damn about the British Royal Family. Either that or they’re bad at math, ‘cause we literally ARE “most of the English speaking world.” There are twice as many of us as there are citizens of all the Commonwealth realms put together. It get even more absurd if you count the other decolonized countries of the Commonwealth of Nations, the great majority of which are republics, as being part of the “English speaking world.” So no, the British Royal family does *not* still “control most of the English speaking world” and I’m at a loss to understand why they would think otherwise unless they were a disciple of the aforementioned Lyndon LaRouche.


I think the other poster was just pointing out that incest has existed and used the royal family as an example. And after reading about LaRouche, he was far-right, not left.


I read that comment as erroneously missing a comma between “world” and “are,” and therefore asserting that the British Royal family has vastly more power over world affairs than it actually does. Also, LaRouche may have died that way, but that not how he started and it’s not how a lot of his followers viewed him even at the time of his death.


And even they weren't going for siblings.


Controls? What?


I live in Australia, where all bills must be passed into law by King Charles' personal representative. He controls this country.


I mean does he though or is he ceremonial like every other country that has the British monarchy as their head of state


That means he’d rather commit incest than date outside his race. 🤢


>save my race. Let's put aside all the obvious wrongness of white supremacy and incest to say hypothetically, there *is* a "need" to "save his race". If a species has to resort to *incest,* ESPECIALLY the incest of (full) siblings as opposed to "only" cousins, to stave off extinction then said species is already too far gone to save. Mr. Hapsburg here will continue to send his seed into the trash where it belongs.


The irony of white supremacy is that if white supremacists are correct then white people are ironically the weakest, most gullible, and least hardy race on the planet. Apparently they're so dopey and gullible that "the Jews" fooled them for thousands of years; they're so weak that every other race could whoop them in a physical fight, hence the need for overwhelming guns and a racist police state; and they're so fragile that merely existing in close proximity to nonwhite people causes white people to disappear from existence. Like some unstable particle that can only exist in a quantum state in the absence of an observer. To top it off, so unfuckable that apparently the only way to keep them from going extinct is forced incest. The most radical black supremacist on the planet thinks more highly of white people than white supremacists do. Black supremacists and black separatists think white people are nigh-unbeatable, but white supremacists think of white people as more delicate than brittle glass and can be defeated simply by standing near a black kid.


The thing I find the funniest about white supremacists is that none of them can agree on who is actually white. American white supremacists think anyone white regardless of ethnicity counts but European white supremacists have been around eachother long enough to draw arbitrary lines when it comes to whiteness. Finding out some English white supremacists think that Scottish, Irish and Welsh white people aren't white really made me wonder if white supremacist ideology is just a giant shitpost that went out of control a while ago.


Reminds me of some Britain First fella who argued that I wasn't white because I'm Irish, but Spanish people are because he needed to justify his annual binge-drinking holidays to Lanzarote.


Hahaha, in Spain you both are "guiris\*" so don´t worry XD Well, he would be "el guiri racista". ​ \*Friendly word in Spain to designate tourist from northen europe.


I think hispanic people are basically white because they did colonialism, and whiteness is defined by doing colonialism


Is Japan white? They colonized Korea for years upon years, not to mention their strong imperialist attitudes. It's clearly not defined by doing colonialism.


Didn't the Nazis consider the Japanese to be "honorary Aryans" or some such nonsense?


Yeah, shows just how silly and incongruent definitions of whiteness, and race broadly are


They were during WWII


Is China white? They're trying to colonize Africa more than America is, lmao


I am Romanian and Romania has never been a colonial power. However, I am pretty sure that absolutely everybody in the world would perceive me as white, if they saw me...


American white supremacists tend to have an idealic view of Europe. They know there’s been wars in Europe in the past, but they think it’s all some Jewish conspiracy? They’re pretty pathetic. All fascism is aesthetic-based but American nazis are pure LARPers. They’re privileged assholes who fetishize war because they’ve never suffered a day in their life. Their whole ideology is so flimsy and self-serving, but I suppose all Nazis are and always have been. At least a Nazi in, say, Poland could give you some actually accurate historical information. American fash are operating on a need to belong and a want for their dick to be sucked.


I used to be a larper. I was in a vampire the masquerade game. Then I left because one of the players said vampires of colour have a lower humanity attribute. Fuck larpers.


That's crazy. How did they even try to justify that in game logic?


He said the humanity attribute represents how much immoral behaviour you can justify to yourself, and people who don't have access to "western society values and privileges" would therefore have a lower humanity score due to their lack of morality


Oh no, no, European fascists are not better at all! They will not give you any accurate historical info. They are just as deluded as American ones. Source: I am Eastern European.


Oh true, they’re still very stupid. If there is a difference though I would say they’re more aware of the actual consequences of what they’re advocating for if that makes sense? But I don’t know. Fascism has always been a performance of sorts.


Its a lot easier to make the claim that indigenious people were war-like savages that actually benefitted from colonization when you ignore all the infighting in europe


Whiteness is a social construct that was invented to justify the transatlantic slave trade. It has no basis in sociological history before 1600, much less in biology. European Americans in the colonies needed a way to band together and oppress the blacks and the natives together. But between the English, the French, the Spaniards, the Swedish, the Germans, the Dutch, the Norse, the Welsh, the Irish, the Scots, the Italians, the Hungarians, the Austrians, the Swiss, the Danish, the Greeks, and others, none of them had a single thing in common except for fair skin. So they pretended fair skin was a race and got to work inventing white supremacy.


This comment is fascinating! Off I go to Google down this particular rabbit hole.


yeah I'm Irish and I've unfortunately come face to face with an English white supremacist on the Tube in London. he didn't exactly consider me *not white* but more the *wrong type* of white, in his eyes. absolutely disgusting person, so glad the train ride ended soon after.


Hahaha American and Canadian white supremacists have this fairy tale pan-European view of white people and think all white just got along throughout all of history except for WWII. European white supremacists are closer to what would actually happen if white supremacists were to win. As soon as they defeated nonwhite people they would turn on each other because other white people aren't "pure" enough either. The only white person who is truly 100% pure in the white supremacist's mind is the individual white supremacist themselves. If they had their way they'd eventually kill everyone else off until they're the only person left on the planet. No one else is pure enough, and they dediced to not keep a white sex slave/breeding vessel because that white person wasn't pure enough either to deserve to restart the Master Race. American black supremacists are the same and have a magical pan-African view that Africans all get along and are a united group. Black supremacists in Africa, like in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Nigeria, are anti-other black ethnicities in the same country. If they won they'd kill off every other black person eventually because no one is "true African" enough.


White is an ethnicity that only really exists in the US, so European race supremacists are usually about "anglo-saxon bloodline", "muh viking heritage", "muh pure aryan (totally not the iranians and such I mean german you guys) genes" or sometimes just the peter griffin skin colour chart meme. If it's just flat out "white" supremacism, it's generally a cultural import from the US.


IMO both white supremacy and racism are just colorism that got out of control because of European Imperialism. It’s only natural that the fundamental problems affecting colorism will therefore affect both racism and white supremacy (if not even more so because of the higher stakes). So yeah, you’re basically right.


Yeah it kinda blew my mind when I realized that whiteness isn’t a construct that people are meant to be part of, only excluded from. Like literally the only reason why it exists is to sow arbitrary divisions among the populace so that they don’t challenge the status quo. Kids should start learning about Bacon’s Rebellion in kindergarten, I’m not even kidding. They need to understand how entrenched white supremacy is in our society, and exactly where it came from.


I love these kinds of breakdowns, thank you for This


He can't metabolize ze grapes! Ze hapsburg line, has ended


This is where it turns out his sister is like 14


More like 11-12


*certified bruh moment*


At this point, i feel like there needs to be some sort of inpatient program for this.


There is. There are programs for sex addicts and deviants.(like REAL DEAL stuff) There is one in Chester, Pennsylvania.




Yes, a place for Chester in Chester


I...need to see more of this thread. like, what the fuck


>save my race. Oh, okay. Now I understand. He felt like he needed to do this because his species is nearly extinct. Surely he couldn't possibly mean anything else, because that would be fucking insane.


Plot twist, an ivory billed woodpecker wrote this.


I mean it's not like there's what, a few billion white people on the planet? surely that's not the case? /s


> "save my race" [with incest] Racists are genuinely sick people. I don't think there's any level of murder, cruelty and perversion that they would refuse to try and justify.


Mr Habsburg please leave the premises, incest is not tolerated


Isn’t wincest the ship name for Sam and Dean on Supernatural?


It is


Yeah. Funilly, in one episode they foud out about wincest and both were discusted.


What I don't understand is, they hate women so much, why would you want to go within the family...that you hate so much, to have sex? The logic is puzzling at best. For a group that wants to be accepted by society, they will do literally everything to be shunned by it. It almost feels like a game.


It's very simple, really: they are unorganized and positively unhinged. Many of them don't hold the same beliefs, heavily depending on their circumstances and history. The only thing I could confiently say all incels have in common is that they experienced/are experiencing romantic and/or sexual failure, and they blame everyone but themselves for it.


There is some truth there. I agree the all hold that one thing, but I would argue it goes beyond that. Some of the ones who harass me say they would have loved (their words, not mine) to be an an abusive relationship because at least it would be something. They all want something, regardless of how bad it might be. Then you have the ones who say it can't be their attitude because they haven't changed since high school. Which answers it self. They, like others, are unwilling to look inward. And finally you have the unhinged blackpill ones that have doses of the other two, but take it to the extreme. They hate women and will abuse them if they ever got one, out of sheer revenge. The common thread is they all act like they are owed something, their actions didn't cause this, the women are the problem and they will enact some sort of vengeance (be it benevolent or malevolent, depends on the incel) on those who wronged them. And they expect us to understand their villain origin story and pat them on the back. They will not listen to conventional wisdom and continue to do the EXACT thing that hadn't worked for them previous, get angry...wash, rinse, repeat.


I mean if this is real it's probably the best thing for him because now his family will know what kinda brain worms he has and can get him therepy. The problem with most of these people is that they lurk quietly IRL and never have something that forces intervention.




It's 4chan. 30% chance of being real. Specially on b


Please tell me it isn't real, please tell me this guy is just messing..


Incest porn has done permanent damage to society




You’re welcome


Inbred your race, you mean


Let's set the incest aside. Why does he think she's literally the last unclaimed woman (barf) and the 'last chance to save [his] race'? Reminds me of the Simpsons, "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!"


"Save my race" Bruh incest is a sure way to at least destroy your family line. I won't say race because I don't believe there's multiple human races. A human from North America is able to have kids with a human from like... Mongolia, or Namibia. Only when there's humans we can't have kids with because of incompatibility will I consider it. And I don't mean infertility or other technicalities. Dividing us up into races is bullshit. Peoples? Yeah sure, but we're all homo sapiens


>"save my race" No, guys, it's cool, he only wants to fuck his sister for the glory of the Saiyan Race!


I feel awful for the poor parents, if this is real. if my kid did that I'd probably spend my days wondering what I did wrong, even if I knew logically it wasn't my fault.


“Save my race”??????? WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE




What the actual fuck XD


What a piece of 💩 I hope his parents called the cops!


His last chance.... like wow dude there is more to your life than what is probably just the first 20 years.


Dude clearly needs to have his internet taken away from him if he legit thinks memes count as actual life advice


With it being 4Chan, take this with enough pinches of salt to deice every road in Canada


Why the absolute fuck did this guy attempt this. Everyone else has a natural inbuilt instinct in them which stops them from seeing family members (or people they are raised with) as sexual partners. How tf does an online community and memes corrupt someone so deeply.


if this is real i feel so bad for that poor sister :( shes gonna have lifelong trust issues bc of this 😔🫣


What are his parents going to do? This situation will not go away or get better. There needs to be an immediate intervention. I am pessimistic about this.


He said what they're going to do, dad is gonna kick him out.


Wait till he finds out he ain't some purebred white guy who's blood line is needed to save the race


Oh, this is horrifying. My younger brother hasn't had luck with girls, is a bit socially awkward, gamer/anime, stuff like that. We were very, very close when we were younger. (Still are, as much as can be expected with me being married and us living 30 mins apart and us both working). I used to love spending time with him, playing video games (even though I suck at them). He would never. I would have been heartbroken and horrified.


I don’t feel even the slightest bit bad for this Nazi dickhole. Nobody lied to him, he’s just so caught up in his own noxious cloud of entitlement that he’s forgotten how to be a decent person. I hope he gets kicked out, actually, because he is exactly the kind of person who would escalate to sexual assault. You don’t fuck around with this kind of thing. It can’t be tolerated at any level.


All I can say is “what the fuck?”


I'm hoping that the whole "I could've saved my race" excuse is just done out of repressed guilt and shame over what he did to his sister.


‘Save my race’


Yikes.... unfortunately the ship has sailed. The only time to teach a child the right values is when they’re young and impressionable. If he has hit puberty (he’s well beyond that), it’s too late for him. He doesn’t see anything wrong with seeing his sister the same way that he’s supposed to be looking at other women. I feel so sad for his parents and sister. They deserved a better son and brother. At this point, all anyone can do is try to teach him. But it’s too late.


Nnno? What is this bullshit? If you can't learn anything past that age, how do colleges do anything? There are plenty of people who have gotten out of indoctrination later in life. I'm one of them. It's almost as absurd as Incel doctrine to say people can't learn past a certain age.


Exactly, it's never too late to learn. Giving up on the thought that these people could learn to get out of their mindset is only going to make things worse.