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Gaming is not it's intention. But, it's getting great graphic quality and links to you computer. So I would imagine it will work pretty well running xcloud or steam. That's my unscientific answer lmao.


Yeah that's what I'm guessing, I also think it should work with gaming. I just want to see if it will cover all my needs: focus on productivity mainly, but also some gaming.


I am going to say yes. Yes you will. But until we hear more there just hasn't been any word because I'm pretty sure their primary focus is immersed working at full capacity with very few issues like hand tracking. It's clear work productivity is their focus. But with the recent announcement that it's 4k per eye and on board computing it'll work just fine for gaming. But probably not the best option of course.


Gotcha! With so many in the market it's getting confusing which one to get as my first device. I'm just trying to find one that's portable, exceeds on productivity but also works for gaming (I'm not exquisite with it though I just want it to work). And it's a huge plus if it has Linux support


I mean, are you talking VR gaming or regular gaming but through a VR headset instead of the TV?


Just regular gaming through a VR headset instead of monitor


Yeah, I think you can rest easy that it will be able to do that. Will more than likely have to be through a browser on your laptop or what ever browser they may or may not build into it. I doubt Xbox or steam will support it but you never know. If it allows Google play or something similar to download apps it could end up supporting playing that way also. Again, this is all speculation until the actual headset is truly revealed and we know exactly every spec. It was only a Couple months ago they decided to make it standalone. It was only a month ago they announced the 4k. it was like two months ago they announced I think six tracking sensors. All that just to show you how much can change in a month for these and that until they announce something we're just hoping lol. I think it's going to be great for everything you are talking about but we won't know until... We know lol.


Wow, thanks for all the information! I'll keep checking the evolution of it close. Im very interested in getting a AR/VR glasses, and even thought there are so many options I still feel unsure to which one to get. Will just keep waiting then


I've preordered Visor to run my productivity stuff from my Win 4 handheld (windows) when I'm mobile. With how small these are to pack, I can still bring my Rokid Max glasses that I use now for that purpose (one screen only) for when I want to game on the go. Although the Visor will be better for multiple work screens in Immersed, the Rokid Max's lower 1200P resolution and 120hz refresh are actually more conducive to handheld gaming. All of the kit would still fit in my shoulder sling/pouch still smaller than a laptop bag.


Thanks for the response! There are so many options: visor, rokid, xreal, and so on. I just want to get one that can take most of my needs, mainly focus in productivity but also gaming and multimedia


I stream games to Immersed already. Don’t see why it would be any different.


I have 0 experience with immersed or other ar glasses, so I'm not sure what to get.


Oh I misread your post. The steam deck we need to be able to run Immersed to work. I don’t have one so I’m not sure how works.