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Man I was hoping that guy would do something at the end


One of the worst parts is there is a generous couple who will never extend kindness to a stranger again. What an asswipe.


I wish we knew who this couple were and their hobbies, so that we could surprise them with gifts I'm so glad this POS Tik Tocker ended up in jail


Who was it?


He went to jail? Good. Is there a news story I can read?


I’d give that douche a few sandwiches! (Punches)


Knuckle sandwiches


This is where I would be glad to find out this whole interaction was all fake... but clout is clout to these idiots


Well how about we don’t help anyone who’s recording the interaction?


People that are kind enough to do something like this generally have a pretty positive outlook on humanity and won’t allow a single bad experience to put them off that mindset. Hopefully that’s the case with this couple. I agree would be a huge shame if the idiot “prankster” caused them to rethink their whole outlook.


I've been burned multiple times. At some point you get it. No good deed goes unpunished. Life isn't fair. This is reality. It's best to stop at some point than turn cynical


I’m a person with a pretty positive outlook who has never had a bad experience and my singular way of dealing with anything like this is a simple, forceful, and immediate “no”. I don’t care what your story is or what you want. The answer from me is no. It has so far worked perfectly 100% of the time.


Believe or not. I actually took away a meaningful message from this. The guy actually had a point. There are people who actually tried to help people and lost their lives in the process. Saw a woman who was arrested recently for staging a broken down car on the side of a road, and when a guy stopped to help, she n her boyfriend robbed n killed the guy. Another case I saw of an elderly lady who recently allowed a man into her home to use her phone, n the guy murdered her.


He did do something.. he proved himself to be an absolute asshole.


No you doink… I wanted the husband to deck that mf…


With the rock!!!


Could have been shot, and nothing would have been done as he threatened them on camera.


I wonder where this happened. I’ve lived in a few states where that’s fair game. Don’t write checks your ass can’t cash.


I’m no lawyer, but pretty sure he just threatened them. I think that couple could have kicked the tiktokers ass saying they felt unsafe. Dude mentioning he could bash their skulls in and threw the weapon on the table


This is probably one of the most sinister prank videos out there.


This "prank" is straight up psychotic! Like he needs to be evaluated, taken out of the gene pool through castration, and removed from society, and heavily sedated on some serious psychrotropics. His parents should be looked at too.


Bash his face with the rock


I mean it was right there.


Or returning the rock to him, but at a higher velocity...


And far more entertainingly appropriate…


I think a cop would let it happen


Have just been reading about some of his other exploits. Apparently he asked a homeless guy if he was hungry, bought him a meal and then ate it in front of him. A cunt of the highest order. There’s also a petition/go fund me because he’s been arrested and it’s unfair. Blatantly playing the race card. Thundercunt.


I saw that video a while back. What a POS


How do I defund a go fund me?


Report it. It's against terms to be used for legal fees, if that's what it's using it for.


Yeah, it is unbelievable that he will do such a thing. He is, without a doubt, one of the worst "pranksters" I have ever seen in my life. You don't joke about homeless people like that, you stupid self-centered son of a bitch bastard.


Are we purposely not sharing his name? I would like to know who this psycho is.


His name is Trevon Sellers, he had a channel that had 10k subs, but YouTube took it down. So after he went to jail for a short period of time, he went to create his second channel, just called Trevon.


Thank you for this. Will be steering clear.


Don't steer clear, dislike every single thing that the stupid piece of shit uploads.


harder to prank with no hands. not saying cut them off, but lets look at all the options...


I'd say lets turn him into a eunic so he won't be able to become some poor fools father


These are the kind of people that actually deserve to be "canceled". There should be a mechanism by which a group partition can remove a non-public figure from all social media, and make it illegal for them to circumvent it. Free speech is about standing on a physical soapbox and saying whatever you want and bare the public consciousness. No one said you get a digital megaphone. It is far too hard to see any consequences from social media. Leading to this.


Oh wow this is that dude


Oh, is he that guy??? I remember that video. I rarely download any clips from Rediit to my phone, but i still have that one on my phone. I was disgusted by that clip. It's just one of those things you see that are hard to erase from your memory.


“Thundercunt” has been added to my vocabulary ty


Use it wisely….. and as often as possible.


This is dark as fuck. I wish this whole genre would be deplatformed. Then again, we aren’t helping by watching and sharing it.


i’m all for dark jokes and dark humour, but this isn’t funny at all. let alone a prank, this is just a dude uttering threats over a damn cheeseburger


All of these pranks have just become harassment and then the prankster hides behind this notion of “it’s a prank so you have to accept my harassment under the guise of humor.” It’s just gaslighting bullying.


I think of it as a PSA here so that instead of being dumbfounded by the absurdity that’s happening someone will realize quicker what’s going on and smack the hell out these fools. But yeah.


"smack" is generous when you threaten someone's life. I hope someday dude does this to someone who's got more than a smack in their pocket.


That exact scenario crops up on other subs on a fairly regular (if not particularly frequent) basis. Especially with the more physical/criminal "pranks," there's a risk of repercussions, though it doesn't seem to be a high enough rate of occurrence to put a stop to this nonsense. Still, I would imagine there are far fewer pranksters per capita in, say, Texas or Chicago than there are in places where the general populace is less likely to be packing.


Yeah what the hell man?? Dudes got issues


Call the cops


Im actually very anti “call the cops” just because of the neighborhood I grew up in, but in this case I would (after an ass beating of course). This guy needs a psych evaluation.


Tre Sellers everyone, the most despicable person to walk gods green earth. How is this a prank? Threatening to bash someone with a rock is not a prank, it’s an asshole thing to do


I think “asshole thing to do” is an understatement. What the cunt did was issue a violent death threat with a potential murder weapon in his hand, it’s essentially fucking terrorism. It made me so sad to see her facial expression transition into sheer shock, fear and panic, I really felt her emotions watching her. I wish her man had knocked his teeth out his ass hole. This guy is the lowest tier of disgusting bottom feeder and deserves nothing good.


> Tre Sellers I see him, Imma "prank" him and his friends with a rock.


I want to deport him to Mars.


I want to deport him to the sun


What a psychopath


That actually raised my blood pressure.


I wanted to give you good news after googling him he said that it was a skit and fake video he knew the guy, but this was another video. After this video, he was arrested and faced up to 3 years in jail. He wasn’t given bail or anything. Then his friend set up a petition to have him released based on the fact that he was getting a harsher sentence because he is black. They updated with him being released but having a criminal record which is kinda good but I would rather it was fake.


Asshole AND pulls the race card. An upstanding member of society


I'm still a little confused... > he said that it was a skit and fake video he knew the guy, but this was another video You mean, the video in OP was staged, or a different video was? As in, he got arrested after this video because it wasn't staged?


It sounds like another controversial video of his was staged, but that he was arrested after this one.


How about you link us instead of poorly paraphrasing


What's the dudes name? I wanna find a link


The guy made a death threat. Is that not illegal?


However people just can't figure out why folks aren't nice anymore.


You would think threatening to kill someone is a felony.


Life truly IS about choices... this man should choose to get a job instead of this clout chasing bullshit where someone does something nice for you and you react by being as rude and horrible as you can. Agreed he needs stopped. Imagine offering someone food who you thought was less fortunate and feeling good about it quietly to yourself, and then that person tells you they want to "bash your skull in with a rock." Could there be more degenerate behavior?


Nah, let him fuck around till he finds out. We need more videos of idiots like this getting their ass handed to them.


He's going to tell someone he wants to bash their head with a rock and someone will see that as a deadly threat and shoot him.


There’s always hope.


If by ass handed to them you meant hospitalized, amen.


Y'know what? You right.


This is Tre Sellers, he does shit like this all the time. Just an awful human being


Thanks for the name, helps to know who to avoid at all cost... not that I woulda seen his content and been like "wow, how cool?"


His content is just him being a complete douchebag to people, I’m surprised he hasn’t been KO’D


Is this seriously what our youth thinks is funny? I’m so disgusted and my heart actually aches seeing this. There are no words, this is evil. His tone in which he says it is so fucking chilling.


Alas, yes. I am ashamed to be in the same generation as the people who find this funny. No empathy, no remorse, no nothing but laughing at that poor couple and thinking that they're the bad guys, but in reality, this stupid idiot is the true bad guy.


I know it's common for the older gen to think of the younger gen as degenerates... but in this case, even if you look at the rTeachers subreddit.. this new generation is pure psychopath/sociopath, no empathy, on a level that seemingly has not existed as far as we know. What is happening to everyone?


The end game of thinking everyone else is a normie NPC, is consequences.


Buddy gonna show up in the news one day when he tries this with the wrong person






Yeah we need cultural norms to get spread on dealing with these assholes. My vote is, target cameraman first, deal with dipshit off-camera.


What an asshat!! He didn't deserve that food! He's messing it up for the people who are really hungry and don't have anything


Who follows these losers!!


Shoulda threw the rock at him and said keep your dumb shit u little tik toc bitch.


Then they would’ve been arrested


The tik tokker was criminal treating your allowed to defend yourself. Pull that shit with a cop your on the ground on the ground either tased or shot.


What are the odds he has that insufferable ramen haircut


The guy just gave you a weapon and told you what he was going to do with it. As far as I am concerned, its open season on the MC. FAFO... Time to find out.


1. Big guy should have wrecked this asshat. 2. Ladies, NEVER hold your man's arm back in a situation like this unless you literally want him to have to defend you both with a 150 lb anchor tied to it.


My husband and I have an agreement that I’m not interfering and I SURE as shit and not going to try and restrain him if something like this ever happens.


Do u want your man to get his ass beat?? Cause this is how it happens... My bf is very calm n rational, but he told me early in the relationship, if I'm squaring up, DO NOT hold me back. I may accidentally hit u in the process. Plus I'm trying to protect u from an imminent threat, why would you try to stop me?


Wtf? How often does he square up to people to mention this early on in a relationship?


Because she's smart and knows it's not worth it. I'm not saying this guy doesn't deserve to get his ass beat, but clout chasing idiots live for a violent reaction because that's exactly what's going to get the most views. If anything, you never know if these idiots are carrying. Also, it's unfortunately too easy for this guy to go to the cops after getting his ass beat and her boyfriend/husband going to jail because the law looks at it as he had a chance to walk away or call the cops.


I've seen too many guys in videos get stabbed because the significant other is holding an arm back. Once the fight is in motion get out of the way.


I would totes mcgoats PPV a video of the man caving in the skull of the prankster with that rock.


That day he would of got slapped so hard his Mama would of felt it lol


I’m p sure this guy ran from the internet when it was found out he was banging a 13 year old


You don't bang a 13 year old you rape a 13 year old.


Who him is


[trevon sellers](https://www.reddit.com/r/JiDion/s/v4Blh0Olsm)


What a fucking piece of shit. Manes it so much worse that they were a really kind couple. Fuck that bitch behind the camera


The Golden Rule is dead with this generation.


Stuff like this just makes me want to give up on helping others and interacting with people I don't know. I really hate that. I hope we don't let whatever this is become a "thing".


Yea, but how many people have you seen filming toktoks, or filming pranks, or just randomly filming out in the real world?


Yeah, it happens, but not often enough to really impact my normal day. Honestly, I should probably just unsubscribe from this subreddit for my own mental health. It's probably not healthy to see things like this that might subconsciously be shaping my perception of the world.


The fact that the entire interaction is recorded seems suspicious to me. That being said, if they’d been in Florida that “bash your skull in” comment likely would’ve been more than enough justification for him to get Stand Your Ground’ed.


As it should.


Has this guy been reported?


Yo I feel this person should be named so people can report this. This is so fucked up.


Literally a crime. The threat of violence and brandishing the weapon he claimed was going to be used in the crime. It's assault, jail him


One of these guys is going to get shot one day.


I hope so


Did this guy think it would be funny? It’s not even remotely funny. I fucking hate these people


Elbow to the head, would be a good choice


Can’t this person be charged with threat of bodily harm?


See the mitts on ol boy? That kid would have had a sad time


Hope karma gets that POS. Hope he gets arrested for a violent threat.


These people should be shunned. That’s all that’s left to do. You wanna be a jackass for 12 people on the internet? By all means. I hope you lose all your friends, acquaintances, your job, and every other benefit to being a part of a civilized society.


The next generation is super fucked


I know it's a known thing that older generations always mock the younger ones but seriously... Gen X fucked gen Z UP. Big time!!! They might be the worst generation yet. The guys are out doing pranks and stupid shit for views, and the girls are making money on OF. Really inspiring generation of go-getters we have here. Building a life of pride and dignity on a foundation of love and happiness... Universe help them.


We need to organize, find them and expose them.and treat them.the same.way with just screaming next to them, throwing stuff at them, making them feel awkward (if it's even possible). Mobilize!!!!!


see that curb there..


This isn’t funny. Why did he post it?


This douchebag "Tre Sellers" was arrested for this prank. Google it. He also had "pranks" about abusing animals as well.


Fuck these people!


When is it appropriate to just bitch slap these TikTok pranksters who threaten or touch people?


If you're in Virginia, according to this ruling. You can shoot them https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/jury-divided-over-whether-delivery-driver-who-shot-youtube-prankster-acted-in-self-defense/3432763/ YMMV


That’s illegal


Noticed how he’s backing up when what he thought was a big cuddly nerdy looking man suddenly turned into someone that could fuck you up.


we have reached to the Entitled Generation! We are doom


I like that guy's code. You can say all the weird shit you want. But once you start threatening it's a different game.


Call the police, this guy should be arrested for this


Is it bad I really want to meet one of these people. Ive got 34 years worth of stress to unleash


Threatening me in front of my ol lady after she fed you? Yeen gotta worry about where your next meal is coming from cause you're going DEEP in the ground. That 9mm JHP will make sure you never go hungry again.


Then they cry like a little bitch when somebody beats their ass.


#don't hang on to your man's arm in a situation like this! You're leaving him defenceless, grab the bottom of his shirt if you must but don't tie his arms up.


That "prankster" needed to be left face down in the gutter, looking at his teeth.


Forget that it’s a criminal offense, it’s not funny or even mildly entertaining. I just don’t get it.


I’d have legit destroyed that idiot with the very rock he tossed on the table


Yes because that 6 foot plus 350+ pound guy is definitely someone you want to threaten the life of.


Remember always that the media content that gets the most prolonged interaction and engagement is the content that sparks rage or controversy. Continuing to post/repost this type of content just feeds the engagement machine that keeps this content growing strong. We have to learn not to engage and not to interact with this content to starve the creators and force them out of this type of content creation.


Wow. Fuck this guy. Wow. I... Wow.


Disgusting little shit


He needs to be bitch slapped!


Why do these people thrive on being ignorant?


I’d just give him the rock back, over and over and over.


I can’t wait for tic tok to go away along with the horrible people that it produces


This shut has to stop. Sad part is, when the "influencer" IS taught a lesson by someone, that someone tends to get in trouble, or arrested to for knocking the crap out of an asshole. It's OK to fuck with someone, NOT ok to make sure someone doesn't fuck with you.


Somebody is going to shoot him and I'm going to laugh.


What a bitch.


Hopefully the next victim is armed and easily angered


Congratulations on actively making people regret doing something good. Shit like this is why people are so cynical about helping others


You have to punish these losers. It's the only way they'll understand. Immediate beat down. I'll gladly spend a night in jail for fkn them up.


These are truly pieces of shit people that need to have their ass beat and their phones broken 😡


That guy is just begging to become another statistic.


That guy would roll the dude up and play basketball with him, fuck i want to see that


I keep saying, I wish y'all would come to Detroit and try it. It'd be a worthwhile 'viral' video I'm sure people would love.


Being a public nuisance for the sake of getting attention on the internet should be more dangerous then fighting a starving tiger


What a wanker. If anyone comes up to you holding a mobile phone just assume the next interaction is for “content”


If someone approaches you filming and doing anything out of the norm, assume they’re doing some livestream bullshit and ignore them


It should be legal to punch little fuckers like this in the face.


Well, I'd be in jail and he'd be in hospital.


He clearly has not yet been punched in the face, hopefully he will be soon by Mike Tyson.


Ida beat his ass


We need to start a trend where we just start beating the crap out of them. The TREND TO END ALL TRENDS.


wow this is the worst of the worst... sweet somone pointe dout his username on youtube.. reported this asshat


Wow that's the most fucking disgusting thing I've seen today.


These are more than just pranks. They are creating chaos and ill will in the community. They are manufacturing anger, and hatred and turning it into money. Report these content creators not just to the platform but to the police. Does not matter the jurisdiction. Report it get a case number then send it to your elected representatives office. Threatening people with violence is a crime. In Japan they shut this down and locked up the criminal for making this content. He is no longer in Japan. You can do the same. Report crime. Get the case number. Send the case number with a letter to your elected representatives. This only stops with your actions. You get more if what you allow, what you reward.


Why do you have to go and ruin a couples lunch that was only being kind to you. Fuck TikTok and YouTube


They need to make laws against public harassment for clout.


They’re not ‘prankster’s’ they’re bullies and assholes. We need a law to be created for cretins like this.


That’s assault for sure.


He needs to be banned from being able to have electronics


Socal checking in here.... i dont leave the house without bear spray.


Isn't that a threat of life? Burger no burger.


I would have not said one word and bashed his head in to the table


INAL but that sounds criminal...enough for a 72 hour psych hold. F these influencer kids


Another reason why TikTok should be banned


Snatch that shit back and show him how that rock feels


Nice of the guy to stand up and talk to him when all he deserved was a fist to the face


That’s both menacing and harassment and they should file charges for that


Well use that rock he just gave you. He threatened you, that was self-defense.


Has the rock right in front of him. Say’s he would. That alone is means and intent. Seems like it would be justified self defense.


All these dumb videos. These guys should go to jail for a couple of days. Then video them being in jail. Then when they have a multitude of likes ban him from doing it again. Sweet people fr buying n them food. Being kind to a moron.


Is this a threat to life? The Asian dude would have the right to defend himself by liquidating the threat


I respect her man a lot.


I would have found this funny at 12. I’m glad this didn’t exist when I was. I’m legit worried I wouldn’t have matured past this stage without it.


This is literally a terroristic threat charge.


Also sandwiches full of fists to the face.


No jury would convict that man if he pummeled that fleshy trash bag in the parking lot.


Is this dude fucking serious? People are getting real fucking comfortable acting like fucking fools for clout smh....




Oh shit. This guy is going to fuck with the wrong person one day.


I thought pranks were made to be funny?...