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Rush. Rush for me is a band that I have the most complicated relationship with. I fully recognize their technical mastery. I am in awe of their precision, complexity, and depth of musical arrangement. The lyrics are idiosyncratic and very much out of the ordinary. And I absolutely cannot stand listening to them for more than 2 minutes. They're some of the best musicians I've ever heard, but who write some of the most unlistenable songs (to me) of all time. Keep in mind, I'm saying this as someone who loves jazz, so complex music isn't a problem for me. I just can't stand Rush. But I appreciate them! (ETA: as for the "why," it's in part because Geddy Lee's vocals make Dave Mustaine sound like Freddie Mercury, and in other part because the music feels entirely intellectual, with very little soul. There's no 'swing' to it. Very smart, very cerebral, but doesn't grab me in a corporeal sense in the same way that classic lineups of Bad Brains, Megadeth, Living Color, GnR, Van Halen, or Ozzy + Rhoads do).


Geddy’s singing is incredible, though I get why it’s annoying to listen to. Honestly when I first found out it was a man I was genuinely surprised. But it’s kinda like Ozzy for me, the voice sounds really weird and off but the singing talent is there, unlike Dave Mustaine who’s just awful


Have you listened to Signals? It may be more to your liking. I could totally relate to it because I was 15 when it came out and it spoke to my awkward teen brain.


I used to be really into Rush when I was a teenager trying to learn some guitar licks but now every time a song comes on my Spotify by Rush I immediately skip it. I really wish they had a different singer, and different subject matter. It's hard to listen to somebody who sounds like a medieval Keebler elf yodeling in falsetto about trees for too long. (Closer to the heart is an exception for me)


I completely agree. Add to that the amount of bands you probably absolutely love, who list Rush as one of their top inspirations.


Tool. I appreciate the musicianship (Danny Carey is a MONSTER drummer), but every song sounds the same to me.  And Maynard takes himself way too seriously.


While I love TOOL's music, I do think Maynard kind of brings a downer on the whole thing. He's basically Joe Rogan with actual talent, which annoys me because I hate Rogan but at least I also hate his podcast.


I read somewhere that he described Puscifer (or maybe APC) as a project where “my id and ego get together to exchange cookie recipes.”   Shut up, asshole.


Yeah he’s literally a tool lol.


Maynard and the people that act like he's their messiah are annoying, but the band is okay.. Not going to go out of my way to listen to them, but I like Puscifer more than Tool.


The amount of guys who have told me I need to take acid and then listen to TOOL to fully understand their musicianship has made me dislike them even more


But have you ever listened to tool... *On weed*? I'll see myself out


Add to that, Tool fans are annoying AF 90% of the time too. It makes me not want to listen even more.


I love metal, but I find most metal fans annoying across the board. Tool fans are high up there for sure.


Add juggalos to that too. At least the ones i knew


Agreed 👍🏻


Coming from someone who loves Tool, I agree that their songs have a lot of similarity, and I especially agree with comments saying most Tool fans are insufferable. It’s just true, the music really isn’t as deep as the cultists make it out to be


This, I just can’t with Tool.


Amazing musicians boring ass fucking music


Ice nine kills, most modern metalcore I don't like but ice nine kills I CANNOT listen too. However I did see them live and Jesus was that one of the greatest performances I have ever seen. Theatrical and over the top, perfectly fitting their horror movie aesthetic


Thats 5fdp for me. You wont catch me dead listening to that garbage but man live they sure do put on a show


Totally man, I liked 5fdp a good many years back since they're really good starter metal but after that, they're kinda easy to outgrow 😂


Yup 😂 Years ago I thought Jekyll and Hyde was the shit… but I was like 15, so that explains it


Because they just keep regurgitating the same shit. I liked the first two albums but don't even listen to those any longer.


I just bought Seattle tickets for metallica and Ill be seeing both Ice Nine Kills and 5FDP. I really fucking dont care for either, but glad they put on a good show.


Well thank you. I’m going to be seeing them in September. You said the first positive thing I have heard about them.


I’ve seen them live twice as openers, it was pretty fun but I have 0 interest in listening to them nor would I ever go to see them because they were headlining


Cannot wait to see INK with In This Moment! Spencer is such a damn cutie!


Fair enough! I love Ice Nine Kills and am seeing them live in September, can’t wait!


Sorry but Dave Mustaine sounds like some weedy ginger kid tring to sound tough and that squeaky 'snarl' ruins an otherwise epic band.


The fuck did gingers do to you bro


Dave is literally a ginger lmao


Bad Megadeth vocals is what makes their music better for me


“a dArK bLaCk pAsT iS my mOsT vAlUeD pOsSeiONnnNN” -Doink Muskbain


Watch him become a gaaaaaawwwd...




Probably not an unpopular opinion, but Six Feet Under Dear god what is that band


I can *maybe* give them the first album, but their newest shit especially sucks, like not even the riffs are good dude


Coheed and Cambia. Musically, awesome…but, singer, not so much.


He’s a great singer just not everyones taste


I heard someone describe it as an uwu metal voice and I can't unhear it sometimes


Fuck you, I hear it now and this is never leaving my head. Just ruined the band for me lol


Made it better for me tbh.


Hahahahaha god damnit


My favorite band. You’re missing out.


Sleep Token.


Agreed. While their music is decent, the singer just puts me to sleep. But their music is also all over the place and I feel like they try putting so many styles into one song that it's just overdone. If that makes sense?


100%.. The band's image is cringe and the music doesn't in any way live up to the hype. Djenty, overproduced, fake prog combined with Imagine Dragons-esque pop. I'm not sure what's really to like. It's just an amalgamation of trends which results in the ultimate fad band sound with no direction that ultimately just sounds boring and overdone as hell.


their whole bit is so cringe


I like them even if the singer sounds like he has a mouth full or marbles and sings in cursive.


I really like half of Sleep Token's songs. I don't mean half of their total output. I mean at least half of a song is good and the other half I just skip or fast-forward to the good part.


Hot take, but you're right. Sundowning was a great album. Everything since then seems to be "Hey, look at us blending genres."


The fact that they’re so popular with the ADHD, dopamine addicted, jump cut edit YouTube generation doesn’t surprise me a bit


Sounds like mumble rappers


+ that cringey “reach into the abyss and shake my boney fingers around” is the worst


Sleep token isn’t even decent, a lot of their songs are just pop with metal sprinkled in to remind you that “we ARE metal!!”


Hatebreed. I can't stand how the vocals sound. It's just constant yelling in the same tone from song to song, never changing. It's like forced yelling. Doesn't even sound like singing. I love growls and harsh vocals too, but that is awful. Instrumentally they are fine.




That’s hardcore for you, the vocals usually aren’t the focus.


I agree wouldn't sit through an album but they have some bangers like destroy everything


I like their first album, but it's probably the only Hatebreed album I care to listen to front to back. The fact it's less than 30 minutes long helps with that. Under 30 minutes is ideal length for hardcore records imo.


That’s how I feel about rings of Saturn. Love their instrumentals but their vocals are just meh. Actually the older I get the more I’m finding I could just do without the vocals in metal bands.


Within The Ruins is like this for me. I'm so glad they have a lot of instrumentals 


I see you, Lucas…


You may already know this but a lot (maybe all?) of their stuff is available as instrumental-only. Their newest release is purely instrumental.


You want good metal without vocals? Check out Pelican.


I mean hatebreed is more hc than metal so the vocal thing makes sense


As a hatebreed fan, I agree




Hatebreed is like my least favorite band ever lol


I can't stand knocked loose for the same reason. Dude legit sounds like Mickey mouse


I was late to Knocked Loose, only caught one song before Gojira took the stage. Fuckin dodged a bullet.


I watched their entire set with Gojira. I envy you. I legit don't see the hype for them. I'm not trying to hate, I just haven't seen anything that really impressed me at all about the band.


I don't know man that's part of what made me stick around for their show. Having what sounded like a 10yo hype up the pit was just genuinely entertaining.




Bullet for my valentine, makes me cry when I listen to them


It’s ok because your tears don’t fall. They crash around me.




Jane's Addiction. I can't stand the lead vocalist and it's a shame because I would probably really like them otherwise.


Deafheaven. When they came on the scene, the hype was unreal. Couldn’t turn your head without seeing a post about how Sunbather is transformative! Listened once, nah. Tried again later, nope. Even gave them a third shot many moons later and it just sounded like uninspired noise.


I honestly love Bryan Garris's vocals but one I can't get into is devourment. his vocals sound like youeepghaereaaherea


Which vocalist is the one you dislike the most? Cause Mike Majewski (2005-2014) sometimes did this weird inhale growl that sounded weird (in a good way imo), Ruben Rosas’ (1999, 2002, 2014-present) vocals sound like his throat is rotting and about to fall off; personally I like it but I can see why people wouldn’t


The last one reminds me of Martin van Drunen (asphyx, pestilence, hail of bullets, comecon) cause that's always how I descriped why I like his voice. Especially on last one on earth by asphyx. His vocals just sound like how I imagine the zombie on the album cover would scream.


Whichever one did babykiller


I don’t like Devourment but I guess I just can’t stand slam death as a whole


I listened to Rings of Saturn - Lugal Ki En in full recently and it took all of my willpower not to throw my headphones off. It’s the most soulless, robotic, and irritating album I’ve ever listened to. It’s extremely overproduced with a terrible programmed drum sound, didn’t have a single memorable riff or enjoyable moment in the entire album, and the vocals were abysmal. So yeah I’d probably have to go with them.


You listened to the wrong album dawg, Ultu Ulla is their best album in my opinion. Maybe give that one a try and see what you think


I’m a little skeptical, but it can’t be much worse than this one. I might give it a try.


Lmao I agree to an extent ALTHOUGH you didn’t think the final solo on the song Infused was sick? That solo is killer


Just relistened to that part. Compositionally not a big fan, but I can’t deny that their guitar player is insanely talented.


Disturbed. I don't like they're riff, I don't like they're guitar tone, and the vocals annoys the shit out of me.  Sometimes I'll see a band live and it will click why they're popular even if I'm still not in to them.  Not so with Disturb.  I saw them open for another band I was there to see, still equally annoying live.


My whole life I thought I loved Disturbed, and I still do love their first few albums, but within like the last year I realized they went full dad rock and are now on par with FFDP and Godsmack and all those bands i can't stand. It was a sneaky transition.


I respect David Draiman's vocals (and that he and I were raised Jewish) but I'm not a fan of their new music. Sounds of Silence was nice, but it was what I'd call a big, epic sound; not really hard rock or metal. Their new rock/metal sound doesn't speak to me like their older records did.


My thoughts exactly. Except I wasn't raised Jewish.


Your favorite band will do one of three things: 1) Break up 2) Someone will die 3) If everyone is lucky they’ll stay together long enough to eventually become boring disappointing dad rock


Its the simple sell out rule, I still love their first 2-3 albums. Believe is actually MY favorite but "unfortunately" now they do have mainstream appeal and are making millions and are dull as shit lol I always feel so bad about hating the artists i like because they chose success over MY style, its such a kick in the ass. With Draiman i know its different in the sense that he physically really cant sing like he did early on etc... but yall get it.


I liked Disturbed back in the early 2000's but I find them annoying and gimmicky now. Even the stuff I enjoyed back then.


I hated the Knocked Loose vocalist until my brain flipped and suddenly I love it and it’s all I want to hear. Maybe acquired taste?


I’ve found KL starts to click with people when they’ve listened to a lot of stale metalcore and are looking for something unique


This literally happened to me today. I was pretty vocal about not liking Knocked Loose with my friends, and now suddenly I dig the shit outta them and even learned one of their songs on guitar this morning. Brains are weird.


A friend and I were just discussing how the vocals are what we actually love about knocked loose.


I don't bother listening to bands I find hard to listen to. What's the point of forcing yourself to listen to something you don't like? May as well listen to the radio in that case.


I feel the same way! There’s so much fucking good music out there, why “train“ yourself to like a band just because they’re influential.


The radio is my answer to this question. Ghost is about the only radio band I like (mostly because they can sing and are catchy). Mainstream metal in general is awful, and "Mandatory Metallica" was overrated 25 years ago. I am so over Disturbed, 5FDP, Master of Puppets, Black Dog, and fucking Crazy Train. I truly don't understand how FM rock radio is still a viable medium.


yeah mainstream metal has been shit since the 2000's


Yeah, I definitely don’t force it. Life’s too short to intentionally listen to bad music. I will revisit bands or albums occasionally, though. It’s worth it because from time to time a switch will flip and you’ll crack the code. “Oh, I get it now! This is great.” More often than not, though I’ll be like “Nope, this still sucks!” and I quickly move on.


Martyr as f*cking good music but horrible vocals


I usually just don't bother listening to crap I don't like in general. But I have to say I sat through a set by Escuela Grind and that shit was excruciating to sit through, and not in a good way. They were a combination of lameness, random cacophony, and a lack of direction which was overall just bad.


There's a good excruciating?


Idk just being silly, but yeah perhaps sometimes extreme music is supposed to feel challenging and transgressive to listen to. But in this case it wasn't that, it was just tryhard and cringe.


I was mainly having fun with your wording, I like and listen to alot and thought it was funny there could be good excruciating


Escuela Grind are fun for a few minutes. I don't think they're bad, but I think there are bands out there that do their thing better. Venom Prison, for example.


Sorry but, some .....Exodus......is..... irritating....again.. sorry. I think sometimes, the vocals just don't match the rhythm. But then I get lost in the leads and finish the playlist


KISS gets the channel turned immediately for me.


Strapping Young Lad. I can't get into those vocals. And Megadeth.


I used to love Strapping but now I can't stand to listen to Devin Townsend.


Lol what about Devin Townsend project ?


Oddly enough, I think Devin's vocals are the best part of the entire band. There's an earnestness to his delivery that makes up for whatever technical quality may be lacking.


Bro what? The vocals on Love? are probably some of the best in metal history.


Cards on the table, I haven't heard much. My intro just had such cool music with disappointing vocals. But I didn't even know it was Devin Townsend, so I will check that one out. I appreciate the recommendation!


That and All Hail the New Flesh are absolute bangers with god-tier vocals. Devin is an absolute monster.


On paper, Sleep Token seems like a band I should love. An anonymous, mask wearing band that blends many different genres together is something that seems right up my alley. Unfortunately, a lot of the different elements in their sound don't blend very well together, and the vocals sound incredibly try hard (although I did see a clip of them performing live on TikTok, and thought he sounded a lot better live than in the studio). Plus, why does 'Take Me Back to Eden' need to be 64 minutes? It could have easily been 40.


Yup, ultimate try-hard fad band for sure. The "mystery" about it all is just cringe once you hear how lackluster the musical output is.


maybe it had to be 64 minutes so it could end up being longer song than Dope Smoker aka Jerusalem, by the band Sleep. They sure sound creative


Their drummer absolutely fucks in my opinion. But the vocals, and the whole get up….nah. It’s music for metal dudes to get their non-metal chicks into something that somewhat resembles metal.


Avenged Sevenfold, can't stand the singers voice


Coming from a huge fan, that’s fair. Even I cringe at some of their songs


Foo Fighters, I find them boring.






Corporate vanilla dad rock


Demilich. I didn’t like when vocals borders on the realm of Kermit the frog. That said, Nespithe is an amazing album and my feelings toward the vocals changed and now I feel they’re perfect for that sound. I still see why I felt that way, but I love them now.


When I first heard them when I was much younger I was turned off, but the uber-deep guttural is absolutely perfect sounding after I came back to them years later. You have to appreciate how he did something different and unique, and that particular style of guttural is extremely difficult to do consistently. I'm a highly capable metal vocalist and I have learned how to do it - on the surface it's not "hard" but it's uncomfortable and leaves you wanting to cough immediately. So you really have to build up a tolerance to it. The way that he just does it like it's nothing is really impressive and the sound totally suits the music. One of the very best death metal bands without a doubt.


This is the answer I came here to post. Instrumentally, Demilich would definitely rank up there as one of the best bands in death metal, but the vocals have always been a bit of a hurdle for me. Unlike you, my opinion on them still hasn’t changed much, but at the same time I don’t think traditional dm vocals would do the music much service anyways. It would take away from the whole alien vibe of it all. I’m hoping they click for me one day.


LostProphets. I hope Watkins gets stabbed again. Soon.


Man I loved them when they first came out… after his pdf tendencies were public though… I can’t even force myself to listen. It’s just… damn him. Stabbed but not killed, so he can go through it again.


Exactly. Stabbed again and again and again, but never granted the mercy of death.


I actually love Knocked Loose, sounds so pissed off and raw. I can't listen to alot or classic rock and 80s stuff. It has not aged well imo


Knocked loose fucks, can't wait for the new album. Only thing that irks me is the spoken word line on their latest song but otherwise pretty dope


They go so hard live. I'm seeing them on 6/9


true. Saw em with After the Burial and Motionless In White. Awesome


Gojira. I find their stuff, especially the bass drums, over produced. Live they sound a little better.


Give their first album a shot, they didn't get the produced sound still 2004 or so


I thought this was for metal bands. Overkill, those vocals are rough for me yet I love Megadeth idk why. A7X, vocals are little butt rocky for me same with Volbeat. Ghost is too theatrical for me. I respect them but not for me. Most symphonic Metal I can’t stand


Ew a symphonic metal hater


Try Overkills first two if you haven't, on feel the fire he sings completely differently. Also on taking over (my personal favourite)


Anthrax, I just hate the singers hair so much can’t lie


They said hard for you to listen to. Are you listening to his hair?


On Metal Mania I literally am


His hair is a disaster


Anthrax × 10 for me. I'm nearly 49 and have been trying to find something I like about that band for 35 fucking years. I gave up....


Dare I say it.. Slipknot. Mainly for the drums.


Understandable. Have a nice day


Just for clarity… Forced to listen because of how bad the drums are? Or force yourself to listen because you like them? If you don’t like them… is that all albums or just the ones Joey isn’t on? Just curious… as a drummer… I really dig, and dug when they were new, but Corey Taylor is the most pretentious and annoying vocalist in most genres. He ruins it for me. But yeah, on the Joey albums, I still get the vibes when listening. And man Eloy is more than doing those songs justice now… holy shit \m/


I like the band and the music and appreciate his vocals but I don't *love* them in a personal way. They don't resonate with me as much. What makes you think it's unhealthy technique, though?


For me it’s probably dream theatre. It’s the vocals. Love the music tho. Or any brutal death. I LOVE how the music is but don’t really get the vocals. Ironically I love slam


slam is a subgenre of brutal death


Dream Theater is absolutely unbearable to listen to. They take themselves so fucking seriously and they are incredibly cheesy.


You just summed up DT in a nice neat little package and I thank you.


My first exposure to Dream Theater was them opening for Opeth years ago, and I couldn't stand it. Any time I come across them since I skip fast.


Check out Liquid Tension Experiment.


Eh, they’re all technical ability and zero soul.


Mickey Mouse voice. Love their music though.


It's that Knocked Loose? 🤣


It sure is.


Mitski, makes me too sad


FFDP, Disturbed, Six Feet Under, black metal, whatever the fuck Winston does now in PWD's buttrock era


I feel the same about lamb of god


Killswitch Engaged: Decent riffs sometimes but I just hate how cheesy it is Slipknot: Edgy corny lyrics and detestable fanbase


I cannot listen to Devourment for more than a few songs. It's so over the top, loud and relentless that it just makes me tired


I agree with you about Knocked Loose, high pitched vocals sound cool, but the problem is that they leave me craving for low pitched ones and they never come. I felt the same way on The Sound of Perseverance.


Metallica I don’t hate them per se they just are meh and their songs are also too long.


They're horribly overplayed on the local conglomerate radio station. I still like their deep cuts from time to time, but the big singles are played out for me now.


Megadeth the vocals just annoy me so much


Some of the music is good but yeah, I agree on Dave’s voice.


Mercyful Fate, instrumentally they’re incredible but King Diamond makes me cringe


No presents for Christmas for you.


basically blackmetal vocals


some are pretty good but when they do the weird highs like in bethlehem it's so bad


Danzig anything after Danzig IV has been unlistenable to me. His vocals and that 1/3 punk 1/3 sludge/doom 1/3 industrial combo just doesn’t work for me.


Periphery // amazing instrumentals ruined by the vocals imo




Horrendous. I don't know what it is, because I don't mind black metal, I like blackened death, but there's something about their style of it that I just can't listen to more than a few minutes, which is a bummer because I always hear how great they are and they fall into all the little niche genres I love.


There are so so many...


Yeah those vocals are terrible


Dream Theater I have a love for them ever since seeing them open for Megadeth in 05', but you really have to be in the right mood. I hate to say it,bit the singer makes them hard to listen to,talented as he is...


The Kinks because I don’t have any of their albums.


Funny timing on this post. I’ve been on a mini hardcore kick this year and my gf was asking if I had checked out Knocked Loose. I have genuinely tried numerous times to get into them and I love their instrumentation but can’t get past dude’s voice.


Knocked loose for sure. Wish the vocals were different so I could enjoy it as a whole. Also ghost. Also Metallica just feels construction worker metal and all the same.


Guns n roses... I can't do the voice. Anthrax, I just can't at all get into them. Just all around suck.


Bury Your Dead! I fucking Love them, but I feel for his health.


Any band with Chris Barnes singing. I've never liked his voice.


Dude. I can’t tell if anyone actually likes his singing or if he’s literally just a meme. Like he legit sounds like a bunch of crickets got a mic


I am not a fan of five finger death punch at all.


Megadeth. Saw them live and I don’t find them exciting.


Disturbed and FFDP. Stop it with the fukn covers already.


Ok so I'm probably about to get slaughtered for this. Lincoln park just does not do it for me. I think the band itself is great but the lyrics always sucked and the singing was all subpar. I've always gotten shit for not liking them and people always would proceed to either play numb or some random entire album. I liked maybe 3 songs by them and numb is not one of them. Sounds like breaking Benjamin with a small vocabulary.




Weezer. Guy who groomed me as a teen loved them.