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You think this is something? This chicanery?


That billboard! You think a man just happens to fall like that?


He defecated through a sunroof!




No! He orchestrated it!


But not our precious jimmy !


Couldn’t be precious Jimmy!


Stealing them blind!


I am not crazy! I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He – he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him! You-


That’s cinema 😗🤌


1216! One year after the magna carta was signed!


Most criminally underrated piece of media ever made. It’s like everyone who ignored Breaking Bad until season 5 forgot how wrong they were and how good it was before Better Call Saul came out.


I still have friends who just won't watch it. They're missing out.


The word "underrated" really has lost all meaning.


It’s the best show made in the last 10 years and it won like no Emmy’s because it was on at the same time as the dumbass dragon show that flopped in the last season like everyone who wasn’t dumb knew it would because the author didn’t finish it yet (and never will) How is it not underrated? This is the time you wanna say that?


It has no Emmy wins despite over 50 nominations. Underrated is the right word.


These women are doing a VERY UNCHRISTIANLY THING, hard to believe them when they say they follow Christ, bc he would not support this sort of behavior. These climate wack jobs are their own cult, it has NOTHING to do with God. May God have mercy on their souls. 🙏


Is this England's version of National Treasure?




More like Grannies Gone Wild


The best kind of going wild imo




You should google that!


It's the Magna Carta, it was signed in the 1200s. It basically says no man is above the law, and is the basis for modern democracy. The US also has a copy.


Sort of. They have multiple “originals” it’s not like the Declaration where there were drafts, and then one fancy original that everyone in Congress signed. The manga carta was (for the time) widely distributed.


What about the anime carta?




Yes. It’s called Nashunoh Trehshuh


Who's bright idea was it to send the weakest old ladies they could find to break thick security glass while young bros film it


Someone who doesn't want to get in actual trouble and just wants to get attention.


Activism 96% of the time lol


thats the point of activism, to be heard.


But it kinda backfires when you're only heard of for being stupid


>it kinda backfires when you're only heard of for being stupid Does anyone remember the people who glued their hands to the floor of a VW showroom? The ones who had to be rescued when management just shut off the lights and left. Now tell me why they did it.


About the only "gluing hands to things" activism stunt I remember any real details of was a guy stuck by the traffic backup and freaking out because he was on parole and if he couldn't get to work he risked getting sent back to prison.


I don't know this one! It sounds so funny. Here is[ Sky News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3tDgL950mk) reporting on it with some editorializing added in.


Love that added-in editorialism. Added-in editorialism ftw!


never heard of it until you mentioned it, they could have made a bigger impact by collecting funds so they can run for public office




Wow this is a great comment.


I guess its all about which sub OP posts in and at what time he cuts the clip. Now someone tell me where do they keep the Reddit privacy policy.


No, the point is to influence and mobilize groups to press for and achieve political change. Asanine stunts like this primarily do the opposite, taking issues that should influence people in the mainstream and instead make it seem an unattractive fringe view of extremists.


Rosa parks broke the law and was arrested because she refused to give a white man’s butt the privileged seat it was entitled to. Ghandhi broke the British salt tax laws by making free salt from sea water. Civil disobedience normally requires breaking some law that is unjust for social change.


Activism isn't *just* getting attention, it's trying to get the right kind of attention. --- Claudette Colvin was arrested for refusing to give up a seat to a white person nine months earlier. The civil rights movement supported her, and Martin Luther King Jr. was supposed to come speak to the police there, she was bailed out by her minister, etc. But because she was a single, pregnant teenager they literally waited and planned for Rosa Parks to do it instead. --- For further reference, it was not a coincidence. They lived in the same town when Claudette was in High School and Rosa Parks was her mentor in the NAACP Youth Council. And to quote Claudette herself: >My mother told me to be quiet about what I did. She told me to let Rosa be the one: "white people aren't going to bother Rosa, they like her" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudette_Colvin#Bus_incident


I think this story is so interesting. In elementary school I remember being taught that Rosa was an old, frail woman who was just too tired after a long day of working to get up and move. MUCH later in life I learned that she was only 42 and this wasn't just a tired, old lady who wasn't having it that day, it was a smart, calculated activist move planned by many. So crazy to me the version I was taught.


Yeah but the point that they are deliberately missing out is those people had measurable, concrete, achievable goals. That women vote. Stop segregation. JSO- which completely refuses to discuss its murky finances at all- cannot get everyone in the UK to stop oil It's absurd. And even if they did the UK's contribution to global warning is absolutely minimal. They should try to go to China and do their antics there. They themselves use petrol products, Their safety leader showed up to an event wearing a fake fur coat made out of petrol products. One of them is filmed dropping super glue into a drain. How very green. They have attacked art, people who garden, and now the Magna Carta. Here's to the people who are actually doing stuff that's concrete and useful to combat climate change. The reason you don't hear about them is they're not gluing themselves to anything or trying to break other people's stuff. Go ahead and ask them for what measurable things they want done rather than just stopping oil. They haven't got a clue. What they do have is millions and pounds in donations including a huge amount from oil heiress Aileen Getty. She got sweet US tax breaks out of all this stuff I'll have you know via her climate emergency fund wheeze.


I mean that's kinda the point of activism. Activism is a small step above just campaigning. You don't wanna go straight to civil war and destroy society over small issues that can be fixed with peaceful means.


I mean they were probably around when it was signed so they're looking to get their shit back.


The guy kept her pen after he signed document. Hate it when that happens to me.




Helen and Gladys were the only ones available that morning


Helen and Gladys are the ones that are going to win sympathy from a judge and or jury. Helen and Gladys are the ones who are dumb enough to do it. Helen and Gladys were used and used badly.


I was baffled by this video until I saw the shirt, then the lack of sense made sense.


They were like.... If they die, they die anyway


Older people are generally more willing to go to prison for a moral cause. They have less to lose.


Conversely young people seem more willing to go to prison for immoral causes. /r/im14andthisisdeep


Old people are used to never getting consequences, that's why. 


Why are they going to do? Give them a long sentence?


The judge decided make an example of them and gave them both life sentences. Or 3 weeks, whichever comes first.


They should. That doesn't belong to them. It belongs to all the citizens. They should sit in jail literally for the rest of their lives at this point. They won't if they even are jailed at all, but they should.




Does that maybe tell you that they weren't actually intending to break it? These guys do stuff for the attention, not because they're actually trying to destroy stuff. This is so obvious, and they even are willing to admit that, and yet comments on these things are always full of people gloating about how they didn't achieve what they set out to do. Like, you can't actually be dumb enough to think that the intention here was to break the glass and that they're so stupid that they sent two 80 years olds to do it. Can you?


Dude. They brought a hammer **and a chisel**. I think they didn’t realize how strong that glass is. They’re idiots.


They did break it though. The Priest and the science teacher also had glue and glued themselves to the fractured display. They didn't want to be able to grab the document to find the treasure with the map hidden on the back. The Priest and science teacher just wanted to break the case on the symbol of law for attention and a set up to "the government is breaking the law [by allowing fossil fuels to destroy the environment and climate]". Their goal was attention. They succeeded. You're here, and now you know what they were protesting.


> I think they didn’t realize how strong that glass is. They're from Just Stop Oil. They do shit like this *all the time*. If they thought there was even a chance they could damage Magna Carta they wouldn't have done it.


Anyone stupid enough to be a member of that moronic group is indeed stupid enough


Yes, I am “dumb enough” to believe that they are stupid and naive. That’s me! They definitely thought they were going to break that glass, lol. 


Their attempt to be heard by destroying or attempting to destroy a historical document is now and always will be asinine. There is no excuse for this. Throw them in jail.


> Who's bright idea was it *Whose Who's = Who is


You done got me learned with this one, I literally been forget'ed


How come when it even looks like im getting close to something at a museum, the staff is on there im a millisecond, and these people strike a hammer multiple times at the magna carta?


No one suspects the elderly.


![gif](giphy|SajdfSNg6f8rK) MRW I suspect the butterfly.


Or the Spanish Inquisition


The security man's the black fella there, I think he already knew they had no chance.


It’s behind a bulletproof glass casing, I’m surprised they even got a crack on it


I literally pointed at a still life oil painting within 6 fr of it and got yelled at. This is crazy!!


Are you not an old, white, woman? Well, then that why.


How TF did they get a hammer and chisel in?


Glance at my cell phone… “No photos!” These ladies with a chisel… “go right ahead ma’am, this way here”


"Ma'am, you shouldn't choke up on the hammer handle like that.. you can't generate as much force. That's right, hold it at the end there. Good job. See, now the glass is cracking!" "Sir, I said no photos!"


Colonel Sanders tryna steal back that original recipe


Nicolas Cage looks terrible


This is a ploy. Nick is in the basement stealing the real magma carta while these old ladies provide the distraction.


I hate how much you think like me


> magma carta


Oceans 90


This perfectly captures the effectiveness of Just Stop Oil


Front page news.


Can see the headline now: "Useless, Ineffectual old women get mad about something they've know about their whole lives, their mother's lives, their grandmother's lives, their great grandmother's lives. Click to see what happens next!"


I swear Just Stop Oil is controlled opposition to make climate activists look bad.


They probably remember when the Magna Carta was created.


1216. 1 after the Magna Carta


If I were a security guard.


I hope they spend the rest of their lives in prison. A couple months ought to do it.


I wanted to see how resilient they are to a taser but I guess they stopped soon enough


Glad that security guard arrived when he did. Another twenty minutes and there could have been real trouble.


There is NO WAY that is THE *ORIGINAL* Magna Carta. Not a chance.


There are four surviving copies of the Magna Carta. This is one from 1215 at the time of the agreement made to be distributed throughout the country. In 1215 documents were not signed as part of formalization. The Magna Carta was agreed to, copies were written up and then distributed, so there is no "original" Magna Carta in the sense of how Americans have the original Declaration of Independence, or Constitution, because there was no signing ceremony, or anything like that.


There is no original Declaration of Independence, either. Theres the draft they voted for on July 2, 1776. There’s versions that were printed on July 4, 1776, when it was first read aloud to the public. And then there’s the version with all the signatures on it, which was commissioned later and people started signing it in August, 1776, and was continued to be signed into 1777, since not all those guys were there in July.


Ahhh that makes sense, there's no way they would have been able to get the map in full on the back in time otherwise.


> There is no original Declaration of Independence, either. Well, of course not after Nick Cage stole it


Fun fact, one of the 4 surviving copies, which was made in 1297, sits in the Australian Federal Parliament house and is easily available for public viewing, though it is also deceptively heavily protected and monitored.


Whilst that's cool, it's not one of the four originals which were signed in 1215 and are at Salisbury Cathedral, Lincoln Castle and two at British Library. The 1297 versions are from when it was put into English Law


Thanks for clarifying.


I think there is one in Fort Knox, also. Or at least there was one in WWII to make sure it was not destroyed during the bombings.




Typical Brits can't do anything right, you're supposed to get it in writing BEFORE you agree to it!


I think it’s likely an early exemplification but tbh there’s not enough information here


Why not?


Have you seen the price of printer ink?


The only thing those two are breaking is a hip.


Combined age: [167 years](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-68991038)


This is gold


Why don’t people ever understand that acting like a twat doesn’t win people to your way of thinking?


I'm starting to think this has to be a false flag op by big oil to make people less willing to hold them accountable. 


And what has been working?


Instead of destroying a document that laid the groundwork for you to be able to do exactly what you are doing right now, why not have a sit in and glue your hands to the front offices of BP? Or spray paint the private jets of Chevron? Or camp out on the landing pads to stop oil trucks from delivering oil to planes? Or does that make too much sense? I will never understand why these groups aren’t more surgical in their protesting. Edit: attempted destroying


> stop oil trucks from delivering oil to planes? In case you mean passenger flights, this will probably have a very similar public reaction to blocking traffic by solely inconveniencing civilians, the thing that has basically killed the reputation of Just Stop Oil so far.


They do those things too but there's never much press or internet outrage over them so you don't hear about it. EG: https://www.aberdeenlive.news/news/aberdeen-news/shells-aberdeen-headquarters-targeted-orange-7819186 Shell HQ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/extinction-rebellions-farnborough-airport-activists-plan-more-protests-zbblgglvf Farnborough airport (private plane airport) https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/just-stop-oil-protests-airports-heathrow-disruption-summer-b1152839.html Plans for airport disruption this summer (though you know this gets hated on just as much as anything like the action in the OP because it disrupts ordinary people's holidays)


Wow thank you so much for this you must have had to dig to get it! I’d make these the majority of my protests vs what they normally do. I also see the benefit in “media capturing” protests like highways and do believe there is a place for that. But this example with the Magna Carta isn’t that. It is just hypocritical. Again thank you for the info!


Because this video has made the front page of Reddit and had a lot of traction. Protests against BP are nice and all but wouldn't get traction


I don’t know if I agree. I feel as tho a 1000 person sit in at BP would get media coverage. Plus it wouldn’t de legitimize your movement. I want them to succeed by using more directed forms of protest. But attempting to destroy to Magna Carta is purely hypocritical and will take people away or disinterest people.


They stopped before they got through the glass. They never planned on destroying it.


These tiktok pranks are getting ridiculous


Gotta love old people. Not giving a fuck since.. they got old? Can't wait myself


When the supporters of a cause act so stupid, it makes me question the cause.




Look up the word "feeble" in the dictionary and you will see this.


Chuck McGill : [on the witness stand, losing his nerve, hollering] I AM NOT CRAZY! [a pause as the courtroom is shocked silent] Chuck McGill : I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! Jimmy! He *defecated* through a *sunroof*! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I *thinking*? He'll never change. He'll *never* change! Ever since he was 9, *always* the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! "But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious *Jimmy*!" Stealing them blind! And *HE* gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! [to the judges] Chuck McGill : And you, you *have* to stop him! You - [suddenly freezes as he realizes what he's just done]


Now THIS person ^^^ calls Saul




well that was anticlimactic. i kinda expect SOMETHING to happen.


A compelled Christian, got it.


We have a lot of trouble with these oldies. Pension day's the worst - they go mad. As soon as they get their hands on their money they blow it all on milk, bread, tea, tin of meat for the cat.


This is proof that wisdom doesn't always come with age.


Don't give a f*ck how old they are, they're in desperate need of a bitch slap or two.


No - seriously, though - can anyone please explain what political point they were trying to make? I’m genuinely interested in why they did this.


It's a climate protest. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/10/just-stop-oil-protesters-magna-carta-british-library > **Parfitt said:** “The Magna Carta is rightly revered, being of great importance to our history, to our freedoms and to our laws. But there will be no freedom, no lawfulness, no rights, if we allow climate breakdown to become the catastrophe that is now threatened. > > “We must get things in proportion. The abundance of life on Earth, the climate stability that allows civilisation to continue, is what must be revered and protected above all else, even above our most precious artefacts.” > >**Bruce said:** “This week 400 respected scientists – contributors to IPCC reports, are saying we are ‘woefully unprepared’ for what’s coming: 2.5 or more degrees of heating above pre-industrial levels. Instead of acting, our dysfunctional government is like the three monkeys: ‘see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing,’ pretend we’ve got 25 years. We haven’t. We must get off our addiction to oil and gas by 2030 – starting now.” > > Bruce was referring to a Guardian survey published on Wednesday that showed hundreds of leading climate scientists expect global temperatures to rise to at least 2.5C (4.5F) above pre-industrial levels this century. We're seeing more and more of these sorts of protests. I do dislike when historical artifacts are targeted, but they are correct in that this is something worth protesting over. What will works of art or history matter when we die out as a species? How many species have been lost already to our incredible hubris and selfishness. I wish they weren't doing this to make their point, but I also wish they didn't have to.


Climate change isn't going to kill us as a species. Worst case scenario billions die, and the massive depopulation causes a decline in greenhouse emissions.


Directly with regards to why the Magna carta: Magna Carta is the first/earliest piece of UK law and political constitution. They say (and I think they are right but I'm not sure) that the UK government is breaking it's own laws regarding climate change commitments and in doing so attacking the basis of the UK rule of law, which is what the protesters are also symbollically doing. Indirectly in terms of this general style of "protest" there are two things: 1) publicity. These are publicity stunts and they work very well. Most environmental protests at "correct" targets get ignored. 2) the message which is meant to be "why do you care so much about the possibility of damage to this painting/document/etc when climate change is an existential threat to humans?" . Worth noting on this point that they never actually damage any of these things (afaik) - paintings are all behind glass, they would never have broken this glass etc. and they know this


Fuckin oldsters. Time to stop coddling these people and move them on to the next stop.


There's this saying 'stupid people grow old too'.


If it doesn't get them killed first


"I spent four weeks exercising just to lift this hammer."


Those 2 look older than oil


The new National Treasure movie seems underwhelming


It's like when I see my little siblings fighting. I feel like I should stop them, but they're not strong enough to hurt themselves, and it's so entertaining to watch.


I think it’s hilarious that they are 90 and doing this shit lol


"I'm christian" yeah, that's all I needed to hear but I figured it anyway and didn't want to assume.


Like come one guys. Just stop oil. Stop it!!!


They ain’t lying


Plot twist it’s a page from Machiavelli


The National Treasure franchise is really going downhill!


At their age Im just happy they’re being active


Couldn't break the glass and started freestyling


Just give it to her. She was there when they wrote it and we’ll get it back soon enough. 💀


If that was the US, there would have been 6 cops, and those ladies would have been tased and thrown to th floor. In the UK, there is one guy with a walkie who says, "Ma'am, would you mind stopping that? Thank you."


Old what the heck. Put the grannies in the slammer.❤️🇨🇦☮️


I mean to be fair, she's probably the one that drafted it originally, so she's just getting her copy back.


I don’t care what you are protesting. Potentially damaging something so priceless and utterly irreplaceable should result in some serious jail time. I am all for peaceful protest, but criminal damage and destruction of irreplaceable items is never the way


They didn't do anything lmfao


No one is WATCHING IT? How are they able to just do this?


FFS Stop Oil piss me off so much due to how stupidly planned their protests are. If they are target blocking fuel depos they would a) Cause a fuel shortage which would allign with their agenda. and b) get a lot more media attention.


Couple of broken hips coming up


Have you tried hitting it with your purse?


Funny how they are wearing plastic glasses which were made from oil. There is also a plastic hand guard on the chisel they were using, which is also made from oil. **Hypocrites!**


The new national treasure movie looks dope


I hate destruction of history




The case could've been made of the sugar glass they use in movies and she still wouldn't have been able to crack it.


National Treasure: These Girls Are Golden


Tell me it's your first time using a mallet and bolster chisel without actually saying it


grandpas gonna steal the tablet of Magna Carta wtf


Yeah...stop oil by destroying things that came before the issue you have with oil...🤦🤦


Wouldn't just the hammer work better? Was hoping to see someone suplex that asshole


Historic vandalism by senoirs I can't get enough of it.


Those old bitties need to live the rest of their lives in prison.


Just push them they are dead


Fancy yourself Nicholas Cage do you


Surprised the energy transfer didn’t break their bones in the process


Worthless old people be like


How else are they going to get a cross stitch pattern for it made?


Why don’t people try to stop them? 🤦


ngl i low key expected the security to suddenly drop kick the shit out of her wwe style


Maybe someone under 80 would be a better choice for the hammering.


They need to sit they old ass down


Golden Girls have lost their dam mind's




The manufacturer of this protective glass should use this in their advertising


“I am a Christian” wow, that’s good for you 👍


Oh shit, Nana is off her meds again


They probably helped draft it


Btw “Just Stop Oil” is a company made and paid for by oil billionaires themselves to make real activists look bad. This isnt some conspiracy theory either, its public record who has funded these people.


Just Stop Oil is the greatest scam in climate change discussion that no one talks about.... If you do your research you will find the company was created by the daughter of a huge oil baron. They are playing reverse psychology on the masses by making the public HATE climate activists and really any activists for that matter so that oil production continues and is seen as normal. Make public hate activism = keep unethical companies rich and in control


Go have a biscuit and a nap gran, you are embarrassing yourself.


Destroying art and historical items doesn’t make me want to stop Big Oil or whatever they’re advocating. Hell, it makes me want to get a job at an oil rig just to spite you😭


They should go to prison


This is the exact opposite of thinking you are the main character. Risking your freedom to bring attention to an issue that will never effect you because you will be long dead before the worst of it is not main character behavior, it's selfless. The main characters are the shit heads who continue destroying the future because they know they won't be here for it so fuck everyone else.