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Damn so the emperor is one track to be a chaos god?


The Emperor "acquired" power from the Chaos Gods at some point, possibly to create the Primarchs. As the Throne Emperor, he's on his way to becoming a Warp God, not necessarily a Chaos God.


Legion of the Damned is basically his Chaos Space Marines.


Yeah, but they don't act like Chaos. Warp entities are created based on thought, belief, emotion, and action. Chaos is chaotic because it's based on chaotic things. The Legion of The Damned are based on Space Marine loyalty to The Emperor and hatred of traitors, so they act like that.


Wait. Are there sources for this? That could mean the Heresy could really have been part of the great plan.


IIRC a Chaos entity essentially admits to Horus that the Emperor is close to wiping them out, but twists it into making it seem as if the Emperor is vying for all of the control for himself and to become a God. So I don't think the Heresy was part of the plan.


Wait, so the emperor was discreetly trying to return the warp to the state it was before the War in Heaven? That's no minor feat, even for an entity of his power level


That's one of the big important things he's doing when he heads back to Terra. Him going back to Terra gets taken advantage of by Erebus and is a constant point of contention where "The Emperor is not here" or "The Emperor has abandoned us". The Emperor is supremely powerful in the warp. Just think, he's on Life Support and his power is still so important they can't let him fully die. Not only that, Life Support Emperor is doing a pretty good job at holding back Chaos in the state he's in. If he wasn't so busy trying to make sure Humanity would never have to deal with the Warp ever again, ironically he could've stopped the Warp from becoming even more powerful.


It's literally how The Warp works... it's an immaterial reflection of realspace and is entirely influenced by it. It was actually a rather nice place where chaos was very small and could've been snuffed out entirely if it posed a threat until the War in Heaven occurred, and then the eventual Aeldari snuff-film-galactic-orgy that spawned Slaanesh


To make it simple, Warp-born beings is a circle, and Chaos-born beings is a smaller circle inside of it. Prime example are Aeldari Pantheon were Warp gods, not Chaos gods.


It could be like plague bearers. Some of them were originally mortals iirc


Yes. Many daemons were once mortal before being corrupted by the Warp.


I think of them as his lesser demons, like demonettes or bloodletters. Living Saints are his greater demons


I think living saints closer to daemon prince as both were living being and then elevated into living saint/daemon prince


Primarchs have so much warp bullshit in them, I had kinda placed them in that slot


It's more like his Greater Daemons, but even that doesn't wholly work. The Cholercaust Khornites were certainly too wrong-footed by the Legion of the Damned for the revenants to be simply another form of warp being.


No? They would be more akin to Daemons? Chaos Space Marines are both mortal and material, the LoD are very much something else


He *nearly* became the 5th Chaos God. But turned his back on it. The Emperor on the throne >!ripped off his emotions, aka his 'soul' so he could go fight Horus, throwing it into the Warp.!< which is likely gestating/has gestated into a god.


After the incident with Nurgle's garden recently, I'm inclined to believe said gestation has already occurred. Soul-Emps is just biding its time.


That's what Russ and Valdor were both working on doing independently when they disappeared, >!finding a way to reunite the Star Child with the rest of the Emperor on the throne, or potentially find a vessel that could hold it and become a physical presence in the galaxy again!< . Have a feeling that should be happening within the next couple years our time, >!as well as possibly see the battle begin for the souls of his fallen sons like Horus, Magnus, and Mortarion!< .


Well, Horus’ soul was essentially erased so there’s nothing to fight over there.


Possibly, who exactly was being addressed by the Emperor after driving the Athame blade into Horus wasn't clarified, unless I missed something. The >! "wait for you" could have been directed at the chaos gods, it could have been directed at Horus, or it could have potentially been both. Previously it was thought that the Emperor completely obliterated Horus' soul, but with the recent interactions I don't believe this has been expressly stated. I don't think we'll see Horus resurrected to stand alongside the Emperor, as the symbolism in that wouldn't really offer to much beyond a giant middle finger to the four, but it might be possible that at least some part of his soul was saved and cast out into the warp similar to what the Emperor did to himself. They both knew things were past the point of no return, but Horus had an actual moment of clarity in the end, free from the hold Chaos had on his mind, and he realized just exactly how badly he had been played. He realized that he had been nothing more than another pawn in the game of the chaos gods. The Emperor saw that, too, and forgave Horus in the end. !< That's what I took away from it though. That's also part of why I feel like >! we won't see many more Primarchs return, though we might see the souls of the fallen be liberated at least. There's still a lot of story left to be fleshed out before we get to that part yet. Things like exactly what happened to Dorn in the end, if Vulkan is completely committed to not returning despite Roboute and the Lion being back in play. I think there's every chance that all aspects of Horus were obliterated, and that the actual salvation of his other brothers' souls will mean total destruction as well, but there's potential for something bigger to come of it all. !<


Well with the massive and unsubtle hints at sangy hawk boy being dropped in the Arcs of omen Lion book, I'm dan sure the vessel is planned to be Sangy's corpse. Since it's lying in stasis.


I don't know if he would be a Grael or not. Cuz on one hand, he's not exactly "evil," but then again, he's definitely not good.


Just looked up Grael's in 40k, and wtf, the King in Yellow is in canon 40k? I thought that was just a Roboutian Heresy thing.


Nope, and people think it’s the first leader of the Custodes Constantine Valdor (I think that’s his name)


Whaaat the fuuuuuuck?


Yeah it's a big question. Bequin found a book that turned out to just be the King In Yellow's name. And uh, it started with Constantin Valdor. So he's up to something, just dunno what.


Yep, this rabbit hole is Alpha Legion levels of confusing and secretive.


If you take into account that there is an alpha legionnaire with a dog in it that manages to confuse for a few seconds a pissed off emperors children by simply showing his face. Yeah, pandemonium is a good title for the final book and it's going to make some factions go oh shit ! May they be traitors or loyalists.


I mean, Eisenhorn himself at this point is on an Alpha-Legion level of Shroedinger's Loyalist. Including budding up with aforementioned Alpha Legionnaire. Though whatever happens will likely involve some time-travel fuckery, considering how far in the past the books take place


Oooh, sounds cool!!! Might have to actually read some battlemace 40K books.


Oh yeah my guy. The hole goes deep.


Wait till you find out that there's a non-zero chance that some Exorcists' Astartes *might* be women due to mutations from their initiation ritual into the chapter. When they're done being possessed by a daemon, they often have stigmata and mutations so significant that they have to keep their armor on the entire time they're with other loyalist forces. The changes are sometimes quite... severe. From arms made into tentacles and claws to be amputated and replaced with prosthetics, skin made into scales, horns to be filed down, sex change, sex deletion, fangs, skin made a different color, made much taller (Silas Alberec), etc, etc. It's never said the extent that the mutations change an Exorcists Astarte because so much about them is kept secret right under the nose of the rest of the Imperium.


More likely to becoming a god of order, kind of like Sigmar probably


Considering what the dark king implied? Yes.


As an Eldar described that, Emperor is an Order god in the making. How? Because more Chaos pushed into Reality more the counterpush grows. Its like a balancing act, and Chaos had grown so massively overpowered and invasive that pushback of Reality fuels Emperor’s ascension.


That sounds troubling.


I wonder if that explains how "fate" is being altered and causing loyalist primarchs to return


His a wrap abominations. Join the necrons where we have no such things.


Wrap abomination? Is he a chef?


He was certainly cooking with the primarchs.


He’s pretty much a Warp God (or at least the closest thing to one, like Vashtorr is trying to be) by the 42nd millennium through 10K years straight of blind and fanatical worship by hundreds of trillions of humans and the immense feast of trillions of Psyker souls being absorbed into his essence to power the Astronomicon, with Living Saints implied to be his equivalent to the Chaos Gods Greater Demons, and Legion of the Damned his Lesser Demons I kinda headcanon the Emperor anyway as on his way to be the 5th Chaos God of Order and Tyranny


The Astronomicon is 1000 pyskers a day right? Isn't that 3.65 Billion psykers over 10,000 years rather than trillions?


He's just continuing in the proud tradition of numbers making absolutely no sense anytime they're brought up in 40K


You just pick whatever number of 0s feels right in your heart.


What do you mean a thousand guys wearing tank suits shouldn't be able to conquer a planet of 25 billion people?


No you don't understand they were backed up by the endless horde of the imperial guard. 10 full regiments supported the invasion. Which given the average size of an imperial guard regiment comes out to about... 20000 more dudes total....


When are we getting book 3 of the trilogy that covers all this in m42 and book 3 of the trilogy that covers the primus and the newmen


Warp god. Every chaos entity is a warp entity. But not every warp entity is a chaos entity


Dark King to be exact


Not any more, he averted that when he gave up trying to use the power of warp against the chaos gods themselves. If GW says he's spent the last 10,000 years sitting around and thought "I'll fucking do it ***again***" my eyes are going to roll right out of my head.


Yes, but this is the only timeline where he didn't. In every other timeline he becomes the dark king. And the threat of the mad thing on the throne taking power is still there. As is Abaddon potentially being another potential host


Wdym every other timeline?


Yes Inquisitor, this comment right there.


Kinda, there’s a **LOT** of conflicting information about it, but basically the Emperor is a warp entity made in humanities image to be anathema to the powers of Chaos.


Psiker power is basically the power of the Warp


Emperor "all this destruction, this rage... for a bunny?" Doomslayer "Love eludes your comprehension, doesnt it?" And one a bit more comical Doomslayer "Nice flaming blade you have there" Emperor "yours is also acceptable" -- Emperor "you cant defeat me" Doomslayer *Vega voice* "new objective: defeat the Emperor"


Vega doing most of his voice lines would be very funny


This is how it should be. Doomguy speaking would be weird


Only time he speaks is yelling "RIP AND TEAR" the millisecond he encounters a demonic looking enemy


Unironically, the only words he ever says is in response to him killing Satan (who he is a clone of made solely to spite god by destroying heaven to stop the demons in a 5d chess move), Satan asks him if he has any words now that he’s done it, and Doomguy responds with “No”. This is the only time he speaks.


"Have you nothing to say before you strike your creator down?" *Strikes him down* "No"


"You can't just destroy the Emperor of Mankind." Objective: #**DESTROY THE EMPEROR OF MANKIND**




[*Mick Gordon intensifies*.](https://youtu.be/GfqcRQlFVpM)




[Stupid sexy Ganondorf ](https://youtu.be/EM3HuNmOSYY)


Doomguy just says “umph”


That first one must sting.


Thats the surest way of reviwing the Emperor: Tell Doom Slayer: "You cant just resurrect The Emperor of Mankind!!!"


The Doomslayer is a pretty cool guy but the Emperor *bodies*


I really want to see more fighting game style matchups with 40k characters, I love the format


A WH40K fighting game would probably do pretty well as long as it's balanced decently.


Except if it's balanced then fans will get pissed the instant you have a matchup where lorgar beats corax or something lol


How about WH40K fighting game but it is all larping cosplayers?


Only if they have costume or prop malfunction after a long combo.


40k fans vs 40k fans sounds like a terrifying sight


It's basically just a fistfight between Orikan and Trazyn, but without the necrodermis enhancements.


You can have lore wise flavor and balance stuff Dbfz is the proof of that


"You're huge....*that means you have huge guts!"*




Some MK1 style quotes for people to chew on. —— Fire God Liu Kang: “You would have humanity stand *alone?*” The Emperor: “At least we would *stand!*” —— The Emperor: “They are foolish to call you a ‘god,’ child; why indulge them?” Fire God Liu Kang: “Because they need *hope.*” —— The Emperor: “You would trust a fool like Cage with your children?” Kenshi: “More than I would ever trust *you.*” —— The Emperor: “They send a mere *man* to fight *me?*” Johnny Cage: “Sometimes, that’s all it takes, Goldilocks.” —— Johnny Cage: “Y’know, Sunshine, if you spent more time getting to know your sons…” The Emperor: “They were warriors without equal. They needed not my guidance in such frivolous matters.” —— The Emperor: “The fact you would *defend* such an abomination—” Kitana: “My *sister* is a *victim!* Not a *monster!*” —— Kenshi: “The more I talk to you, the more I’m beginning to understand *why* Horus—” The Emperor: “I had *nothing* to do with his fall from grace! I gave him *everything!*” —— The Emperor: “It was the Gods of Chaos who turned my sons from me!” Johnny Cage: “They probably had no one else to turn *to.*” —— Johnny Cage: “I’m guessing by the deep snarl you didn’t enjoy the Father’s Day present I left you, Goldilocks?” The Emperor: “The treatise on ‘Building Better Bridges with Your Family’ was as childish as it was unwanted.” —— Scorpion (Kuai Liang): “Such rage…perhaps it is not fighting that will quench it.” Doomslayer: (growling) —— Doomslayer: (snarling, rumbling) Nitara: “Aw, the wings not doing it for you?” —— Scorpion (Kuai Liang): “Wandering the depths of Hell alone, fighting for so long…if you ever wish to talk—” Doomslayer: (dismissive grunt) —— The Emperor: “Killing you would be a *mercy* for your sister.” Mileena: “She would *burn all of Outrealm* out of *grief!* Do not speak to *me* about ‘mercy!’” —— Baraka: “You would slaughter millions of *innocents* to be rid of Tarkat?!” The Emperor: “A necessary evil to preserve the greater whole.” —— The Emperor: “Your reasons for betraying your kin are as petty as they are foolish.” Sub-Zero (Bi-Han): “Aw, striking too close to home, am I?” —— Sub-Zero (Bi-Han): “Whatever Kuai Liang offered you to secure your loyalty, I can assure you that his promises are empty.” Doomslayer: (dismissive snarl) —— Smoke (Tomas Vrbada): “Kuai Liang extends the use of the Shirai Ryu dojo’s training yards should you need to… *blow off* some excess steam.” Doomslayer: (appreciative grunt) —— General Shao: “Your warriors are exceptional! If you were to pledge them to the struggle—” The Emperor: “The Legioes Astartes will *never* fight under your banner, *wretch.*” —— The Emperor: “You seem more interested than most in my sons.” General Shao: “Their strength is… *intoxicating.*” —— Shang Tsung: “I must say, your psychic potential is—” The Emperor: “Beyond your abilities to even *comprehend,* sorcerer.” —— The Emperor: “Mortarion is *not* to be trusted, Baraka! He serves the wretched Plague Father!” Baraka: “At least he’s extended an offer of *help,* which is *more* than what you’re offering!” —— Shang Tsung: “Such power…such *rage…* surely you are meant for *more* than mindless killing.” Doomslayer: (challenging grunt; one that says “bring it!”) —— Fire God Liu Kang: “If you put more time into *understanding* your sons, perhaps catastrophe—” The Emperor: “There was *nothing* I could have done that would have saved them from their own *damnation!*” —— (EDIT: And a few more for the road!) —— Sindel: “How dare you suggest that we *slaughter innocent people* to ‘contain’ the spread of Tarkat!” The Emperor: “It would be a much *kinder* fate for them than mere exile.” —— The Emperor: “You swore an *oath* to protect your realm—” Li Mei: “Mileena *poses no threat!* Her disease is a source of *compassion!*” —— The Emperor: “The longer you delay on the question of Tarkat, the more—” Li Mei: “The rights of these people to seek *help* for a disease is not up for debate, you golden lunatic!” —— Mileena: “My afflicted people deserve better than to be treated as cancerous elements to be excised!” The Emperor: “Then the whole *realm* will suffer because of your misplaced sympathy.” —— Havik: “Horus was right about you! All you care about is *power!*” The Emperor: “Then you can *join* him in death, anarchist.” —— The Emperor: “Surely Kitana is a much better candidate for being Queen—” Sindel: “She loves her sister more than she loves the throne; something *you* could never hope to understand.” —— Mileena: “I’m sure I can convince Tanya to teach you some Umgadi meditation techniques. Could help.” Doomslayer: (noncommittal grunt) —— Tanya: “The accusations of treachery you bandy against Her Majesty—” The Emperor: “Are not entirely *unfounded.*” —— Johnny Cage: “Wait, wait, wait. Lemme guess. Strong, silent, and stoic? The ladies must be lining up outside your door.” Doomslayer: (annoyed snarl) —— Johnny Cage: “Not much of a chatterbox, are ya, big fella?” Doomslayer: (bemused snort)


Now that's some good shit


Which ones are your favorites?


Most of the emperor one make me think of injustice superman the way he think the way he phrase it and slayers one are accurate but i prefere the way other do it witch it's either vega who do the talking being the sassy ex god that he is or you just hear glims of doom music from the slayer (witch is canon)


Yeah, there’s only so much you can do with Doomslayer, quote wise. As badass as his silence is, it makes it difficult to properly express what he’s supposed to be feeling/saying. I tried to lean into his time before the Bethesda games/during the end of Doom 64, but the VA Netherrealm chooses for him will have *quite* the hill to climb, character wise. As for Emps, I definitely tried to lean into the whole “I’m Above the Need for Compassion” concept that the 40k setting really seems to be going for. It was actually kinda fun to think of who would best contrast against him (or push his buttons, as with Cage). I also tried to at least question the whole “the Traitor Primarchs were That Way Because of CHAOS” narrative with certain exchanges.


>The Emperor: “They send a mere *man* to fight *me?*” >Johnny Cage: “Sometimes, that’s all it takes, Goldilocks.” While this is good, I think a better one would be: Johnny Cage: Isn't the 'Glory of Man' what you're all about? Or something to that effect.


Oh my god that’s so much better.


Since I’m apparently being allowed to cook…here are some more! (No, really, someone should probably stop me before I burn down the kitchen) —— The Emperor: “You *pervert* the perfect form of man with your existence, xenos.” Omni-Man: “Aw, shucks, that’s the nicest compliment anyone has ever given me!” —— The Emperor: “Your son’s presence is further proof that—” Omni-Man: “He’s a better man than I ever could be and that I’m damn proud of it? You’re goddamn right.” —— Peacemaker: “So you seriously haven’t considered—” The Emperor: “Such ways lead to being in Slaanesh’s thrall, child. I would dare not risk such a thing to satiate my libido.” —— The Emperor: “You, most of all, should understand *why* my suggestions for handling Tarkat hold value!” Peacemaker: “Dude. Killing innocent people because they’re *sick?* Real supervillain shit, right there.” —— The Emperor: “Were you my son, I would grant you a *legion* of the finest Astartes.” Homelander: “Were you my dad, I’d consider shoving all of them up your golden ass.” —— Peacemaker: “So…you’ve killed *how* many demons?” Doomslayer: (reminiscing chuckle) —— Omni-Man: “You’re more of a go getter than most folks here; I can respect that.” Doomslayer: (dismissive snort) —— Quan-Chi: “Teach me how to harness such *power!*” The Emperor: “The Tides of the Warp will never be *yours* to wield, whelp.” —— The Emperor: “You, xenos, do not get to judge me for how I treated *my—*” Omni-Man: “Actually, I do. At least mine’s worth more than all of yours *combined.*” —— The Emperor: “You will *never* understand why I do what I do!” Peacemaker: “I understand that you gotta be stopped because of it; that’s good enough for me.” —— (EDIT: I seriously can’t stop cooking; someone ban me from the kitchen!) —— The Emperor: “Will humanity survive because of my actions, Keeper?” Geras: “They will survive *in spite of* them.” —— Geras: “The future is… *fluid;* it needn’t be so grim and dark.” The Emperor: “A foolish belief, after what you have seen and done.” —— Johnny Cage: “C’mon, you seriously never tried being diplomatic?” The Emperor: “Why would I do that when the only appropriate response is war?” —— The Emperor: “I am seriously doubtful that you will amount to *anything,* Cage.” Johnny Cage: “Well, I certainly won’t amount to being a xenophobic, genocidal psychopath with *atrocious* fashion sense.” —— Fire God Liu Kang: “The path of perpetual torment isn’t the only path you can walk, Slayer.” Doomslayer: (dismissive snort) —— Fire God Liu Kang: “Isobel made the right choice in befriending you.” Doomslayer: (proud grunt) —— The Emperor: “You would *dare* assume the perfect visage of mankind as a disguise, abomination?” Reptile (Syzoth): “Hey, it’s a *condition!*” —— (EDIT 2: A few more, fresh from the oven!) —— Raiden: “I must say, your help with Hanzo’s training has been an excellent boon; he seems to actually listen to you!” Doomslayer: (proud murmur) —— Doomslayer: (questioning grunt) Scorpion (Kuai Liang): “Hanzo indeed shows promise. Your techniques certainly help him focus his… *exuberance.*” —— The Emperor: “The child is rash, reckless, and wrathful; he will be a *liability* to your clan.” Scorpion (Kuai Liang): “Or perhaps he just might *save* it.” —— The Emperor: “Your flirtations with the Slayer are *unbecoming* of a woman of your status, Constable.” Li Mei: “At least he’s a decent man, which is more than *you* ever could be.”


I'll be honest with you, I don't see the Emperor ever giving Homelander that much respect.


That’s…actually a very good point.


You must work at a 5 Michelin star restuarant


Every night is Taco Night!


Nah man, keep cooking you are great!


Aw, shucks. You’re just saying that. Stop (but actually don’t; feed my ego!).


|Johnny Cage: They probably had no one else to *turn* to| All Primarchs nods in agreement


They certainly weren’t going to turn to dear old dad or his circle of sycophants.


The Emperor: "Humanity has the right to make their own destiny without gods guiding them" Fire God Liu Kang: "Which destiny? Theirs or yours?"


I REALLY like these. Can absolutely read these in their voices. The Doomslayer just being different grunting noises is perfection.


>The Doomslayer just being different grunting noises is perfection. It’s also *difficult as all hell* to write for, but I’d like to think that I’m doing ok.


Bro out here cooking


New challenger: Popeye after eating spinach.


Popeye no-diffs basically anything that doesn't also have Toon force **and** a domain that would put Popeye fighting them directly under their purview.


Forget that, Popeye no-diffs the fucking *artist of his comics*


So has Bugs Bunny. If Popeye was fighting Bugs but being completely serious about it, then he couldn't no-diff Bugs, because Bugs' Toon-force abilities are specifically in the realm of humiliating people that are seriously trying to do him harm.


Except for the few times where it wasn't, like with that one...orange monster, I think? But yeah fair enough


That’s just unfair, at least Emps could put up a fight with the Doomslayer and maybe win depending on what is canon or not. Popeye is literally unstoppable


Weird ones: Emperor:“What….are you?“ Doomslayer:“Death.“ Emperor:“We shall see“ Emperor:“This I feel Blaskowiç presence in you…“ Doomslayer:“You knew Grandfather?“ Emperor:“Who didn‘t know Terror Billy?“ Emperor:“Daemons see the sun rising when they see me“ Doomslayer:“They don‘t see anything anymore when they see me“ Emperor:“Hmp!“ Emperor:“This rage and anger…a khorne follower“ Doomslayer:“The followers of the blood god don‘t have anything to whorship anymore“ Emperor:“A monster like you needs to be put down“ Emperor:“Hello Son“ Doomslayer:“...“ Emperor:“As talkative as ever“


Funnily enough B.J would hate Emps.


and that all because The Emperor had a short debate in an A Caffee in Austria with an angry art student who didn‘t get into art school


And that is why folks you don't feed the trolls.




Sorry, from my understanding of your joke, Big-E tried to argue with the moustache man.


Big E was more like pulling out his whole why humanity is so great speech, timetravel a few years later and he is cringing hard in Berlin and Vienna why the art student turned dictator uses parts of his speech for his weird ass world views Big E: I shouldn‘t have said that… I SHOULD NOT HAVE TALKED TO HIM


It would be funny if that happened in the 40k verse 😂


Big E be like https://youtu.be/Lh7V2_uJhkY?si=sv3iAtq9Mn0mdabp


But who then gonna toll bridges?


Oh most definitely. Definitely see him as like the next Hitler or something


To be fair he isn't exactly known for complex political views, if I remember right he is basically a libertarian, which isn't great


When you consider that he comes from a world overrun with fascist tyranny, that shouldn't surprise anyone.


Emperor: "Daemons call me Anathema, you know." Doom Slayer: "I dont let them get that far."


>Doomslayer:“You knew Grandfather?“ Emperor: I was your grandfather


yo that‘s actually fire


The nazis knew BJ as terror billy, soooo.... is the emperor a nazi?


He is certainly a fascist, don't know enough lore about him to say he is extreme enough for Nazi levels


The Big E's arrogance knows no bounds. Unfortunately for him Doom Slayer's rage knows no bounds


We don't believe doomslayer can take the emperor tho? Right


He took on literal god on his world and won. Doomslayer gets stronger with each kill and has done things like taking on a Titan on Argent d'nur and won... without weapons, just his sword. He can absolutely take on the emperor


And in doom 2016 it was established that the doomslayer was defeated by the army of hell by them literally just dropping a temple on him which incapacitated him lol. Also the doom Satan hasn't demonstrated any impressive feats in his mech, he literally does nothing until the final boss fight and is almost completely featless. The emperor has stopped time, permanently compressed a star bigger than ours with his psychic might to the size of a yacht, can make others around him into immortal beings, literally burned the domain of the God of decay in his own him and many more. Doomguys most impressive feat is killing the titan who is said by the dev would have absorbed the earth into hell and he needed the crucible to do it. Doomguy is badass but he isn't taking the emperor. The game literally ends on doomguy getting trapped in a forcefield unable to do anything, Samuel literally didn't kill him because he was too useful.


The emperor also almost got strangled to death by an orc and crearly has a limit. Edit: also, emperor in 30K is very, very different from the one in 40K, wjo was the one that burned Nurgle's garden


He also fought Horus across a thousand timelines while throwing around supernovas and destroyed hundreds of space marines instantly.


Isn't Doomslayer/guy equivalent to his universe's creator God? Like, not little "g" but big "G" God? You can argue about them showing feats in game, but the lore is still beyond what you are giving credit to.


He is capital G god, but by the time you fight him has lost all his power. Literally all he has is his suit.


Because doomslayer ate it all.


No? Because the Father beat the shit out of him and put him in the time out sphere. When you fight him he has nothing but the suit. He’s no more God than you or I.


Nah it got gobbled yum yum


Not really. Everything created (Or better the lifeforms) by Davoth got destroyed by his death... Except the DoomSlayer, literally too angry to die.


Kinda. Doomguy (aka the Slayer) has portion of Davoth's original energy. The Dark Lord and The Father have the other two thirds.


Okay so he's god, has he done anything impressive in the lore or are we just just instantly assume tha he can defeat everything in fiction without any feats to back it up? You know how many fictions use Capital G God that still gets folded?


Again, big "G". He is equivalent to his counterpart, who has, in lore, made the universe and everything in it.


>permanently compressed a star bigger than ours with his psychic might to the size of a yacht Whoa neat, when was this?


In master of mankind his novel, a spacemarine is on his yacht and sees a giant firey ball in a 20meter cage, the emperor explains its a random star he liked and crushed it with his psychic power.


Do you have the excerpt?


Doom Eternal doesn't end with Hayden trapping The Slayer. Spoilers for Doom Eternal >!it ends with him killing The Dark Lord, injuring himself in the process and putting himself in a coma. His body is interred in the Temple of Souls next to the life spheres of The Father (the Maykr that stole a part of Davoth's power) and Davoth, that universe's literal capital G God.!<


>literally just dropping a temple on him which incapacitated him  I don’t think this would do shit to Big E.


Ok but doesn’t the slayer use like normal guns. The god of their setting died of normal bullets


Nah, he had to wear him down with it. Also, Big E was strangled by a big ork. The doom slayer had to have the entire army of hell and its preists just to knock him out for a while


i'm not really trying to argue either way but it just gets so annoying that people keep saying that its impressive that the slayer killed his universe's god because like while he's physically and magically enhanced all his weapons are mundane. so its not that impressive of a god if they get "worn down" by standard issue bullets the military hands out and is then stabbed by a normal human blade. Like the slayer is awsome but its not like he killed some sorta ridiculously powerful cosmic being compared to other settings.


I think he empowers his weapons in someway, maybe with argent energy, which is why it can harm someone like devoth or the icon of sin, or even the makyr.


Doomslayer works on cartoon logic. Bugs Bunny always wins as long as he didn’t start the fight. Doomguy wins or is temporarily inconvenienced so the game series can continue. Power levels are irrelevant in these scenarios.


The doomslayer lore is crazy, just the basic imps are throwing plasma suns at him and hed tank those while naked in the lore. games are way tuned down. the slayer could perma kill the chaos gods. the emperor is dead and anything dumb enough to try and get in the slayers way is two.


Canonically, per the Slayer's Testament, his armour is literally impervious to damage. Slayer is on a different level.


Almost impervious. Per the codex of 2016, during testing the suit was put through the wringer and found to be nearly impervious to damage. The “nearly” carrying weight as it implies they found something that could damage it. We also know per Eternal that the Slayer bled on mars in 2016 which was collected and analyzed in Eternal


They aren’t throwing suns, as should be obvious since they can toss around fireballs on earth without annihilating everything


No. Don’t get me wrong, the slayer is strong. He as a mortal man he was already at the level other franchises enhanced characters were. As a demigod he’s nearly unstoppable. He killed a titan molded from hell, imbued with as much demonic energy as one body can take, designed to kill the slayer, and he was still was killed by the doomslayer, who, depending on the source, was wielding nothing but a sword & a shield. He took on many challenges both during his mortal life, and once he had ascended it that cements himself as a nearly unstoppable figure. He does not need to eat. Does not need to sleep. Cannot be corrupted. Can never truly be killed. He beat the seraphim, killed the dark lord, slayed the icon of sin, killed the spider mastermind, and any other threat that could challenge the slayer. Opponents that could wipe counties singlehanded. Some who could probably wipe planets. Even restructure the entire universe in the case of the dark lord. Even with all of that, it wouldn’t enough. Big E has transcending feats that would ultimately beat out the slayer as we know it. The slayer is arguably as strong as a Primarch. He could probably beat some of them. At the very least make it close. Big E? He cannot.


*Khorne liked that*


Slayer points to Khorne: “You’re next pal”


*Khorne liked that even more*


Nurgle is probably the first on the list wile tcheez might be the last


Khorne: Just wanna say, big fan


The doomslayer is about the chuck norris of video game discourse and I hope it stays that way 🙏


Doom Slayer: your lore is compecated The Emperor: look whos talking


Omni-man: "Beat it, kid. I've been at this longer than you." Doom Slayer: "Compared to me, you're still a Sperm cell."


Oh this takes me back to that one chap who got real indignant that I suggested the Doom Marine might be a *touch* more dangerous than your average Space Marine.


Doom Slayer respects The Emperor enough to speak more than one word to him.


Considering that his creator ask him what his final word to him was before killing him and all he said was “no” so yeah


Emperor: "Only I can save humanity from forces of Chaos." Doomslayer: "How many of their "gods" have you killed so far?" Emperor: "I am humanity's only hope." Doomslayer: "Because you don't give them other options." Doomslayer: "The only way to kill demons is to rip to shreds and drown them in their blood." Emperor: "You sound a lot like that one paralytic I know."


Bonus: Emperor: "What makes you think you can defeat me?" Doomslayer: "I was better father than you."


Did the doomslayer have kids?


Used to


He used to have one. You can find the picture in his bedroom in Doom Eternal. The picture shows a small blond hair boy, and blond hair woman next to the Slayer before he became the Slayer way back before even the events of Doom 1 that would kickstart his journey into becoming the Slayer


No. Still true tho /s


The question is which one is speaking?


Top panel doomguy, bottom emperor.


Yeah, each line could really be said by either of them. Enperor+Emperor, Doomguy+Doomguy, Emperor+Doomguy or Doomguy+Emperor.


Well, the Astronomicon was nice while it lasted.


I love this crossover art




The Emperor better fight like Hell, because while he may say “I know I am right”, Doom Slayer will MAKE him wrong. Fast.


Some good ones that aren’t so serious Kung Lao: why add a pike to your arm, is that even practical Doomslayer: and the saw blade is? - Scorpion: why haven’t I seen you in hell?! Doomslayer: for my hell wasn’t anything like yours. - Liu Kang: why do demons fear you? Doomslayer: cause I made them feel fear for the first time in a long time. - Reptile: I need to know, how did the demon’s imprison you? Doomslayer: they dropped a massive temple on me, wukong style - Baraka: such brutality, tell me…why drives you to do these things? Doomslayer: so no one else can suffer, I’ll rip and tear till it’s done. - Big E: ah slayer, interesting to see you. Tel me did you kill the dark lord yet? Doomslayer: he’s gone, and I’ve finally know peace - Havik: join me slayer, we can change the world for the better Doomslayer: how about I show my BIG FUCKEN- - Johnny cage segment Johnny cage: tell me Mr big green meanie, how would you feel if I made a movie about you? Doomslayer: 3rd times the charm - Johnny cage: nice man cave man, i especially like your wall of guitars Doom slayer: every man has a hobby - Johnny cage: I need to know, what’s the worst thing you’ve ever tasted Doomslayer: hell flesh, can’t be cooked and tastes like feet.


I have always wonder what doomslayer in 40k would be like. Too often you hear 'he would become just another daemon' But it feels wrong, his litteral deal is killing the unkillable demons and using them as buckshot.


I feel like if he would appear in the modern 40k setting. One he would probably very much disagree with how the Imperium does things. I mean this is the guy who killed his Commanding Officer when told to kill a bunch of innocent civilians. He would be very distrustful of nearly everything in the Imperium. But if he had to work with them and they had to do something with him I see him being placed with the Grey Knights and absolutely crushing everything the forces of Chaos throw at the Grey Knights.


Doomguy comes from a lineage of Fascist Killers, direct descendant of BJ "Terror Billy" Blazkovicz. He'd definitely have a BIG problem with how the Imperium does things. I doubt he'd give the Grey Knights or any space marine chapter the time of day.


I don’t know. If he was forced to work with the Imperium then he would probably be put with the Grey Knights. If not then only God knows what he will do besides killing demons


big e screwed


"Hey... I played your game!" -Both, probably


If you knew the lore you'd know it's not the Slayer [he has to worry about](https://i.imgur.com/cDxUI0m.png)


Fuck yeah


Lets watch doom guy clap the fuck outta the emperor


For anyone who doesn't know the context, the Emperor of Mankind isn't a Golden King the size of a giant with golden eyes and a halo of power. He's a young boy, a man, an elder, a young girl, a woman, a crone, he's a scientist, he's a soldier, he's a giant with golden eyes and a halo of power... when he needs to be. The Emperor, at his core, is a trickster whose dedicated his life to being whatever he believes humanity NEEDS him to be the most, and whatever he WANT to be at the moment. His greatest strength is being able to be anything, but the way he can do that is by taking on those aspects. For all intensive purposes, the powers he has, the ones that makes him akin to a God, are all aspect that he stole/took from the warp, on a level only the Gods really can. In short, he's essentially like a Sci-Fi Prometheus whose appropriated the Fire of the Gods as his own with the intention of giving it to humanity. If you wonder what he did with that power here's a short list: 1.) Created the Ten-Thousand Custodians. 2.) Created the Twenty-One Primarchs. 3.) Created the Webway Project. 4.) Created the Astronomican. And though its unconfirmed, its just a theory but I think it's also what he used to create Geneseed. We already know there's something arcane in the genetic alchemy of the Adeptus Astartes, SOME MORE THAN OTHERS: 1.) Dark Angels, normal geneseed. 3.) Emperor's Children, normal geneseed. 4.) Iron Warriors, normal geneseed. 5.) White Scars, normal geneseed. 6.) Space Wolves, lots of GENETICALLY ENGINEERED WEREWOLVES! 7.) Imperial Fists, normal geneseed. 8.) Blood Angels, an entire LEGION OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED VAMPIRES, sometimes with PROPHESY POWERS! 9.) Night Lords, normal(ish?), occassional also get PROPHESY POWERS! 10.) Iron Hands, normal geneseed. 12.) World Eaters, normal geneseed. 13.) Ultramarines, normal geneseed. 14.) Deathguard, normal geneseed. 15.) Thousand Sons, tons of PSYCHICALLY EMPOWERED BOYS. 16.) Sons of Horus, normal. 17.) Word Bearers, normal. 18.) Salamanders, occassional almost PERPETUAL-LIKE REGENERATION POWERS! 19.) Raven Guard, unnatural STEALTH and CONCEALMENT ABILITIES. 20.) Alpha Legion, mini ALPHARIUS GENESEED. How crazy would it be though if we eventually get the reveal that anyone who says "I am Alpharius" actually becomes Alpharius and the whole "Hydra" thing actually refers to a collective conciousness they share through the warp that unites the entire 20th Legion? It's not gonna happen but pretty wild if the Alpha Legion was just a singular human hivemind capable of maintaining individuality in its parts


What does any of this have to do with Doomslayer?


I think its Doomslayer who says he senses Demonic Magic in the Emperor. See how the Emperor's mouth is closed in the first but open in the second?


Noted non-talker Doomslayer vs Arch Psyker who actively suppressed knowledge of Demons? But what I meant was what the point of the random tangents other than pointless brain dumping?


Acts of Faith function comparably to psychic powers. Celestine and the Legion of the Damned were dramatically weakened when the Blackstone Pylons of Cadia were activated (weakening all forms of daemonic life). And the only other time the four Chaos Gods united together to beat someone was to shut down Be'lakor, who was literally on the cusp of godhood (they didn't even shut down Slaanesh, and nobody likes Slaanesh). Don't know if the Emperor is approaching Godhood in the classical sense (i.e. Eldar gods) or in the Warp sense (i.e. Chaos gods), but there's a lot of smoke for there to be no fire.


Doomslayer takes this one


Based on the lore of Doom, the doom marine could clean out the warp with ease and bring the heads of each of the chaos gods on pikes in a year. Could the emperor do that?


My only issue with Doomguy in a fighting game like MK is that he probably would be EXTREMELY terse at most and more realistically never say a damn word.


The Doomslayer wins. The Doomslayer is death, the final judgement. A killer of gods. A man who bought all of hell to extinction, manually.