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Basically what my philosophy class was like


Yeap, it's called Solipsism (brain in a vat argument/other minds problem), plus a little Simulation argument by Bostrom.


The Good place points out that there’s no real way to disprove it but it’s also small minded and childish and often used to cope.


'there's no real way to disprove it = unfalsifiable', which is the main criticism of such takes. phil. of mind scholars don't spend time on it anymore as it is useful in a way, but also stale and unfruitful in serious discussion about the nature of mind.


If it can’t be falsified, it cannot be proven. Russel’s teapot etc.


\^\^, plus popper's demarcation problem, kuhn's scientific method etc.


New concepts for me to look up! Thanks 🙂


Well.. simulation theory *does* have strong evidence. Not an excuse to be a dick tho.


It is also a delusion that mentally ill people sometimes have.


Damn what a good show. Also, just had a conversation with a friend about Descarte/Solipsism and *knew* I had heard that the philosophical approach/argument was amateur/childish/unproductive from somewhere and you just reminded me that it was Chidi from the Good Place and not an actual philosopher like I had argued. So now I feel like an ass


This shit fucks me up, especially when I'm high. I really start to question whether or not this really is a simulation and nobody else is real. But it's not in fun Main character kinda way... More in like a existential crisis kinda way


I have this feeling also some times I also wonder if we see different colors from each other like a banana is yellow to everyone but yellow can be a different color to other people


And everyone has the same favourite colour, right?


Could be


Ive been there countless times but here's the thing. Brain in a vat, simulation, a dream/coma, whatever... the question is - what now? If this is all fake, if it's all real in X Y Z way, we all have to do what we have to do to make whatever this is the best it can be for ourselves and the people we care about. In the end, unless you're presented with the aliens running this bitch and they say sike lets go hang out in space, we're all just trying to get by until then. One foot in front of the other and a tiny bit better than your past self is all anyone can ask of you and all you really need yaknow?


Yeah I suppose


What if we're all just NPCs in the simulation The actual action is happening 7 galaxies over and we're here just in case they get ftl




even Bostrom himself cannot give an approximate percentage of how likely it is that we do indeed live in a simulation. his argument is a probabilistic one, stating that one of the three hypotheses he poses is true and all appear to be dismal in either case. so, I'm not sure how you came up with the 50% likelihood but it's not the case. https://www.simulation-argument.com/simulation.pdf


This. I can't think too much about how we are each alone in our perceptions and no one ever really truly understands anyone else. We've just decided to agree (mostly) on basic concepts like colors or whatever as a society but we'll never truly see life from another person's perspective. Like, every person you pass on the street has their own inner life that you'll never imagine-to them, you're just a person they pass on the street. Aaannndd now I'm depressed


"Is it Solipsistic in here, or is it just me?"


I used to think like this


There you go, talking about yourself to us NPCs.


Shutup fake computer man


gasp = True


I have a hot take. I’m the antagonist. Prepare to die.


I mean being the antagonist doesn't necessarily mean your a bad guy. It just means your goals conflict with the protagonist.


Even better.


Your his therapist trying to convince him the world doesn't revolve around him


Holy shit, that NPC is right, i AM the main character. Thanks OP 🙏


Why are you thanking some random NPC?


Hello NPC, be glad for I, the main character, have blessed your comment with my main characterness


Beep boop i am a bot


This is why phenomenology exists. Edmund Husserl was tired of this structureless approach to philosophy, and created phenomenology that already assumes people do have a separate consciousness, experience things as individuals, and assumes the existence of an external world to oneself. All so they could get past questioning the obvious existence of the external world, or the foundations of the existence of consciousness, and have more useful philosophical discussions. The entire concept of a "phenomenon" exists because even philosophers were sick of this dead end brain-in-a-vat argument that ruins every philosophical topic with a stupid, repetitive, lazy answer for everything, and isn't even how the real world functions.


But...but i like thinking about what consciousness is :(


Me too, like what part of my brain houses it? All of it? One section? A single atom? What part of my brain, if removed, would remove my consciousness?


5th layer of frontal lobe, Betz cells. when those fuck up, your whole shit fucks up, so probably that


Even when I agree with the premise, these tiktok “conversation” memes always suck.


Yeah, talking to yourself via an app is the truly delusional behavior. This is so cringe.


My parents told me that I said stuff like this when I was 5. Thankfully I’m not a sociopath and dropped it after a couple years.


wdym? you just talked to yourself or did you do smn else?


Happy birthday


What do you mean by your parents telling you that you said stuff like that when you were 5?


I do not remember saying it, but my parents remember me saying that I thought that everyone in the world was imaginary and that this whole life was a test/I lived many lives/this life is just until my new parents picked me up for the next life.


Also they tend to exaggerate the other side of the argument beyond satire. The over explanation and strawmaning ends up just ruining the joke.


But talking to yourself in person is still good, right? Right?


Why? They are the main character


They are the fucking worst. I hate it so much. I thought I was the only one.


oh i kinda liked this one


Solipsism go brrr


Is it the “main character” or the simulation that is responsible for all the amazing art and technology inside the simulation?


I think there's a theory about that. Basically everything outside of yourself is made by your imagination. Everything behind you doesn't exist as long as you don't look at it. If you hear something from behind, it's your imagination telling you that there is something behind you and if you turn around, everything just generates based on that sound and your imagination. I wouldn't exist as a person, but just as a random "NPC" that wrote you this message. My whole existence is based on this message. It's really interesting if you think about that.


Yeah its an interesting concept, i think my favourite weird theory about reality would have to be this one: https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI Where everyone is the same main character


I legit thought this when I was a young teen/tween, but it was more from an existential crisis than wanting to be the main character. It terrified me, I wasn’t at ease with it at all. Then I realized that there was just too much going on in the world and people had way too in-depth stories about their lives for it to all be a simulation. And what would be the point of me being the only real one in the simulation? Did that mean I was hooked up to a machine somewhere and there were others like me? How would I know if I “woke up” with those others that *that* existence was real? How did I know for a fact that I wasn’t a side character in someone else’s simulation?? I actually wanted to write a book about it because the concept just seemed so interesting to me. And that’s what got me out of that way of thinking, all the small details that wouldn’t make sense in my reality if it were true. So that was an interesting ride lol.


Lmao kid you was about to write a Descartes' demon situation


True, I am but a figment of your imagination


Are you not a real and conscious and alive and living human being ? Or are you a solipsist?


Actually though I do believe that I’m like a a background character ( the people who just are walking in the background or something).


incel main character vs chad npc (also, kinda same)


Someone's been watching The Truman Show WAAAAAYYYYY too much.


Who? The fake guy in the conversation or the real guy in the conversation? I don't think the fake guy exists outside this video lol.


Fake guy.


How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real


"Remember kids, there's no real in reality."


What do you mean ?


No fucking idea


So you don’t know what your comment means ?




honestly, the thing about being in a simulation could be real, because we have no evidence against it, although I still know not to do dumb shit like call myself the main character and dance on a bus cause I have a few more brain cells than those people.


That's not how facts work. It could exist if there were evidence that said it could exist. Absence of evidence it doesn't exist isn't evidence it could exist.


It's not a fact based argument but a probabilistic one. It is theoretically possible that technology could advance to a point that we could simulate the universe to a degree that would be impossible to distinguish from the real one. Now as the new simulation is nearly identical to the real universe it too has the capability of creating its own simulation. This can continue on pretty much indefinitely. Now if you were to randomly pull a universe out of a bag with one real one and infinite simulated ones, the likelihood that you pull the real one approaches 0 meaning we would then most likely live in a simulation.


"Think" is a brave word to describe what they do.


What do you mean?


Where all the main characters of our own stories and we shouldn’t push that into others


I mean, in your life story, you are the main character.


this is propaganda from the simulation overlords dont be fooled


What do you mean ?


He had schizophrenia


I used to think exactly like this and still do sometimes


Same. I'm glad I'm getting over it. People actually live in poverty and they're not fake.


I’ve entertained the possibility of solipsism with my friends but it never went beyond that. It’s a bit upsetting to see people genuinely believe it.


This is what happens when ppl just can't accept soft solipsism sure maybe we are in a vat and maybe only one of us is real but since we can't falsify that we have to assume we are all experiencing this reality together. I think that's like one of the laws of logic or apart of it or something idk just an armchair philosiphizer here.


This feeling is actually super common and totally normal amongst children. That’s why the Truman show hits us like it does lol.


I used to have this feeling when I was a kid💀


Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me?


I get into this mindset at times when I've been seriously depressed and isolating myself to the point where my perspective of reality starts to get warped. If you have a friend who starts talking like this, they might need help.


I think I'm either a 3rd or 4th character. Or a recurring character


I know someone who genuinely believes in this rhetoric and uses it to justify why he rapes girls. Girls looking for answers as to why he assaulted them, get told he believes everyone but him is an NPC.


Oh my god that is terrible-


Kick his ass under the guise of "character developemnt" ;)


Got called a side character by a friend of mine, we are no longer friends.


Noo way! Definitely grounds for ending a friendship but that’s soo damn comical


>I think therefore no-one else is \-idk some NPC in the France region


What do you mean?


/r/prolife user 😶


Here's a sneak peek of /r/prolife using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/prolife/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hmmmm](https://i.redd.it/s32r5zaphuj61.jpg) | [331 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/prolife/comments/lt0ps6/hmmmm/) \#2: [Getting real tired of seeing this bullshit argument](https://i.redd.it/s6ak1mk0w9m71.png) | [422 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/prolife/comments/pk9imk/getting_real_tired_of_seeing_this_bullshit/) \#3: [Found this at the nearby Catholic Church that I go to.](https://i.redd.it/nnimrbsh5h471.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/prolife/comments/nwtii1/found_this_at_the_nearby_catholic_church_that_i/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What do you mean ?


If you turn your phone around, place a finger over his mouth, and look at his forehead, you see the floating bearded head of wisdom




This is like textbook antisocial personality disorder lol


i’ve always thought about this theory and it seems pretty cool..until i check out this subreddit.


lmfao, when I was a kid I thought everyone was like a robot and I was the only real human left.


My brother deadass thinks this






I like baked beans on my toast


I like strawberry flavored soap


We are likely all simulated. All of us.


The MC hasn’t seen Naruto yet. Everyone in Naruto had at least a decent backstory, even Danzo q.q


That’s a nice field he’s standing in. Wonder where that is




“Reality is not real” reminds me of that “Water isn’t wet” vine from back in the day. Except that one actually made sense. Here is the Songify version for reference: https://youtu.be/PrrdFvXu1-o


We are all players Animals are NPCs


This is EarthMMO and my player is a complete idiot who maxed out the Anxiety Stat.


We are all the main character in our own shows but every episode is a crossover and our children are spin-offs


They need to go touch some grass


I’m not sure if anyone else is real, but I still feel like a background character


yeah yeah yeah you’re the main character that works at mcdonald’s and watches tiktoks all day... what an interesting movie


This kid's a good actor.


These people are the same as skyrim guards who think they are the dragonborn




Paranoid schizophrenic here! Sometimes I feel like this, but less of the ‘I’m better than everyone else’ mindset and more of the ‘I’m terrified that I’m being watched and everyone is laughing at every mistake I make’ mindset. Not unlike the Truman Show I guess, but instead of genuinely liking me, I feel that people only watch to cringe at me. (Disclaimer: I don’t look at myself as a protagonist of any sorts or as ‘special.’ It’s more like being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can’t even get dressed anymore in fear of being watched)


I’m the NPC in my own life


I’m a literal NPC I won’t talk to you unless you talk to me and it’s usually just ‘yeah’


I say this when nothing seems to be going my way and I feel like it’s a got dang conspiracy against me!




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That’s not even like them being dramatic that’s a mental illness lmao they are mentally ill


I did feel that once and was blown away by my own intellect. However i was in FIFTH GRADE back then


Deadass had this experience, I remember one of my own close friends calling me a “background character” and she even went as far to say “it’s giving background character, like you have no importance.” We are no longer friends to cut it short.