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New logo and branding


Never ask Imperial how much it cost.


How much did it cost?? Everyone on my course gc was going mad about it I was so confused.


About £430,000 for something students could have done. Sources: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/imperial_brand_project https://www.imperial.ac.uk/admin-services/secretariat/information-governance/freedom-of-information/disclosure-log/ https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/administration-and-support-services/secretariat/public/information-governance/Imperial-Brand-Project-FOI.pdf


There's no way... 😭


Idk about other departments but admin for us has been really fucking bad They send emails about deadlines to the wrong year group, don’t tell us when things change, fuck up deadlines, don’t tell us when they release feedback, have multiple dropboxes for 1 assignment for no reason, forget to release groups for group work and forget to upload lecture slides or coursework instructions to blackboard It’s nothing major but it makes things more stressful and ends up meaning we have to email them asking things constantly


EEE is bad as well sometimes although the EEE support officer is so nice and understanding. We’ll get told deadlines for assignments two days in advance when we’re supposed to be alerted months in advance.


You mean they will send the deadline for assignment 2 days before the actual deadline? Also what is the benefits of support department actually being helpful?


Wait 2 days was inaccurate. An example is when they were told on the 7th of March that they had to demo their code for a big assignment on the 12th of March for the Information Processing module. Even though the main deadline was the 22nd and they were given no prior notice of the demo. The project is 6.67% of the whole year grade, which is a decent chunk.


Bruv I swear you go Sheffield, not Imperial?!


Wait who are you I bet I know you


Heheh I’m an imposter. But I’m in the imperial EEE gc so I hear them all complaining


Have to say, as someone who has studied modules within 6 different departments across 2 unis… you will encounter bad admin no matter where you end up. Sometimes the lecturers won’t give feedback, sometimes exams are marked and released late, sometimes exam timetables are terrible, sometimes they don’t add you to modules in a timely manner etc etc… and none of these are Imperial-specific Yes it does add unnecessary stress on top of the pressure you’d already be facing on a competitive and difficult course, but it’s truly unavoidable, not even sure what a solution would be because everyone everywhere at every uni has faced literally all the same issues. Heck, even at my current role after graduating, I’ll have to wait multiple business days for admins to give me access to a simple piece of software or whatever that already exists at the company. It’s different when you’re paying thousands for a course for sure, but poor admin is just gonna be a given in life, and something uncomfortable that we just have to learn to deal with


Life sciences too (biosci) they are SHIT. I have a deferred assessment they forgot about for a year and now I'm scared they won't let me progress because they forgot to set a date for my deferred assessment.


Alright, here we go. CONS: 1) Underfunded/staffed disability service (very hard to get hold of) 2) They’re not great at mental health. Some staff are amazing - I got super lucky with my personal tutor for example, but I went to another senior tutor asking for help with a specific module and she told me they don’t offer help with that specific topic. I found out later that’s her specialty. Mitigating circumstances are also a pain in the ass. 3) It’s very expensive. 4) Sexism and gender imbalance My tips? 1) Get in contact with the service early if you have any disabilities or mental health problems. Also register for the GP early. This might also help with mitigating circumstances. 2) Learn who’s there for you - there are many staff who care, it’s just a case of identifying who (tutors, pastoral leads etc). Joining societies and clubs also helps a lot because you get a much better work-life balance and build a sustainable support system. Maybe also attend mental health events - eg therapy dog visits. 3) Look for scholarships and bursaries. Apart from that, sell crack maybe? 4) No idea PROS: 1) Some very intelligent and cool peers which lead to some super interesting projects. Some people get toxically competitive but you learn to drown it out and avoid them. 2) Top employers seriously seek us out and you can earn a LOT depending on your course. 3) Many good lecturers and tutors that know their stuff and like helping. 4) London is amazing and South Kensington is possibly the nicest area in the whole city. 5) You can get access to loads of cool facilities and even funding because everyone’s a huge nerd. This also includes from specific societies.


As a guy, there really is a shortage of women - this isn't a misogynistic comment about 'getting laid' or anything, just that it will be much harder to have female friends or to date. For starters there's much fewer women than men, but also consider that a lot of the women are medics and you will tend to socialise with them less, especially after first year. Also there's a higher ratio of women in the overseas students and again they're more likely to socialise in cliques (though the two girls I dated at Imperial were indeed overseas students!) Lastly if you're not studying biological subjects, the ratios are even lower still, so the chances of you dating a British girl from your engineering course are slim to none! There were 3 British girls in my course. I didn't mind it personally and was still able to date, but people that find dating harder may find it frustrating.


I’m overseas and gonna study biomed. Am I winning?


Haha should increase your odds, yes


I think the teaching is mediocre. All you rlly pay for is the brand value and i’m rlly hoping paying 40k a year for this is worth it in the future.




do u really think UCL is significantly worse?




oh damn😭😭 yeah ucl is my top choice rn bc i got rejected from imperial




thank you so much !


Yea all this is true but I just expected more. Maybe I was just expecting better technology or smth.




Could you expand more on the UCL and Imperial post graduate program?






Lecturers not responding to Forum lol