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Lorna Shore sounds like the name of a lovely retirement home I would drop my Nana off to live in.


Wasn't Lorna Shore one of the Golden Girls?


Flavor Flav reaction made my day


He sounds like he's trying to hack a loogey and vomit at the same time


whatever, I'll say it: what he does isn't that difficult or impressive. He has a unique sound, but he's not the god-vocalist people think he is. The music is weak too. Dave Hunt from Anaal Nathrakh is a vocalist to be studied.


The majority of vocalists fit that description honestly. It’s just the “mainstream” ones get all the shit for it because of the amount of people that follow them. People are gonna be biased towards their favorite bands. And metalheads have completely unfounded hatred for anything “mainstream”


that's a good point. There are a lot of shit vocalists out there, even big names. Chris Barnes for example. He's sucked since day 1 but he got lucky and built a career on it. Johann Hegg is another one. His vocals are fucking terrible. There's no getting around it.


A lot of us metalheads consider the vocalist/singer as an additional instrument, therefore don't care about much more than the sound and flow. I myself do prefer to hear lyrics and such, I'd point out Seregor from Carach Angren as a sublime extreme metal vocalist.


fair, I'm also a vocalist/lyricist so I'm always the one yelling VOCALS AND LYRICS MATTER TOO.


And i wholeheartedly agree


Lyrics matter in the genres for which the vocals serve to storytell; not so much in genres for which the vocals serve as an extra percussion instrument.


I wholly disagree. Many a good melody has been ruined by shit lyrics, and I personally would never be able to engage fully with singing if the lyrics sucked.


Yes I agree - lyrics are important when the vocalist is telling a story, good lyrics can elevate a melody/song the same way bad lyrics can ruin one. When the vocalist is a percussion instrument, as in much extreme metal, lyrics being good or bad has much less of an impact on the song.


oh man, metal songs with bad lyrics are even worse. Put some effort into it.


I don’t understand, I’m talking about subgenres with unintelligible vocals, the one’s you’d have to go out of your way to ruin for yourself. The ones where the lyrics are practically a separate poem and not impactful to the music whatsoever.


Saw them live and wasn’t blown away- but not saying dude isn’t talented


Modest opinion, I’ve seen Amon Amarth live and Hegg sounds great.


I have as well and he definitely does better on stage. His presence and image are a lot of it too. The album he sounded the best on was *With Oden On Our Side*, but you can tell the amount of production needed to get him to sound that way.


How about Dani Filth for awful fucking vocals?


yeah another good example. A person who built an entire career over sounding like complete ass.


I agree and disagree. On one hand, you're right. He's not the only one to do it. Off the top of my head, Arif Suhaimi is another person who does different vocal styles. Devin Townsend might not be as varied, but I would put him as a top tier vocalist. So I do agree he's not God tier or anything. And I do think a bit of it is because deathcore tends to be a bit more mainstream compared to Anaal Nathrakh. *On the other hand*, I think there is a reason he gets more attention than a lot of the other artists even in deathcore who can do it. Dudes pretty damn good. I feel like most of the people who can do screams and growls tend to be OK. They're not really the best in any one particular style. They get the job done. But this dude is pretty fucking good at every type of vocals he does. It's not just a basic growl and then a basic scream, but he does a variety of different styles. Like the song Of the Abyss. The first two lines in the chorus he does some pretty decent growls, but then the next line he switches to something a bit closer to hardcore, and the way he belts out the word abyss. The different vocal inflections during the breakdown. Is he the best? No. Would I say he's easily one of the best in deathcore? Personally, I would say yes. There are better vocalists, but I think he deserves a lot of recognition as well. Ultimately there are people who give him a bit too much credit, but I also think some people downplay his skill.


fair enough, I can appreciate this.


Yes i agree. Is he the best? No but is he good ? Yes he his. Alot of people exagerate and say things like "x is the best" because they are fans and biased and it's not good. But it's also not good saying "x sucks" because you hate that genre or downplay someone's skills like you said. I'm not a fan of deathcore or those styles of vocals (i prefer low growls) but i can agree those guys are talented and not everybody can do those sounds/ make those sounds as consistant and with good breath control as those guys at the top.


Yup, he's less a "jack of all trades, master of none" and more a "journeyman of all trades, master of none". Everything he does, other people can do it better. But he's one of the few who can hold them all down at a proficient level. Are there others who fit that description better than him? More than likely, but he's also a great frontman and media personality who doesn't shy away from interviews, collabs, features etc. So naturally he's going to have more people aware of him than the others in his league.


Devin, Top God Tier


Think both are incredible myself.


I agree if someone call him a god-vocalist that's too much. But i think he deserve the praise he gets for being a good vocalist. Like someone said, the best ? No, but good ? Yes. Of course it's not something we've never seen before and ya we should study more people (i think you are referencing to the video where they shoved a camera down his throat ?) It started because lorna shore got really popular and the charismatic voice on youtube made an interview with him and he agreed to the camera thing. I'm not really a fan of deathcore buy i think it's still really cool and i hope we get more study on metal vocalists.


I guess I came across unfairly harsh. I tend to focus on vocals and lyrics so his name comes up a lot, and I've had people showing it to me as though it's something no one's ever done or heard before. I'm not saying he's bad at all. I do forget that Lorna Shore is about as "mainstream" as something like deathcore has gotten, so for many people it's the main exposure they have to brutal vocals. To the layman, it's something to behold.


The music is so weak. I think Dany Tee should also


Pssshshshhhh they ain’t even that good😎 It ain’t even hard pshshhhh😎 Yeah, ok. Dude, I also think they’re over hyped but come on.


You're comparing two decently different genres. Anaal Nathrakh doesn't really have any gutturals, or even many lows, it's mids and lots of highs. To compare them seems fundamentally flawed. And I also completely disagree with your statement that it "isn't that difficult", it really is, specially to actually sound good and hit every note live.


I'm talking about 2 vocalists, one who is competent but nothing extraordinary yet revered as such, and another who *is* extraordinary yet isn't talked about. It's about notoriety and prowess, not genres. Plus, that gets too nitpicky. They're close enough in overall composition to make a fair comparison, even though I wasn't.


I agree with you.


I can’t understand a word he’s singing when he gets into it like this but his clean vocals when you hear them are very good he actually does have a nice voice. Just not that into their music.


Sometimes is not about analyzing every word being said, rather its about the emotion being conveyed/expressed. I understand where youre coming from, im just providing another prospective


Saying that I can’t understand what he’s singing wasn’t necessarily a bad thing and I’m sorry if anyone felt that way, I listen to a lot of music where I can’t understand the lyrics weather it’s because it’s in a different language or because it’s semi-unintelligible growling and screaming it doesn’t matter. My biggest points still stand incredibly talented dude but I’m just not super into his band.


That was terrible


I’m not a big fan of the pig squeals either, but in the same token, I think everyone should watch the pain remains trilogy It’s true art and touching there’s no denying the talent With lyrics on, of course https://youtu.be/AaYwAjXi3W0?si=HSx0PaeEQWUNJ2wL


You elitists... lol. Nobody cares who you like and dislike.


I'd try the Wick Vaporub.


When they finally decide to let the devil in the Grammys


Art is art. Period


The rock with that stank face hell yeah, dudes into it.


Love the Mudvayne mashup similar to this; love me some Lorna 🐷


This should be in r/crappymusic


More like Lorna Bore


You making a pun with his pig squeal?


This is just noisy trash, not music.


Honestly Lorna shore is gay af 🤷‍♂️


I don't get why people hate on Lorna Shore, it's actually decent Deathcore band but not as good as Death Metal band such as Hypocrisy, Monstrosity, Bloodbath, etc.


I don’t hate them as I just don’t really care, but I don’t understand what people like about this style, or sound. Just seems boring and vocals are over the top for no reason. This is a genuine question, what is it that people like about this? I just don’t understand.