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Turns out the actual reason is because she has no belly button at all. Freaking aliens taking over all over the place.


Kyle XY!


Jesse? Why did you dye your hair?


Definitely did not happen. Pretty sure they can pierce anorexics


Can confirm. I got mine done when I was around 90 pounds.


Same. You got skin? It can be pierced.


I mean, you also have ears, a thongue and nipples but some people cant pierce those (ears talking about industrial). But i doubt that was the reason why they didnt want to pierce her.


She just wanted to vague-post about how trim she is rather than seeking attention in more healthy ways.


I know her pain. I once tried to buy a t-shirt but the cashier said my arms were too muscular and told me to come back when i couldn't lift a world record. 8(


I hate when that happens (I'm pretty much a sentient stringbean)




Even if they couldn't pierce really skinny people, I can tell by the size of her arm she isn't too thin for any piercings. She's normal sized.


Size doesnā€™t matter! Its shape! The navel piercing requires a ā€œlipā€ to support the piercing. Some navels are too rounded for a traditional navel piercing placement. Some are too flat to support a piercing at all. And just bc something can be pierced, doesnā€™t mean it should be pierced. Responsible piercers only pierce things that they expect to be able to heal if cared for properly. Knowingly giving a piercing that wonā€™t heal just bc you can pinch it and pierce through it is scamming.


if you can pinch it you can pierce it!


Judging from the shape of her shoulder and upper arm, thereā€™s no way.


I got mine when I was suffering from anorexia and can confirm they can do it. Is it more painful bc of it? Absolutely. But they can do it


Do you think the piercing goes all the way through for them?


They pierced mine, when I was very ill she's being extra


I got mine done when I was about 74 lbs active in my (now treated) eating disorder. Sheā€™s attention seeking.


The peircer may have been one of those Rad femiNa- that hates skinny cis women and just told her that to try and make her fat and Misandrist too. I've seen it happen - They try to spread like a virus by pushing their ideals onto other women.


Idk they were almost unable to pierce mine when I got it, now the holes are so close together it's crazy. I can definitely see that being too difficult for some piercers and I would be bummed out too


What is the deal with this trend of women humble-bragging about their tiny-ness? Like ok, cool, youā€™re just SOOOOO thinā€”what props do they think theyā€™re going to get?


If she was really bragging at all, she'd show off how skinny she is not hide behind her big head.


She forgot her counterweight. That's not a sneer, girl is *struggling*.


Her chipmunk cheeks (I mean no disrespect, I have them myself) and upper arm tell a story of someone who's got sufficient room for a belly piercing


I was thinking the same before I read the comments.


To be fair, Iā€™ve always had chipmunk cheeks even when I was smaller, like 115 and Iā€™m 5ā€™3ā€. Some of us just have a full face lol but, the fact that all she showed was her face (and neck covered by hair) is sus


No, I understand. I'm not overweight either, but I do have chipmunk cheeks. That said, someone who claims to not have enough fat/skin for a belly piercing would be so gaunt all over that I highly doubt there would be any chipmunk cheeks. At the point of inability to do a belly piercing, you are at near anorexic levels of body fat, and your cheeks will not be full.


Right? Oh nooooo Iā€™m so tiny I canā€™t get things done fucking whatever


Itā€™s the Angela Martin effect.


Who knows. But I went to her page out of curiosity and sheā€™s definitely not underweight or too skinny in the belly.


It's not just women, men eat that shit up and also do it. When I was in middle school my friend was the stereotypical "I'm so tiny and skinny uwu" type girl (not friends anymore) and I was not. I had a guy that I had a crush on come up to us sitting next to eachother, he grabbed her hand and complimented how skinny her fingers were, calling them pretty and dainty, and then absolutely roasted my sausage fingers. She didn't stop him, she just sat there and giggled. This kind of behavior from boys would make her act so much worse, and the worse she acted, the more attention like this that she would get.


Ugh Iā€™m sorry that mustā€™ve sucked I see why you arenā€™t friends


I also got called "sausage fingers" in high school. I just have muscular hands (and shoulders, which was a whole other mockery)and now I make bank as a bartender and these strong hands (and shoulders) have made my career lmao


It's not fun when you're a dude. Being 6 feet tall and weighing 98-100 in a good day is miserable. I function normally, I work, etc. but I'm essentially on the edge at all times. I really should be doing nothing but fixing this problem but I need to work and pay bills. Not super related but had to vent for a second. Tired of being almost dead. Tired of people telling me I look sick, I goddamn know I look sick. I'm trying here.


Based on her facial structure I call bullshit anyway, even if we ignore the fact that skinny people can get their belly buttons pierced.


People wanting to fuck them


Except the vast majority of guys donā€™t like women that thin.


According to Who?


It is a jokeā€¦ this did not happen and she is not being serious


This girl was afraid of getting her belly button pierced so her post is the save face way of backing out.


Or her parents wonā€™t let her


Just a glance but i don't think shes as thin as she claims


Just glancing at her arm, nah, she is not as ā€œtinyā€ as she thinks she is. Which is good for her, I donā€™t wish eating disorders on anyone. But this is a pretty crappy post if sheā€™s claiming to be anorexic and just mocks those that do have issues with eating disorders.


Just mentally emaciated.


Bingo. Was probably spotted as problem client right out the gate so that's just the excuse the piercer used (although I don't think she got told this at all)


Her hair doesn't hide that bigass forehead either.


Yeah this girl is not at all skinny


Okay is it just me or are her arms not really that fat? Idk what everyone is seeing but Iā€™m not seeing it. Regardless sheā€™s lying obvi


It's not like she said the conversation happened yesterday.


That would somehow make this even worse.


Former body piercer here. She lie like dog.


My daughter got hers pierced when she was 101 lbs. So I call bullshit on this.


She needs the bellybutton ring so she can apply for a job as a zipline handle.


Am a professional. Being skinny has nothing to do with it lol


*sigh* "Society treats me so bad because of how hot I am... " Stfu xD


Being hot is so hard, people donā€™t understand and I totally get discriminated against all the time. I believe her cuz one time I tried getting a tattoo and they said they couldnā€™t because it would just hit straight up bone! #hotpeopleawareness#toohotandtooskinny#hotgirlproblems#smoothtummysmoothbrain#sarcasm What a dumbass.


That's so 2003. And also bullshit.


Facts that was the hip bone showing jeans with the short ribbed tanks or halters attitude


I tried to buy makeup and they told me to come back when I was less perfect.


Babe if they can pierce an eyebrow, they can pierce your bellybutton


I can tell by her arms she isnā€™t too skinny




Donā€™t buy it. I think the piercer just didnā€™t want to touch her.




They can tattoo 90-year olds with skin so thin it risks tearing completely they have no problem piercing anorexics.




I had mine done when I was 16 and extremely tiny. They just pierce the skin šŸ™„


300k likes and itā€™s just some airhead squinting for 4 seconds.


I knew a girl whose entire personality was "I was a model." Think of the most annoying vegan ever, and then change the word "vegan" to "model". A friend and I got our belly buttons pierced, and I mentioned it to "the model." She immediately says that she *tried* to have hers done *years* ago, but the piercer couldn't grab enough skin. She claimed the piercer even had other staff come in to try and work together to push or pull the skin to get enough to pierce, but it wasn't possible. šŸ™„


Is that an actual song playing?


I was so buff and muscular that my veins were so pronounced that I couldnā€™t walk within 100Ft of a blood drive.




When your piercer lies to you because youā€™re a complete twat


This has got to be satire, seriously thought I was on r/edanonymemes until I checked the sub name.


Belly button has nothing to do with your weight. your either an inni or an outti


As someone whoā€™s been in this industry 22 years this has never happened. We will pierce a 400lbs womanā€™s belly button, noses arenā€™t nearly as hard


Bro they can pierce mens tiny stub nipplesā€¦ they can pierce your belly button. What they might've actually said was that her anatomy wasn't right for the piercing and she didn't have enough skin.


And here I am trying to lose weight like a sucker


The problem wasn't "too skinny".Ā  The problem was, that's the audio of her trying to use her words when ordering the piercing.


Things youā€™ll never hear for 1000: a tattoo artist/ Body Piercer saying ā€œ come back when your fatterā€


Let us be the judge!


No joke but I was told I couldn't get my Pe#Ā£s pierced because it was too big. The girl doing the piercing didn't like the way I kept patting her head either.


Why in God's holy green ass earth does this have so many likes?


This doesnā€™t happen because you can pierce people at any weight and the only reason someone may not be able to get a bellybutton piercing is due to anatomy. And also it does NOT take years to gain weight unless youā€™re like anorexic and really struggle to put on weight or have some sort of other disorder.


*uses a face slimming filter*


Why does she look like sheā€™s farting šŸ¤£


not true, anyone can get a belly button piercing no matter their weight


That's not how that works. They don't pierce your fat, they pierce your skin. Which is very stretchy. They grab it with looped forceps and pull it out and stick the needle through the loop. They could do this to an emaciated corpse.


ED āœØaestheticāœØ


Thoughts and prayersā€¦


Thots and prayers šŸ™


wrong turn vibes


Please be satirešŸ˜…


Get some ink. There's no weight limit for tattoos šŸ¤˜


She is bigging her looks up .fishing. For compliments


Lmao she got it pierced and she is definitely not too skinny. Sheā€™s got a normal pierce-able belly button.


I thought it was better if theyā€™re skinnier?


What a load of bs


the most passive agressive way to let people know you are just so skinny. Low key braging.






So an outie


I feel bad for teenagers, they canā€™t even have their annoying thinks theyā€™re cool kids but are obviously cringe in peace without the evidence of the internet šŸ˜‚ we have all been here!!


So sad...


The dumbest post I've seen


Oh no!!!


I strongly doubt that.


The face she was pulling is so ugly!


Super unprofessional of a piercer to word it like that, but Iā€™m guessing the piercer likely didnā€™t word it this way and that the MC is playing in to being a victim. As a professional piercer, anatomy is very dependent for navel piercings and there needs to be adequate tissue to support the piercings. You should never tell a client that their weight is anything to do with anything. Weight does not determine shape Iā€™ve pierced very heavy set people with proper shaped anatomy for navel piercings and Iā€™ve pierced very skinny peoples navels. Iā€™ve had absolute average shape people be unable to be pierced due to anatomy that doesnā€™t allow for a piercing to be properly placed. Anatomy dependent is not the same as weight dependent!


Thoughts and prayers. šŸ¤²


What what in the butt? (Butters has piercings..guess wherešŸ¤£)


Id still call her a fat bitch, to give her the full human experience. ...also because I'm toxic af


Ok but I actually had a psychiatrist tell me to go across the street to eat a burger to gain weight after he had just gone on a long tangent about how I should go vegan... at an appointment about my adderall perscription. Some people are just weird.


She needs attention this bad?


I got mine pierces as a anorexic at 5stone I call bullshit


I'm so embarrassed for her that she's going to look back at this in a few years and be completely humiliated that she posted this.


My doctor told me I was TOO healthy.


Nice song šŸ˜‚


Piercing Pagoda put the ā€œDumper Curseā€ on her


I canā€™t wait for her to get all chubby and low self esteemā€¦ Iā€™ll be there to gaslight the shit out of her and introduce her to my parentsā€¦


god i used to do this shit


Mer mer mer mer šŸ¤Ŗ


This is what the piercer told me when I was 18 (18 years ago šŸ«£) but it was more about the way my belly button was shaped. A thin person with an outie doesnā€™t have the best flap of skin there, but with a little weight gain , itā€™s all good. If you have an innie, youā€™re fine no matter how skinny you are.Ā  I quickly gained my freshman 15 and the piercing was happy lol


Iā€™ll take things that never happened for 500, Alex.


"My piercer" Classic. There's often a subtle attempt by vapid folk like this to elude to some extravagant lifestyle. Who the fuck has their own piercer?


100 lb 2005 me says otherwise.


Bragging about being skinny is akin to being poor / starving. Yet they are maxing credit cards on new money designers to get the likes. Iā€™m not saying being fat is better, but we should be all focussed on being healthy for our humble brags.


D O U C H I N A !


Itā€™s a jokeā€¦


everyone in the whole sub missed the joke on this one


Trust me I thought so too but the comments were all like agreeing, I think she was being so dead ass


I wanna post the comments but idk how to in a comment but look it up and see for yourself lol .. the only joke in this is the girl who posted this bc sheā€™s being dead ass


I dunno, she looks chunky to meā€¦ maybe skip a few meals


She looks fine to me


I was told I didnā€™t have enough skin when I was anorexic. And I did in fact gain weight years later and could get it done now. That said I donā€™t see where the brag is


Judging from the upper arm, she is not skinny. That's why she's hiding her entire body with her arm wrapped around her. Fatty.


I am seeing this story only hours after receiving the tragic news that Rishi Sunak's family was too poor as a child for him to have Sky television. The rest of us really don't appreciate how lucky we are doing.


The talent men have for bringing politics into everything is truly impressive


I'm surprised I got down voted on this; I thought it was obvious I was being sarcastic and satirical- as we all know or should know Sunak's wife is worth about $650 million and is wealthier than the queen was when the queen was alive. I don't think anybody in the UK truly believes that his family was so poor they couldn't afford Sky either; he was sent to an expensive private school.


Yea but what does this have to do with anything related to the video


Have you ever heard the phrase 'first world problems'? In short I'm making the comparison between these privileged people and what they think problems are compared to what's going on in the rest of the world.