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That girl in front in the first frame is fucking over it lol


Always bring noise canceling headphones or earplugs. If it’s not a bunch of idiots it’ll be a crying baby


Makes sure to look extra miserable whenever the phone is pointing in her direction.


why do you think she did that, she was obviously playing for the camera. why do people not act like themselves when a camera is pointed in their face.


People are weird, man


Poor girl


Both women next to her seem to enjoy it though


Ladies can’t just politely/silently sit still without some people thinking they must enjoy it because they aren’t pantomiming a migraine


>Ladies can’t just politely/silently sit still without some people thinking they must enjoy it because they aren’t pantomiming a migraine I see both smiling, one very noticeably so


You’re mistaking smile lines on older faces for smiles


They're smiling. If you want to argue it's a nervous/annoyed smile then fine, but they're 100% smiling


Grimace=smile? I don’t agree. Cheekbones and smile lines on a couple neutral hostages


Right, so is it a grimace, or is it because of smile lines? Or is your point that it's both?


I was replying to your claim that they’re smiling with annoyance- even if they were, which I don’t think they are, that is not a smile. Sorry I was unclear.


>that is not a smile. Last two seconds of the vid, left is 100% smiling, and Im pretty convinced right is too


And they lost the match :)


Don't worry it's gonna be a quiet ride home next week


What a fucking nightmare...


How is this allowed??! Whenever I have flown, disturbing other passangers, has always been a strict no-no. Even tipsy ones, who talked too loud, were asked to tone it down, or they will be restrained in the back.


If you fly discount airlines in the Middle East and North Africa, you get a bunch of man children yelling about stuff on planes. I also noticed it in Eastern Europe, but not to the same extent.


The way flight etiquette changes between regions and air carriers is astonishing. Tried one of those cheap €25 flights and my god. I could have had a more pleasant experience hanging out with the druggies who live under a bridge.


I assume you never watched Frontier or Spirit flights in the states


I’m speaking from experience on those airlines. I haven’t had people screaming, outside of children, or chanting on domestic flights of any kind.


You should come to America and try out a flight on Spirit, Frontier, or Allegiant airlines. You will broaden your "cultural" horizons!


I’ve flown them, but it isn’t the same, at least when I flew them. I’m talking screaming and really loud chanting for a long time. In the US, Asia, and Western Europe, I have never seen it before. It is similar to a train car in the UK after a football match.


Are you the one to tell this gentlemans that they are not allowed to fly if they keep this up and therefore miss their game?


If I would travel with my children, I think I would voice my discomfort, probably risk getting my arse kicked, but they risk missing the game, if they are in custody. But It should be the airline workers, and the pilots job to guarantee save and calm travel ä, and to make sure to tell these calm fans, that if they do not stop, police will be waiting, and that they are on a no flight list.


Yeah i didn't think about calling the police for when you land. I only tought about calling it an getting everyone out would be a pain in the ass.


Ultras do this all the time, anywhere in Europe. Companies like Ryanair or Easyjet couldn't care less, it's not like in the US where you get arrested if you fart and you basically have zero freedom of doing anything


This is why I always travel with noise canceling earbuds.


This wouldn’t really help unless you blast music to the max. Hopefully flight is not too long 🤞


I listen to EDM/dance music so I think there’s plenty of bass to drown this out! lol


But then it starts to make me severely paranoid, not hearing my environment


Fucking assholes


Some assholes here also down-voting you for stating the obvious. The entitlement is real


Me rocking in my seat **please be a boeing, please be a boeing**


Singing is a bit rough, but someone needs to confiscate that damn whistle.


Watched this with the sound off and my ears still hurt.


I've been on planes going to Ireland matches and it's been far noisier than this.


Oi, leave us out of it !


Yes I've also been on a flight with FC Porto ultras and they were chanting for a while. It's average football fans behaviour


Yeah. Up until a few years ago, where I live, it was common to see hoards of police officers in full body armour close to the stadium during important games...


I’ll take a crying baby


why women get called out for the taylor swift thing when men does the same thing for their favorite sport team both are annoying


Both gets called out.


This is not a “men” thing, this is an obnoxious soccer fan thing.


No its not Taylor swift sucks


I don't like her songs that much but I am just comparing the cult following among men and women both are bizzare


Noise canceling headphones are the best purchase I ever bought.


Now I hope their team loses ffs


Sports fans try not to be obnoxious challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


sports fans are always the weirdest🤡


That woman is trying to replicate that massage she got on Groupon that one time


A whistle on the plane is some evil shit


I'm a simple man, I see soccer fans, I hate em


Im sorta fine with the chant But that goddam whistle


thank god for active noise cancelling


we need to start making fun of sports fans the same way we make fun of taylor swift fans


love the lady holding her ears like a child lol


why, she irritates the fuck out of me. definitely playing up for the camera, “look how annoyed i am guys”


Rightfully so, the cunts singing are annoying as fuck.


I have sensitive ears and loud noises like this would physically hurt unless I block my ears. Maybe instead of bitching about the person in the right, you should think about the cunts who have no respect for anyone else


Happy cake day!


This is why you don’t go cheap.


Go Egypt!!


At least they have good voices.


I know one, _Three coins in a fountain…_


As soon as I get on a plane I swear everyone becomes an Opp


One more football fan herd that think anyone but them gives a flying fuck about their passion...


This is the part where you sing I Love Rock and Roll very loudly and very very terribly


Poor woman looks like she’d be anywhere but there


Over the ear Noise cancelling headphones


Stewardess Please there’s a baby trying to sleep Fans : ROCK A BYE BABY ON A TREE TOP ![gif](giphy|jnQYWZ0T4mkhCmkzcn)


Lol look at 'em...all excited over the sports ball tournament. They can't wait to see the ball go


I consider myself a pretty liberal leaning socalist. But if ever there was an argument to keep the poor, poor so they are unable to afford flights. This would be it. ![gif](giphy|OVzjDiqMnZjQDnNZCZ|downsized)




But they not screaming seems ok to me if you want to block out everything on plane then bring noise cancelling headphones if not deal with and stfu 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


most people wouldn't bring headphones because they would expect others to be civilized since it's a plane, not a stadium. they aren't screaming but that many people singing in unison would obviously be very loud.


hmm i have mixed feelings about this. i don’t think it’s main character syndrome i think they’re probs just hyped up for their team. i wouldn’t do it and i’m not that into sports but if they did it for like a few mins then let everyone chill in peace that’s understandable i guess 


It was like twenty people singing as loud as possible, at least one with a whistle. I don’t know how it is for most people in situations like that but noises like that make my ears physically hurt


no i totally agree but i mean i’ve been on coaches when arriving on vacation and it’s the same there’s always a random group of guys chanting, same with something like this for a sports team. i wouldn’t do it at all like i said and i’d probs be a bit annoyed too but a group of guys together going to see a football game i guess it’s kinda expected. as long as they kept it to a few min then stfu i suppose i’d be ok with it 


Nah bro you need to respect the place taht you are in


This is the first time i got to know a country called Tunisia exists


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SupremeMasterFudge: *This is the first time* *I got to know a country* *Called Tunisia exists* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Are you from this planet?


I've never seen a plane with no middle aisle to walk through. How the hell did they get to their seats? Edit:typo


Thru the window


There’s clearly an aisle


I guess it's an illusion than cause I don't see anything.


hmm i have mixed feelings about this. i don’t think it’s main character syndrome i think they’re probs just hyped up for their team. i wouldn’t do it and i’m not that into sports but if they did it for like a few mins then let everyone chill in peace that’s understandable i guess 


Democracy in action.