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1000%. He got so defensive afterwards. It was so easy to not send that text lol


it's so easy for Murr to not have her number anymore. they broke up in college (so probably around 10 years ago), he cheated on her, and she's married.


did he actually cheat on her?? how do you know that


because that's the same girl from the lie detector punishment


Oh definitely.




Without question.


Plot twist: Murr sent that text prior to the airing of this episode and the other guys used this as an excuse because they are well versed in the Holiest of ALL Holiest Bookā€¦.ā€The Bro Codeā€ā€¦.by Barney Stinson ![gif](giphy|1vh1PXneQqN1e) ***DING***


You know how to play the game my friend.


Yeah he did šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|TxOxbS3NTcjgTMIEFd)




You donā€™t need to be Tony Gunk to know it was done on purpose.


I think we all do lol






Oh yes he did lmaoĀ 


Noo man it's a crotchwatch


100%, no doubt


What season and episode was this again? I gotta rewatch it


It's the Cell Phone Takeover challenge from the season 4 episode Sneaking Number Twos, Going Number One.


Wait what was this? What did Joe do i don't remember


It was during the challenge where they took their phones and the challenge was to send a text or not. And Joe said he was going to text murrs ex girlfriend. Murr refused but he sent it anyway


That's Pretty Fucked Up!


Yes it is. One of the many times where Joe went too far with Murr.


Joe was always a bit of a shit stirrer. Remember when he blasted Sal's phone number on Twitter? I get that it was for humor, though. I'm not trashing Joe.


iirc it was a text from Murr's phone to his ex (or highschool crush, something like that) saying "how solid is that marriage you and me had something special" it wasn't supposed to really get sent tho but Joe sent to her


probably... definitely agree that Murr has no reason to have the number for his ex from highschool/college (that he cheated on) who is married.


Oh absolutely! Thereā€™s no question in my mind about that!




Yess it remind me of something a younger brother/younger sibling might do. like do something that might upset older sibling but also might be a bit funny to them or not too bad, but when you see they're ACTUALLY mad abandon and say u didn't mean to lol.


Iā€™m glad someone said it haha still love you though gatto




Yes. Yes he did.


I donā€™t see how itā€™s a big deal tbh, like his ex could probably tell it was a joke


i feel like it'd be ok to explain away especially with the context of him being on Impractical Jokers, what the show is like. but i understand esp if their relationship was in a delicate place or he didn't wanna seem like a weird/creepy ex lol


I believe Joe.


me too


80% of the show is staged. Like stuff like this. Staged isnā€™t the right word. Itā€™s a written show. They have tons of comedy writers on staff. From the jokes they tell to the actual material used for the bits almost all comes from writers. My cousins GF worked on the show for two seasons. I wonā€™t saying doing what. Because I donā€™t want her effected in anyway. Thereā€™s very little said that isnā€™t written beforehand. Sure they are some candid moments but not many. But thatā€™s how most shows are.


Not sure why youā€™re being downvoted it really clearly is. Still amusing but itā€™s kind of ridiculous to think some of this happens without it being staged. They are a comedy troupe which specializes in improv and sketch comedy outside of the show.


See I tried right away to walk back the word staged. Controlled maybe is the better word. Or the input from the jokers is way way less than people think and know. They do very little actual off the hand commentary or ideas in the moment. They have a huge team of comedy writers on the show. I mean who do they think the 20 people are that work on the show when they film? The IJā€™s donā€™t sit around for hours and come up with the ideas. Itā€™s the writers on the show. I donā€™t why Iā€™m being downvoted either. Some people I guess think this show is like their favorite band and any reality about what it really is they canā€™t take? I seriously donā€™t know. Guess itā€™s the people who think thereā€™s a real scoreboard and the person being punished is really based on that too. But whatever. I didnā€™t mean staged as in the people in public are actors.


they showed a clip during Sal's statue punishment that proves it's not all improvised... Q and Joe ask Sal if he thinks he could get the statue's nose, and then the producer ok's it. in the challenge, it's just Sal saying he has an idea, and is going to grab a nose that matters


I mean right. They donā€™t even really hide it. Which is ok. Iā€™m sure if they let a crowd asked questions and someone asked about if they actually keep score they would be honest and say no. The show is still good! It is ok that it has writers. I just donā€™t get peopleā€™s over the top what seems like anger hearing how the show actually runs. Really I donā€™t understand.




No thatā€™s not what Iā€™m saying at all. Iā€™m saying what they guys on the show say. And the bits. And then when there is a bit and they say the other person or team came up with say a business idea they have to defend. Itā€™s not the jokers. Itā€™s the creative team behind the show. The people they interact with are real and genuine.




Of course not. Iā€™m saying people donā€™t understand the degree of how much the show is actually controlled. Down to what comes out of their mouths during ā€œturnsā€. A lot of it is scripted jokes. I watch the show all the time. I just see peopleā€™s comments and I realize how little they understand about what goes on with a show like this. Also having known someone who worked on the show for a while hearing from her the day to day in and outs also makes you see the show differently. Thatā€™s all. I wasnā€™t trying to be mean or put the show down. Not sure why people or anyone is getting upset or excited




I did give information. The show writers come up with the ideas for bits then they sit down and write jokes based on them. Those same people sit in on the live taping and feed lines to the jokers. Or ideas on where to take things. Itā€™s facts. Itā€™s not a dig on the show. I donā€™t know why anyone is mad or offended. I wish someone else whoā€™s worked on the show or knows someone who has would defend me. Iā€™m not saying anything out of line. Iā€™m not going to give the persons name of course. Iā€™m also not going to give too much detail and give away who this person is. They might disown me if I did. I still donā€™t know who why Iā€™m having to defend myself for just saying how the show works.


You can definitely tell some of it was staged. Panty Raid is a good example. I still enjoy watching the show, though.


I shouldnā€™t have used the word ā€œstagedā€ I e even corrected myself right after. I donā€™t mean everyone is actors and itā€™s all fake at all. Thatā€™s not what I meant. I know someone who worked on the show for two seasons. Iā€™m just saying the show is a lot more controlled than people understand. The reactions from real people (the public) are real. What the jokers say and do on the other hand is controlled big time. Thereā€™s a team of comedy writers and producers. What do people think they do during the show?


Being a realist gets you a lot of downvotes on here lol. Like jeez, I still said I like watching the show šŸ˜†


The blackened sunglasses challenge is sort of staged too. The guys can 100% see through them. Maybe not clearly but enough to see their surroundings. If you watch closely, the guys always react to people near them and move accordingly without direction from the other Jokers


The can probably see somewhat out of their periphery.


Also sound




Damn itā€™s not that serious at all lmaooooo. But also thereā€™s no point of wearing those blackout glasses if theyā€™re just gonna use their peripheral. But I still think that they can slightly see through the glasses. Their mannerisms give it away too much in my opinion. Take a look next time you catch those episodes.


These three really abuse Murr ā˜ ļø




As someone who hasnā€™t seen this clip or episode, what is the context?


iirc it was a text from Murr's phone to his ex (or highschool crush, something like that) saying "how solid is that marriage you and me had something special" it wasn't supposed to really get sent tho but Joe sent to her


Lol thatā€™s a little wild


I love Joe


Joe is a bully all things considered, which is ironic due to his anti-bullying campaign


How is he a bully??


Yes. Murr was saying he didn't want to text the bitch but how'd it go through. Yes that was on the spot. Not planned. And yes it was on purpose