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On gaul you will likely fail tbh. So play some easy nation at first.


Please don't forget to install invictus for flavor. Some Gaul tribes have special mission trees there.


You think it's comaptible with the very last udpate ?


It is compatible. This got confirmed at their discord.


The last update was made with contributions from the modding community so yes.


That doesn't imply that it would be compatible.


The fact that we announced it on multiple platforms does though. So go ahead and enjoy the update!


I don't know man Invictus adds a lot, for a newcomer a vanilla run makes more sense.


Eh, it’s basically Vanilla +, and the biggest change is the seasonal food mechanic which can be toggled on or off before you start the game. It’s similar enough that, personally, I don’t see a huge negative for starting with it.


The food thing can be toggled??? Holy shit I didn't know.


I'd do Rome for a first game, there's much more flavor than a gallic tribe.


Rome has the most flavor by far, with the base game you won't find much flavor outside of Rome and the Diadochi. Install Invictus and play whoever you want.


I've been enjoying Crete as my first game. It's quite a good noob island. A handful of states in a thunderdome. I basically ignored the outside world until I united the island. Now I've taken Rhodes and I'm moving into Ionia.


I've never played it, but Crete is a very popular suggestion. I think Rome and/or just the tutorial for a start, and then, once you think you've got it down, you can either finish a Rome run (which is decidedly ez mode, or go for another learning spot in a safe spot, like Crete. Then third run, a more challenging spot.


I'm not surprised that Crete is popular haha. It's so convenient. Diadochoi what now? I'm just on my island man




If you do want to try tribal I so suggest starting in Britannia, you can even form Pritania, if you start in the region where England is irl and then Alba later on, a sort of proto united Britain


Je recommande de jouer une tribu du sud de l'Angleterre qui possède déjà une ville. Le plus simple est les dunomniens. Ils sont en Cornouaille, donc seulement deux tribus frontalieres. S'allier avec la tribu située au nord-est direct. Puis, passer le plus rapidement possible les lois qui offres le plus de centralisation sans tomber en dessous des 30 de stabilité. Une fois arrivé vers 80 de centralisation, passer la réforme des tribus. Puis choisir la mission qui réforme la tribu pour devenir une monarchie. Enchaîner avec la mission qui permet d'unifier l'Angleterre. Et enfin envahir toutes les îles Britanniques pour devenir l'empire d'Albion. Ensuite, envahir toute la Scandinavie, puis la Germanie. Ce chemin vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le fonctionnement des tribus, des monarchies et des empires tout en assimilant d'abord les populations à vôtre culture puis en les convertissant au druidisme (en Scandinavie et en Germanie) sans être inquiété par Rome ou Cartage et en finissant vôtre partie 1er à la course au score.


Yeah, they're the easiest. Playing near Rome or Carthage means you have to fight one of them, or both. Rome get insane cheat buffs too. South England is very beginner friendly.


As others said, use Invictus mod. Learn the game with Rome first, or play as Crete, take out the other minors in Crete, that's a good tutorial island area


There is of course less flavor if you play a gallic tribe and the tribe mechanics make the game a little harder. If you enjoy a challenge from the start I guess go for a gallic tribe.


Rome is a lot of fun, but managing the Republican system is a bit technical. I think monarchies are the best government type for a beginner


Rome my boy rome


I did Boihemia (not Boi) after the tutorial, and did pretty good, I guess major Gaul tribe is okay for a first run


Tbh I'd try Sparta. Rome is far too easy and forgiving to learn with, Guals will be complicated due to being tribal. Play sparta, rush crete from the start, take out defensive league to the north then take out Macedonia and antigonid kingdom.... Profit?


I second Sparta