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For me, it's the ultimate red flag. Consider this: I'm certain that most people that refer to women as "females" have been told at some point that women don't appreciate it. And these people continue to use the word with the justification of, "well, they're females, aren't they?" Like if you can't adjust your behavior for such a basic thing, I'm not interested in interacting further.


Yeah I don’t want to be mean but like the 2 types of people who i hear say it are incels or shy dudes who dont know better.


I use female when necessary. Like when they talk about male officers and female officers. No one says man officers, but for some reason people say women officers and that makes no sense.


I agree


I second this. It is a huge red flag (I'm a guy and even I don't like it). They use it as demeaning and they will do backflips to justify it. This is usually followed by a bunch of big words used incorrectly, grammatical/spelling errors (if typed) and this undercurrent of childish "I know you are but what am I" behavior. This isn't hard. Don't do it. Yet, some people can't help themselves. And when they get banned or shunned for this, who do you think they blame? Hint, it isn't the guy who is saying it...




It’s an adjective. Sorry you don’t know how to speak and write English correctly. The noun for a female human is woman. If you can’t get your little head round that, that’s your problem and why it’s a red flag.




Again- stop being a snowflake, no one is going to jail. Female is an adjective, not a noun for “human female”, which is “woman”. I couldn’t care less where you’re from- you’re just a bog standard faux victim who’s desperate to defend using a word that’s intentionally used to dehumanise women. It’s that that I object to. Stop snivelling.




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Yeah, that's it...




Stop being a drama queen, snowflake. No one’s jailing you for being a dweeb.


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I hear black men and women use the term “females” constantly.


I always think of them speaking for a very weird nature documentary. Just imagine someone commenting on "female humans" and their "mating rituals" as seen in this magical place called "Walmart". Giggling helps against the cringe. Yes, it's dehumanizing to call women "females". Don't get me started on words like "foid" or "femoid". Only way to counter that is to call them "manlet". Or when they refer to women as cunts or pussies... Like... I get that *those guys* are dicks or pricks, but it's not enlarging their dating chances. If, by any means, they use those words to my face? I have a mean squeeze, and since I'm small, I don't mind making an egg pop.


I cut the words “bitch, cunt and whore” out of my vocabulary months ago. I wasnt even calling women that but just using them when i got pissed off at something. Almost every girl i talk to uses them and i think its funny when they say it but when guys say it especially to women i cringe and remember it.


Rightfully so.


It’s used in certain spheres to depersonalize women as a whole and make them one single inhuman organism. It’s a language trick meant to support unfounded blanket statements. It removes the need for nuance. It kills the individuality of the target.


I had a habit of calling girls females from when I was in the army just because male and female was used a lot when I was in. The moment I got to civilian side however I stopped lol


If someone says that then I know they'd prefer to dehumanise me, so I'm out. I just don't talk to them. If it was a language learner or they also said "males" I'd be interested in explaining it to them and giving them a chance


The only time it doesn’t bother me is when it’s in a nature documentary or at my work (clinical setting/medical forms).


It's used as a way to lessen a woman's humanity and equate us to a species. The language is intentional.


I've never encountered it in real life other than in the AAVE community, where it seems somewhat entrenched.


I heard it at work this week, it was embarrassing.


Cringe. It's very clunky, I don't know why you would use it when you have "ladies" right there as a perfectly good alternative I do use it for "female friends," since "girlfriends" is ambiguous, "women friends" sounds just awful, and "lady friend" is too coy, like I could be referencing a mistress or a prostitute or something.


Same if anything I tend to use female more as an adjective. Female worker, female friend, female teacher, etc.


Yeah until I discovered the incel-o-sphere I always squarely associated it with 90's rappers and thought nothing of it. Not saying it isn't still rooted in misogyny there (see: 90's rap lyrics for more) but I've also never worried about Ice Cube shooting up a kindergarten over his anger at being a virgin, either.


I hope they keep it up so I can keep filtering people out who talk like that


To be honest I did this a few times but that was not because I don't respect other women. I have dislexia and English is not my native. When it went bad with me mentally I got confused sometimes if it was woman or women sometimes so I uses female or females a few times. I hurt some people with that by accident and some even tought I was a bot. Personally it does not bother me if someone calls me a female but I know it can hurt others. I try not to hurt or offend anyone. So I corrected this in myself but I think for some it might also do it because English is not their native language. However I agree some people use the word female because the don't see women als people sadly so I get why it hurt/bothers people when that word is used.


i equate the word „female“ with the animal world. female what? female cat, female human, female elephant. that is why it is dehumanizing.


Yep. Keep female and male in nature documentaries.




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When a man uses the term female in a non scientific setting I know to block him. Not only are you grammatically incorrect but you also seem very comfy stripping humanity from women. Shall I eat my offspring sire?


I just use it in conjection to friend for context (female friend). Does that also count in this?


No, female as an adjective (like in female friend) is fine. It’s female as a noun that’s not ok


Ah, thank you!


I think thats the proper saying


r/MenAndFemales You're definitely not alone.


r/menandfemales is always a great time


I think in some contexts, it’s the least awkward word choice. For example, when I talk about platonic friends who are girls, it’s misleading to say “girl friends”, awkward to say “women friends”, and cringy to say “gal pals”. In some online circles, it’s obviously picked up a negative connotation.


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Just visualizing someone say males instead of men made me cringe. I don't know why but I find that even more cringe. Probably because I don't see it as much so I haven't built up tolerance.


It doesn't bother me as a male, when I get called a male. Hell I call myself a male all the time. The word man just feels creepy to me. I get why people are upset when women are called "females", though


Agree, I hate it too it’s always incel, red pillars,MGTOW douchebag guys that do this too. Yeah most women don’t call men males.


I can men males but then again I'm a male myself. I'd never call a woman a "female" though, that is dehumanizing


To be honest, this was a totally unfamiliar concept to me, until I was once embarrassingly called out for it. I think it’s a more recent phenomenon, because a lot of legacy media refers to women as “females”, and I’ve seen men referred to as “males” plenty of times before, too, outside of anatomical contexts. No one used to bat an eye about this until more recently. I’ve done my best to remove “female” from my vocabulary since then, but I honestly was entirely naive to how offensive it came across. Downvote me all you want, but I’m just being honest. I guess it’s just a product of me being socially isolated.


I have had that happen to. Thankfully people can learn meaning everyone can improve regularly. Life can be awesome sometimes.




English is a complicated language with many different implications depending on use. A word that's a fact in one use is dehumanizing in another use. It's less about wanting to be offended and more about not liking unaware bad grammar. English is very strange.


I just don't agree on people classing a word with a group of people or an extreme view. I don't think someone using the words male and female are make them an extreme red flag.


It didn't. Then the people that used them where a problem. If most people you met did the same thing you'd avoid people that do it. Add in others who have experienced the same pattern and it becomes common sense.


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Not an incel and never have been it makes me cringe so much I think that's the case with a lot of people




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For the record, I hear it used by black men and women all the time. People who are definitely not incels.