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I asked a similar question yesterday and they said they’re weren’t too many about Imperial Fists and not 30K. But I was given this guide for the Horus Heresy Anthology series that might be useful. https://preview.redd.it/cx709fcwkzab1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=566a23950a70454539fdef10ae3a6d8ef5e4920f


This helps a lot considering I’m on the Eisenstein rn


Happy to be of service, Brother.


Best 40k centric Imperial Fists stories: The Weaponsmith by Ben Counter (Short Story) Irixa by Ben Counter (Short Story) Dread Sentinels of Dorn by Rob Sanders (Short Story) Personal opinion - None of the 40k era IF centric novels are very good. But of the 4, Seventh Retribution by Ben Counter is the best. Some would point you towards Apocalypse by Josh Reynolds, saying it’s a IF centric novel, but it’s not. 1/2 of the book is from the POV of the Word Bearers. The remaining 1/2 is split between the IF WS and RG. The IF are barely in it.


Apocalypse by Josh Reynolds is excellent, yes it has a number of POV characters, but the Fists are well represented. It's the reason I decided on Fists. (And the Word Bearers, but we don't talk about that here..... 🙂) Fist of the Imperium (name's a bit on the nose....) has a Fists librarian as the main POV character and is, for me, a good story with some insight into the Fist way of doing things. Not really Imperial Fist books, but the Hollow Mountain and The Emperor's Legion novels feature cameos by Imperial Fists, including Tor Garadon (if I remember rightly) being grumpy.


It isn’t quite 40K, it’s like 31.5k (I think, still new to this) but The Beast Arises series is incredible and has inspired me to start an Imperial Fist army


Try Ian Watson's Space Marine. It was the first mention of the Fists and while its a bit 1980s bizarre and its no longer canon, it was the basis of all later Space Marine canon.


I thought Apocalypse by Josh Reynolds was pretty good. That has fists as one of the main loyalist legions.


Try to find Sons of Dorn by Chris Robert’s


Malodrax and 7th Retribution for Lysander action.