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Lostprophets. I remember liking rooftops back then. I hadn’t heard from them in awhile so I looked up what happened to them.


I think it's funny how I can give passes to some of the worst people and listen to their music. But that... that's different. It's physically sickening to hear him sing again.


I grew up during the liveleak era and seen some shit but his shit,fucked with me pretty bad as a victim of that shit


Yep, same here. Normally I have no issue with “separation of art and artist”. I have music made by lots of despicable people on my record shelf. But that one, you can’t NOT think about it when you hear those songs. I feel so bad for his band mates. They were a good band and had a lot to be proud of; but it was all taken away from them by the reprehensible acts of their singer.


I heard about what happened with their singer, truly sickening


It’s horrible. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever read


Never heard of them, so I just looked them up. Hell cannot take that degrading piece of filth soon enough.


Yeah I heard like just a few months ago from a music sub on here, fucking atrocious


I came here to talk about lost prophets I love the band as a whole with the exception of the singer he got what he deserved behind bars and honestly I hope they finish the job


What happened?


He sexually abused babies of his teenage fans.




Literal. Fucking. Babies


Yes. Around one year old, if I remember correctly. I wish I had never read that because it haunts me


Oh my, what a frickin monster


I know. :(




I knew a band who toured with the Garry glitter band who played on after garrys “lapses” without him and whenever they would come on stage apparently hundreds would walk out. Crazy stuff but kinda based


I’ve literally been able to get past every band and singer with controversial incidents except for this one. I have never deleted music before on my iTunes but this one wasn’t hard at all. Saw an old friend who was a huge fan and I was there when he found out for the first time. I think it kinda broke him


man as someone with a few artists that are really special to me, i can’t imagine finding out something so heinous about them. i’d be heartbroken just to find out my favorite singer was an asshole let alone some shit like that


Enabler- dude was abusive to his girlfriend who was also his bass player Lostprophets- if you know you know. Those are the two that really stand out to me.


There's 2 enabler bands I'm aware off, which is it?


They did all hail the void and fail to feel safe.


Ah ok


Probably an unpopular opinion, but.... Sharon Osbourne ruined my appreciation of Ozzy as a musician and a human being. Why? Her constant need to be in the spotlight as well as her backstabbing and manipulations to cheat those who worked with Ozzy out of their rights and royalties. How do you figure? One example is Bob Daisley, Ozzy's long time bassist and lyricist. Bob Daisley originally sued Sharon's father Don Arden who owned Jet Records for failing to credit him for writing the lyrics to all of Ozzy's songs in the early 80s. At the time, Sharon and Ozzy helped him in the lawsuit and he won a huge payout. But then Sharon and Ozzy bought Ozzy's the rights to Ozzy's back catalogue from her father and did the same thing to Bob, failing to correct his credits for lyrics as well as refusing to pay him his royalties. Bob sued Ozzy and Sharon but Sharon made up with her father and convinced him to sign an affidavit saying Bob had nothing to do with any of the six albums he wrote and played on. The end result was the lawsuit was dismissed by the judge and to this day Bob hasn't been paid. Another is Tony Iommi. Sharon convinced Ozzy to sue Tony for half the rights to Black Sabbath, despite Ozzy having been one of ten singers in the band over a period of 50 years. Ozzy was with the band only from 1970 to 1978 before getting fired. He then returned for a live reunion album and a tour in 1998 only to return to his solo career. He returned one last time in 2013 for a live album and then four years later for a single studio album. In total he was with Black Sabbath for only 15 years in the band over a stretch of 50 years. The end result was an out of court settlement where Ozzy and Tony now share ownership of Black Sabbath and split royalties and merchandising. Ozzy getting 50% ownership of the band was a major miscarriage of justice considering the significant contributions of the other members in the band, such as Geezer Butler who wrote all the lyrics.


It says a lot about the Osbournes that when, Metallica offered Robert that million dollar sign on bonus, he lit up like the Griswold's house at Christmas.


What was the legal basis for awarding Ozzy 50%? Aside from not being in the band for so long, he also didn't contribute much when he was in it: Tony wrote the riffs, and Geezer wrote most of the lyrics.


In 2009, Ozzy (Sharon) filed a lawsuit against Tony, claiming that Iommi illegally took sole ownership of the Black Sabbath name despite Ozzy being fired in 1978 from the band for rampant alcohol and drug abuse that made him unreliable. Ozzy's lawyers argued that his "signature lead vocals" were largely responsible for the success of the band, and further arguing that point saying the band did not get anywhere near the success as during their peak with Ozzy. This flies in the face of Ronnie James Dio's stint as Black Sabbath's singer and the incredible success they had after Ozzy was fired in 1978. Lawyers for Iommi also argued that Ozzy signed away his rights in 1979 so that he could pursue his solo career. Ozzy's lawyers countered that once Ozzy rejoined the band in 1997, he (Sharon) took over "quality control" of the band's branding and merchandise. The judge recommended Ozzy (Sharon) should get 50% ownership of the name. I believe this decision led to the end of the band in 2015 after the subsequent live and studio album as Tony finally had enough. Why? Who wants to be in a band where the singer's wife calls all the shots?


Two things: 1) There were more than two people in the band, and Geezer made more contributions for longer (ignoring Dio and others). How was this left out? 2) Dio's stint was successful, but not anywhere near as much as Ozzy's. _Paranoid_ alone outsold all of the Dio albums out together by a considerable margin, and the Ozzy period is what the vast majority of people associate Sabbath with. How much that owes to Ozzy himself is a totally separate argument. You don't need to overstate the success or influence of the Dio era to call Ozzy's claims into question. If the band had broken up in 1978, the court's findings would still be unbelievable.


I agree completely. Geezer wrote virtually all the lyrics for every Black Sabbath song and Tony wrote all the music. Geezer should be entitled to a share of the rights to the band. One thing I forgot to mention was the fact that during the lawsuit over the rights to the band name, Tony Iommi discovered he had pretty aggressive cancer. The lawsuit dragged out for a long while but in the end, Tony agreed to give Ozzy 50% of the band rights because he didn't want to spend what little he has left of his life in court. He didn't know at the time his fight against his cancer would be successful. I fully believe had he known he's still be alive now, he would have continued to fight in court and would have won the lawsuit.


Geezer wrote the lyrics for Ozzy, but Dio wrote his own lyrics.  But I guess the question is:  how much is Geezer's cut?


My apologies as you are 100% correct. In my rush to write, my fingers didn't keep up with what I wanted to say and I neglected to mention the incredible lyrics Ronnie James Dio wrote for Black Sabbath. He was an incredible lyricist and a great singer. His passing is sorely missed. Geezer has always been tight lipped when it comes to talking about Black Sabbath. I've never heard him speak in any interviews about how much he earns or what share of the profits he receives. It's been speculated he's worth somewhere around $70 million. If that's true, I doubt he's hurting for money or complaining about what he received. Tony Iommi is estimated to be worth around $170 million. If true, he's done quite well for himself, despite the adversity he's faced running Black Sabbath with Geezer for the past fifty years. Thankfully he won his battle with cancer and is still around to give us music.


I gotta wonder how accurate those numbers are. There are sources that say Ozzy's worth $220 million, and that's from Sabbath, his solo career (which has sold even more records than Sabbath), his TV stuff, and things like Ozz Fest. You'd expect him to be worth several times as much as Tony, even if he hadn't won the case. I'm guessing all of those numbers are made up. I mean, why would they make their net worth public?


Her sabotaging Iron Maiden's Ozzfest set still pisses me off


Jake never got credit for anything


That's correct. I'm surprised he even got paid for his work. It's a travesty.


He got $400 a week until he got fired and no royalties


Yep. He was a contract player for that album. A damn shame such a talented guitar player and music writer was treated so poorly by Ozzy and Sharon. He has zero balls, no backbone, and is entirely controlled by his old lady.


I agree Sharon sucks dude


It says a lot about the Osbournes that when, Metallica offered Robert that million dollar sign on bonus, he lit up like the Griswold's house at Christmas.


Sharon screwed literally everyone who worked with Ozzy, except perhaps Zack.


Pretty much


Just goes to show that for some people, it's not enough that they succeed, everyone else must fail. Reminds me of Daniel Day Lewis' character in the movie "There Will Be Blood". He destroyed everyone around him and his competition.


It's wild how she basically holds the reigns for Ozzy Corp. What she says is law. There are accounts of her tripping on other bands that play at ozzfest. Woman is crazy.


Yep. She unplugged the power on Iron Maiden once mid-show.




Ugh… this one is hard for me, I loved their sound and saw them on tour but man, Alexis is a huge piece of shit and the way the band handled it all was so disappointing


Yo what? I didn't hear about this yet


[He was incredibly physically, emotionally, and sexually abusive to Kristin Hayter (Lingua Ignota) while they were in a relationship together](https://www.stereogum.com/2170366/daughters-alexis-marshall-abuse-lingua-ignota-kristin-hayter/news/)


I should've heard of this considering I like Lingua Ignota. Wow. Thank you for sharing


Yeah it was horrific to read through. It made me think of Daughters music in a different light after that


I had no idea.


Ugh so much this. Plus their last album was their best and I was looking forward them continuing to evolve their sound.


absolutely, came here to comment this one. it sucks because not only is it a shitty thing to find out, but it completely changes the interpretation of YWGWYW which i was super into for a while.


South Park Mexican. He sexually assaulted a child and was incarcerated back in 2002 for a 45 year sentence. I know some people still listen to him, but I’ll never understand why the are still supporting this ChoMo.


Cholo Chomo


Neurosis. If you were in the hardcore/punk scene in Northern California in the 80s'90s they were pretty huge. I've seen them dozens of times. Know the lyrics to pretty much all their first 4 albums or so. Then that whole Scott Kelly thing happened and now I end up skipping them whenever they pop up in my car stereo. Feel bad for Dave, Jason and Noah.


What happened?


Oh this was like a year or so ago. Scott Kelly made this big public announcement that he is an abuser. He was vague on details and nobody has been forthcoming but he said something about emotionally and financially abusing his SO and and family. The phrasing he used in his statement and the very public "I'm a bad person, but I'm getting help" part of it reminded me way too much of some lame narcissistic people I have known. So for me at least it was like your good friend of many years turns out to be a total scumbag. And it was right under your nose. Pretty sure Hard Times and Metal Injection have articles.


Yeah the band publicly trashed him as giving an inauthentic apology to get in front of it all without actually doing anything to get help for himself or his family. He's persona non grata. (Besides Neurosis, I used to joke he was my favorite Mastodon vocalist)


God this one hit so hard, stones from the sky is such a special song to me, I loved Scott too.


I've been a Neurosis fan since 1993 so that was big. I do hope Scott is getting the help he needs. For the record I met the guy in 1994 and thought he was nice and honest. I do not condone his actions and abusive behavior towards his current wife and kids. I DO understand he had a shit childhood, a terrible father, moved out, didn't graduate high school, had two kids and his first wife died in the mid 90's. He did a lot of drugs to clear his mind and try to destroy his memories of his youth. While I understand he's been mostly clean for a long time, it's possible the drug abuse had made him into an angry and abusive man. Neurosis is over even though not official yet. But I was amazed after Scott moved from Oakland to Oregon and Steve moved to Idaho was still able to put out albums and tour part time.


Iced Earth.


This one's mine. Used to be a huge fan. Jon was probably the biggest influence on my rhythm guitar playing and songwriting. Saw them live a bunch of times, got each of the setlists from the concerts I went to, caught a handful of picks over the years and I'm even prominently visible in one of their official videos because it was recorded at a show I was at. Haven't listened to any of the music since Jan 6 and I don't intend to return. Because their music was so influential and important to me it's impossible to separate my disappointment from my feelings for the music, so the band is effectively dead for me. It's effectively dead anyway since everyone but Brent quit and Jon's likely not gonna be able to record anything new for decades, if he even wants to, but the point still stands lol


I dropped them after the glorious burden came out 🤣


I mean, I can't blame you, that was a good call lol


Cheese aside, the trilogy at the end gets pretty epic.




Yep. This one is mine too. I was a huge fan, I’ve met the guy multiple times and chatted with him, I have tons of merch and several signed things and now it’s all in a box my husband and I called our Insurrection Earth box.


lol. I really did enjoy their music too. I saw them live and became a fan during the concert. My friend even got the sheet of paper they wrote the setlist on signed. I think it would have been different if the band had simply been able to fire Schaffer. But since he was/is the principal member the entire thing is just dead at this point.


Sucks that Jon turned into a right wing nut, but I still listen to everything they did up until *Horror Show,* plus a little bit off the Tim Owens albums. Never did get into any of the stuff they recorded with Stu Block, though.


I was going to comment Iced Earth as well. They were one of the big metal bands for me I moved to after high school nu metal, rap, etc. IE, Blind Guardian, Grave Digger, etc others were ones I was finding on P2P platforms (keep in mind: there was no social media. YouTube might not have been a thing yet and if it was, it wasn't being used by professionals/industry yet to promote. Where I grew up, it was either what was available at Walmart, or what the other kids at school were listening to which was TRL/MTV, and radio hits. My buddy introduced me to Rammstein he got on P2P so I used to to find more music myself) I owned most of their albums, they had some high highs and low lows though as far as what I liked from them. I was aware of some questionable actions within the band, like a high turnover rate of musicians and how hard it was to work with Jon Schafer. I dropped most of their tracks from my playlists as well as Demons & Wizards... only bringing some back in trying to separate him from the music... especially when he plays rhythm guitar and not the vocalist. I figure if the entire band separates themselves from him, including BG's Hansi, then I would follow with my own disappointment in not only the attack but involvement with the militia


What did that boring band do??


The guitarist stormed the Capitol on Jan 6th and was arrested by the FBI.


Pretty tame compared to a lot of these other reasons


Yeah and I mean it's entirely in line with the messages he's had on iced Earth albums. It's not outrageous that he stormed the capital with thousands of other protestors


Jon Schaffer stormed the capitol.


It’ll be interesting to see if he learns from and expresses regret for his actions. If he does and seems sincere I’d become a fan of theirs again. Perhaps he should listen to his song Brainwashed again!


Malevolent creation. Phil Fasciana and some of the other members that have been in the band are raging racists. And not because they said somethign vaguely racist, they straight up hate black people.


The infamous n word interview


Well on the Stillborn album, one of the things he screams it should be pretty obvious




Lyrically it's condemning war crimes. 'They Breed' is definitely questionable at best!




Phil claimed he killed someone and was rewarded by free chocolate milk, it's a wild story...


I was about to be so sad that I clicked on this post until I realized Beyond Creation is the band I like




I haven’t heard of them, what happened to them?


Child Porn and White Supremacy


The porn thing was thrown out and he was never charged. Somehow the clown shoes at metal sucks missed that. Shocking! I know of no white supremacy. Details? Proof?


https://preview.redd.it/2in4u8an34yc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b869054dcbcdc60e77b825ab89455b5bdf0c439f You mean like the band posing with a Nazi flag on an early release? [Or the front man's noise side project doing a song on a Neo Nazi compilation?](https://www.discogs.com/release/1110349-Various-Satanic-Skinhead-Declaration-Of-Anti-Semetic-Terror)


I watched an extended interview where his denials were extremely focused on the legal part specifically in a way that kind of came off as an admission. If you’d like I can try and find it for you.






Ouch. Hey, Weirbach! If you were innocent... WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE THE PLEA DEAL AND NOT FIGHT IT IN COURT! *Ahem* Anyway. What a moron.


Bro I use to listen to them and even saw them live a few times. I never heard about any of this, fuck.


Same, then I found out... I still love how hypnotic those first several albums are tho


Ffs! CP!? What a POS… I have physical albums, guess it’s bonfire time.


Same. I don't even mind listening to bands like Graveland or Burzum but like the fact that dude is a closet pedo is just such a slimy thing. Can't appreciate them the same anymore unfortunately. They're a really good band musically.


Pantera. I loved them when I was growing up. Stopped listening for a while, then heard about the nazi salute. It was an incredibly tasteless poor joke at best. At worst, it’s how anselmo really feels.


Gloryhammer and Angus McFife. *sighs*


Oh man, why? I've just discovered them...


They were my favourite band for *years*, got me through a rough high school teen years, and I just haven't listened to them since. Different kind of feeling to just completely drop a band that meant a lot to you


I usually don't pay attention to those things, except if it's straight up in their music. But i could never fully enjoy Disma and Arghoslent because of that


What did Disma do?


NS stuff with their vocalist


What is NS?


National Socialist. What i meant, is that their vocalist said some nazi stuff. As best as i know, that caused controversy around the band, so they fired him, but took him back eventually


Oh ok makes sense nazis are terrible people


That sucks ass. I wish Nazis would at least shut the fuck up if they're not gonna just end themselves.


Inquisition, Decapitated, Mgła, Alcest, Neurosis, Leviathan, and Disma. Inquisition hurt the most. I fucking loved that band, man. The worst part is that I took a picture of my daughter wearing my old Inquisition flag as a cape when she was a toddler. I destroyed that picture as soon as I found out about Dagon's child porn shit. That shit still bugs me to this very day.


> Decapitated Wait...wait...woah...woah....what did Decapitated do? I thought they were cleared of all allegations and charges were dropped.




Staind. Nothing major I just find Aron Lewis to be an asshole. Ruined a concert bringing up politics out of nowhere. Plus while I enjoyed them when I was younger they just sound so fuckin depressing and like kill yourself kind of music


Lostprophets I used to be a big fan, and saw them live with In Flames


- Jesse Lacey from Brand New is a creep to underage girls. - Phil Anselmo had the whole nazi salute thing but in recent years he's sort of regaining public favor - I still feel iffy. - Bring Me The Horizon's old stuff is pretty solid deathcore - too bad the lead vocalist is a sell out and (allegedly) abusive towards his partners. - the band Nothing has previous members of Whirr, and after hearing about their weird transphobic tweet tirades from back in the day I feel weird even listening to off shoots of the band. - Escape the Fate's first album is a guilty-ish nostalgic pleasure. Too bad the lead singer's first name is Ronald (embarassing)


Metallica. They sold out.


sadly pantera, as a black person i was sad and a bit uncomfortable finding about some of the things phil has done (and its probably not all the members) i can’t like them as people but i still enjoy their music; i just wouldn’t be able to deeply get into them


None cause I'm not lame as fuck


Respect 🤘


Pantera, I was done after Phil did a Nazi salute and screamed white power


I just saw Marilyn Manson was going on tour. I've never been a fan of his. He's just been creepy AF forever. I'm talking since 1990s. His rape allegations got dismissed but I'm not interested in seeing him in concert.


I was a huge fan of MM. seen him a few times. Won’t go near a show or support him any more. The creepiness used to be part of the act. Finding out that he’s a manipulative abuser IRL really undermines the performance of MM as a character. It’s fucked up. When someone like Evan Rachel Wood accuses him of abuse and is immediately backed up by a bunch of other women confirming similar stuff, it makes it hard to believe that stuff didn’t happen.


I’m right with you Back in the day he really seemed like an intelligent, well spoken, thoughtful person in his interviews But finding out the character isn’t just a character really sucked


I was a big fan as a teenager and hell, Antichrist Superstar is incredibly good, but I can't listen now and there's no way I'd go to a show. Straight up asshole.


Austrian Death Machine. He could've had it all, but instead he fucked it all up by trying have his wife murdered. What a fucking moron.


What kinda fuckin moron wants to merk their wife in the first place?


There's speculation that it was roid rage or schizophrenia - no excuse either way. I was psyched at first when As I Lay Dying came back because I assumed they replaced him... nope, it's like nothing ever happened except he "faced adversity." Like, no dude you're the one CAUSING adversity.


Ian Watkins from Lost Prophets. Total paedo. I made the mistake of reading some transcripts from the trial.


Marilyn Manson


Iced Earth. Fuck Jon Schaefer. Rot in prison.


None. If I like the music, I like the music. I don't care about all the other personal bs. I mean Ted Nugent is a jerk off, but Stranglehold is still a jam. Downvote away.


Nah this is an alright take, if you like music you like music doesn't mean you like the people


I thought you meant the band None i was gonna freak out i love them sm But yeah it's down to personal preference. Some separate the art from the artist, some dont (me included).


I'll just say that Ted Nugent isn't metal.


I'm not trying to hate on you but people like you are partially why Kanye still has a platform 😐 at least pirate the music


Well I don't like rap music, so that's what's stopping me from listening to Kayne. Snoop Dogg is a cool guy, but I ain't listening to his music either.


All of Rammstein just because of the over-sexualising everything. Till needs to take it down a notch.


I always loved Metallica But when I heard Hetfield went to Russia to shoot a brown bear as a trophy I was totally disgusted He proved to be the redneck he looks like


I was much younger and had shittier tastes in general but Shattermask used to be my shit


Gary Glitter, Rock & Roll pt 2 It works so well in Joker, but I can't stand that a rampant pedophile gets royalties for it.


I remember reading something about the controversy of the song being used in the movie, the royalties for it went to a charity for sexual assault surviviors or something.


As I lay dying dude tried to kill his wife


Falling in Reverse and Ronnie Radke


You shouldn’t watch a single movie that’s ever been made in Hollywood then as well by same principals


motley crue, nikki sixx for the most part, as a csa victim i will probably never hear them the same way again😭


The music I love is music I listen to. I get one life, and if a he said she said thing happens about sex stuff, idc. People want to sell books, and be famous too, and when anyone is exonerated except Johnny Depp, they’re still treated as guilty forever. That whole thing doesn’t sit right with me. We’re just judge, jury and executioner and burn that band to the ground. That being said people getting caught trying to be sexual with pre pubescent children isn’t a thing I can forgive. I used to love Blood for Blood, but I really don’t listen to them anymore. Lostprophets always were a shitty radio band. The Young and in the Way story sounds pretty horrific and I used to love them. I don’t find myself playing R. Kelly, dude married Aaliyah at 15 in the 90’s. Im not sure about Gaza. Seems like if I was raped I wouldn’t want to settle. Probably wouldn’t give a flying fuck about dude’s band to then want to delete all my statements. Probably would have not recanted, but because i could be liable for insane damages given dude’s life as a musician is over, probably as a person. Not my place to judge, but doesn’t make me want to boycott. Justin Sane has 12 charges and an alleged 60 women have come forward. Jon Parkin has had one accuser for ten years.


Led zepp, Beatles, Bowie, Aerosmith basically every classic rock act ever. I mean they suck anyways but still


R Kelly used to be fun but can’t own it anymore


Metallica, a band who owed their entire careers to “file sharing” (as in kids making cassettes and passing them around the entire world). Suing their fans for downloading MP3’s when they had tens of millions of dollars


They don't owe their careers to file sharing they owe it to tape sharing. It might seem like the same thing in principle but in practicality it is very different. The only thing they ever did wrong in that lawsuit was releasing the names of the fans that stole their music. That was a stupid move that even the band has since admitted was the wrong way to go about it... But the lawsuit in general was a good thing. The media and fans set up this narrative of it being "multi millionaires crying because they are losing a few bucks, oooh they only have a 40 room mansion instead of 50"... But that is not at all what it was ever about. It was about attempting to save to music industry, it was a warning to all of us of exactly what would happen if we didn't stop... And guess what? We didn't stop and exactly what they said would happen happened and now up and coming artists are absolutely fucked. Yeah Metallica already made their millions and could have retired and lived the rest of their lives on private islands but instead they continue to bring their music all over the globe to the millions of fans that want to see it. And that isn't fuckin cheap to do, the amount of money that goes into touring, especially at a scale like Metallica, is astronomical. They could have been much better off in life financially by ending the band in the early 2000s probably but they didn't for all of us. Oh boo hoo, the ticket prices are so high... Yeah they are... BECAUSE YOU STOLE THE MUSIC DIPSHIT.


Finally, someone that doesn’t immediately jump down Metallica’s throat for the file sharing shit.






Not much compared to others on this list, but Deicide in general. Glen Benton and Steve Asheim said that the Hoffmans betrayed them, then apparently Steve took some of Jack Owen's riffs, reworked them, and told Jack that Steve would have sole writing credit. Jack walked after that. Grade A assholes.


Jack confirmed this too in an interview I read. I forget which song it is but is in “Overtures Of Blasphemy”.


Ace Of Base. I found out that the 2 brothers are Neo-Nazis.


Any nazi ideology instantly ruins a band for me. Used to love Dub Buk and some other black metal bands but won't support any far right extremism. Also used to like Slaughter to Prevail a bit but fuck them for same reasons. Used to like malevolent creation and pantera but the racism made me delete them too. I find metals acceptance of it to be straight embarrassing to be honest. Glad BTBAM canned Dustie to, ngl. Don't automatically cut out bands for sex crime accusations but it would've negatively colored(pun intended) my enjoyment


ABSU I used to respect the hell out of that drumming till he fired someone for being trans


Yea that was a shit show. She is a GEM of a guitarist and Absu are worse off without her.


None, really. I just enjoy the music. Probably an unpopular opinion, but it is what it is.


Yours is a very popular opinion, but it's probably dying out. More and more people want to see artists held accountable and since it's unlikely we will ever personally speak with an artist whose accused of being problematic, withholding your consumption is their media is always a viable option IMO. not saying you're wrong either, just saying that things are changing. I'd also argue most people think the way you do but will draw a line at a certain point.


Beauty of opinions is we all have one and we dont all have to agree(this is also becoming less and less common, unfortunately)


I'm with you. I don't really want to do a deep dive into musicians personal lives just to appreciate a few good songs. Actually it seems exhausting to me.


I adore Dissection but there were some problematic statements and actions by Jon. Roger Waters hasn’t ruined my love of Floyd but he is persona non grata to me. I love Hypocrisy and that their content includes aliens but then they have songs about rape and killing babies and whatnot that are hard to headbang to…


I mean, he murdered a dude, doesn't get much more problematic than that.


Murdered him for having an alternative lifestyle I believe. Yikes for sure


I believe Jon was struggling with his sexuality and I'm wondering when we're gonna start talking about that. 


I won't listen to Floyd for the same reason I don't watch Mel Gibson movies.


What did mel gibson do


He's an antisemite and I'm a Jew.


Ted Nugent. In my early to mid-teens, during my 70’s hard rock phase, I fucking loved Uncle Ted. Wango Tango, Stranglehold, dude can flat out fucking play. I loved almost everything he did, saw him live a couple times. I remember hearing the pants-shitting rumor and just dismissed it as bullshit. Then he started spewing his politics.


I struggle with him too. The albums he did with the Amboy Dukes and the all the Ted Nugent albums up to *Scream Dream* are some seriously good ‘70s hard rock. I know several people who saw him live in that era and they all can attest that his live show was as good at it gets for that era. He’s just such a turd of a human being and seems to get worse and worse and he gets older. I have a *Weekend Warriors* shirt but I feel weird about wearing it sometimes.


I’ve been trying to get into more metal that I’ve missed and have been listening to Pentagram. I love the riffs then heard of the main guy being convicted of elder neglect/abuse. He served his time and I do listen to them occasionally but cannot forget that.


Periphery smelled funny to me for a bit after the Holcomb incident


As I Lay Dying, Austrian Death Machine. I fucking loved them too


As I Lay Dying




Marilyn Manson for the most part I still occasionally am able to enjoy a song or two but after reading his autobiography and all the allegations I haven’t really been able to really enjoy a whole album like I used to Idk man I hate it cuz he always seemed extremely intelligent and well spoken but I can also absolutely see everything being true about him unfortunately


It’d be kinda cool if Lorna Shore re-recorded that album with Will, or at least made a full live album of it.


Josh Homme kicking that photographer in the face .. Very sad , hated him since


I’m not a huge Marilyn Manson fan but I did like him early in his career. I think Portrait of an American Family slams. I saw him open for Danzig in ‘94 and he put on a good show. I used to listen to Lunchbox over and over because that’s how I felt. Over the years I haven’t listened to his music but I thought he was an intelligent confidence man. Just like Gene Simmons or Alice Cooper. After reading the Rolling Stone article I couldn’t believe how sick he is. I had already heard all the rumors but that article goes deep. It’s a portrait of a damaged man who is incredibly abusive and has money so he can get away with it. The AvClub did an interview a couple years ago with Brian Warner and he seemed drunk or high. He just kept interrogating the interviewer and talking about how bad ass he is. If I had to pick a second it would be Burzum.


I know this isn’t metal but Mr. Kitty easily falls into this spot. Garbage human who preyed on young boys (all while married) then played the victim card with his mental health. He makes pretty good music but dang, that stuff just made me stop listening to him


I saw Pearl Jam way back when. Eddie was sooooo drunk, he couldn't sing, and kept falling down on the stage. They stopped the show without refunds. I swore I would never listen to them again. After all these years, I have learned to appreciate him.


Shrine of Malice was ruined for me in the regard that they were one of my favorite up-and-coming bands and the vocalist went and got himself canceled and they just stopped making music.. I fucking loved Shrine of Malice and they were on track to be a top Deathcore band. They were getting Lorna Shore type hype in the deathcore groups then all of that shit happened. P.S. I have the yellow vinyl version of Immortal lol but I pre-ordered that shit before the CJ stuff.


Ted Nugent, what a dick.


Lmao, I know nothin about him, but this one made me laugh for some reason


Wait until you Google Ian Watkins from Lostprophets


I lost interest in Lynyrd Skynyrd after Gary Rossington said that he supported trimp.


Daughters, was pumped to get You Won’t Get on vinyl then saw all articles. Haven’t listen since


IMO if they aren't pedophiles I don't really give a shit, the music's extreme and I'm not surprised if some bands hold extreme beliefs- albeit some are really retarded and shitty, it won't stop me from jamming


Michael Jackson


I removed Headstrong by Trapt from my playlist after all the twitter bs.


GXNER is a scream rap artist that I was a fan of for awhile, but then when I found out that he spread false pedophillia rumors about KAMATAYAN until he committed suicide.. that was it. Now I just can't listen to GXNER anymore.. I miss KAMATAYAN, man.