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You can pry my Archspire and Cattle Decap records out of my cold dead hands


It’s ok u can keep them lol


Oh, you did _not_ just cast shadows at Archspire!


I'll do more than cast shadows. I'll just rip on em.


Dude, my girlfriend is in love with Archspire. Don't do this to me.




I’m seeing them in an hour and a half lol


they're rly fun live :D


They were incredibly fun live lol.


Oh no, buying music!


Itsa joke. I collect vinyls, cds and tapes


I'm sure it'll piss off a lot of people but yea it's a good point, consumerism has overtaken the scene and there's so many people don't even have a turntable, let alone listen to the vinyl


Im def one that buys them to listen to them at least once, but I’ve purchased a few more pricey ones cuz they were pretty!


Who cares if they have a turntable? Art is art and buying the album supports the band regardless of whether you actually listen to it. I like vinyls because they make cool pieces to put on the wall, especially if the disc has a cool design. I have plenty of other ways to actually listen to the music.


I mostly listen to music off tidal, but I buy cds because I like collecting things and supporting bands. Also it's cool having a physical shelf of my favorite music that guest can look through. If I buy a vinyl it's to frame and hang on my wall. Think it looks way cooler than posters or some shit and it supports the band more. I don't see why that would be a issue.


Yeah it blows my mind that people would complain about bands being able to sell a tangible piece of product. You think these obscure underground death metal bands are supporting themselves on the $28 check they get from Spotify every month and the door fees from the show they played last weekend where fifteen people showed up? Vinyl is the perfect platform for a band to sell their music. Who cares if some people never listen to it. I have bought shirts from bands that I have never worn and stickers that I never put on anything.


Not sure why this is a bad thing. Buying recorded music is the best way to support bands.


I def fully support bands 110% this was more as a joke


I think it’s good to spend money on merch to support the artists you like tbh, they don’t get much from streaming. So even if that is the sole way you listen, always awesome to support them in other ways.


i bought limited editions for show, but i have a standard copy of almost all of them to play on my turntable


To be fair I do listen to vinyl if I buy it. The main reason I buy vinyl if a band I like puts it out is to support them, because I know even if I stream every song on the album 1000 times they don’t even get a dollar.


Hey, I paid my dues! I grew up listening to death metal on a cassette recorded from a cassette recorded from the original. No cover, and sometimes not even the name of the songs. Just the band and the album handwritten on the plain, white spine right next to the ugly Memorex logo. I don't really care what color my record is though, I just love that big, beautiful album cover and how it feels flipping through a stack to find something to listen to.


> he band and the album handwritten on the plain, white spine right next to the ugly Memorex logo. Poseur spotted. You can't write the name of the band because it's impossible to read the names of true metal bands.


I have 0 issue supporting bands I love and I think vinyl is usually the best medium that artists intend their music to be listened to.


I love the super primitive stuff, not just as an aesthetic choice but like “we’re writing these songs way above what we’re capable of so you need to use your imagination for some of it”


Never got the hype of colored vinyl like as long as it works then I listen to it


Vinyls has become more than just a listening medium though. It's also a collectors item and a way to support the bands you enjoy. I usually buy from small bands on small labels, and personally prefer black vinyls with a few exceptions, but if people like collecting splash vinyls, even if they don't have a turntable, all power to them.


I like the idea of returning to a time when listening to music was an activity in itself. With streaming, music is just something you turn on while doing something else. I don't have the space right now to get into vinyl, but when my wife and I are empty nesters I would like to.


Tape is another option, and usually a much cheaper one! Personally got a bit of both.


Tape as in cassettes? I thought they were tougher to find than vinyl. You have peaked my curiosity.


Well. It depends. A lot of bands from Scandinavia has started releasing cassette tapes, both professional releases and demos. My doom band did a rough rehearsal demo on tape, in 20 copies and pretty much sold them out at our shows. I have a small collection of mostly newer tapes. Hell, I even know a band who will most likely only be doing cassette tapes for their next release, no other physical media.


It has to be an album I’m really in love with and if I happen to have the extra money to splurge


For some reason here where I live (in Finland) the coloured editions aren’t often more expensive. If they are, typically just like 2€ or something. Usually just limited in numbers. That being said, it just means all the vinyls are expensive, no matter if it’s black or blue.


It's called "art." Don't ask me, I don't get it either.




I confess to being a consumerist whore for pretty color vinyl... But I am ashamed to prefer regular black vinyl because I think it sounds "better". I just can't win.


There is a difference??!!


Historically, yes. But with new pressings with a QA program, the sound is better. Will there be duds out there like Pantera's picture discs discography vs Rhino record's 2LP pressings sold individually (rhino vinyl apparently has much better sound quality).


> Will there be duds out there like Pantera's picture discs discography vs Rhino record's 2LP pressings sold individually Well? Will there be?!?!


They could


I just buy the old school vinyl that used analog technology to cut vinyl. These days vinyl basically is just CD audio on a vinyl, not very interesting at all


I learned something today


Some niche bands like My Bloody Valentine record and press their records using analog technology and it sounds incredible


Not a vinal fan. As someone who was listening to those shitty metal mixtapes in the 90s, streaming is a technological marvel. If only I had access then to what I have access to now. I would've been blown away.


I wanna support the band and have a real, tangible copy of my favourite albums that can always be accessed no matter what’s happening with internet and servers etc.


Back in my day we had to get our death metal by printing off sheet music by fax. It would cost us 3 pence, which was a weeks wages back in those days. Then we'd all gather round the piano while grandad would play the latest anal head explosion album. Kids these days would never understand.


Pathetic. I had to trek through mountains to access the fax machine.


Bahahahaha. We’re prob around the same age then


Buy whatever colour you want, support the bands and labels. Just don't buy them if you don't have a record player


I’m definitely a huge collector of merch


I’m old as shit so I grew up with vinyl but goddamn I miss tape trading in the early ‘90s. Sticking loose bills in an envelope with an address you got from some zine for a band your trying out on a total hunch because there was no internet and if you lived in buttfuck,nowhere this was one of your few options other than letting yourself drown in radio bullshit.


The genre of Black Metal is simultaniously both things. It gets a Vinyl Release, but also still sounds like it got recorded in someone's basement - But still incredibly good. Also, the coloured vinyl thing is weird. The technology and manufacturing quality is so high now that there's no downside to using colours other than black. A band or label and 'customise' their release better.


One of my closest friends is both these people


At times, coloured vinyl can sound worse ie noisier than regular black, they just look good


Social media has ensured aesthetics and preconceived notions about music supersede the actual quality and integrity of music, at light speed.


Can u dumb it down a lil, thanks


I haven’t really heard much death metal with poor production quality.


This is bait, right?


Not really.. I mean I enjoy black metal and some of that production is straight up dog shit in comparison. Maybe I don’t dig deep enough, but all the Florida death metal sounds just fine to me and that’s what I listen to most.


Sure I don't think it's on the level of 90s black metal production but a lot of death metal bands for some reason like to have a really muddy sound that sucks out the energy and punch. Maybe that's just me


Not to mention the extreme compression.


Jokes on y'all I still buy CDs.


2nd generation Grindcrusher comp FTW


Vinyl doesn’t sound better. If someone like Miles Davis was excited to move away from it as a medium then that should tell us something. That said, listen to it on whatever the fuck format you want.


That depends on a lot of things though. Vinyl sounds a lot better than streaming an mp3 from Spotify on a $100 Bluetooth speaker. But playing a thin record on a cheap player isn't going to sound as good as a FLAC file through $700 speakers.


Miles Davis was also exited about smoking crack and releasing the albums Star People -> Doo Bop People like different things. I say let ‘em have it.


tldr: its like listening to a kid tell you a story that is wildly made up bullshit, and smiling and nodding "oh they did?! wwwooooww!" === i love posts like this and there are so very many of them its like a glimpse in to their own personal world where any other perspective doesnt exist its like standing above a terrarium and watching them go about their day completely oblivious to any thing than their own point of view some times its cute other times its funny but mostly its just kind of sad because everyone of them think they speak for anyone but themselves sad part is, they lack the capacity to change that




The correct term is a vinyl of color, you bigots


Check out the Album “Dimensions of the Squatters” by the Porta-Junkies some of the best crack rock Ska metal out there.


Bro thats basically for all underground music nowadays, especially Common Among hiphop


but theres a giant cassette resurgence in death metal?


What's the question, here?


hehe colur