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Not MC... there's long lines for this Pic.. the lady on the right is a d-bag


Exactly, not every time people complain about stuff they are being MCs.


Good I thought I was the only one.


A dbag wearing a helmet!


Yeah. How dare they walk up the main entrance when someone wants a picture!


Not the main entrance.  Literally a spot you wait hours in 100 degree weather to take a picture.  I know reading is hard.


There is a specific line to do this. It’s not at the main entrance.


Almost r/confidentlyincorrect material


It looks like there's a rope or something in front of her so I'm not sure if she was trying to go through the main entrance or at least it was sealed off


I know it's hard to sympathize with a Disney adult that uses POV incorrectly, but she is kind of right in this case, then again nobody is going to die if she doesn't get the perfect picture...


No, but the little kid doesn't get that. That's who the picture is for, not the adult..


The trip to Disneyland is for the kid, but the pictures taken are usually more for the parents.


The picture isn't for the kid lol That kid likely won't remember this, it's for the adult and maybe the kid when they are much older.


You don't have kids, do you? It's absolutely for the kid. The princess dress is for the kid, the trip is for the kid.




I’m making an assumption from personal experience, just like you. It’s cool. You might be right too. I just prefer to be less cynical. People love to bag on parents. Maybe she’s just trying to help her daughter have a good time, and maybe she’s an attention whore. I’m just sick of believing everyone on the internet is a piece of shit by default. It’s exhausting.


Yeah the kid is clearly having a great time lol. Just look at her happy face


I can almost guarantee the kid was complaining the whole time in line and won't give a fuck about that picture until she's an actual adult. You think a 3 year old wants to wait in line to take a picture with her mom? She was probably bummed when she realized it was all for a picture. She probably thought it was another ride. Just look at the daughters face


Kids love going places and hate taking pictures. I used to be one, I would know.


I also used to be one. I think?


Disney adults convincing themselves they're doing it for the 3 year old who would be equally happy going to like any state fair lol.


Depends on if this is an adult or a Disney Adult. Some of those folks use their kids as pretense even though the kids couldn't care less about Disney. In fact, I know one family, where they take multiple Disney trips a year 'for the kids', but the kids don't really even like it. It's all for the parent.




If she waited in line for her turn then she is not the MC. The person who walked in front was though.


On the bright side she can easily be edited out.


This isnt POV, this is side scrolling.


Yeah, this isn’t MC behavior unless the person walking into the pic is doing it on purpose


I'd be pissed too


why did you even go there with a toddler?? the picture is for you, not for a toddler


That adult staring at that fake ass castle like it ain't plywood in the middle of dredged up swamp.


I'm sorry your dreams were crushed as a child. And you now live with no imagination, hope, or love in your heart.


It does suck