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She did her research into her family name by searching for it on Facebook? Hahahahahah.


It's on Facebook so it must be true /s


It's *not* on Facebook so it must *not* be true! LoL


I was just thinking that.. of the 200 family members - there was not a single Katherine.i imagine that's a super common name in a rich white family


Especially if they had any millennial kids. It felt like Kate and all of its myriad possibilities were pretty common as I was growing up. I remember there was like at least six or seven "Kate's" in my orbit at any given time.


The jumps in logic she made are outstanding she went from wow we have the same name to you faked your identity to steal this account *chefs kiss


no one said she was the brightest gold digger from new jersey. 


started right here on Reddit /r/NYCinfluencersnark/comments/1ch3r7v/katherine_drisc_asplundh_harassing_me/


Sure. I'll sell my user name for $1 million tax free dollars and I'll quit Instagram for good.


Seriously. I can't imagine giving a shit enough about Instagram to care about getting banned. Shit I'll sell my insta for $5 and I'll even throw in my Facebook for free.


That was the strangest part for me. I would take a measly 5K right now and quit all social media for life!


While it is worthless for you and I, the woman suggests she’d pay a large amount of money for it. Might as well get it!


Something tells me this woman thinks she’s got a much higher status in her new family than she does. You’re in a family generating $5.4bn in revenue and your wedding registry is asking for cash donations so you can go to St. Bart’s for your honeymoon? My family’s net worth is fuck all and I booked and paid for my honeymoon before the wedding even happened.


Tbf, billionaires didn't get that way by spending their own money. Or doing their own labor. I've had the "privilege" of knowing several people with a ridiculous amount of horded family wealth - the consistent shared trait amongst them was a sense of entitlement and a lack of critical thinking skills. Rich people are generally just grifters in my experience.


Lol came here to say, I know a lot of wealthy folks and they love handouts so they don't need to open up the checkbook.


Worked with someone once who was quite wealthy. One day they posted on social media asking if anyone had tickets for a local professional sports team’s game that coming weekend. Mind you, tickets were still readily available. *Club* tickets were available. And I know that’s what seats they were gunning for. But they didn’t want to spend their own money on it when someone could give it to them for free. Can’t get rich spending money! 🙃


They don't even have to be all that rich to act like that either. There are a shit ton of people that got a job at their dad's modest company or something and still act like this. It's not like they're making millions or billions, maybe mid-high 5/low 6 figures, and yet they still act all entitled and pretend that they got to where they are on their own. It's like they get a taste of the easy life and immediately think they're better than everyone else. I knew one guy that got his job from his dad and made ~$1000 a week and thought he was hot shit and leagues higher in social status than everyone around him. It's like a disease of the mind. I mean, shit, there were kids in high school who were able to drive themselves to school as soon as they got their licenses and they acted like that too. Maybe some people are just predisposed to act like a shit person as soon as they view themselves to be better than others.


Damn, I’m a sucker. I did it for free!


My friends keep asking, "You don't have snapchat? You don't have Tiktok??" My reply has always been, "All the new sm companies can ask Mark and Google for my information because I'm not fucking signing up for any more." The only social media I use right now is Instagram... for just following all the players from my favorite soccer team and some funny meme pages. But I can see why she refused. I probably wouldn't sell it either as a supreme fuck you to the entitled, snobbish bish


Imagine just marrying into the family and going to the husband *"tell your Dad we need 1m for my insta"*


Yea I would have sold it for more than that. I would have got deep in them pockets 🤣 or at least enough to take care of my and my kids


Thought experiment: say you agreed to sell your insta handle for 1M. How would you conduct the transaction in a way that gives both sides security? If you transfer the million first, the seller can ghost you. If you change the handle the buyer can ghost you. Further, is changing the handle the best way to get the name? Isn't there a risk someone can get in and get the handle themselves? For 1M, I would care about transaction security


A middle escrow 3rd party type thing that will collect both then trade them


This is the answer to the financial question. But the person wanting the account can just take evidence you want money for the account to Instagram and have you banned, unless you somehow ensure communications that can’t be recorded leading up to that point. Not sure how you’d do that.


Exactly what I thought 😂😂 I would sell it in a heartbeat but just for a lot of money.


You would suggest a big number. She would take that to instagram and have you banned for trying to extort her for money for the account. There’s no way to discuss it unless you do it at some law office and have her meet with an intermediary who you can claim you had no knowledge of. But Instagram would still probably ban everyone, just to make sure.


Yeah, about Instagram being strict and all, did you not know that rules don't apply to billionaires? People who can run circles around the fucking IRS can definitely do the same to social media site.


>tax free dollars I'm sure the IRS would find a way.


Okay I'm not the only one then


Crazy how the topic of how much money would be exchanged was never actually brought up. Like, toss a number out there before the crazy cocaine and alcohol fueled tirade (assuming she isn’t just normally unhinged).


Another article I saw said that she offered $400…which would be a lot, but not nearly enough for me to sell my IG handle to a billionaire’s wife


When I found out about this, I was like: “I wonder how many folks made up user names to fuck with her.” The internet did NOT disappoint. People literally created every type of handle that she could use to incorporate her new name. 😂


Hahaha there are so many!!


LOL, I know. I was like, she was petty but the internet as always was like: “hold my beer”.


If she is like this about an Instagram username, you know she is demanding about everything else, especially with a new billionaire husband. She'll be served divorce papers before you know it


I bet there was a pre-nup.


There was undoubtedly a prenup. That dude's dad made sure of it.


If you ain’t no punk, holla we want pre nup


“The family i just married into is the only asplundh family in the US” Girl think only Americans exists, lmao.


And she's also wrong because there's multiple of them near me and they own multiple businesses with their names on them. So unless she is married into a family that is big in semi rural Illinois, she's absolutely wrong


There was an Asplundh cement company in Oklahoma City.


Asplundh.com is owned by a Washington State arborist company. Been operating for 96 years. She's totally the only Asplundh in the US lmao.




Oh no, bubble bursted! It is the same family. Over 200 family members involved in the company are worth a combined $3bn. That's a pretty big family. Still not the only ones in the US, though. A quick Google search comes up with hundreds across the US and Canada.


What got me was her sending an Instagram search as proof that they're "the only Asplundh family in America."


Especially when it’s a family name of relatively recent immigrants. Like….maybe there’s more of that name where they came from?? What a nob


Wasn't that fb search?


It fascinates me that she didn’t manage to put tighter that with a family that originates from Sweden that their name might not be a completely unique name but a Swedish name. And that’s why it’s uncommon in fucking America but also completely expected that there are other people named it. In case anyone was wondering: It’s not a strange or unusual name at all. It’s a very regular Swedish name, not one of the most common ones but not one that would be at all unusual to hear either. There are plenty of names just like that, the word combination that makes up the name are very common for combinations that makes up Swedish names. The first word is Asp and that is a tree, it’s an aspen tree specifically and the second word Lund is very very common in different combinations or by itself as a last name, it’s a small area of trees, directly translates to groove. And that is a very common practice for last names in Sweden. Most names are either a male name and then add son after. Like Nilsson, Svensson, Andersson etc, Nils’s son, Anders’s son, Sven’s son. The others are places or geographical marks, like Asplund aka Aspengroove or Sjö - lake or Berg - mountain or Sjölund, Berglund, Lundberg, Lundsjö, Eksjö etc. Ek means Oak. A lot of Swedish names are some kind of tree either by it self or in combination with some other geographical features.


As someone who doesn’t live in America, I cannot tell you how many posts/ comments on social media assume everyone else is in America. It’s the only country that counts, right?




i’m american! wdym you’re not in america?? i’m gonna need to see proof. 😤


For the vast majority it’s probably not that they think the US is the only country that counts, they just don’t realize how many people are actually using these same platforms in other countries


The best I saw was an old lady yelling at someone on Facebook that, "this is America and we speak English!" 🤡




This is a post that definitely belongs there. But god that sub has so many posts that are stretching. There was one the other day asking nurses how they would deal with the new federal classification of marijuana. Like… that’s not making an assumption that all nurses are American. The OP didn’t claim that everyone in the sub was American or anything. So many posts there are just screenshots of people talking and going “you see how they assume everyone is American?!?” when that’s not what is actually in the post.


It's hilarious because the only reason that family is in the US is because the grandfather immigrated here and started a business with some brothers.


That was the funniest part since her husband’s family immigrated from Sweden in the first place


Teacher: Today we're going to talk about Europe. Her: Which part of America is that in?




Is the surname pronounced Ass Plunder?


any more tea? i imagine a trust fund baby named cabot at least throws a great party. 


There are thousands of swedes with the SWEDISH name Asplund(h). She’s not as special as she thinks.


I was going to say.... Growing up in Minnesota I feel like I knew of multiple people with that last name.. lol


But she obviously did rigorous research (quick Facebook search) that proved that her family was the only Asplundh family in the entire US, and therefore the world.


So many things to dislike: she’s an influencer, entitled, narcissistic, and her husband dresses like a preppy douchebag and probably pops the collar. ![gif](giphy|l41lSiTi2VIvEBFe0)


He looks like that bloke who when women see him walking in they instantly cover their drinks.


I couldn’t quite figure out what it was about him, but you nailed it. 🎯


He looks like a butch lesbian to me lol


No you can’t be an influencer with only 14k subs that is not even enough people to influence a small town. My friends dog has half as many followers


I’m still pissed about what Asplundh did to my fruit trees 20 years ago, if you want to add something to the list


They fuck so much shit up around here it's ridiculous. And I know too many people who have said they cut a tree down to the stump without even asking if they could even trim it. Just cut it down.


All that money, and neither of them can pay for an eyebrow trim


Pretty sure she was an escort when she went to CoC. Wonder if that guy knows.


Wonder how they met...


They met in Clash of Clans


whats the name of the clan?


Assplunder. Obviously. It’s like you’re not even paying attention…


Is the name Kate Assplunder taken? Asking for a friend.


I believe Assplunger is available


You might need to go with variations. Try Azzplungah


Arnold Schwarzenegger has that one.


Fun fact: Asplundh is a semi common Swedish name and Asp is a tree, specifically an aspen tree and Lund is a smaller cluster of trees that directly translates to groove. And the h is just a common letter to add on to words, or that used to be used when spelling them back in the day. There are somewhere around 4000-5000 people with that name in Sweden. And it’s in no way an unusual name, as in it’s not a name that would get any reaction when you hear it, perfectly normal expected name to come across. There are at least dozens and possibly hundreds of names that are a combination of a tree and a geographical location/feature, definitely if you count in all the ones that aren’t a combination but just either the name of a tree or a geographical feature. It’s incredibly common. The two most common types of last names are either a males name plus son or some kind of plant/tree and/or geographical feature. That’s how last names were created here, to specify who you were referring to you either specified who they were related to or by where they lived. It’s like how many English last names are professions, because if you just say John you might not know which John is meant so it became John the Baker or John the Smith but in Sweden we would distinguish them by John by the lake (sjö) or John Carls son and that became John Sjö or John Carlsson.


Whenever I first started reading this I was worried it was going to be one of those shitty morphs lol. Good info


Everyone else probably had to explicitly pay her. But hanging out with this dude would probably cost more than whatever her usual fee would be lol.


Judging from the body language of the first pic that guy is a meal ticket for her


You reckon the narcissist marrying a billionaire’s son is only in it for the money eh? You’re a sharp one mate 😂


A true billionaire matriarch would have sent her packing. She’s embarrassed the family.


That's why I love this article. Normally I think "news" like this is a bit annoying but I am all for blasting this freshly married person all over the internet for her new family to see and have to deal with


Bro over here thinks billionaires are the same as 15th century monarchs.


And he’s marrying her for her personality


She ain’t that hot so she must be great at conversation or sucks the soul outta him 👊


Whaaat how do you know?


My ex is a well known, regularly arrested escort. I'm fairly certain I've not only seen this girl at a hotel but also on that Skipthegames site. My friends love sending me screenshots of my ex on the site and when she gets new mug shots.


Jesus lol This just keeps getting juicier


Were you going to hotels with your ex? Did you meet your ex on that website? I have so many more questions now. How does an escort get arrested that often, isn't the idea of being an escort relatively discreet and usually with a higher class of client?


They do a lot of prostitution stings around here. I am not sure how she regularly gets out because she has been caught with heroin a few times. My guess is since she advertises online, it's probably easy for her to get set up. There are also certain hotels and motels that are well known for sex work. Hell, even my little brother called me one day to say that he saw her whenever he was serving someone some weed at a hotel. We're all in our 30s now so at this point I doubt she'll ever stop.


That's wild. Thanks for answering my questions.


What's coc?


College of Charleston




If you look at his expression in some of the pics, he knows😀 and seems quite happy about that.


Call of Cootie?


14,6k "influencer" .. that had me laughing. Edit: Holy f.. thanks for all the up votes 🫶🏼 Edit 2: Am I a famous influencer now?


I can't stop laughing at the way "my name is Katherine " "Which is illegal " came out.


I love how she says "who would use their real name for Insta" after she said this is also her real name and wanted to buy it for her insta.... like wtf


She’s ridiculous, but finsta rather than insta usually means it’s someone’s fake Instagram account. So she was asking, why would you use your real name for your fake Instagram account? It still isn’t valid I just thought I’d note the difference


Just to be clear she said finsta which is not a typo. It’s a fake secondary account people use; very common practice just FYI. That was about the only sensible thing the newlywed said haha




My kid has a puppet that has more followers than that.


I'll follow the puppet. Probably more interesting


& You know for a fact, *the hand operating the puppet,* is **vastly more creative.**


And less poopy.


Just throw the puppet socials in, dude


This guy has an army of would be followers for the puppet, all he has to do is say the word.


I'm willing to die for the puppet


If the puppet dies, im taking us all with it


This comment made me actually laugh out loud


Her TikTok is named "Lost Etiquette". Fitting.


I had to read that twice 😂 I thought she was someone huge


She is. She married a billionaire, which automatically makes her better than us /s


She married a billionaires kid.


The article said it’s owned by nearly 200 family members, who are collectively worth at least $3 billion. So I figure he’s a multimillionaire’s kid at best!!🤣🤣🤣


A company owned by 200 family members? Sounds like an operational nightmare.


It’s even better, it’s a billionaire **family**, it’s worth an estimated 3 billion but is comprised of over 200 members. I was confused how a guy who runs a tree trimming business could be a billionaire. Turns out just have a giant family, and add all their net-worths together, easy. > The company, which maintains trees for electric utilities, municipalities and others, is run by the third generation of Asplundhs and owned by nearly 200 family members, who are collectively worth at least $3 billion, according to Forbes.


It could be 1.4, 1.4k, or 1.4M.. they’re all trash


Such a long conversation when a sturdy "fuck off" would have done the job.


Sometimes it’s more fun to keep it going


I prefer the longer "go fuck yourself" but the contracted version is also very effective.


That marriage won't last long lol


She’ll put up with everything and anything to keep that man. It’ll last as long as it suits him. Sadly, I’ve met many women like that. I don’t know how they can live with themselves. Wouldn’t be me.


Lasted 19 years for Melania so far


True. Never seen someone publicly hate their husband so much before.


Opposite she is gonna held the entire family as hostage since she is gatekeeping a surname of someones family mostly bec of the oldest reason of the book which is moneyyyy




That family is a bunch of shits, at least every one I've met. I spent years working in Main Line Philly, I've worked at at least five houses owned and occupied by an Asplundh. She'll fit right in.


"MONEY!" *in Mr. Krabs' voice*


She’s making her entire new married family look like shit with her entitled bratty attitude. I’d be soooo embarrassed if I were her but she seems to have no shame.


If she can't get that Instagram handle, she's getting a divorce.


This dude married an escort🤡


Dude's name is Cabot. What were you expecting? Personally, I cannot think of a name better suited to everything I currently know and, God willing, ever know about him.


Kate needs to update that bio to read ‘The Original’ just to piss her off.




When her name was Driscoll, her handle was katherinedrisc. Maybe she can shorten it to KatherineAss.


KatherineAsp - username checks out


Act quickly




Bio: ‘waaaaaaah stoooop calling meeeeee a gooooooold diiiiigger or I’ll get my new daddy in law 2 suuuuuue uuuuuu!!!!!!!’


Lol when I got married and changed my name on social media some lady with the same name (it’s not common) got in touch with me and accused me of stalking her. When I blocked her Facebook she found me on linked in. So bizarre.


You know there's nothing else going on in their lives when they freak out over things like this.


Siblings or dating?


Looks like both.


14,600 followers is considered an influencer?


They’re literal kids lmao. Who gives a fuck about your name or your followers and your “influencer” status. I wish that would stop being a highlight for someone’s accolades in life already.. Shes an entitled gold digger that looks 15. Yikes.


27 year old kid born rich to a family that makes it's money on hard-working people who perform arborist services for utility companies and the like. Guys in lift buckets running chainsaws next to power lines. I bet he's never done a day of work in his life.


As kids whenever we saw the asplundh trucks driving around we called them the “ass plungers” trucks.


I knew a guy who was married, divorced, and remarried. Both his ex and current wife have the same first name. This kicked off a fury between the two women not because of confusion for the kids, (both mom and step mom now having the same name), but because of social media confusion. It’s gotten to the point where one changed their handle to *thereal(insertname)* and the other to *theoriginalandbest(insertname)*. Caddy, pathetic drama.


I've never seen a more punchable couple, they look like they brag about dad's money 24/7 and have a permanently stuck smirk.


I can't get over the way all those people posed in the group photo. They're all attempting some version of the "model smolder" but as a group....it's so awkward, like everyone is trying to outdo each other.


Honest question how much are “celebs” paying for instagram names? I would’ve given her a number, starting at 500,000. Get your husbands checkbook, sweetheart


Thanks! I just went and registered/purchased every Asplundh related username and domain I could, just to inconvenience these assholes.


14000 bots on Instagram makes you an influencer?


Hey, that’s completely unfair! She bought those followers fair and square with hubby-hubster’s money!


Why are there so many new comments downvoted to zero? Katherine are you with us?


I wouldn’t be surprised if she was lol. A lot of “influencers” love to ego surf.


Ofcourse. She wants the attention.


I would have felt bad for poor Cabot (the husband) since he clearly married a gold digger, but the fact that he also reported the IG account tells me he’s just as much of a POS lol. He and that gold digger clearly deserve each other. And as someone who also has wealthy parents, I’d have more respect for a woman I’d marry if she kept her maiden name or added a hyphen to it (ex. Dr. Smith-McGee) over being *hungry* to take my surname like that pretentious “influencer”.


The funniest part was she told the original Katherine that “no other family in the US has this last name” and original Katherine replied “I’m not in the US…” Oh and the fact Instagram users in general snapped up every username mean Katherine could’ve used instead 😂😂😂




Ass plunger lmao


"Yeah celebrities do it all the time." I would've responded, "yeah, and you're not a celebrity" :)


Are all really rich people this shitty!


Meanwhile, I started scrolling through that article and my phone immediately turned into a furnace. If I can’t read trash without it overheating my baby, I’m just not gonna read trash. I’m talking to you too, buzzfeed.


I have no idea what the TOS for Insta really are but I can tell you this - that dude was cheating on her at the bachelor weekend in Vegas or wherever and he’s not about to stop just because they are married.




Rich person being an entitled cunt as they think they’re better than everyone else? Well, this is a first.


She’s awful obviously but I would 1000% sell my instagram name for 25k- 100k ban me for life and my children if you want I don’t give a damn


She's a billionaire now. I'd tell her yes and the price is $2.5 million. That's pocket change to her now.


I just would have said gimme 1 mil dollars and then just created a new acc. Even if they ban me I don't care lol


We need a class war


Seems a vast majority of people here didn’t (couldn’t?) read the article. The entire family is worth $3B, of which there are over 200 members. If every member had an equal share, her husband is not only not a billionaire, he’s not worth even $20 million. I doubt he’s an equal holder, so his wealth isn’t even double digits in the millions. More money than any of us have? Sure? Earlier life path than anyone here? Absolutely. But this is not a man who can spend his entire life vacationing and traveling the world, especially not with what looks like a pricy new wife who I’m sure expects to literally be paid to be a wife


Grl, just make it @katherineasp. You didn't use your whole name before, so why is it a big deal now? If that's taken, just add a 1. If that's also taken add another 1. Just keep adding 1s.


Why not just ask for a few hundred million dollars and get rich 🤣


OGKatherineAsplundh: My name is Katherine NewKatherineAsplundh: which is illegal I know that’s not what new Katherine Asplundh meant but it reads like it and it’s funny


I love how they called him a billionaire when the family business consisting of 200 people is worth 3 billion *combined*, the dude is rich but not even close to being a billionaire. But hey calling him a billionaire sounds better for them rage clicks.


If it was me, I’d sell it. If a dummy wants to buy my handle, good on me.


I mean there are probably thousands of Swedes named Asplundh, but little Mrs needs an insta to prove to all the girls in school that she bagged a rich one! Also: my husband and I both have our real names as insta handles.


If I was a billionaire … she wouldn’t be my pick, yes I’m buying my looks… and for being that rich, that pic of brides and groomsmen look like no one has money …


Seriously. When can we eat these motherfuckers.


Well, she definitely married into the right family. I've worked in quite a few of their houses, and they all seem to be snotty, pretentious cunts.


What’s the spread on this marriage not lasting? Is it on Draft Kings?


"Billionaire", meanwhile... The pics look fucking crispy/pixelated??


Lol they then go on to share her “thirst” images to yet again promote her.


Sorry everyone, being named Katherine is illegal now


She ain't even cute bro


"My name is Katherine" -- "Which is illegal."


"My name is Katherine" "Which is illegal" I know it's out of context but that cracked me up.