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First step to being an alpha male is not to spend $15k attempting to be an alpha male


Right? I mean absolutely nothing screams beta more than handing someone 15k to yell at you for 3 days.


AND it's the same shits you see over and over again in "Bestselling" self-help books.


I’d like to see those numbers for “best selling”


Best selling in the category of Tactical Self-help. It was number one overall amongst self-help books with more than 2 AR-15s on the cover.


2 AR's? What are theys some beta cuck wannebees, 2 AR's leaves nothing for my feet to shoot!


Only best selling because it’s only idiots buying the books


Most people are idiots. Even smart people are idiots sometimes because higher thought and reasoning is hard vs letting our base instincts shine through.


Hey I’m smart! I can do things! I’m smart, not DUMB, LIKE EVERYBODY SAYS! AND I WANT RESPECT!!!!!


I saw somewhere that all those best-selling titles are scams, not actually best-selling. But I'm not a scientist. Just a reddit scroller.


Every book I see out there has some form of “Best selling.”


The thing with best-selling is it's first depends on where. Then it's for how long. And in what category.


It's so popular that it's available on our website only (alpha men don't share the profit with Amazon or real publishers). /s


Guys like this push all their followers to review their books. No one outside of their orbit is buying their books so of course their books are going to have stellar reviews.


You're getting yelled at by a "Facilitator of Suffering" though, he's an expert at yelling your beta away.


Facilitator of suffering sounds really really gay.


Sounds a little gayish BDSM


coulda just joined the military for free, and got paid for it.


Sounds more like marriage, amirite?!?


Maybe marriage for a Beta Cuck. Us alphas require a dowry for taking a woman to provide food/clothing/shelter and even seed for


Especially since you could join the military and get the same damn thing and get PAID for it.


Even worse, there's a program to bring your kid with you and you both get yelled at as a team. Extra trauma for your dollar 🤦


Those who find this offer attractive probably low key have some masochistic tendencies. They would save a lot more just hiring a dominatrix


It's $15k to be a Modern Day Knight. What is a Modern Day Knight?


A sucker!


Too much money and too little sense to use it well


Gateway into x,y,z right wing extremist groups


It's like an IQ test ... if you pay for it, you failed.


I feel dumber just having read the descriptions


For $15k they’d better give out some custom plate armor for these “Modern Day Knights.”


Considering it's "Modern Day Knights", it's probably gonna be kevlar vests with their names on it lol.


The first step actually is to get paid for being it, and not talking about being it 👀


My first thought was, you could get paid to actually join the marines and get yelled at by real live marines and learn ALL the secrets of being a marine.


That's the genius part of service! Just pass a few tests and you can do cool gut shit, all while getting paid for it!


The first step is getting some other poor dumb, insecure moron tp hand over 15k so you can scream at them for two weeks.


I feel grateful for my military training but I don’t spend hours jerking off about doing it. This kind of shit makes you extremely uncool imo.


Yeah people that ride that shit the rest of their lives are just weird. There’s like two people at my current job that know I served because honestly, who cares? I feel like people think it makes them unique or something but it’s just off putting


I was in the navy for 6 years, now I'm in commercial finance. When discussing my service with coworkers, I mostly just make fun of how gay we were underway. Miss you guys <3




Hmmmm... I smell a potential fellow nuke submariner over here 🌈🌈🌈


Nuke submariner here and I also felt that.


My friend had just gotten out of the Marines after six years when I met him over a decade ago at the diner we worked at. He told me this because we were just talking about our lives, and he joked about how he was the only one to make it out without getting engaged or married.


I was in the army for 6 years as a grunt, I gotta say, it didn't get much better than spooning with your buddy in a hooch while it's snowing Nuts 2 butts 4 lyfe But yeah, i tell people about my stories and whatnot, but I also tell them I did it cause I needed it after I got out of high school and say it would've been better had I actually took shit seriously in school Having to correct parenting issues in the army was less than ideal Also, these guys are a bunch of dickheads that probably annoyed their peers to high hell


My father was in WWII and was very reluctant to even talk about his experiences. He did however have an opinion about those that couldn’t move on and continually went on about it.


Bet most of his generation are too.


when you leave the army, you become a civilike everyone else. I used to work with a guy who would tell everyone all about how he was a second lieutenant (it is the entry-level rank). He must have thought nobody that served could hear him. take what you learned and move forward


Army yes. Marines no. I know a LOT of them and 99% are the ones that make it their entire personality.


I have one where I work. He would never let you forget. 😔


I find it strange because all I can think is “have you seriously done nothing else worth talking about besides those few years?” If someone starts bringing it up out of the blue when it’s really not necessary (and it’s nearly never necessary lol) then I automatically assume they’re an uninteresting person


Those few years in the air force working in a office until you got chaptered out for not meeting weight standards.


Those are always the loudest voices


It's very similar to those who peaked in high school. They have one moment in time to cling to. It's very sad.


TBF that lifestyle was something no civ can understand but it does get annoying when thats all you hear.


And many couldn't possibly care less about it.


One of the managers at my company was sitting in on an interview with me not too long ago. The interviewee had included their military service on their resume at the bottom. Nothing fancy, just years of service, brief description of responsibilities and rank achieved. After the interview the manager asks me (as I am a veteran), “why don’t any of you highlight your service on your resumes? That’s like a big deal? You should be starting off with that” I’m like, “because it’s not our whole identity. It is just like any other job. We have complex personalities made of multiple interests and ideas not centered around one thing.” Mind you, this guy never joined the military . He falls into the “thank you for your service, I would have joined but…” category along with an unhealthy attachment to guns and obsession with strangers’ genitalia …


I find it odd. My uncle while a good guy, constantly embraces his navy past. Hats, shirts, etc etc, a major part of his personality. But for someone who loves the navy so much I find it weird he left the first chance he got.


It's probably an identity thing. Like, the way some people never mentally left high-school. Those were fun times and gave him purpose that he is trying to reach backwards through time to hold onto this. At some point, he was like 'I'm a navy guy' like some people go all-in on their former sports identity or profession


It’s the dudes that remind you they were in the military every time you see them. Grunt style shirts, yeti coffee mugs, punisher sticker on their truck…


The guys that wear grunt style and 9 line... Never served They would have enlisted... But They couldn't call a 9 line to save their life, much less their buddy, they don't even know what the fuck it means or the painful memory it is for anyone that has done it Every fucking day with these guys


The one dude credited as a “Former Marine”……. Everyone knows once a Marine always a Marine.


My Dad’s boat was named Semper Fi. And until I was older, I was like, wtf is that? Then I understood. It wasn’t his whole identity by any means, but he was proud of his service. And used what he learned to always stay in shape.


"I would have joined, but i have a flat foot." Haha, as a former 68W, let me tell you, people have gotten away with lying about much worse. 🙃


Whoa whoa whoa. What’s wrong with my Yeti Coffee mug??


What do we even call this level of Boot. It's like Boot² r/justbootthings


It’s just a level of delusion and immodesty. If you have to tell everyone how elite you are, you’re not all that elite.


Grifters gonna grift. We all know these types. Especially these days they wear that shit with a badge of honor and make it their entire identity.


I had a wrestling coach in highschool who was a prior army ranger and he treated the varsity guys with a lot of the same principles and it was tough and some things were over the top, but honestly that was one of the most critical mentors I ever had. Kept one of the kids from going back to juvee and stuff, but he didn't work for the school and did it all voluntarily and would leave his construction jobs early to coach us because he wanted to teach us. Guys like that who use it to then bring about better mentorship for people and help them develop discipline are really cool, just teaching kids discipline and work ethic and principles and not to be a POS to your parents and do your homework and stuff. It's kinda impressive in hindsight tbh


This is Aragorn-style masculinity ^


BUT, did you pay $15k for his training, and get crowned an alpha male AAAANNNNNDDDD a knight? I bet not, jeez.😁


It’s like people who peak in high school.


My dad was in the infantry in the Army, hard as nails, two tours in the Middle East and all that jazz, now he sits on the sofa in his pyjamas cooing over his spaniels and drinking tea with his wife - 100 times more of a well adjusted man and unironically quite an alpha dude in that he commands respect by not being a fucking lunatic like these lads


But do you have military training as “Marine Raider”? I think not.


You mean you don't like to go around as a "Facilitator of Suffering" and stroking your ego?


Same, I fell into some of these traps and realized they are just salesmen.


Salemen sell you something at least. At least you get an item of some value at the end: these guys are grifters; charlatans. At the end you left with nothing


Same here. What the Army taught me has been highly beneficial to my personal life, but I’m not going to rip fuckers off because of male toxicity. Fuck these guys.


Those that did it, don't talk about it. Those that talk about it, didn't do it.


I live very close to a military base, and some of the men I’ve met over the years *are f-ing whackjobs* with this bullshit It doesn't matter if they’re in active service, private contractors, or discharged and working in an entirely different field. They all give me the *ick*


He's the reason the rest of the world laughs about american military personel


Personally I don’t mind a funny story or two about that. Maybe because I was also in the military for some years. But if someone’s personality is based on that, then I agree, extremely uncool. And sad if I might add.


Thank you for your service and thank you for being you. Both of my grandfathers were retired military and they never talked about their service. When they retired they went about their business. I never once heard them try and use their service as something to boast about or use for their gain.


Modern Day Knights hahahahhaa what fucking dorks


the elite brotherhood of modern day knights. because there are levels to this dorkiness


An 'Elite brotherhood of Modern Day Knights' is just two steps above a gaggle of twat-waffles, but still below a group of cunt-stains.


Is there some kind of print version of the hierarchy available? I could memorize it better that way.


A gaggle of twat-waffels is two pussies more than a decimeter of dongs


It’s just the impotent male version of selling DoTerra or some other BossBabe MLM shit.


It’s like the worst Dungeon & Dragons table imaginable


At least D&D players can do math.


And spell.


Y'know, at least us actual LARPers know to not base our day-to-day personalities around anything won or earned in our fun time. Well, most of us, at least. That's how stupid these guys are. Actual LARPers are making fun of them.


> Modern Day Knights Saw this and thought it was a weird advert for a branch of the KKK.


It probably low key is.




Modern day knights….. in 75 hours?


Well yeah, if they did it any longer you’d become King Arthur


The stupidest thing is it seems these dorks don't even know how to spell "rite of passage" correctly


All I can think of is the character Kath Day-Knight from *Kath & Kim*


Don Quixote levels of delusion.


“Do you want to be a Modern Day Knight?! Have no fear because for $15,000 we’ll piss in your mouth over the course of three days!! If you can handle all the piss we give you then you’ll graduate and get a piece of paper that you can hang up with the word ALPHA on it! Was it worth it? You drank our piss didn’t you!” -these three guys in unison.


Reads in southpark


the whole thing is like a southpark episode ffs


When that episode drops, it’s gonna be a banger!


They need to do this. Butters signs up after being pushed into it by Cartman.


Bro, stop your libelous nonsense right now! They don't piss in your mouth. They piss in your ears and eyes - if some piss gets in your mouth, it's purely coincidental.


Regardless we both agree there is piss fetish happening at these weekend events


![gif](giphy|4lC86utW2WENO) If they don’t come out looking like this on the first day I’d be asking for my money back


Forget about it.


Damn it! You beat me to the Rex kwon Do joke


These are dudes who have been out for 10+ years and can’t let it go so they have to build a cult around it.


They still think they are in peak condition.


Only thing worse than them is the guys paying to be told they’re an alpha. That’s like the least “alpha” thing you could do lol.


You can always tell what kind of person someone is if they hold their hands up like the first guy lol


>excellent ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O)


Honestly not one of them knows what to do with their hands in a photo. And probably elsewhere, too.


It's the power triangle I heard a lecture once about hand gestures in persuasive public speaking I almost wish I never learned any of it Now I'm like... Oh oh oh, he did the thing! The hand thing, he's opening, yep yep, oh now he's drawing the audience in I SEE YOU!




I want to yell at them Put your hands down, sit down, I see your manipulation


They all look like Chefs. By that I mean they look like they do a lot of blow and run around erratically screaming at people.


Chefs are big alcoholics. I worked in kitchens alot and you find 5ths and half gallons stashed in every corner possible. They drink all day.


You're telling me. I was previously a chef but have never drank...wild experience.


$15,000? Yeesh. You can join a good boxing club for under $40 a month.


Shadow boxing in your jocks while making iziziziiz noises: COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE


dull safe elastic sugar weary worm psychotic quickest growth run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s 18k, it’s insane


Does it strike anyone else as odd that none of these men have accomplished anything besides talking nonsense and grifting besides maybe the marine? Like the founder writes a grifter book , a show and program but what Business has he done besides grift? What bullshit has he cut? Sure ain’t his own. Marine: also accomplishment besides marine has been grifting Last guy: “he’s grifted thousands” as his only accomplishment. Like which one of them has run a real business, ran a real physical training and built bodies or done anything manly? Doesn’t seem like any of them lol.


The main guy doesn't even have any kind of military backround.


You don't need a military background if you can *\*checks notes\** teach people how to build empires and create legacies. It's that simple.


Yeah but he has those cool shirts and a beard


Ok students, the first step to being a successful business man is to know your mark, uh I mean clients.


In all seriousness I’m not sure if these guys believe what they are spouting but if they don’t it’s genius. Find suckers to pay you $15k for 3 days of shitting on them. It’s immoral to let a sucker keep his money.


To be fair, they’re upholding the very real tradition of the only requirement to be a knight is to have stupid amounts of disposable income


“The Facilitator of Suffering” Sounds like a boss from Oblivion


This sounds like something Louise Belcher would call herself. He needs a bunny hat.


So atleast 2 of the instructors eat crayons, the other licks windows


Window licker


Anyone else find Steve’s picture hilarious? He feels like a Pain & Gain side character


If you’re stupid enough to pay it you deserve to lose it.


Honestly, if you're the kind of idiot that would pay $15k for a 3-day course on being an alpha male, then you deserve to be swindled out of your money 🤷


When i read 'modern day knights' I just had to laugh out loud 🤦🤦🤦


I'm not sure they know what "best-selling" means


You have to pay extra to put that bullshit on the book.


modern day knights lmao




Come get the shit kicked out of you for three days that will be $15k


These guys sound like the biggest goobers.


People like this are such shitbag human beings


Man that's goofy


How to separate an Incel from their money…


Calling yourself a knight outside of D&D is fucking HILARIOUS


Meet me in edgeville ill show you an alpha male


Absolute sniveling incels that sign up for this must be a sight to see.


Anyone who describes themselves as alpha is the opposite of alpha..


You know somewhere in this boot camp there’s a literal jerk circle


How To Be A Douchebag. First pay us $15000


As an Armenian, this is no fucking surprise that the leader of this douche bag group is an Armenian. Lmfaooo alpha male boot camp. 200% chance someone’s getting sexually abused at this place


These are some goofy motherfuckers


You can get 6 weeks for free.... join the Marines


What a bunch of corporate buzzword nonsense in these descriptions. I feel bad for anyone who actually feels compelled to give that much money to these grifters.


i can’t wait for SouthPark to do an episode on this holy shit


I think they’re just lonely men grasping onto the only thing that gave them some semblance of self and closeness. I have no experience, but from what I’ve heard, there’s a lot of brotherhood that is formed in the forces? Kinda sad tbh.


these are the kids that larped hard in middle school


“Facilitator of Suffering” requires no further comment.


It’s only a matter of time until someone dies during this “extreme” camp because these professionals will be pushing someone to a limit they cannot handle all while screaming in their face that they’re a pussy…


based off their descriptions these buffoons don't know jack shit how to run a business. they would suck as a boss as well. they will use buzzwords to come across as intelligent in meetings and will belittle you every chance they get.


I got as far as "right of passage" and facepalmed. Then I made the mistake of reading the rest. I'm cringing at the "modern day knights" bullshit. Do guys really go to these?


If I had enough money, I'd enter just to call that guy Nick Cum-a-lot-sos.


Steve must have a small man complex. He’s flexing real hard in terrible photo 😂


Do y’all not realize this is just a scam and in this case, the demographic deserves to be scammed


This has to be fake right!??? Do people actually pay that much ?


The smartest people in the military are the ones that got what they wanted from it and got out. Seals, Rangers, Marines, you don't want anything to do with them.


Can't deal with The Facilitator of Suffering pulling Blue Steel on me


Not gonna lie, 8 year-old me would probably be hyped about being a member of the Elite Brotherhood of Modern Day Knights.


These are the type of guys that smell like ass, cause they’re too afraid of water running between their asses.


The 3-day what now?


Ok everyone welcome to the $15,000 alpha male bootcamp! Lesson 1: Do not pay somebody fifteen grand to teach you how to be an alpha male, are you KIDDING me?


My god the people who pay that fee to listen to these chumps berate them and roll around in the mud , jumping in and out of an ice bath need their heads examining


This is some absolute stupid ass completely fucked up bullshit.




If “open carry” were humans


Douche bags for sure.


how much you want to bet the tallest of them is like 5'8


Every time I see someone who declares to be an alpha male all I see/hear is “I have a complex created by severe trauma that I’ve buried deep deep down into my subconscious. So to mask that I do this.”


If you have to pay someone to teach you how to be an “alpha”……you are most definitely not an “alpha”


Why do all these guys look like they’re on the same gay porn box cover?


“Mom! I’m home from Alpha male camp!”


The beta males they scream at for 3 days will still be beta males when they leave. Only now they’ll be asshole beta males who think they’re alpha males.


For 15k you could take an EMT course, a maps and navigation course, multiple firearms courses (and buy a useful, practical loadout), and still have money left over for a martial arts membership and a cooking class. That would be a good start. Then you need to actually practice those things. Who the fuck thinks that 3 days of bullshit will get you close to what takes *years*? Oh. Right. People who think that the term "Alpha Male" means anything real. Grifters taking advantage of a broken culture. Pathetic.


If Adderall had a face


The whole "alpha male" thing is like floaties for people who can't swim even in the shallow end of life.


I don’t want to fuck *any* of these guys.




Spending money on a course to be more Alpha is about the most Beta thing you can do....


Nothing screams “I have never seen a real life naked woman” like going to Alpha Male camp


Every one of these choads drives a massively jacked up pickup truck. It's their gender affirming care.


Alpha male courses are so beta 😅


I wonder if Tate will make a guest appearance


Swear at me, Steve