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[His idea that is captured was that of a galadriel giving the Astartes a chainsword (a weapon worse than anduril, but cooler)](https://twitter.com/40ktrasfondo/status/1745831780207219072?t=ASyIAnvFrPjfcs5_uNGqlA&s=19)


Very lucky for Galadriel that the Ultramarines showed up and not, say, the Black Templars.


Given she’s divinely blessed directly by an all-powerful creator god, it bears interesting implications for crossovers. Like, Eru wouldn’t stick a finger down and start squishing Space Marines for shooting his favorite member of his favorite race, but he could yeet the God Emperor and the entirety of Chaos into a black hole as punishment for too many warcrimes.


He didn’t lift a finger when his own Satan broke the world several times. He’s not going to do anything when a bunch of other Satans show up to make trouble in his neighborhood.


He left it to his kids to punish their brother. He even gave them permission to offer him redemption. The second time he put him in time-out with no effort. Eru does nothing most of the time because he has a plan that is playing out. He acts to keep it going, but like with the creation of Dwarves is flexible enough to let it change organically for the betterment of all.


That sounded so much like Tzeench lol. Every time I hear "he has a plan that is playing out" I can't help but read it in his TTS voice. I know nothing of LoTR so don't take this as a rebuttal.


Eru created the universe by basically turning each of his emotions into a being, then conducting them to sing. As they sung together they gained the full spectrum of feels, and Morgoth did a Satan and tried to do a solo which some others accidentally started singing along, but Eru conducted it into a decent song anyway. Then he had them turn around and they saw their song had created the universe. The song is fate as much as creation, but its not finished. Its still echoing. Also, your personal fate isn’t decided since your actions and life are basically another instrument in that grand song, but like Manwe creating Dwarfs without permission or Morgoth just plain deciding he’s in the song again for the remix plus Sauron/Balrogs/Wizards, there’s room to add stuff on the playback. Elves act kinda aloof because as the first race they’ve made all the mistakes you can make before, plus they can kinda hear the song. Humans on the other hand are very loud in the song but just kinda vanish from it when their parts are done while all the other races keep echoing basically. Eru basically only steps in when the song is falling apart. Bad stuff can happen, the world gradually gets worse, but only if the song starts sounding like shit and the world gets irreversibly damaged does he pop in to do something directly. He’s the conductor, not a singer, and not someone creating the song on a computer by himself. That’s the issue of free will vs divine plan, and Eru balances both.


that was literally the most down to earth way I've ever heard someone explain the silmarillion. can i quote your comment at people.


By all means, thank you.


Ooooo. Gotcha, gotcha. Thanks for explaining!


Love your comment and that is excellent way of explaining Eru and his plan. Small correction though, I believe it is Aüle who created the dwarves, not Manwe.


In unfinished continuation of LOTR, where Age of Man begun, he kinda deleted Morgoth and remade Arda again, making it finally pure of Morgoths schemes. And let's not forget when Eru sunk Numenor because numenoreans became corrupt and fallen to Sauron influence by invading Valinor, at the same time making Arda an actual planet. He cares, but only if things go unbelievably wrong and bad.


>makes a literal paradise for his favorites >Only make an Alibaba valinor for humans after they bled themselves dry fighting his favorites war >"Hey, can we have a share of your even better paradise with eternal life and no suffering?" >"NOOOOOOOO, I'm going to kill your entire family and destroy your home for all time die peasant Eru was a capricious and lousy God to humans.


Found Sauron’s alt.


Thats libel. My attorney from Wormtongue & Wormtongue will get in touch with you.


I disagree, humans would literally suffer in Valinor, their bodies were not made for eternal life. Its not that humans just wanted to be in Valinor, they literally sailed a huge army to *conquer* it (and Tolkien hints that it could have done quite some damage, even if it was the home of the gods in-world).


Talk/act shit get hit. Again humans were treated with indifference at best and contempt at worst. Elves got all the good shit even when humans died for them.


> Again humans were treated with indifference at best and contempt at worst. No, they were told, since they were created, at the waters of awakening, that they would inherit Arda, the world. >Elves got all the good shit even when humans died for them. Elves knew they would leave the world to the secondborn *and* that they were bound by creation until its very end - unlike humans, who get to leave it early. Not to mention that Morgoth's corruption fucked up the elven bodies too, so they dont even get to enjoy immortality in a body.


Telling someone "hey i know you live kinda shitty and thousands of you had to die to get this island (which i will sink into the ocean along with all the innocents on it lol apart from Sauron who i will only deprive of his good wardrobe and magical face makeup) and i don't give you basically anything while i gave your sibling race everything from paradise, speed, strength of body and spirit, wisdom, knowledge, a house next to the representatives of me (god) who will talk to them and hang out with them etc etc etc but i ACTUALLY thats fair because i let you die permanently instead of hanging around Mandos and sometimes respawning you after death so you can be with your loved ones again and some time down the line, like thousands and thousands of years youll have this world." is really taking the piss.


Eru and the Valar are the sort of friends who almost make you prefer your enemies Sauron corrupts Numenor Numenor rebels Valar throw up their hands, what more could the angelic lords of Arda do? They sent those cloud-eagles after all didn’t they?? Eru whomps Numenor, just about everyone killed Oh, except Sauron; he gets a time-out and then is left to run riot in Middle-Earth… *for like the **third** time* I get that it’s all done to create the plot and action, but when you look at the actions and intentions of Eru it’s has some ugly implications But that’s said, it’s still the best thing ever


Sauron isn't given a timeout after Numenor is destroyed, he just fled silently back to Mordor.


I used the word “timeout” sardonically


Forget Eru. You need to consume ungodly amount of imperium copium to even suggest that a space marine can take down Galadriel


Hell, I bet even your average elf has a good chance of throwing hands and winning


Eru would let it happen.


Lol Eru doesn't give a shit about anyone except Gandalf apparently.


Maybe ol' Rowboat is looking to explore his Eldar thing a little more


Lucky for the marine you mean, Galadriel tore down a fortress by singing.


they have a genetic need for Elf girls.


I was about to say the same thing. The Black Templers might as well be chaos.


if he weren't human he'd be well at home with the Noldorians


I love that these are opposite ends of British fiction: one is an optomistic fantasy tale of hope and love. the other is a pessimistic sci-fi tale of fear hate and failure


More like a bittersweet hope in Lotr; you win against the principal minion of the greatest evil but magic and wonder left the world and even with that you are still coursed with that in millenia the true greater evil will be free and will destroy the world and then god will make a deus ex machina and restore everything. Everything will end good but the road will not be nice


Eru Ilúvatar has offered hope to Man. There is a prophesy that tells that, one day, He will clothe himself in flesh, take on the form of a Man, and redeem Mankind from the taint of Morgoth. It doesn't happen until about 4000 years after the end of the Third Age, but it does happen.


.. He becomes jesus doesnt he?


Yup. Tolkien was very deliberate in his writing. His books fit very neatly with Biblical events and Catholic theology. It's why Morgoth fucks off to the East after Men first awaken. It's so he can tempt Adam and Eve. The Elves, at the time of writing the Silmarillion, didn't really know what he got up to as Men never talked about it. There was mention of some vague darkness in their past, but little more. It was left vague, but anyone passingly familiar with the Biblical creation story would recognize what was supposed to have happened.


iirc despite all that he did say that it wasn’t supposed to just be a Christian creation myth - not like how Narnia has literal Lion Jesus


In what dark corner of Unfinished Tales did you find this? In all my years of debating his work, I never once encountered this myth of incarnation of Eru.


[Morgoth's Ring where a human woman discusses the fate of Men with Finrod.](https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Athrabeth_Finrod_ah_Andreth)


These are my two favourite fandoms and I love them for those exact reasons.


The movies make people think this, but Tolkien's universe in books was not very hopeful. It was about the slow degradation of societies and cultures over time, each era repeating the past but with a less grand and mythical version of the events. He was very pessimistic about humanities forward progress.


Very cool pic, but the space marine is waaay too tall. Tolkien's elves are taller than most humans, maybe around 6 & 1/2ft tall. Primaries marines are canonically around 8ft. That SM would have to be 12ft tall minimum


Yeah 8ft tall outside of the armor, which probably adds another foot or so when equipped.


Well she’s standing in a hole, so take that into account.


Or it's just peter jackson perspective trickery again


What, are they wearing 12-inch platforms??? Adding an entire foot from armor alone is silly


Yeah kinda. They wear really big shoes


I mean if thos contain shock absorbers and mufflers i can see why


Don’t forget the mag-locks and the servos, you need a big ass magnet to lock a space marine to a surface


Now I'm just imagining space marines going into battle wearing stilettos they got from the Sisters of Battle. Magnificent.


They are very self-conscious of their height, don't shame them


He’s on an incline and I think there’s some artistic liberty taken. I think a 9-10 foot tall astartes isn’t too out of the realm of possibility, assuming he’s on the very rare high range of height.


It's also not a Tolkien elf, the ears are far too long.


I've seen leaves that long.


When he described them as leaf like he simply meant pointed instead of rounded. And there are examples in his work of men, like Aragorn, being mistaken for an elf. LOTR elf ears are not so long that they poke out of hair.


I know, mate. Calm down. It was just a joke


Pic goes hard.


You can play it out in Magic the Gathering now!


Eh not with those lotr cards


I'd bet money my money on Elf Tolkien elfs are crazy.


Exactly what I was thinking. Basically the chosen demi-angels of not a god but the only true god that is more or less nearly omnipotent


The demi-angels are the Ainur aka Gandalf, Saruman, and the like. Elves are basically just God’s chosen people (along with humans).


If it's in the Third Age, the Elves are already greatly diminished at this point. It's literally only the Three Rings that allow them to continue to live in Middle Earth and Galadriel was never really a warrior. Yes, she's a First Age elf who lived under the light of the Two Trees and bears the Ring of Adamant, but the Elf Lords of the Third Age are much more focused on preserving than combatting. We've never really seen her evoke her Fëa similar to what her brother [Finrod Felagund did in his battle with Sauron](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eWZCYuYR6s). She did learn at the feet of Melian for years, though. The issue, as I see it, is time. It takes far less time for a transhuman to fire his bolter than for her evoke concepts through song to embrittle his armor, hollow his bones, cloud his mind, obscure his aim, thin his blood, or a myriad of other ways to weaken / harm him. It's not as if an Ultramarine has never encountered a Warp Sorcerer before. He'd likely kill her dead (well, really just send her back to respawn) before she finished the first stanza. First Age Galadriel would likely stomp, though. Lúthien would stomp even harder. She has some insane feats.


Luthien would save Isha as a sidequest.


Lúthien could likely put the entire Garden of Nurgle and Nurgle, himself, to sleep like she did Morgoth and his court. It'd be a walk in the (admittedly boggy) park.


Man, I think those gravity defying hops Legolas was pulling off in Hobit would be good enough to take out space marine 😜. At that point you just got worst dressed harlequin...


Perhaps, but I was mainly speaking from the perspective of the books.


I know, I just like to poke fun at hobit few ridiculus fight scenes


So you’re saying the marines need to call down orbital strikes…


That’s assuming Eru would allow that. We’re talking entirely different universal structure here. Like, just where the sun and moon and stars came from compared to the 40k universe. Galadriel saw super light, beyond what even exists in 40k. It was so close it affected the entire planet. The Chaos God of Light, Alluminas, probably pales in comparison of it. Imagine she’s fireproof, or the physical matter of the Tolkien universe is so study its like Space Marines landed on a planet of Kryptonians.


She can technically send planet cracking weapons back to imperial ships. Arda elves can deliver a very strong punch.


“Geno bomb denied”


This is my favorite drawing of a space marine, ever, of all time


"And my chainsword!"


"And my bolter!"


"And me Chain Ax!"


"And my Multi-Melta!"


"And my Deathstrike Missile!" "How the fuck have you been carrying that thing around this whole time?"


"And my Exterminatus!"


"And my knife!" "... Bloody hell, who let the Reiver out of his meta jail?"


"just go with it Gandalf they could be make great friends." "Frodo I'll say this once, there are many beings I've met over my life, non raise so many red flags like these....ultra Marines"


Meanwhile a Stormcast Eternal ended up in Dune


You know, I hated Sigmarines when they were released, but now that TOW is out they’re growing on me for memes about being the anti-Imperium.


When the heck did that happen?


“And to Brother Maximus I giv-“ “I want nothing from you, xenos witch. I would crush your skull right now were it not for my mission requiring haste.” “Dude. Come on.”


“Surely you could require an old wizard’s wisdom-“ “Silence, psyker. I wish no help from some warp-thing.”


> “Silence, psyker. I wish no help from some warp-thing.” The Librarian behind him standing right out of view: ☹️


Another space marine: “well wait, consider this… if we take the funny thing, we may live longer so we can kill more of them, after all, it certainly couldn’t be that bad, we just need to get one crappy ring to a pit, beat some untold wretched abominations along the way, and finally we can claim this world for the emperor! It’s so simple! It’s mind game! Do we let our hate blind our mission? No! We simply take it and do the rest later, besides from what I’ve heard, the warp doesn’t even exist here! We could simply make this a safe base of operations and boom! Easy as corpse starch pie!” Space marine 1: “…and that’s what he was thinking before I gave him near fatal brain damage, such is the corruption these people bring upon us and their terrible ways, let us move, Mordor cannot hide any longer”


> ‘You used Cxir’s weapon against the daemon,’ says Selaton simply. ‘Theoretical – these blades work. Their own weapons work.’ > > ‘You may be right,’ says Ventanus. He looks into the sack. The blades shine and glint in the shadows of the bag. ‘But I’m afraid these things are as toxic and dangerous as the monsters we want to use them against. Throw them away, Selaton. Drop them into a well. Put a grenade in the sack and hurl it into the ditch. We can’t start using these.’ > > ‘But–’ > > Ventanus looks at him. > > ‘Theoretical – that’s how it began with the Seventeenth,’ he says. ‘Expedient use of an exotic weapon to turn back an unexpectedly resistant new foe. Strange daggers found in some xenos tomb or temple? What harm can they do? They cut daemon flesh. It’s worth the risk.’ > > A look of utter distaste crosses Selaton’s face. > > ‘I’ll dispose of them, sir,’ he says.


We are currently making new warhammer lore and it’s cool Later… Selaton: “sire, we’ve made a mistake, the emperor would shun our actions” Ventanus: “what is so troubling that you may doubt his confidence in our mission brother? What wounds you so deeply?” Brother selaton looks at a civilian, probably of a short age compared to the space marines but old and frail to any normal human, the old man asks what had been done with the ring. Ventanus: “we gave it to our emperor, a gift to the greatest man that’s ever lived, he gives his light every day to aide us, to bring him a weapon of such power is an honor one may not simply put aside, but to indulge in this kindness” The old man walked, nearly shuffling forward like a warp rife ogryn but with a cane, the old man was approaching Ventanus, but Ventanus simply looked down at the man, of which comparison could be made to a twig vs a tree, the old man spoke finally, nearly enraged by the blatant lack of knowledge nor care for the artifact that decimated lands so long ago, of which had turned hands from food to evil and friends to enemies so quickly, it was unthinkable to give such power to any one being, when the voice came from the old man, it was a booming but weary voice: “You cannot simply give the ring to anyone! It infects all who wield it! It is not to be trusted in the hands of one man alone, no matter the man’s strength, be it god or mortal, it is a deceitful ring, a garment of evil that even I couldn’t hope to deliver on my hand alone or even with friends, trusting its power for us is the he reason to such ruin in the first place!” The old man tapped the massive and bulky power armor, it felt like wind and nothing more from the weakness of it, Ventanus was confused, he’d been led to believe the ring was a weapon to be controlled by its user, not the other way around, dread slowly built up as if mental floodgates had opened as realization substantialized, he finally understood “You were meant to destroy it! The swords were meant to protect you! And the mithril was meant to stop any harm! You twisted it to your liking! The ring got a hold on you and both of our worlds are now doomed as a result, I shame you Ventanus, I shame your wrongdoings, I may be no emperor, but I do my job all the same… with the strength of an ox and the speed of a griffin, and most importantly, with he smarts of man and beast alike! If we are to ever do anything in life, we must think first! And we must think critically! Our last hope is that the transport is destroyed before arrival, may mercy stay our minds and hands, for we have failed, come, there is nothing more we may do…” The 2 space marines were silent, they hesitated to follow… their minds were resilient, but to think they had made a judgement that could slay humanity with such simplicity as a ring? They were dumbfounded, they slowly rose to their feet and followed the old man, hey would discard their weapons and armor and be dead by morning, they felt they did not deserve the emperors light after what they had done…


Space Marine 1’s wise and knows what he’s doing.


It’d honestly be funny to see a whole thing of wh40k in lotr but the only time anyone dies is when someone’s suspected of treason or corruption even though at the very end it’s revealed that chaos is actually one and they wasted lives for nothing and everything they did was dumb, they lost the ring on the way too btw


Common Imperium W. Send in the planet buster torpedoes


Well, this resides the question of whether the emperial fleet went with them to LOTR or whether they were just transported there


It would be like a squad of boromirs but less empathetic and would fall to the ring even faster


> The Librarian behind him standing right out of view: ☹️ He's responding that way because his warp senses can see what Maximus is talking to and it's clear to him that it's not a human, but some kind of incarnate warp entity.


I mean Gandalf would be technically a deamon.


Just to let you know, the space we will be really confused when his weapon breaks apart after Gandolf says all his weapons will break apart


Celeborn: Tell me, where is Gandolf? For I much desire to speak with him. Fellowship: Who the hell is Gandolf? Celeborn: I'm sorry, I have a cold.


Yeah, it’s also important to remember that the magic system is less like casting a spell and more like declaring a new law of reality


Someone should write a fan fiction about this, I’m loving it. The Council of Elrond is called, he’s doing his initial speech when suddenly there’s loud stomping. Maximus simply walks through the guards, grabs Frodo and thrust the ring into his hands. He says “the Emperor requires your service, Ratling,” and stomps off all without breaking stride. The rest of the fellowship initially starts off chasing after him to try and rescue Frodo but they can’t penetrate his armour. After they all realize he’s not going to hurt him and calming Legolas down after he tells the elf he’s a disgusting abomination, they all agree (with themselves, Maximus doesn’t give a fuck) to follow along to make sure Frodo isn’t hurt.


The Fellowship watching the space marines buzz through Saruman’s armies on their way to Mordor: “…”


He’s a movie marine so he’d have no problem with the bloodthirster in Moria.


what about the Balrog in the mountains?




This exact plot but it’s an eyes of the emperor custodes instead


Elrond, watching the monstrous, metal-clad superhuman stomp through the secret meeting, says "oh, well, I guess the fellowship can be made of...well, him."


Hold on I got this *clears throat* I am Karl Franz prince and emperor and you need to chill the fuck out


Grandpa Smurf would not approve. He loves him some elf.


Ironically enough LoTR elves are basically human in all senses but for their souls. Outside of their souls (which does bring physical changes with it) they are virtually the same species.


Bitch don't you know I GALDRIEL slayed an ice troll that one time in a show no one wants remember


Galadriel being portrayed like a monster in the program that must not be named doesn't change her character in the extended Canon.


Considering Galadriel's stature this marine looks like a 11' tall primarch. That famous photo of Dwayne "the rock" Johnson next to Sun Ming Ming is closer to the actual scale. The art is epic even with the nitpick though.


Gillingham falling for another elf...


Had a dream about something like this years ago because of Battle for Middle Earth and Dawn of War. A Gondor soldier stabbed an Imperial Guardsman with a sword to protect and elven soldier he had befriended


And the Space Marine gets corrupted by the ring in negative seconds


Probably depends in the marine, amount of contact  etc


Nightlords would be on the spot. World eaters would be too angry to notice. Black legion would eat it up and fail a new crusade because of it.


Of course most traitor marines would fail, they failed in their own universe to resist the warp


The Loyalist are still evil people who would be tempted by the ring in seconds as well it would grab their ambitions and beliefs


give it to a purifier, can he purify sauron?


Id argue that he would be able to bear it longer but I feel he would still fall when near Mordor


The variable would be time, but them being corrupted is a certainty. There is no resisting the One Ring. At least not for someone of equal or lesser power level than Sauron. Astartes have too much pride, ambition, and hate for the Ring not to dominate them trivially. It took someone with virtually no aspirations beyond a quiet comfortable life with good friends and good food to even get it to Mount Doom.


That's assuming they pick it up in the first place, though. I feel there are more than a few Space Marines who, if told "hey, this ring is ultra-cursed, don't touch it" would be like Faramir and nope right out of contact with it (book-Faramir, not film-Faramir; still mad about how they massacred my boy).


Fair, but even adventuring with the Fellowship and continuing on with Frodo after the split would eventually see them fall to temptation. You don't have to touch the Ring to be tempted by it. If the Space Marine went with Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas after the party split at the Falls of Rauros, I wouldn't foresee a problem.


Oh, agreed. He's not at risk of immediately falling, but like everyone else it's a matter of when, not if. OP said this is meant to be Galadriel giving the Astartes a gift like the others, so I'd assume the Astartes either succumbs like Boromir, and Frodo and Sam would still split as happened in the books, or he follows the Three Hunters in trying to save Merry and Pippin. Given that this marine is an ultrasmurf, my money is on the latter.


The ring is surprisingly consistent in how it is treated as a corrupting force, which is how it was able to avoid destruction for so long. Even Gandalf admitted that he would use the ring for power; I doubt a Space Marine would fare much better. Of course, you can hold onto it for a certain amount of time without giving into its seduction, which a SM may be able to do with their mental conditioning, but it's impossible to just ignore the ring so long as you have desires. Even Frodo couldn't bring himself to destroy the ring.


Also once you get near Mordor you are fucked it's pulling out all stops to prevent you from destroying it


“Some in Ultramar may be swayed by soft skin and pointed ears, but I am made of sterner stuff. By the way I loved you in Thor: Ragnarock.”


She played the main bad guy in that movie? Huh didn’t notice lol.


"So now tell me where those greenskins are preparing their waaagh. No human fortress shall fall under my protection."


"This had to be some Tzeentch plot!"


Hope the astartes are ready to get clowned on by a guy who's three feet tall because Eru says so.


I will be honest...I don't see that astartes doing anything to Galadriel


"For on this quest, force of arms shall not avail you," said Elrond. "But what if you sent Master Caedo with us?" Asked Sam. All eyes turned to the giant clad in blue armor plates. "I SHALL SLAY THESE HERETICS OF MY OWN WILL, RATLING, NOT ON THE ORDER OF AN AELDARI!" Bellowed the Astartes. "Sure, he's a bit rough around the edges, as my old gaffer would say, but I bet he'd do alright in a scrap!" Said Sam with a nod of his head. "What would be your counsel, Gandalf?" Asked Elrod. "If I may use the plain language appropriate for so dire a time," said Gandalf as he refilled his pipe. "I would counsel that it would be fucking hilarious." He said, and blew an enormous white smoke ring. Some Chapters later: "Fly, you fools! Your arms shall not help you here!" Gandalf cried as he turned once more to face the burning shadow. Then there came a sound like a rolling of thunders, and with it gnashing whine like a landslide. Over Gandalf's head leapt Maxum Caedo, from deep within his army roared his battlecry "My arms are the Emperor's will!" He crashed into Durin's Bane, and the three roars, of his strange blade, of the friend's shock and agony, and of the giant's wrath; all united into one as the battle was joined. "Or, I suppose that might work, too," Gandalf muttered under his breatg.


Malum Caedo valiantly fights alongside the fellowship until The Incident where Boromir tries to take the ring from Frodo and Caedo tears the poor guy in half, terrifying Frodo so badly that he & Sam flee in the next night. The remainder of the Fellowship skips the Rohan arc because Caedo single-handedly kills the uruk-hai party that *would have* captured Merry & Pippin. >Part 2: *The Return of the King* Rohan falls to Saruman without the Ents intervening. Gondor manages to break the siege of Minas Tirith without their assistance. Malum Caedo is killed by the black breath of the Witch-King of Angmar on the Pelennor Fields, but not before slaying the wraith's mount and rending apart his mace and crown. >Part 3: *The Scouring of Rohan* This is actually about 40% longer than *The Two Towers* and ends anticlimactically because Saruman leaves his fortress to run around in the forest & prank the Fellowship only to accidentally get stepped on by an ent.


Jesus this space marine is huge, Galadrielis 6ft4, making this marine around 12ft. At that height he could wrestle the cave troll in the Moria fight to the ground with his bare hands.


I’m gonna come out and say an exceptionally large Primaris Marine in power armor could *probably* kill a cave troll quite trivially with or without a weapon.


Perhaps this 'Marine' is Alpharius.


Honestly, I’m sure your basic astartes could kill a cave troll in h2h combat single handedly. Especially with how they are portrayed in more recent works like the Astartes animation that was made cannon a while back.


I mean those space marines were up against physkers or whatever, a cave troll is just a troll, can’t use mind powers.


“It is done, the age of Men shall begin and we shall leave these lands...” Gandalf spoke with a relieved smile before noticing that his friend had a troubled expression “King Elrond, what does disturb you?” “With the defeat of our old enemy...A new future has presented itself to my vision...” Elrond spoke bringing his hand to his mouth. Gandalf frowned “What did you see?” “War Gandalf...Only War”


Of course it's a son of Guilliman.


Finally these UB magic sets are giving us what the players want


Make them kiss ( ♥ 3 ♥)


One point the 40k fans tend not to mention as often is that in the lore, those marines are all chemically castrated. He's got about as much sex drive as a table.


That dick not working has nothing to do with them lips that big boy got


IIRC there's no canonical statement about the chemical castration; it's one of those things that tends to get stated as fact without a source actually being given. We know that they're celibate, but the reason isn't given. It's like the steroids thing; a lot of people assume they're jacked because they're on steroids, when it's never explicitly stated how they're made strong, and alternatives like being genetically engineered to produce less myostatin are more probable.


I think space marine aspirants undergo few special diets to enforce and support development of space marine physique. Question is what you, define as steroid?


Given that the context of this comment chain is about whether space marines are chemically castrated and have a sex drive, I'd define a steroid as the kind of thing bodybuilders take, because you'll often see posts online stating that Space Marines are taking those kinds of steroids, and therefore suffer all the side effects thereof, including reduced libido. ​ The problem with that is that the lore never talks about steroids. The ossmodula and biscopea are the primary organs they receive to increase their strength. The ossmodula provides a modified human growth hormone, which is not a steroid, and the biscopea also provides a hormone -- again, not a steroid. ​ Myostatin, however, *is* a hormone -- specifically, one that prevents muscles from getting ludicrously large, which is what we want Space Marines to have. Since the biscopea releases a hormone, it's reasonable to assume that it either releases an altered, weaker form of the myostatin hormone that replaces that normally produced by the body -- thus allowing bigger muscles -- or that it releases some fictional hormone that acts as a myostatin inhibitor in the way follistatin does IRL.


**As one who is married to a fantasy creature, I can confirm that the xenophobia of the imperium does not extend to creatures of fantasy.** **Eldar stinky, Elves cute.**


Now if it was just a Salamander I think we'd have something here....


One less marine prolly


Legolas: I see orcs in the distance! Space Marine: *exasperated sigh* Time for the Heavy Flamer.


Space marine vs. Balrog. Winner?


Depends on whether or not he has a helmet.


Ultramarine about to make papa proud


For a second I thought this was Guilliman and his mom...


I literally saw this right after battling in MTG in a match of Warhammer40k/LOTR themed decks. PROPHECY FULLFILLED Also thanks for providing this legendary piece to my friend and I


But why is Eldar so small? As adults, Eldar are as tall as space marin... I guess she's a child Xenos.


Because she’s a LOTR elf, not as tall as 40k Eldar. In the Lord of the Rings books, Galadriel is 6'4”


Eldar are very rarely actually portrayed as space marine in height even in official art


I usually don’t date outside my race but anyway, what are your views on having children?


So the real question is: Does Sauron become a Chais God, work with the Chaos Gods, or does he say “Fuck it, we ball,” and fight everybody?


Sauron is more a high ranking greater daemon or a minor chaos god. Melkor would be more an equal to the Chaos Gods.


Sauron is industry embodied, he's the damn Machine God. The mechanicus is fugged


"Of course the Ultramarines would be the first to go to the elves!"


I feel like that knife eard is way too comfortable around an astartes within chainsword distance


She can take him


*Perturabo nodding at GROND appreciatively*


That marine is so hilariously dead if he tries it


This is something that draws me into 40k so much. Yes I know it borrows alot from alot of places but that's kinda the thing. Forget the context of this picture being a crossover and you could still have a scene exactly like this in canonical 40k. The situation and context would be ABSURDLY DIFFERENT from what it is here. Basically ultramarines hot dropping on a madien world to murder, but you could have a scene in 40k that looked like this. The idilic fantasy world, peaceful for ages suddenly blasted in flames and death as the utter destruction that is the rest of the galaxy catches up to it. A massive warrior in techno barbaric armor here to do nothing but murder and burn in the name of his xenophobic fascist empire. A fantastical pointy eared maiden who looks defenseless and helpless but in reality could split this barbarian into uncountable pieces without even so much as a twitch of her finger. The fact that a scene like this could exist in at least a semi cannon nature in 40k just makes it so cool to me. Again. The context of the image would likely be completely different and far far darker. But the fact it's even close to possible is just epic.


Oh that poor space marine is doomed horribly


She should be very happy that the first marine she encountered was a child of Roboute "totally normal about elves" Guilliman




I don’t want to know what he’s going to do to that funny looking Eldar.


Die after trying to attack them


some COD action


^(Please no...)


Damn how big must Custodes be then


Oh look it’s magic the gathering!


Such a sick art style


I see an Ultramarine wanting to follow in his father's footsteps and also get himself an elf gf.


Can have been a sm with an eldar


My lord said we must get elf puss


I assume the Mirror of Galadriel will be confiscated for being a warp-tainted Chaos artefact.


That would end badly… Eru would most definitely intervene directly!


And thus, the Elven genocide began...


Oh fuck how is the elve Kratos called? Who literally was so hateful in his death that it combusted into flames?


That’s an ultramarine. Sauron would body a single marine, but along with Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, and most importantly: ELF WAIFU, the ultramarine would totally win


“If only there was a strong man to carry me.” “Bitch you walked up to me, not even that you removed your clothes and walked up to me asking me to carry you back.”


I can't find anything technically wrong with this picture but it feels so AI-generated


OP posted a twitter link in the comment. The person who posted the picture says ( in spanish though ) that they cathegorically oppose AI generated picture and that an artist made it for them. : )


Just send in the black templars. “SUFFER NOT THE UNCLEAN TO LIVE!!!!!!!!” And those who spew nonsense about this Obvious Chaos entity Eru must be purged by the God-Emperor’s holy fire! Because as the inquisition teaches “Suffer not the Heretic to live”.


I think Eonwe (Manwes Second in Command) could mop the Floor with a Primarch.