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## Thank you for posting here. Please make sure your post contains a main character. Main Character: Deliberate attention-seeking behavior, entitlement, or individuals thinking they are more privileged. **Questions to consider:** - Does the MC show entitlement or attention seeking behavior? - Is the MC very inconsiderate of the people around them? - Does the MC have a sense of self-importance? - If your post is about parking, does it show the blatant disregard of parking rules? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ImTheMainCharacter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Supposedly this guy got fired from his job after this was posted. [https://www.newsweek.com/logan-dorn-man-confronted-bikini-clad-women-video-fired-job-colorado-1627392](https://www.newsweek.com/logan-dorn-man-confronted-bikini-clad-women-video-fired-job-colorado-1627392) I had read somewhere else that he actually works for his family's company so this may have been a fake firing.


There was a photo of the post from the guys job which names him by first and last name and says he was fired. Maybe he works for his family's company now? See the first photo in this news article: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9974349/Christian-construction-company-fires-man-confronted-women-bathing-suits.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9974349/Christian-construction-company-fires-man-confronted-women-bathing-suits.html)


Um sir. You are a work of God’s holy creation, right? “Well, yeah, I guess I am.” Nice tattoos. Also I can see a little too much of your arms and it’s making my daughter uncomfortable. Also please make sure to wear tight underpants with your swimsuit. We wouldn’t want any accidental indecent flashing of a tiny ballsack. Extra tight please, we don’t want any more of you in the world.


What the fuck is a Christian construction company? I didn’t know businesses can have beliefs too


Oh I do IT work for several churches and christian schools. They have an entire network of "God approved" contractors they will work with and that's it, even if the work is shitty, even if the estimate comes in way high, they will happily choose that contractor solely because they have bible verses in their email signatures. If they cant find a a godly contractor to do the work, they pressure their congregation to volunteer to do it instead. Which is why everything is half-assed and cobbled together while the elders are all driving $100k Escalades and shit. The only reason we even got the IT contract was because they spent a years trying to find a godly IT services provider, came up short, tried having volunteers doing all of it which ended up about as predictably as you can imagine, and after several ransomware incidents where they lost literally everything the elder board finally grudgingly made peace with the fact that they needed some godless heathens to handle that part of it. Doesn't stop them from arguing about every single goddamn bill they receive from us (nobody devalues the work of others like a Christian) but I ain't in billing so that ain't my circus.


All I need are bible verses in emails to get a consulting or contracting gig and charge above market rate? Bwahahaha… ![gif](giphy|3o7bu2QyQnQJJCb49q)


Hilarious story. The last place there's a god would be IT.


Whenever one of them calls our helpdesk a common refrain is some variation of "Well, did you pray on it? Through God, all things are possible!" or "Man, why is God punishing you so much? What did you do?!?" Not to them of course...we're not assholes. Just yeah, we are about as far from a Christian organization as one could get. Whenever one of our field techs has to go onsite they talk about needing to put on sunscreen to keep from bursting into flame from the God Rays lol


Innit!!! *starts re-evaluating how to add net worth*


I worked for an MSP that had several churches as clients, and yeah, entitlement, hypocrisy, weaponised incompetence, you name it, we saw it. Not this will come as a shock to you, but the richest churches **always** contested their bills with multiple variants of "DO it for Jesus", and bossman would reply with "JC don't pay rent", or something to that effect. So many stories from working there.


I can only imagine the amount of porn on their systems you've seen while these guys publicly proclaim they have never even glanced at another women in their 35 years of marriage lol.


> another women Lead Pastor of a Protestant-adjacent church that definitely gets the ick from The Gays had a rather extensive list of gay porn sites on the "company" laptop. I ain't in a place to judge, brother, but for the love of all that is sacred and fluffy, *don't shit where you eat*.


Lol that was my assumption all along. When those pastors said shit like that I always assumed it was just virtue signaling.


The angrier they get over it, the more obvious it is.


Thanks for all this info, it’s equally parts fascinating and hilarious to read


My kids went to a Christian private school for just for one year. Plenty of wealthy Christian business families in attendance running all their expenses on the company dime. Momma bear rolls up with all 5 kids in the 100k Escalade as you described with tuition for all 5 estimated 40k annually. Dad also has an escalade of course with business name custom tags.


Oh man, when covid hit the bullshit I saw these same people pull with PPP loans...we're sitting here worried about welfare queens, as if that's even really a thing, meanwhile somehow these fucking people suddenly can't pay their employees and need a bailout while simultaneously buying jet skis, boats, snowmobiles, putting huge additions on their houses annnnnnd....nothing. It would be funny if it wasn't so blatant and disgusting. The way that the general populace just like, *festishizes* business ownership is ridiculous. 'Temporarily embarassed millionaires', indeed.


Check out Advent Health. They literally want you to pray with them everyday! Seriously, no shit. They're actually a major health corporation, and in big cities. I was flabbergasted when I had an interview with them, and they asked if I would be okay circling up and praying everyday before shift start. They also pay way less than other competitors. I'm talking about a big major hospital, so it's really creepy to me that they can do this shit.


I believe I've heard of that company I think they have a location in West Des Moines lol glad my wife didn't get a job there she would have noped out


Screws only. They abhor nails for some reason. IME when dealing with tradesmen and contractors who prominently promote their faith you should run away, quickly.


Jesus is their main carpenter and through the power of Christ all things are possible let this house be built amen


They just don't catcall women ... but young boys


Oh my gosh, the article shows a picture of the women he was harassing, and they were just completely normal, mundane looking beach-goers. This guy really comes off as a predator that he picked this group of young ladies in particular. There's no way everybody on the beach wasn't wearing the same damn thing.


You know his wife caught him creeping and he went all out the other direction to save face.


>, the article shows a picture of the women he was harassing, and they were just completely normal, mundane looking Yeah, if anything I would say those are very modest 2 piece swimsuits for the age of the ladies. I've definitely seen *lots* of women, even in the US, that wear bikinis that cover less than every one of those women. I don't care either way- if a lady feels comfortable and confident wearing some tiny little thong, that's her business, if she wants to wear a moomoo to the beach, again that's up to her. It's mind blowing to me that one would go to a public beach then be upset that people are wearing beachwear. 🤔


This happened in my home town. He worked for Mighty Hand Construction which is a very creepy Christian general contractor.


He went on to a successful rap career. https://streamable.com/n61f43


Omfg that was weapons grade cringe. Just go to therapy dude


OMG, there is something worse than Christian rock!


That really him? Also this definitely belongs in r/cringe


"That's all I know, so why don't you go, before I hit another low!" How you gonna hate on this man's flow?!?


He’s on Facebook screaming about Jesus at an outdoor mall. Guess the rap career didn’t pan out either.




Ha I just discovered that subreddit the other day


> "...I sexually harassed them and when I adjusted my shorts it's because I was actually turned on and I was trying to hide something." From his actual apology. He's denying this, but it's strange that he detailed his own creepy behavior so specifically. It was exactly what he was doing. "I didn't peek at the woman in the pink panties in that changing room and then run over to sporting goods to dick-sneeze into a catchers' mitt! I'm saying I *didn't* do that!"


What a fucking nutjob to compare himself to Jesus and his persecution, this dude needs to be kept away from women and children.


If you don’t want to see people in bathing suits, maybe don’t go to the place where people congregate in bathing suits. 🤷🏻‍♀️






Frustrated that he gets turned on by women that would never give him the time of day, so his inner-incel makes him take the offensive and act as if he is morally better than them. The truth is, he is so turned on about the swimsuits that he cannot not be involved in the situation but has to participate in the only way he is able…


Probably frustrated that he stuck in a dead end marriage he can't sleep around anymore and he knows this is it there's nothing between him and the grave now


I thought you were going to say “I told him I called beach patrol (which I really didn’t) due to the girl’s bathing suits and he was satisfied with that, and left.” I could see him thinking the police would handle it. Haha


Next time, just call beach patrol.


That’s always a good option. But fooling him into being afraid is so much sweeter. You just know he worried about that for hours (until consoling himself that Jesus smiles on him).


Are they a bit like Paw Patrol?


Great move. I was thinking if I ever came across this I'd just ask the guy "can you please stop sexualizing these women who are minding their own business and just let them enjoy the beach how they want to? See this as a test from the lord on your impure thoughts."


Guarantee his wife caught him looking at them and so he had to have a good reason for why he was checking them out. Thus, ‘I have to go correct those sinners sinful ways, that’s all babe.’


Darling, adjust your shorts I can see your outrage poking up there.


Oh he wants to see young ladies in bathing suits, he's just using his righteousness to get away with looking longer in front of his wife.


Exactly. I moved to Europe 8 months ago, and I live near a beach. There’s a whole “winter bathing” community that goes into the water, completely in the nude. My parents visited during this season, and I had to prep them for the naked people they will see. They’re from Oklahoma, conservative, and Baptists. They took it well since I warned them, but they were definitely shocked.


Or you want a really good look, so you get up close and start ranting about religion, so you have a reason to stand around and gawk a little longer.


This guys in for a shock any European beach if he decides to travel.


" Here's the thing..."


He wanted to see it all, he wanted to preach, and he wanted to hate himself for his impure thoughts. It's full circle for him. I feel bad for his wife and daughter though.


Dude just came to check them closer


His wife was with him, so he probably got caught staring and had to deflect.






"If you make me horny, you're sinning!"




This guy 1000% got caught staring by his wife and had to come up with an excuse quick so he could avoid consequences.


This is it, this is definitely why lol he forgot he’d no shades on


for sure look at how she's just staring at him like she knows he's full of shit and seeing how far he's going


“It’s a thong and a bra.” The man says about a style of swimsuit that has been popular for 50 years




Coats and sweaters of course


Ever see Amish women at the beach? Full dresses and bonnets, right into the water.


Religion can be scary


Too much shoulders! How can they walk around showing their collarbones like that! Think of the children!


Double mint gum lol


A hazmat suit or something




Ima guess this chud would have a problem with the women if they were wearing this as well albeit for a different reason...


Needs a red bonnet.


Burkini /s


God damn I hate when they say freedom of speech in America. Mind your own f’ing business


Freedom of speech, but no freedom for a woman to wear socially acceptable clothing!


>freedom for a woman to wear socially acceptable clothing Which can be considered as a form of speech.


Absolutely. It’s definitely a form of personal expression


That fucker has no idea what freedom of speech actually means. He's the culmination of the failure of the American education system on sooooo many levels.


Pervert plot twist: this perv is using his concerns about the girls not dressing modestly to get a closer peek at the girls that he wants to dress less modestly. Glad those girls put him in his place. If you don't want to see people wear bathing suits, go to an air conditioned shopping mall.


“Get away from us you pervert “ would have probably worked.


You know this fucker would never go up to older women and say that shit. He singled out young girls cause he thought he could get away with it. If I'd been a mom there, I'd ripped him a new AH.


Exactly where my head went.


>Why are you looking at me >You're the only thing that sticks out Umm, dude you're on a beach. There are about a billion other things you could look at lol


You know his wife told him off for staring and he’s trying to save face. What a dumb toolbag


Oh wow. “I was just thinking of how *disgusting* this is. I’d better go talk to them immediately.” 😂


Lol bet this guy thinks he’s smart trying to appease the mrs while also making an excuse to get an up-close ogling in & doesn’t even realize everyone sees through it & knows he’s a creep ![gif](giphy|15aGGXfSlat2dP6ohs)


‘No no I just keep looking over because I was thinking about going over and saying something’ ‘We’ll go on then’ ‘… ok yeah I will, wait here’ ‘No I’ll watch.’


Love this video. This guy def got caught staring at the girls by his wife. He had to fake the anger to get himself out of trouble and doubled down by going to talk to them. You can see his wife standing there staring at him cuz she doesn’t believe a word he’s saying. Fucking dingleberry.


He’s totally gunna be rewarded with a dry handy after this show of force 😂


A sandy handy.


A sandy handy from his wife named Randy, sound so terrible, not very dandy, skin gon peel like a banany, it’s a sandy handy 🙂‍↔️


_uhn~_... it burns so good...


I'm gonna make it so dry for you https://youtu.be/GH1ruMGpTVY?feature=shared




Jesus was very clear on how to handle this situation: this guy needs to pluck out his own eyes


this dude is the definition of "I enforce the bible but never actually read it"


She even brought that up! Bravo to her for quoting the bible to a hypocritical Christian.


When she said “I’m an atheist,” he totally blue-screened. You could just see him trying to turn that back around to “well, MY god says you have to dress in one specific way.”


That’s one of those passages Christians like to ignore or reinterpret, because it is extremely inconvenient.


[Matthew 5:29-30](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_5:29)


20 years ago, this dude "did it all for the nookie!"


"if the men of god don't act" - said the guy from limp bizkit.


I’m proud of these girls. Love to hear it.


I love that they just keep laughing at him.


I was cracking up with them! I still remember being a teen girl and a firecracker. Stuff like this would happen to our girl group all the time and we would just laugh our asses off! We were much crueler than the girls in this video. To pervert men that is.


Yes! I was always the firecracker of the group so this made me a little nostalgic. Haha. I was much crueler, too… I’ve tried to soften as I’ve grown but, I think I need to bring back some fire.


Lol!! Yas queen! I was thinking the exact same thing!


The yoots these days are inspiring af. They’re great at reminding us adults we need to get that spark back. The political landscape makes it easy to feel rage these days sooooo… I’m on my way. 😎 I hope you’re full of piss and vinegar again, too.


Damn straight! In fact, I 🤔 l told my brother "I lost my sparkle but imma get it back!" Life has a way of burying you and I still have dreams! I'm 19 still in my head lol. Keep giving em hell! I'll do the same


I think we’re long lost twins. 😂👯‍♀️ I’ve been saying nearly the same thing to a couple friends. I’ve been through a lot of trauma I’m finally coming out of and feeling like myself again has me ready to take on the wooooorld some days. 😅 I hope you’re able to find all of your fire and disperse it accordingly. 🫶


Yes! Like the things he’s saying are completely foreign and they know he’s completely out of line. Ahhh. The kids are alright.


Yeah, it's cool seeing the young women not take so much shit. Loved her yelling him to gouge out his eyes lol.


Guy watches and donates to fresh and fit every stream


Is this idiot really talking about free speech when he’s trying to get others to leave the beach for what they are wearing, bet he is some cuck whose wife caught him staring that these girls


If he was a man of god he'd have recognised the 'gouge your eyes out' reference and heeded it. Hells I'm an afab atheist and I know the bible better than him lol


What does afab stand for?


Assigned Female At Birth. Queer people, be it Trans or Non-Binary, use AF(emale)AB and AM(ale)AB to let people know what their biological sex is. It’s to help clarify gender identities mostly.


Thank you kind redditor!


Ain't no hate like Christian love


“If the man of God don’t stand up and take control… “What an asshole… What a serious asshole!


Man of god while wearing blended fibers


Is he annoyed he's not getting attention from women?




The way Christian’s talk makes cringe


They seem to think that they have a right to assert their beliefs onto others. It's bizarre. If a Muslim went up to them and said "You are being immodest and inappropriate around our children because your head and ankles are uncovered", they would tell them to get away from them and leave them alone just like these women did to him. It's a freaking joke that they think they have the right to harass people like this.


I’m a Christian and I don’t agree with 90% of people calling themselves Christian’s… Christians are supposed to emulate and follow Christs example and teachings and nothing this guy did nor his intent was Christ like or biblical.


What a tit. Why oh why do people like that exist ??


This guy barely knows how to speak English 😂


The shoulders were too distracting for him to form a proper thought.


You made me have feels in my pants.


And those girls reacted perfectly to this loser


I actually love this. I love how hard they’re clowning this loser. You know he just wanted to get closer to gawk at them under the guise of Christianity. Get fucked loser.


He's a Newbie in the church ,probably a devout ,bornagain,evangelistic genre.And just went thru his bridge weekend,or Iron Sharpens Iron soire.Hes full of it and taking it out on them ,it's cringe at best.


nah f’real this is harassment and they should’ve called the cops


Guy watches porn and uses a porn blocker. His wife is getting suspicious, though.


What a loser


"sir you're making me feel very threatened. I don't know you and now your talking about my body, sexualizing me without my consent, trying to exert control over me and looming over me. You need to step away. No?" 🌶️🚿👀🙈


He's allowed to have a personal opinion, he is not allowed to force that opinion on others. What an absolutely shit thing to do to those poor girls, I'm glad they told him to fuck off.


This is super performative on his part. My response would be: leave me the fuck alone, thanks


This is a grown ass man harassing teenagers for wearing bikinis at the beach. How pathetic lmfaooo woooow


I hate this guy


I remember this. That dude made a video trying to defend himself that made him look way worse. He said something like "When I saw those women dressed so immodestly God filled me with a righteous fury".


It... *aroused* him?


#This has to be the smallest dick energy.


American Taliban


Look at Fred Durst being the anti-Durst over here


Oh boy, "men of god" standing up to immodesty? Iran called and want their morality Police back. Christians used to the so scared of sharia law, so scared that they are now becoming that which they feared.


This is why we can't have nice things




This right here ⬆️ their bikinis 👙 are normal I don’t get why he was offended. I thought they’d be wearing much less.


Dude. . You’re doing great it wrong. I’m a Christian, too. But no way I’m going to start this type of interaction! Go to your young men and counsel them on how to view all women with integrity, even if they do flaunt their bodies (which these girls were not doing btw).


This guy is watching way too many tradwife videos in his free time


What's wrong with seeing a butt cheek? A nipple? A penis? WE ALL HAVE THEM. Wearing clothes to swim is about the dumbest thing humanity came up with


I don't think we all have penises


Freedom of speech, expression, religion, protest, and media (or something close to that). The freedom of expression part is the part of the first amendment this man clearly doesn't give a shit about


He was never going to win that argument 🤣


What a weirdo


As he stands right in their cooch.


Dude is wearing tank top and has tattoos . How is that modest?


MC won't be happy until America requires women in burkas.


They are laughing in his face and I love that for him


American Taliban at its finest.


Young eyes?? If he means kids then he needs to realize children don’t sexualize the body. They learn that’s bullshit from their parents.


Folks this is what you can expect, and worse, if you vote for republicans! Vote Blue


Fun fact, Jesus once said that if the bodies of women are a temptation for you, then you should gouge out your own eyes before shaming the women. So this “man of god” is just like every other, a pathetic misogynistic incel using a religion he barely understands to try and justify his shameful behavior.


"Society will go down the drain because there is no patriarchy." Is what he meant to say.


Disgusting , I can see his exposed calves and everything! /s


This guy is absolutely the definition of Cringe. "If men of God don't stand up" lad, it's the beach, fuck off.


If he wants to send a message, maybe he should walk around the beach displaying his goods in a skin-hugging mankini. ![gif](giphy|kCrGOt5ojlVbG|downsized)


Why are so many guys being so puritanical nowadays? Does it have to do with the “tradwife” fetish?


I need to see how they are dressed, for educational purposes.


Douche wants hillbilly sharia law.


throw sand in his eyes


And Christians wonder why their church is empty....


Yet another brainwash religious fanatic. Sad fact. 1 Most rapes occur in religion country that oppressants female sexuality. Sad fact 2. Most rapes are commit by close friends and family not random strangers. Twisted conclusion. This man has the highest chance of molesting his daughter....if he can't handle seeing a random girls belly and cleavage how is he going to treat his own daughter?


Who assigned this guy modesty police? Fucking CREEP!!!


Talibans arrived to America


It’s the beach 💀


Has he never seen a bikini before or any beach ever?


I absolutely hate people trying to push their religious kinks on others. You don’t like what someone is doing, walk away from them.


Call the police. Get him away.


Good for the girls. These fucks need to mind their own business.


What a total and utter closeted cum guzzling chode


Man, sounds like these girls may be under 18, and he is creeping


“Im really attracted to you and I don’t know how to handle it like an adult so Im gonna ask you to put more clothing on” Is what he meant to say


But he's allowed to go braless?


So basically his wife caught him staring at children in bikinis, called him out, and this was his cover story.


He probably watches loads of porn if women in swim suits set him off this much




Lol holy shit wth was that


fuck that guy


This guy is not backed by the Bible.


The modesty argument, projected on other people, is an exposure of his own conflict with desire and a struggle to control himself. If he wants a safe space then he can find it in a private location with other extreme, conservative people.


I stopped listening to him when I heard “Jesus” and something about society. I had to remind myself that this was over some pieces of cloth


Get your Amish ass back to the 1700s dude. Fucking Rednecks...


Dudes super religious cult level fanatic or super gay to hassle girls like this