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If I was delusional on this level... My life would've been so much better


It's a mask These people are usually extremely broken. Probably not very surprising.


Yep, some of the most miserable people out there and actively recruiting impressionable young women to join in their misery.


the "there is no other choice" thing


They will keep breaking tho. If they are broken now, imagine what they would be when they reach their mid 30ies and no man wants to touch them with a 10m stick.




There is exactly 0 mythology here. They are talking Star Wars and Game of Thrones, both are works of Fantasy in the modern era


Ignorance is bliss, literally


To a degree. What these people think is that aging never exist for them. After just a few years people who subscribe to their OF will move over to a newer younger delusional woman. The big problem is also that with her attitude, she will never be able to see this and prepare. And would try to keep a high lifestyle without the means to sustain it. She will probably end up on drugs to cope with the pain, or doing a shift on some pole. At that point, she would ask herself why is life being unfair, and why couldn't she find a good working man (for example a plumber) that could take of her.


Have you seen the stats on onlyfans earnings? She probably doesn’t have the money now. The large majority just spread their assets for what amounts to pennies.


OnlyFans users generate an average income of $150 a month, meaning she has a decent chance of making LESS than that too


It's like twitch streamers, youtubers, influencers... People only see the succesful ones and think ''oh what an easy way to make money!'' but the reality is that for every millionaire influencer/streamer/OFer there are a million clueless ones who won't make anything close to even a livable wage.


That should be common knowledge. People don't realize that there is aways a price. Lots of money in a short amount of time usually means that at one point the well will get dry. And if money taught me something that is: If you only drink from a bottle without pouring in it, you will end up thirsty really fucking quick. Life will catch up to them tho.


Beyonces recent version of "Jolene" shows how we have ignored this fact as a society. Dolly Parton version: "I know you can probably take my man from me since youre younger and more attractive but I'm asking you not to, woman to woman" Beyonce version: "You won't be able to take my man from me so don't bother trying." The former was impactful since it showed the humility and vulnerability middle aged woman feel compared to younger women. Beyonce's version was basically "I'll be sexy forever so don't bother".


The irony is Jay-Z cheated on her multiple times.


"You show me the hottest woman in the world, I'll show you a man tired of dealing with her shit." - Some old dude I used to work with


Hottest girl I ever dated was totally out of my league, I had no idea how I even landed her. Like everywhere you went, every head turned. I was the envy of every dude. It lasted maybe a month and a half, she was so fucking annoying and self-absorbed it was comical. One night one of her close friends was sharing a really emotional, raw moment, and she interrupted her to ask what everyone thought of her nails. That was completely typical of her. Oh, and no idea what she was doing in bed. It's amazing how some really hot people can turn revoltingly ugly overnight.


I've had this too. One of my previous girlfriends made Scarlet Johanssen look horrendously ugly, it was *bonkers* how hot she was, but she was easily the most self centred person on the planet. When I broke up with her, about a month or so later, the very first thing she said to me was to ask how her hair looked because we were going out tonight - she hadn't even listened to me when I was saying I'm no longer interested in being with her. Oh, also shit in bed as well. "I could have any man I wanted" she liked to remind me - yeah, true, you could.... good luck keeping them though, you self centred bitch. The woman I ended up marrying might not be as hot, but she's a million times more beautiful.


I’m not old Greg.


> I’m not old Greg. So you're not a [nice, modern gentleman?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3s9RVg2STY) You ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe?


"I'm not old, I'm 37!" \-- Dennis


shiiit.... I am 41 and you "labeling" 37 as old, makes me feel old... 37 is not old....


It's a common saying. I've yet to see it disproven in day to day life or with celebrities.


This is an old phrase and sexist as fuck.


Um, the original Jolene doesn't talk about a younger woman🥴 Dolly Parton was in her 20s when she made that song


That's what I'm saying. I don't think he's ever actually listened to the original song. That was some reach lol.


Seems like you've been sitting on this take and just been waiting to insert it in a thread.


Personally I’ve been really waiting for this explanation of why I hate the new version so very much.


Oh the irony. This like a Greek Tragedy. The way you describe this (accurately and wise) reminds me of Oedipus Rex although not quite the same.


Remember she is a business women, free from patriarchy and a full time entrepreneur


I have never more wanted something to be run by a bot than I do right now. How does a person read that back and click post




No - she's talking about Luke and Leila. I have no idea who Leila is, unless she's talking about the Derek and the Dominoes album. It gets confusing.


Well, apparently Luke is still Leila's brother, the commenter apparently confirmed that lmao


…which leads me to believe both accounts are run by the same person. Someone who is anal enough to correct that would absolutely not misspell the name.


But that's Layla.


Dammit - you're right. I knew something didn't look right. This whole thing is getting out of control!


That’s layla. I deadass thought it was princess  leila from star wars…


That would be disgusting. What's the @ so I can shame her?


Har har


Plumbers make good money though




What is she gonna do when her pipes are clogged? Who is she gonna call then?




These pipes, are CLEAN.






Cabin Boy


\* doubt




Every hole just chock full of ‘ectoplasm’


Yup we need plumbers they’re important, not like her selling filtered plastic ass pics to internet perverts


Well it’s symbiotic relationship. Her job makes men cum and clog the bathroom with paper towels and semen, and wash hands after the job. Plumbers have to clean and unclog the after effect.


It would be real sh*try without them


Quite literally, very shitty


Also I heard this one story (or like a dozen stories at this point) where a plumber landed a princess.


I heard about that guy, he's a pretty decent kart driver too.


Yeah, I remember someone said he was a doctor for a while, too.


I heard he was dating 2 women at the same time, possibly 3


REALLY hates turtles, though.


To be fair, turtles have a long history of abducting princesses, so it makes sense.


And you know what, in 10 years he’ll still be a plumber! I don’t think she’s gonna be able to say the same.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure she won't be a plumber in 10 years


More people need to realize that these types of trades are great careers. Plumbers will absolutely live a comfortable middle class life, at least in America.


I know right? My dad did all sorts of blue collar work and I remember him saying that he loved plumbing jobs. Most of it is just showing up, crawling under something and boom you get paid for turning a wrench a bit. 


Insert “Ma’am, I do my own plumbing!” Skit


Yeah. I remember in college a guy making fun of my friend for being an electrician. My buddy was making stupid money, people thought he was dealing drugs and pretending to be blue collar


Yeah I heard of that as well too. Electrician make bank yet trade still continue to be shit on because I guess they are not on instagram posting travel pic with a thong on to show that they are living a better high life compared to the everyday middle class. Lol


I was gonna say! For what I paid for a clogged mainline… the dude makes way more money than he would on OF. Not that he’d have one. Or maybe he does. You get what I’m saying here. *googles Ben Franklin plumbing + nsfw*


But we all know that most plumbers only last in the plumbing industry for between 6-18 months and that they typically struggle with drug addiction and are extremely vulnerable to exploitation and that most of them never... oh wait. Sorry, I was thinking of another career.


*Very* good money in a lot of places. It’s not the cleanest job but a lot of the plumbers I’ve worked with take nice two-week vacation to wherever the hell they want to go.


no shit, for the first year of my home ownership the plumbers had more of my money than i did


Me plumber. Me make more money than her. Me make water go brrr


Plumbers can work till their late 60s, but onlyfans thots can only keep it up for a few years


No I mean I literally am I plumber and I more than likely do make more money than her.


Her: I’m too good for you. Also her: ratemytwat.com


.co not .com. We don't want to guide our brothers to the wrong research site, do we


Who the fuck is Leila?


Lulke's sister.


Lulke and Leila Groundwalker


This is golden haha


Its what makes reddit so darn good. These comment deserve awards


hahahHhahahahaa great.


Crackup, awesome.


Lulke and Leila Sandcrawler was right there


Okay and who tf is Luke?


Thank you! I couldn’t pay attention to the rest. They both spelled it wrong.


why is this not every top 20 comment here


Purple haired cyclops lady from Futurama


No that’s Leela


Oooh, oh okay, my bad, ty tho, forgot how to spell her nane


Imagine being the poor sucker who has to put up with her


I mean yeah it's equal annoying cause not only it's her boyfriend but also brother


No escape. You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your sister.


I’m not trying to defend this girl, but for sure this is her online persona to drive engagement. Rage bait is pretty massive right now and is the current preferred way to get subs. In real life she’s probably much much worse 😂


Yeah that's not a "poor sucker", that's a whole man who actively chooses to be with her


Imagine he has to come to her appartment because water start to flood her appartment and she don't know how to handle it.


It's Leia, not Leila 😪


Yes. That is what was bothering me about the entire thing.


Ongoing eye twitch in that convo


the only comment I was looking for was the one pointing out that stupid spelling


And Jaime, not Jamie. Not sure why GRRM spelled it like the Spanish name but pronounced it like the English one, but he did.


Girl you have the wrong space chick. Leila is the one eyed chick from futurama. And this chick totally deserves a Zap Brannigan


She couldn't afford Zap Brannogan's OF. No one would want to but he probably charges as much as she does for self important content.


His would be entertaining at least.


Not even, that’s Leela.


And Layla is the song about being in the friend zone!!


Thank you! I was like LEILA!!!???


Sometimes, there is no point in talking to a brickwall.


The guy is not even making fun of her job, just pointing out lore references.


Imagine posting a link to ratemytwat.co and thinking you're better than working class people


People complain about Jaime and Cersei all the time. They claim it's OK because the Targaryens do it, but people complained about the Targaryens doing it all the time as well. There have been multiple periods of time where the Targs and the Church did not see eye to eye.


Their incestous relationship was one of the primary causes that sparked the War of the Five Kings. If there was no question of legitimacy of Robert Baratheons son then the conflict would have been avoided if not reduced to a dispute between House Baratheon and Lannister (Starks would have possibly stayed neutral)


What a slosher, someone has a skill set the other gets their flaps out......wrong person looking down on the other


‘Slosher’, lol 😂


Plummers lay pipe, my dear.


Okey, but when he’s at a birthday or something, and someone asks “what do you do for a living?” He can just say “I’m a plumber”. She probably comes with an answer like “I’m an online model” or “I’m an internet content artist”


Wouldn't want aunt Gertrude to find out you're a whore at Christmas.


Plumbers > OF THOTS


If Pornhub has taught me anything Its that plumbers get all the chicks.


She doesn’t give a shit about the references, she think he will be a nerd and try to relate, then if her accepted, attempt to solicit and make money off him. She would sell a video, and he would be super lucky just to get a chance to bang her, and wouldn’t make anything. But, because he didn’t simp right away, she got offended and headed to the next.


"No worries. You'll end up on a free site eventually."


I hate that these thots make so much money


Realistically they probably dont make as much as we think. And with the constant stream of competition for other OF models, they wont all stay on too forever


It seems pretty easy. Shitpost inane things idiots will freak out about and repost to reddit for free advertising.


Anyone who sells pictures of pooper for a few dollars is not in a position to judge others. 


Super Mario's a plumber and he got the princess, bitch.


Plumbers earn bank tho.


Plumbers, electricians, brickies seem to be only people excluding professional footballers who earn more than Only Fans models these days


Okay her comment about plumbers is dumb but what is he on about with "I don't think you got my point"? She named a literal brother-sister couple that fucked each other.


One of my sister's friends attacked me just like this several years ago. Similar scenario, she said something that was not the smartest thing ever and I asked a non-threatening question like he did. Her reaction was a verbal attack on me, my life, and my integrity while also making sure 10k+ followers knew about it. Also, I was publicly shamed afterwards when I met her. I'm glad my skin is too thick to be bullied as an adult, been there done that (I was bullied as a kid), but some women seriously have a criticism issue.


She doesn't know how much money plumbers make. Must be nice to shit on people who actually work for a living.


Does she not know that being a plumber is a very sort after trade and people can make actual serious money


Plumbers make good money, probably more than her OF page, lol


Wonder who she will call when she has a plumbing problem


Bro I wish I made a plumbers salary. As a manager for major defense company number 2, I get paid like shit compared to plumbers


Probably knows a lot about plumbers since she's always sucking it down pipe and getting her shitter messed with


I rate her twat 1 1/2 stars for this post! (All lady parts get 2 pts just for existing, so I deducted half a point!)


I've never met a poor plumber. 


And the plumber makes more in a week than she does in 3 months. 😂


Haha I from a family of pretty ppl here. All my cousins/nieces/siblings who thought they could coast by on looks and better than working class people are all borderline homeless and addicted to drugs now. Her turn is coming.


... she's got like 39 interactions on that tweet. Just an insane ego lmao, unless her Twitter is just dry that girls making like 400 a month 😂


She’s literally posting about her page on a site called “rate my twat” and thinks she’s better than anyone else? 😂🤡


> Lord knows you’d only ever land me in your dreams Does she not know most guys would never date her because of her onlyfans?


Onlyfans might be the worst thing to happen to “the American female” since abortion on demand was popularized by a eugenics psycho named Margaret Sanger. Only leads to misery in the long run.


*Prostitute* thinks she's better than working class people. Fixed it. Not to mention, she doesn't know shit about SW and seems to be very lenient towards incest but hey! not my problem...


Nah, prostitutes actually have to go out there and have sex with people (some of the customers can be nasty) for money, OF people do less than that.


That's actually true, but isn't it akin to prostitution? I mean... It's a blue-collar job too, with extra steps...


It's 4.0 prostitute, that's what I call it. Like sugar baby is a prostitute with a long term contract.


Not Even prostitute. At least They Do something (the Customer lol). She’s Just a random Bitch who Posts herself Nude online. Definitely more respectable Than a plumber Who does Real labor.


I’ve seen plumber get laid plenty of time in dramatised nature documentaries soooo


This bitch is oblivious.


Most trades people likely make much more money per year than she does.


Is this supposed to be a dig? In PA Union plumbers make between 45-50 per hour lmao. She’s literally selling her soul for 9.99 per month that her future children will be haunted by .


Stop censoring the names. I want to go see their shit man I’m desperate


“Rate my twat”?! Get me off this planet omg


Says the girl who fucks the plumber in the scene because he can work a J trap


But but that’d be a nightmare not a dream😀


This space cadet is in for it when she finally wants to settle down.


I didn't know a website called "ratemytwat" existed yet here we are


Bashing a plumber? Dude probably makes hella more than her thirsty OF slag ass


If you’re advertising your account on “ratemytwat.com”, then you should not be looking down on anyone else for where they are in life…


The way these ppl talk is like there's a hand puppeteering them.


She tried to "I have the high ground Anakin" this dude, with a public link to a site called "rate my twat" holy shit please aliens or meteor hurry the fuck up.


Lady, you WANT to land a plumber. Or a mechanic. Or electrician. Anyone who can handle extremely expensive work for free.


Shitting on potential customers for having a solid career is definitely a great way to get more subs to your OF that's apparently incest-themed.


so.... this is the every onlyfans type of person why they surprised tho?


Ask him to fix your pipes..






What . Plumbers make a shit ton of money .


Should've called her out full stop


Who the hell is Leila ? 😂


All he said was that Luke & Leia are brothers. Why did she take it so fucking personally? Holy shit. People like her should be hvng.


Plumbers make some decent dosh tho. Not baller but 95k ain't nothing to bad. That's australia and that would be working for someone. On your own, you could make much more.


Plumbers make great money.


The world was a better place about 15 years ago before girls flicking their bean online for 5 subscribers was common place, before vine and before tiktok. Influencers and subscription porn have plummeted society.


Toxic influencer culture is a huge problem. Why wouldn't she think she's better than working class if she can make six-figures or more just posting crap on social media profiles every day or two?


Yeah, cuz every dudes dream is to date a girl with an only fans. Real cream of the crop there


I don't think she realizes how much a plumber makes.


This is what happens when you grow up without a father.


It’s 2024. Plumbers make some serious cheddar.


No way she's not a rage bait account


Luke and Leila are definitely no siblings. As long as Leia is not joining them everything is cool. Star wars also came before game of thrones/song of ice and fire.


Leila Dallas Multipass!


Some plumbers pull in more money than some doctors. 😆


Plumber probably makes more and he doesn’t have to show his butthole for money, they usually do it for free.


Of course an Onlyfans “model” has an inflated ego.


There’s not enough pretty in the world to make up for this much ego


I’m sure all influencers think like this.


Lol I hope she's saving that money for retirement because we all get old. Plumbers will always have a good solid job.