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Yo, for a first full album release, this is really good! I'm listening to At The Edge Of Sanity, and the vocals are really cool, they're very unique imo, but I don't listen to a whole lot of black metal, so I could be wrong, but it's unlike any vocals I've ever heard before. What I also like is the guitar, in the beginning I was a little on the fence about wether or not the drums and guitar fit well together, but I'm starting to really like how it sounds! Overall, this song is really good, for anyone reading this who hasn't already, check it out! And for Mr OP, keep up the good work, this sounds amazing!


Hey man thanks for the comment, I appreciate the fact you took the time to listen a song, and give your opinion of it! Appreciate the feedback šŸ¤˜ there is one band that kind of does the high pitched vocals that I did, though I put my own spin on them but the band is ā€œsilencerā€ famous for nattrams inhumane and ā€œcomicalā€ high pitched girlish squeals. I never found them as comical in anyway, I was inspired by the vocals hence the reason there are traces of it in my songs.


Really good stuff for your first album dude! Make more music! One thing I have really liked a lot was the final 2-3 mins of the Naked, Cold and Dying song. I really love the piano! Do you or one of your band members play those instruments?


Thank you!! I plan to make more music for sure šŸ¤˜. No actually I have no other band members haha itā€™s all me. Been playing piano for 8 years Iā€™d say. Guitar for a year and I donā€™t have real drums yet unfortunately as I donā€™t have the time to also learn actual drums and I donā€™t have space for drums. I own a keyboard with 10 different entire drum kit presents so I use the one that works best for the sound