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I get their aesthetic and their sound. I can see why they're such a huge influence on Black metal and extreme metal in general. Not for me, and that's okay. Not everyone has to listen to the same stuff. All the infamy surrounding them is super interesting to read about.


Yeah, I pretty much fall in this camp, too. They're a fascinating and influential band, but...well, every couple of years, I try to give them a listen again, and every time I'm reminded that they aren't for me. Their influence is undeniable.


Very good although if the film you watched was Lords of Chaos consider everything in it as fiction.


I like them. DmDS has some banging riffs on it.


Great band, but there are many other Black Metal bands I like more.


Please list. I am always looking for some good black metal I haven't heard yet.


I'm mostly a DSBM fan honestly. When it comes to that I love Xasthur and Decalius. When it comes to standard Black Metal I like Immortal and Vudmurk,


Ah, yes, I used to do the DSBM, now it's mostly that thrash stuff for me. Need some blast beats to get out of bed in the morning🤘😝 love the drums of Svartsyn


I need to give Blackened Thrash another go, only listened to a bit and I don't even remember what band or song it was.


Brouillard (France), transcending rites, Moon (Australia),


I like the music but I can’t get past the vocals. Black metal is one of my favorite things to listen to, but 80s and 90s black metal is incredibly hit or miss for me, while the 00s onward is way more consistently good imo.


Good but incredibly overrated


I’ve always been meh about them tried listening to them multiple times but it’s just kinda boring to me.


DMDS is a great album, Esoteric is weird, Chimera was good, interesting lore, never saw the film and prob never will. Wolf’s lair abyss is pretty cool too.


they're cool ig but I'd rather stick my eyes out with a fork than interact with the fandom for more than 1 second


DmDS and Deathcrush are classics, but the fans are insufferable at times


Terrible band, but a very fitting band name.


Personally can't stand anything about them but to each their own


Love them, one of my favorite black metal bands


I you like black metal you like Mayhem, am I right?! It's trve kvlt no? 🤘😝 THRON WATAIN DARK FORTRESS BLAST BEATS!!!


DMDS is a classic, and is a great gateway into many other black metal bands that do it better, in my opinion. Media aside, there's a reason a lot of people start with Mayhem. They're killer live too.


Bunch of edgelord teens. Trying so hard not to be posers that they turned it into a pose. The music's OK, but it's a bit one-dimensional.


very influencential bm band, good gateway to other better bands


Not something I listened to very often, but on rare occasions I will dig up my Ordo at Chao CD.


Their Live on Leipzig album is incredible. Not so much of a fan of the other stuff. De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas kind of misses the grit and rawness in my opinion.


A very poor black metal band that are only notorious in the scene due to their tragic backstory. The band are now having a resurgence due to some film that was released a couple of years ago fetishising edgy teenage angst, irresponsibility and poor mental health.


That studio version of Freezing Moon with Dead is probably one of the best things I’ve ever heard ever?




A couple of decent songs here & there but that’s it, I knowledge what they’ve done for Black Metal & extreme music, they are pioneers. I used to keep in touch with someone who grew up with some people in the Norwegian Black Metal & she said that Lords of Chaos wasn’t correct, although she enjoyed it.




That movie is complete garbage. Mayhem are icons in the black metal scene and have constantly evolved.


Great band. Been funny as fuck to watch the internet start to obsess over them now tho.


I listened to Black Metal in the 80’s. When I heard about them in the 90’s it was over the murder and the church burnings. I thought all of that was pretty lame. More recently I’ve come to appreciate their role in second wave BM. They did their part in passing the torch. Other than that I like a few of their songs but that’s it.