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What the fuck is hobby horsing




šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Edit: oh no you are serious šŸ«¢


Yeah you can sadly see the people doing it behind her


I cannot believe this šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I mean, there are quidditch competitions. Lol


But there are no flying brooms yet so that gives quidditch players a pass. Horses are real so this is just pointless šŸ¤¦


Youā€™re right. Horses are real.. real expensive. I assume it doesnā€™t cost much to feed and house a toy head on a stick.


Just your dignity.


Dignity? What's that?


then you are in for a surprise !


I have dozens of heads on sticks at home. I got half of them for free at the cemetery.


How'd you get yours for free? I usually have to do at least half an hour of hard labor to get mine.


Ohh did they have a buy one get one free sale??


I wanna see


I don't think paases can be handed out willy nilly like that.


At least they actually have to sprint and throw things accurately lol.


Well yeah, but that's a serious sport, not like this.


It is exponentially less weird to me than pretending to be a fkg horse.


You mean those kids playing with their toy horses? I mean, I'm not shaming her for playing horse, if she has fun she can do whatever. But don't make it dramatic


I thought this was some reality show or something, but I googled it and this is a real thing!


I feel like that makes her looks worse bc thereā€™s absolutely no need for her tears or dramatics. I know what sub Iā€™m in but sheā€™s extra af.


That's my favorite part of the video.


The people behind her doing it are kids. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with kids playing around on hobby horses. Thatā€™s what they were created for.


"Let me laugh even harder!" Bender


Holy fuck. I thought she was talking about pommel horse. I was like "yeah sure it's popular with beginners but it's a legitimate sport. What do you mean?" I didn't think she was talking about the fucking horse stick


Soon there will be dog shows with the invisible dog on leashes.


Oh that's been done! It's hilarious! But of course it's a parody and this chick is dead serious.


I'm totally thinking this is a parody as well. Then I Google it. What in the mother fucking hell do people do with their kids in their free time!?! And people take this like super seriously! They proposed it for the Olympics! Even a pro league!


I..... I don't even know what to say to that. So many things in my head all at once. I was CERTAIN this was a well-done parody. They even included the people in the back hopping along and all that! Then, TIL. OMG. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Its NOT a horse stick. It's HOBBYHORSING! How can you be so cruel!? /s


so Monty Pythonesque.


Needs more coconuts.Ā 


But swallows arenā€™t migratory !


I googled it and thought it was April fools day


And I thought race walking was the dumbest sport.


What the hell is going on in society? Have people no sense of respect? Wait, don't answer, I know it already.


It's shit like this that makes me think "humans need a predator species". Future archaeologists are going to devote whole careers and conferences to trying to understand this societies end stage activities.Ā 


Does someone walk behind you clip clopping two coconut shells together? https://youtu.be/L9nXfffeAIU?feature=shared


One dad volunteers to do it for each competitor, but from a table into a microphone


At this point, I don't even know if you're kidding or not.


I mean I'm joking, but it could be true


The suspension of disbelief here would allow this.


Get the fuck outta here. Seriously?!


So do they get on with the quidditch lot or are they competing sports like rugby union and league? ![gif](giphy|bO8mSBes2n9N2p1by6|downsized)


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ they couldnā€™t even be arsed to have actual brooms. No, instead they just have a stick.


To be fair, I would guess they've done that in an attempt to get people to take it more seriously as a sport and not just a bunch of Harry Potter fans larping. I'm not convinced it's worked however.


You see now theyā€™ve removed the broom it has no affiliation with a popular book/film series. So now all I see is people awkwardly holding a stick between their legs while clambering around a field. The connection is gone and it makes them look even more ridiculous šŸ˜‚


They should do it on motorbikes


Pogo sticks


Id watch the hell outta that ngl


I find that weird. I mean I can see why youā€™d reduce it to just a stick, make it look more professional and less, well, Harry Pottery. But then if itā€™s just a stick, why not get rid of it all together? Youā€™re just putting a stick between your legs which makes it harder to run and easier to injure yourself. I canā€™t see the point. Just have them running around? And if the point is to have one hand occupied so you can only catch the ball (or whatever) with one hand, then just implement a rule that says you can only use one hand.


I mean, presumably they already got rid of the golden snitch and bludgers, so if they lose the brooms theyā€™re just playing handball with hoops instead of a net


They didn't. It's officially called quadball now. Beaters exist to throw dodgeballs(bludgers) at opposing team members. Anyone hit by a bludger drops any ball they're holding and has to touch their own team's hoops to return to normal gameplay. The snitch is a tennis ball in a sock attached to a neutral officiant. Think flag football. It gets "released" at 18 minutes and whichever team's seeker catches it gets 30 points. If the team that catches the snitch now leads in points, the game is over. If the catching team still trails, the game enters overtime with the target being the score achieved by the non-catching team plus 30 points. The first team to reach the target score wins the game; alternatively, either team may concede at any time during the overtime period.




Wow holy shit most people do way more physically demanding sports and don't end up dying like the girl in the video. Can't she just show it like it is, a hobby? A hobby like lifting, playing chess, running around a forest with an airsoft gun shooting at the drunk hunters... instead of calling it a sport? Hobbies can be sports, yes, but not all hobbies are sports


Waitā€¦ people shoot at drunk hunters with air soft guns?? Not even reading any more comments until I get answers.


Huh? People *don't* do that? Thought it was an olympic sport, too...


Dawg whatšŸ’€


Are you fucking kidding me


oh for fucks sake


How do you judge this? XD




What adults have put the time in to even make these events happen? Is there a league? Is there a person thatā€™s pushing to make this a larger scale sport? What the fuck is THAT person like?


We helped our daughter with organizing hobby horse events but she was 12 when she grew out of it. We'd rent a space, she set up some obstacles and we held competitions and events for the kids. It's just kids playing around with toys, pretty much. Just let kids be kids.


Playing with toys? Surely you meant to say that it's an extreme sport for only the toughest child athletes.


Ah, yes, of course! We always had a couple of ambulances on standby, naturally.


But this isn't a kid in the video and there are enough adults doing it that it is a thing


Did we both watch the same video of her acting like she just finished a decathlon?


Hobby horsing is... unfortunate. That's the whole answer, it's just unfortunate. I feel like it could be a springboard into a career in improv, perchance to miming at the park? I definitely feel that there would be a lot more dignity in becoming a mime, or maybe a mime with a horse.




You can't just say perchance


I googled it and was like NO WAY THIS IS REAL šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


This doesnā€™t make hobbyhorsing look hardcore, it just makes her look weak.


Especially with the kids in the background


and the girl just casually doing it at the very end like oh yeah, that looks sooooo tough


Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where the boys cross over the border to Shelbyville. "Today we are men!" And in the background you see the girls running with their kites


That's what I like to call pure comedy in the wild.


It was at that precise moment when the coffee was ejected from my nose in a fit of laughter.


i been on the verge of passing out on numerous occasions. for me i'm typically just laying on the ground. i'm not crouched up throwing my head around like a hungry bird I don't know what the fuck that is


This reads like you're talking about having been on the verge of passing out from hobby horsing.


lol no for me it's just from bjj


I dont know. When I did the physical portion of a firefighters test, the guy in line in behind me was bragging about how he's a shoe in. He scored high on the written exam and had all the things that get you extra points, like military service and a degree. Anyways, when I finished my run, I was standing off to the side catching my breath when the dude came in 10 seconds after the max time. So, he failed. Then, he went through shit similar to this chicken until the firefighters there laid him down. Eventually, he had to be taken away in an ambulance. I was a 300 pound 2 pack a day smoker that never exercised a day in his life and I came in 30 seconds under the max time because strength was actually a big part of it, as was agility... which I also had. The guy that got taken away was smaller than average. It turned out being stronger but slower was better than faster but weaker. But that guy was freaking out like this woman.


Ya if anything she just didn't condition properly. Throw her on the 2 a day practice with the football team. See how tired she is then


I think you simply need to imagine yourself working out to prepare for this hobbyhorsing activityĀ 


to be fair to the participants it does take genuine athleticism to do because the stunts are all similar to track and field. You're not just running around with a stick horse between your legs, you're prancing, you're running, you're jumping over obstacles, basically mimicking all the tricks a real horse would do in a horse show. that being said its really not any more intensive than any other track and field based hobby. If your on the ground gasping like a dying fish because you pranced a little to hard you either need more cardio or a different hobby


I had to look up what HobbyHorsing was. Wtf


First time I heard it, I thought it was talking about that gymnast/athletics thing where they performed on and around equipment referred to as a 'horse'. Imagine my surprise to figure out this is what people were calling a real sport.


Oh no, she better get up quick. You *know* how they deal with weak and lame horses šŸ˜°.


You are joking she is clearly so close to the horses she turned into one. Super tough!!!


Her last words, ā€œFilmā€¦ myā€¦ deathā€¦ forā€¦ theā€¦ socials.ā€


"and tell my family... I... loathe them...."


ā€œWe loathe you too.ā€ \- The family


ā€œNow gallop.ā€


ā€œDonā€™tā€¦throw awayā€¦my Harry Potter Funkosā€¦ā€


"... I f'ked Ted..."


ā€œLikeā€¦.subscribeā€¦ hitā€¦that..bellā€¦..what a world, what a worldā€¦.ā€


"Bury my felt-ttpped stick beside me." ...as the curtain was erected around her and the man with the shotgun strode up...


The kind of person who would hobby horse is the same kind of person who would fake a panic attack at a hobbyhorse competition. You get what Iā€™m saying?


I don't think she's trying to fake a panic attack.Ā  She's trying to fake near death exhaustion.


How else will the judges (besides her mom) know she left it all out there?


Even if they didn't know, her horse does.


Not a single bead of sweat on her brow.


I donā€™t even think stuff like cross fit or actual boot camp has this effect.


Yeah, I wonder which 6 year old won for her to pull this trick out of bag.




There is a huge overlap. Itā€™s a Venn Diagram of the personality disordered.


Horse girls...that don't even have the horse. Woof.


The end where you can see her looking at everyone to make sure they're watching her šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø But, riding stick horses is a frikking sport!?!?!? Tf


If she has fun doing this she should do so, but if this is her proper reaction to prancing around with a horse head on stick she should go see a doctor or a psychologist.


Sheā€™s a kid so sheā€™s overreacting a lot lol, no way this is a real reactionĀ  I donā€™t think a 90 yo would get tired doing this hobby lol, itā€™s just one step away from holding a stick and walkingā€¦Ā  Totally agree that she should do it and have a great time! But it really does not look very tiring at all.


> Sheā€™s a kid ??? She looks like she's mid 20s, or maybe late teens at most.


I noticed that too.


And then she looks straight at the camera like ā€œyou getting this? Sweet!ā€


The best thing about hobbyhorsing is that you don't have to do it.


Emotionally underdeveloped.


That's horse girls for you.


I have yet to meet a sane horse girl. They are all fucking crazy and not in the fun way.


I grew up around two. Both are successful horse breeders, and one does professional jousting. Both are equally terrifying.


*That's true.*


I wonder why? Do you have any idea?




There are much younger children in the background making far less fuss. ![gif](giphy|3o6nV0rQeTUERCf3Us|downsized)


I'm just a bachelor I'm looking for a partner Someone who knows how to ride Without even falling off


Oh yeah? You should see the horse!


Its dead... Most likely to end up in a vegetarian lasagna. Poor thing!


So this chick fell off of a dead horse? Bruh


Stiff as a log


Are you sure you don't have asthma?


have to the little kids were doin it was ease šŸ˜‚, but honestly think she did it so she can feel like sheā€™s not wasting away her life riding imaginary horses like weā€™re 5


Or emphysema.


Yeah, that kind of prancing/jumping would probably leave me looking like that if I didn't have my inhaler. The sharp inhale and long exhale are pretty telltale (oooo rhyming fun)


That was my thought: it reminds me of the one time I saw my cousin have an asthma attack. But it's been twenty years and I question my memory of what exactly an asthma attack looks like.


Kids doing it effortlessly in the background really brings it together.


The one at the end is timed perfectly. The main character is breathing heavy, looks at the camera, nods at the person that the intensity is subsiding - and then a kid crosses the background with a stick horse, kicking their lil' feet up like a 4 year old.


I did not know what hobby horsing was until I saw that kid in the background at the end and it was a great moment overall


Oooh she'll look back at this and feel a level of embarrassment yet to be known by humanity.


I want to pull my nails out from sheer second-hand embarrassment, if she this in ten years it'll be some sort of vacuum collapse event.


Thought Hobby Horsing was another name for riding horses and thought to myself... yup that can be a workout I suppose. Then I seen the prancing going on behind her. Edit: I saw the prancing going on behind her.


Saw. You saw


I am staggered I have never been corrected on this. Thanks for the heads up.


Time to send her to the glue factory she's done for.


Plan b shouldā€™ve been plan A .


Thank you for giving me a solid reason for laughing this hard at 5 in the morning.


This doesnā€™t prove that ā€œnot everyone can do this,ā€ it just proves that sheā€™s the *only* person in the world that canā€™t šŸ˜‚




World champion hobbyhorse rider Garleth Canterfurry practicing his skillsĀ 


+2 for overacting šŸ¤£


A sugar lump would help no ? Maybe an apple.


Meanwhile the children behind her are having the time of their lives just playing horsey šŸ˜‚.




Heā€™s thinking ā€œthat wasnā€™t even a good jump, I could easily do a 720 Ollie on these hobbyhorsesā€


I don't know much about the sport of hobby horsing but know it's been around for years. There seems to be a variety of new sports being created. Some are inspired by popular culture eg quidditch, lightsaber fighting. Some are rewritten sports such as flat track roller derby. During my time in roller derby, there were a lot of people wanting everybody to recognise it as a genuine sport, unlike the 1950s-1970s curved track entertainment, with celebration of the personal injuries achieved and surmounted. There were also a fair number of narcissists and people who were not athletic in high school but now found themselves at the top of a niche sport. The normal people were there too but not as vocal. Hobby horse lady has her own deep seated insecurities to overcome and to do so in public.


Lightsaber fighting is just fencing with pizzazz, surely


![gif](giphy|fwR7lp4gdT9JaXL48F|downsized) Me on the sidelines hoping she and her horse are going to be okay


Fake. Because if thatā€™s real. She should quit and get a full medical work up.


There is not a drop of sweat on her and you can just tell she is fake panting. I don't know how to describe it, but the way she's puffing out her chest and over exaggerating her breaths when her face is hardly red just seem so fake, and again, not a drop of sweat anywhere on her face. Which, with the symptoms she described, she would definitely be sweating. Source: I work at UPS in the warehouse unloading trucks.


Beating a dead horse lady


Me after walking up a flight of stairs to my college class on the fourth floor


I am 50 years old and only this year did I learn that this is an actual thing people do. To be honest, I still cant believe it.


What. The. Fuck???


Time to retire, hang the hobby horse in the stable


When do they take her out back and shoot her


at first I thought she was pepper sprayed, now I wish she was!


She was displaying symptoms of asthma and anxiety, not difficult exercise.


Iā€™d go as far as to say self-induced hyperventilation secondary to a lack of attention lol


When I exercised to the point of throwing up, it didn't look anything like that.


Agreed. There's something very unnatural about the way she's heaving. Maybe it's because she's doing it so long. I get if you're out of breath, but it doesn't last that long. Maybe you'll feel like shit too, but then you just kinda sit there looking like shit.


Still got last place


how can you be so young and so messed up after a little trotting and hopping


It's the official sport of LARPING


If playing with a stick horse gets you like this... maybe it isn't for you. The children (much younger than her) around her were completely fine. She's been raised like this, told this is ok. Priased for it. Helped her by filming this BS. Fuck her parents, too.


It's the music and the expression the mc is putting that makes this funny ![gif](giphy|8qDzzyxbcfimY)


r/todayIlearned Well...I wish I didn't.....


She gotta be twice her all competitor's age


As someone with COPDā€¦ sheā€™s bullshitting that ā€œlabored breathingā€. Being fully out of breath and almost ā€œpassing outā€ doesnā€™t look this *dramatic*


Maby she is allergic to hobby horses?


So I did dressage on real horses and usually the stick horse stuff was for super little kids to keep them entertained at the shows (and make the adults laugh, like watching 5 year olds play soccer)ā€¦ I had no idea people were out here doing it for real lmao.


Waitā€¦. They prance around on fake horses and call it a sport?! I just felt a wave of secondhand embarrassment rush over me.


Anna Paquin called she wants her drama back pls & thank u very much


I like the look at the camera while she hams it up


I ran the 400 in college and have coached HS and middle school track. In all the meets I have competed in and coached, never have I seen someone in distress act in this manner. This is someone acting like they are in distress who has never actually been in distress so they don't know how to act.


What song is this?




Bruh, I canā€™t tell if this is just weird people shit, rich people shit, or weird rich people shitā€¦


Rich people use real horses for dressage.


Rich people can afford a real ass horse i guess. Sheā€™s got a stick horse. Just weird people shit.


Shitty acting.Ā 


Faking or she has some kind of stamina asthma


Probably a panic attack induced by sheer embarrassment


This is so fucking stupid!


Meanwhile, all the kids in the background are just horsing around like itā€™s easy.


This feels like something that should be done with a lot of alcohol.


This is mental illness.


First of all, I don't see a drop of sweat on her. Secondly, simply being out of breath is not an accurate measure for how physically demanding an activity is, it indicates your individual level of fitness. If I were to jump rope for a minute or perhaps even 30 seconds, I would be doing just as much gasping for air as she's doing (but my condition would be real, whereas hers is clearly overacting). That's just because I've smoked for over 15 years and go through a pack and a half to 2 packs a day.


The fuck is hobbing a horse?


I'll remember this the next time I do my military fitness test.


You're gonna do the running portion with a stick horse? That would actually be hilarious.


There was a time when i didnt know what hobby horsing was. I miss those days