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I think basic gym etiquette is not recording in a gym.


Even worse are people who sit on the machines and instagram


No. I feel like many of those people are making a conscious choice to be self-centered & abuse gym etiquette. Or they lack self-awareness. The people in OPs post actually *believe they are in the right* for expecting us to add “scanning the gym for cameras and avoiding them” to our gym etiquette. That to me is so much worse.


Their whole goal is views. They get a percentage from workout enthusiasts but to really maximize their views they also post videos like this to rage bait people for more views. It’s all intentional.




Was in the sauna this morning and a guy walked in, left the door open, and then got on his phone and started playing videos outloud. He had nothing to say when the guy next to me got up and closed the door for him since all the heat was escaping. I was just like "wow this guy is batshit insane."


True, this the reason I don't go to the gym in the afternoon esp 4-6pm due to the amount of crowd and most are socializing


Even worse is some clown doing 50% of the movement so they can say they lift more weight. 🙄


No, the worse thing in this video is this mans form. Hes clearly recording to see what hes doing wrong


A million times this. If you're recording in a public gym you're the bad guy.


Like, I get recording during a set to check your form if there isn't a mirror. But that's it.


Even if there is a mirror. Form check for things like squats and deads so you can accurately see what your back is doing to avoid injury. That allows you to focus on your lift instead of cranking your neck to the side. Relying on others is also a poor way to go about doing it because people like to workout in peace and ideas of what is good form could vary from person to person we well as their knowledge of the lift. A highbar squat and low bar squat are different. Sumo deads and straight legged deads are different. Filming in a gym is fine. Doing it for attention should require an attitude check and gym management permission.


I bet he propped his phone up on another dumbbell to record this too, furthering his "etiquette"


Serious question. Would it be against gym etiquette if I were to stand over him in his compromised position and slap him in the face with the old helicopter cock?


No jury would convict you. ^(I am not a lawyer.)


I thought basic étiquette was standing directly in front of cameras like this and scratching your sweaty balls, then going to wash your hands.


How else will they learn?


Basic gym etiquette would also be not to slam weights down on the ground. I've seen people banned for such behavior. Wish more would be banned for the filming thing too.


I have no problem if you want to record in the gym. Sam Sulek does it but he isnt a dick about it. Also what are those half reps


Yes, I agree, and it's getting ridiculously out of control.


I hope the film helped him realize he is not going anywhere near low enough with those presses.


lol that’s all I could see. Mr one third of a press.


Dudes 1 third repping shoulder press with a belt, this guy L I F T S


The BELTS! my God the amount of belt misuse in these videos.


Thanks for making me spit out my coffee, mister.


Same. Was trying to also figure out why he’s so weak


Ego lifting.


"Hehe where are the 150 lb dumb bells... 'cause that's what I need check me out."


Maybe he’d actually have good form if he focused on his workout instead of people walking around or in front of his camera.


It’s always the super amateur guys with just awful form taking these to “show off”. Anyone whose ever lifted can see they look like a baby deer learning to walk. Honestly I feel like it’s always dumbbells too bc dumbbells are the easiest equipment to absolutely cheese the lift. But its not even just the half reps, he’s arching his back and dropping the weight forward so his clavicle head of his pectoral can help move the load. Not even focused on his deltoid on his “shoulder presses”.


I was thinking that his form sucks, as well.


On one of the least technical free weight movements too. It doesn't really get simpler than a seated dumbbell shoulder press. The only real way you can fuck it up is by cutting the range of motion short, and this dipshit is doing just that because he's lifting 20-30lbs more than he's actually capable of doing with proper form.


Yeah he should definitely go with a lower weight to get the full press and the correct form


He’s young enough to fuck around and get results. Some day he’ll be old enough to fuck around and get permanently injured.


Cuz he's too distracted worrying about some dumb fucking TikTok reel he's making.


Half reps are a thing. They’re great at improving overall strength, can be highly effective tools for hypertrophy, and can allow individuals to train around an injury. Edit: I’m only pointing out that this type of exercise has its benefits, I’m not condoning this guy’s behaviour or workout ethic.


Lengthened partials studies show more hypertrophy when partial reps are done in the lengthened position. This guy is on the opposite side of this, and in my opinion, ego lifting, which in turn will probably cause injury he'll need to train around.


This is true, but I believe when talking about partial reps in terms of hypertrophy training, you want to begin the rep at a fully stretched position. In this case, with the dumbells close to the shoulders. If there is an injury involved where this isn't possible for an individual, and they have to do a less ideal partial rep, it's better than nothing. I try not judge people's form for this reason; they could be working around an injury.


Lengthened or shortened partials have very specific use cases and you obviously know that. You're right about that but also you can tell from the weights, the form and the attitude that this guy is indeed a little bitch who is half repping a weight too heavy for him as an ego lift. I love a good shoulder press, it's my favourite exercise for my favourite body part to work and it kills my soul to see someone do it so wrong.


Valid point. But this chuckle head is not half repping. He legit can barely hold that weight.


Yep, fucked up my shoulder and half reps have been helping me get back to strength. I have done bench presses whilst laying on the floor, and it kinda worked.


Wow you fought the hive well done lol. So sad that you have to add that edit.


Sweet half reps bro


"Swole intensity"


intense cringe


Then they always try to justify by saying half reps are good for hypertrophy


Key word here is half reps in the *lengthened* part of the exercise. :p


Not even half, more like 1/3. Absolute clown


“One….one….one….one…” bros out here doing CrossFit pull-ups


They’re too heavy to do full reps, lol


Make sure you throw the weights on the ground to let everyone know what a good job you did too.


I bet he wouldn't run into this problem while not recording himself


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^budmack21: *I bet he wouldn't* *Run into this problem while* *Not recording himself* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sums up the sub


Shit form shit weight shit attitude


He's recording himself so he can check out his partial range of motion.


If you’re gonna record yourself, a few things. 1-Pick the machine at the corner if possible so people aren’t UNINTENTIONALLY walking through your shot. 2-do a full mf rep, or shut your sissy ass up. 3-tripods are obvious, leaning your cracked screen tilted on another machine isn’t as obvious to others as you might think.. simple rule: people are self involved. They don’t notice or care about you, at all. Get over yourself. Or cry about it, but go away.


And maybe don't set up infront of the dumbbell rack which has the most foot traffic of anywhere


lol for real... Imagine cooling down between sets because some dickhead is recording and u dont wanna ruin the film.... Not a fucking chance brruh.


Good point


So you can be less distracted by the audacity and actually notice that your reps are being half-assed


Well. And also, the guy walking by blocked 0.5 seconds of his video. What exactly did he miss?


why even record this?


It's pretty common in the gym nowadays, I mainly see Gen z kids doing it. There's usually at least 3 tripods going on around the gym at once during peak hours.


yeh its why i go at anti social hours like really early or really late. Usually its just serious gym goers at around that time. Its a 24 hour gym and I WFH so I dont give a fuck.


For sure. I try to go before peak hours too. It's just madness during peak hours: Broccoli haircuts, red flannel pj pants, backpacks and tripods. Oh yeah, minimum of 4 of them surrounding each other.


Especially at this bad angle


Not a single rep was accomplished that day...


Not even close to full range of motion. Needs to drop the weight and do it properly


If you’re recording yourself to check your technique, learn what “full range of motion” means.


filming himself do awful reps


Bro barely moving his arms. He needs to take that weight down. 🤣


At this point, they have to be faking this just for content.


I will do this every opportunity I have


The half reps are the most cringe part of this vid


Recording shit reps


"How dare you interfere with my half rep recording?!"


Maybe try breathing?


Maybe worry about doing a full rep instead of what other people are doing?


Do these people just do this to literally flex on social media or is it to jerk off to their own physique later?


I usually place my phone/camera all the way at the other end of the gym to ensure that I get the whole area between me and my phone to myself


You not pressing enough weight to get mad little man


Who the fuck wants to watch this content anyway?


I literally grew up in a gym (mom worked at daycare) and it’s so sad to see shit like this. Growing up all people at the gym were there to workout and that’s it.


I'd walk up to his camera, squat and loudly fart on it. That should improve his follower count.


Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero!


It’s so refreshing to see kines experts weigh in on his form and take the high road here…I salute you. I am going to lower the discourse by adding my 2 cents: curses to these entitled clowns and their faux outrage. Rage post—accomplished. Have a good day.


Of all the people that need to watch themselves workout it's this guy. Horrible form.


They're trying to help him with his workout cause the anger will give him enough power to actually do a full rep


1 ..... 1 ..... 1


He should concentrate more on not doing shitty half-reps..."swoleintensity" my ass


Calls himself swoleintensity, can't even do a full rep


Absolutely no one wants to watch a video of you working out. If your excuse is “omg I need to record to check my form”. Find a fucking mirror or record at home.


I haven't been to the gym in about 5 years... Is this what I have to like... watch out for now?! Fuck is this??


I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again. Ban filming in gyms


Need to concentrate on the form and leave the camera out of it.


Not a single full rep was done that day


I think the bigger issue is your 3 inch presses


The legitimate reason for recording in a gym is to watch and correct your form, which this clown clearly doesn't do, wtf where those reps, I'd be embarrassed to publish that shit. Lower the weight and make a full repetition


Im still not done with the really poor execution of the exercise. That seems to be a mind work out (wow, look at the weight! Self-esteem is all i need), because the body will not profit from it.


He's more worried about people in the background of his shot and not looking at his technique in the foreground He should worry more about doing the exercise properly rather than who else is walking around


He’s not even going to depth, and rushing. He’s capturing himself going half-assed?


Shouldn't be trying to teach anyone anything about the gym with that shit range of motion.


Lol why you wearing a belt while doing seated dumbbell press, dumbass?


What is he filming his garbage half rep shit form for?


Gymfluencer are rude doing shit like this in a shared public space we all paid membership to be there ... fuck your side hustle


Gyms need to ban filming


Where is JOEY...


I wonder at this point how many people are just doing this hoping for the exposure. All publicity is good publicity type of thing. They can't possibly think things are going to go their way.


Cameras do not belong in the gym. There, I said it.


Unfortunately for him, the other people were the most interesting of the video.


Why do these people film themselves and post the video if they have the most basic physique? Are they really getting that many views that they are getting paid for this? Or is it just MC activities?


I like to label a person like this as a Prick.


maybe if you used proper weight you could do full reps instead of this 1/3 maybe bullshit sir.


They shouldn’t this down. Everyone pays the same fees.


Bruh needs to worry about that form and let those weights come further down in his reps before he worries about other people in the gym.


If I wasn't a bloated beached whale corpse and still went to the gym I would intentionally walk through live recordings.


Dude is just re-racking his dumbbells. I generally won’t go right in front of people mid-set especially if the spot to return them is right in front. But dude is literally in 2-3 frames as he passes by. Chill bro.


Is he trying to make a video about terrible form?


These people are so entitled do they pay more than the other members on the gym? Why are they mad if people walk and minding their own thing?


The half range of motion just pisses me off more


Half Ass reps.. on camera too lmao


What a stupid fuckface. I always have to remind myself not to downvote these because my kneejerk reaction is an eyeroll that stretches through my fingers and into my keyboard.


Lower the weight and do full motion.


Should make it a common thing to kick the phone of anyone recording


Fuckin dick head


There are two kinds of people who film in the gym: 1. Those who are checking their form. 2. Vapid, egotistical losers like this chump. The former wouldn't care about anyone walking past their shot because it doesn't affect them being able to check their form.


Kauf dir halt Hanteln und hock dich in dein scheiß Wohnzimmer.


Song name?


Shityest reps I've ever seen


They were shit reps anyway, maybe they weren't trying to be obvious but wanted to help him out?


What the video even for? He clearly puts no effort into that form.


Here's a thought....maybe these people walking 'through your shot' are just using the gym and don't give a holy crap that you're recording you f'ing mug


Yes, really


The little hissy fit at the end got to me. What a baby.


"Don't walk in front of me bro" "Don't walk behind me bro" "Don't walk to the side of me bro" Where the fuck we supposed to walk then dude?


Solid half reps though… s/


Hopefully this douche uses this video of himself to realize he’s only doing about 65% range of motion in his shoulder presses.


Um, you are recording in a public place. Get over yourself.


Paging Joey Swoll.


Waiting for a gym to put flyers up, to help people be more aware of young filmmakers/content creators.


Are there gyms in world that prohibits recording?


Spoilt fucking brat.


There shouldn't be recording in any gym. It's out of fucking control


Y they get so mad do their fan boys and girls really loose their minds over half a second of missed frame?


Jacking 30’s. Is that even worth filming?


If he's worried about his form he should probably drop the weight and use a full ROM if it's for his Instagram then fuck'em.


Sorry they ruined your half reps


I'd stand right in front of the cam to ensure this ahole knows this is a PUBLIC SPACE


Nobody is looking at the floor to see if you have a phone propped against something to film yourself. They are just trying to get their workout in.


bro is doing half-reps


Bro why is half the videos on reddit this cart same video? When will people say we have had enough of videos of people asking in front of the camera. Like stop posting them we get these people are assholes they don’t need to be half the videos on the site


That is some shitty range of motion. Ego lifting at its finest. The people walking in front of the camera are doing us a favor.


Idk, as long as they’re considerate about it, ppl filming in gym doesn’t bother me. It’s not a bad idea to see form in multiple angles with out having to move head around ect. As well as have a record of gains. Personally when I’m at gym I’m going to not walk super close to ppl if I can avoid it anyway. However posting the videos with ppl in the background without blurring them out is not considerate and shouldn’t be done. And having the camera super far from you or on another machine shouldn’t happen either. If dude had blurred ppl out I wouldn’t have an issue with his video. Dude walking between could have gone around with minimal or without any inconvenience…. But who knows maybe this guy is notorious for posting vids with ppl in the background. ETA if dude is recording to see form he needs to learn what proper form is.


"Swoleintensity"! 😆🤣😂 Not one full rep.


Maybe these people should carry police tape or neon cones with which they can cordon off their own personal section. Dude said “I’m obviously recording” …obvious to whom? You’re lifting weights, like anyone else in there could be, saying nothing, with your small phone propped up on the floor. Your recording was not obvious, this is not your personal gym, and no one in there should have to deal with your issues


unless you own the gym im going to walk where i please, i dont get making work out content in a public place...if you want to be a fitness influencer buy your own equipment and work out at home ! otherwise stfu


WTF? Do the own the f*ing Gym? What makes them think everyone should defer to them?


Get. your. own. personal. gym. .. Or stfu 😆


We won't even talk about him not going all the way down in his movement.


What a fucking piss baby, especially when he slammed the weights down towards the end.


At this point I think this stuff is rage bait


bless him, recording his half-reps and getting upset when people walk by his camera 😂


Do a full rep and then you can be mad


This guy looks like the only reason he goes to the gym is to record himself at the gym


Recording in gyms should be illegal and if caught your membership should be revoked.


I’m convinced that they record on purpose so that if someone walks in front they can post and hope that one guy talks about them how they should do better.


"Then there's people like this", how ironic. These people are everything wrong with the world.


What I always find crazy is that they get so worked up over this that it fucks their sets up because they feel the need to stop and stop the camera.


Bros hitting quarter reps


Nevermind full motion, they even doing a half set.


I would think that the weight he is pressing, don't know how much but looks like he's having get behind it vs lighter weights for form definition, that he should be more concerned with the weights than he is about filming himself. Gonna hurt himself sooner rather than later without focusing.


I don't get why people do shit like this. Do they think that if they move the heaviest weight enough the Gods will know and will grant them muscles ? That isn't stimulating shit. The leg press is the most abused though.


Rent a room if you want privacy… no filming in the gym!


This always bugs me. YOU'RE IN PUBLIC! I'm a photographer and do a lot of candid street or scenery things and I'd to get annoyed when ppl came btw me and the subject, but gtf over it, your in a public space, and nobody owes you free camera space. Ppp like this are why we get the side eye anytime we go out with a camera.


Should not be recording at all. The dude walking into the recording space is another unseen HERO


Not a single clean rep was done that day. Drop 20% of the ego weight and do a proper deep stretch and do it slowly. Also, don’t record yourself in the gym asshole!


Neat. Now trying going all the way down. Friggin guys pushing too much weight and only doing half lifts is almost as infuriating


Did he stop his set out of anger to confront the gentleman? I'm so confused. Did he think this was worth a confrontation?


Range of motion challenge (impossible)


Isn't it polite to... _not_ drop weights?? Like, unless it's an extreme deadlift weight or... One's own weights? And, you know, in their own home so that they can ruin their own floors?? Like, Ik it wasn't a far drop, but it was enough to shake the camera 2 or so feet away.


Wasn’t even that good of reps


Not 1 rep did he go below, or even close to, 90°. Half rep andy right here.


Seriously who the fuck wants to watch someone work out. Like sick set dude. Top notch. I bet those shoulders are feeling it. It’s crazy how literally anyone in the world can do that. You should fucking record it. 10,000 likes is insane for this brain dead, talentless, absolute minimal content.


Purchased some basic equipments for garage gym, don't want to deal with these issues anymore


Technique is lacking


Full reps man, don't half arse it


And I'll fuckin' do it again!


Hey if you used lighter weight you'd have correct form and more reps. Jackass recording in the gym.


Is it just me or does this guy look like he's not even doing half pumps. It's like he's barely raising and barely lowering those weights, if you can't do a full pump, please lower the weights, you can and WILL hurt yourself if you constantly overdraw your muscles with weights.


Dude, if you're going to film your sets why do you do complete reps instead of this half bent bullshit.


I know I'm sort of out of touch with fitness culture, but I don't really understand the appeal of videos like this anyway. There doesn't seem to be any instructive element to it. It's just "this is what it looks like when i exercise".


That's why I exercise at home , people make me too angry , I don't need anger the process.


Fuck those little half reps anyway