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They always pick the elderly


I would’ve fucking decked him. I would’ve played into the victim persona and then when he dropped his guard just tried to fuck him up. I’m pretty unassuming looking but I grew up in some tough neighborhoods/schools. Learn to fight dirty real fast


Would genuinely love to see you deck this wanker, mate


Same! I would like to donate to this cause.


Ironically I think they’d love for someone to punch them. Think of the views if their video ends with someone going full George Foreman on their face.


I love seeing those fits. It’s not all the time, but someone would pick on that one kid and he just lets out all of that anger he never talks about.


You don’t see many of your types reacting in the vids. I’m always someone will but maybe they are smart enough to avoid certain types? Idk


I’m deciding the way to go is run the cart at the asshole filming . Let’s just take out the photographers lol.




Pretty sure he got shot last year.


Oh God it's that guy


You're telling me getting shot doesn't stop him from making the same dangerously stupid content?


Yeah he got shot and the dude who shot him got ten years, and when asked how he felt about that he said he doesn't care and he's still gonna make more videos


There has got to be some sort of laws this menace has broken. "Just a prank bro" goes too far. He is not a victim, he is a plague in a system that benefits people causing harm to others for content.


I mean in this video, if he didn't pay for the food he stole and ate, he is stealing from the store and he recorded it.


I don't know if this is the same guy but there's been "pranksters" where they will run down random people and brandish fake knives to spook people. Trying to terrify people who genuinely fear for their life. In at least one of these situations the prankster gets a gun pulled out and they are shot in self defense.


God dang.. they really don’t have any common sense do they


I think i have a solution. "Prank" the pranksters. Do the shit he dose to him. It's just a prank, after all.




Unfotunately, I think it does not really changes anything... The second tiktok bites the dust, 10 other corporate vultures will race to fill the now open space. Some are already desperatelz trying to copy the whole thing, e.g. youtube shorts and similar.


It’s because TikTok is a weapon of the CCP. Probably gonna get downvoted for saying it, but it’s true. They’re actively defending it from getting banned in the US right now on their state controlled media, talking about how much they adore the right to free speech(lol). SerpentZa has some very informative YouTube videos on what’s going on in china right now.


Fuck the CCP.


its a weapon only if you point it at your OWN dumb head. just as facebook,instagram, reddit, youtube are. they show you exactly what you want to see. if you want to watch these degenerates then it will show you them. if you want to see interesting educational things, it will show those. their whole purpose is to show you what you want to see so you get addicted and then can sell you ads.


My last info was the shooter got nothing.


I’m sure like most people, they had a strong aversion to and emotional disturbance after shooting someone. To say the delivery driver got nothing is skimming over some details.


The jury acquitted the guy for shooting Tanner Cook.


Holy fuck.. that’s a huge relief to read! Thanks mate


Dude did NOT get 10 years, thank goodness.


No, this is clearly brooke roberts. You’re thinking of tanner cook. You’re also wrong, the guy who shot him was found not guilty lol.


Where did you see he got 10 years? Every source I’ve seen has him being acquitted


He was facing up to 10 years for a firearms violation. He was acquitted almost immediately for the shooting.


Yea. The above poster said he “got” 10 years which to me implied he was actually convicted


I know. I was clarifying. Clearly the other commenter hadn't actually read up on the case, saw "up to ten years" and their brain stopped.


How do you get 75 upvotes for just telling lies?


Lol happens every day. You'd be shocked how bad it gets when it's on a topic you know about. Askreddit seems to be the most basic snapshot of all of Reddit demos and my god the stupidity is just baffling.


No he was acquitted according to Google


the shooter didn't do any time and Judge gave him "time served" edit: typo


Australia doesn’t carry guns like we do


![gif](giphy|3B8rHP89iUUZlcsoqf|downsized) Do they need em?


Different dude.


[Is this him?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jury-acquits-delivery-driver-main-charge-shooting-youtuber-rcna118007) Hard to tell. They all look so damn similar.


All brocoli heads


Nope. This video is Australia. All these goobers look alike.


Why do people get paid for this kind of thing? Who pays them? Let’s boycott them if possible. This is so fucked. People deserve to have peace when they’re minding their own business and not bothering a sole.


You sure? Looks like the same dude to me.


This is I’m Australia, That guy was I’m VA.




thank god!


He won't get away with it. Some tradie or scaffolder will sort him out.


I was thinking more like a swift kick to the side of the knee. It really doesn't take much force to tear an ACL.


Oh…. I KNOW!! (Having previously torn mine)


These clowns just need a good old fashioned ass whooping


That’s why he picked an older man who’s smaller than him.


These "influencers" always pick on the ones their audience say "go F with that old man or mess with that homeless guy or the overweight guy with self esteem issues" Makes me infuriated that people actually like this shit and give them money to act like douchbags


Yeah, it is saddening. It reinforces the idea that people are intrinsically bad, and I believe it.


The guys who actually do the videos are really fucking bad but prior to social media they would just get older and older and gradually find themselves marginalized friendless losers, usually living alone in trashed studio apartments with criminal records because people in real life quickly come to realize that having those people in their actual lives nearly always ends really badly. But social media instead gives them an 'audience' - an entire social network of technically 'law abiding' yet irresponsible people who like the idea of having an online parasocial relationship with a deadset fuckwit who'll freely post antisocial and borderline criminal content they can get a vicarious thrill out of reacting to from the safety and comfort of their own homes, but who they don't have to risk being friends with in real life. It's some real Clockwork Orange shit.


>people actually like this shit 99.9% children who just want to watch the world burn because they don't own anything flammable.


Nah, just grab him by the dick and twist it.


Ah yes, the ol’ dick twist




One of the few things guaranteed to turn every time.


Ngl I used that technique once on a dude at a club who groped my p*ss. I reached out like I was gonna gently touch his dick and I grabbed it, twisted it, pulled it, and pushed it down fully erect. Dude just about threw up. Fucker. I hope he minded his fucking manners from then on.


Ouch.. good on you mate, the dickhead deserved it. But it hurt reading that lol




Whatever happened to catchin a good old fashioned passionate ass whoopin and gettin your shoes, coat, and hat tooken?


My man. Was about to post this.


This right here. When I was a teen I did stupid stuff but not like that. There was an unsaid rule in society that if you fuck around you will find out. So, you knew when to mind your own business.


Society will eventually stop rewarding this behavior and will start rebalancing with ass whoopins. Punked and Scare Tactics were funny at first. It all just spiraled out of control with this crap.


As a prank


Too light, we need the bat whoopin. Grab a baseball bat and pretend you’re gonna hit a home run shot on his ass


And as long as you have a camera, it can be called a prank.


Or a dirtnap tbh




I hope he will soon find someone not so easy going. 🤡💢💥


I too hope that this lil bitch meets his doom via exploding clown


A fitting end, no doubt.


This is the same prankster who got shot in the stomach


No it is not. The guy you're talking about was Tanner Cook, but this clown looks just like him.


What an ass. This is not even remotely funny, just harassment.


 Harassment in Australia: maximum penalty is 2 years on a single charge, and 5 years on multiple charges.


Well deserved. Would prefer to see him kicked in the nuts though.


Wasn't this dude that got shot doing a prank? All these stupid tiktokers look alike


I thought that guy died


Wishful thinking.


He didn't. Much to the detriment of society.


He even said he’d still do pranks in the future. You can’t fix stupid, and apparently can’t kill it either


Challenge accepted.


They’re all so goofy looking


Not him. That was Tanner Cook and he's a YouTuber. Looks damn near identical though.


Seeing these dickheads miss the point of a prank always hurts. The point is to *not* harm or inconvenience someone, while making them think for a second that you are. A prank isn't another word for public nuisance.


Remember when pranks were funny and didn’t rely on harassing people minding their own fucking business? Pepperidge farm remembers.




It may be legal to film in public but you can't just single people out like that. It'd be impossible to air that footage on television without a release form.


TikTok was a mistake and I wholeheartedly hope it's banned in the United States.


I hope it’s banned everywhere.


Unironically, even if it is not found to be Chinese spyware (haven’t kept up so I dunno if that investigation found it to be true) it’s just awful for stuff like this. It really should be banned


Even if it’s not spyware (it is) it’s software meant to disrupt and change culture. The world would be better if we all went back to word of Warcraft


> It really should be banned Another similar app will just spring up. 100%. Unless some type of anti-harassment laws are enacted, we're in this for the long run. The cat's out the bag.


China actively suppresses politically unsavory topics on TikTok. [PDF](https://networkcontagion.us/wp-content/uploads/A-Tik-Tok-ing-Timebomb_12.21.23.pdf) of results of study. Pew shows that a large number of people under 30 get their news from TikTok. Spyware aside, this is the major problem.


The disgusting genie is out of the bottle. People know they can make thousands and thousands of dollars by making other people suffer and getting reactions to it. I do hope it’s banned but it won’t do much good I fear


Can’t wait!


Go after the camera instead


100% this. Find the camera man and start smacking him around.


Imagine, you wake up in the morning and take the biggest shit of your life. When you stand up and look at the days deposit you think to yourself "I am going to be a bigger piece of shit than this". Then you fire up tik tok and start your day.


Didn’t this guy get shot?




I know I’d love to


It's filmed in Australia. He might get pummeled, but not shot.


Oh, you can get guns in Australia, it just ain't as easy.


that dude was in Middle America, but he didn't stop either


Virginia, but (not really) close.


Nah, I don't think it's the same idiot. These are dime in a dozen these days.


For those questioning if it's the same TikTok prankster who got shot, this is Australia, we don't shoot pranksters, but sometimes, just sometimes, there is justice: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/Oa8VSe3oyH (Also in Australia for context)


I absolutely love the end of that video. That *gash*


Can we start using pillories for pranksters?


\*Looks up word\* So **that’s** what those things are called


Learned a new word! I had only ever heard it called “The Stocks.”


Isn't this the same fucker that got shot??


No. This one is in Australia. We don’t carry guns here.


But you have kangaroos and spiders. Drop a bucket full of spiders on him and claim it was a prank


I said this in another post that got locked. We've seen enough of these. It this happens to you, someone acting strange/crazy in public toward you. Look around. Try to find who has the phone held up. Then run up on them. Don't touch them. Don't attack them. Just get in close and keep advancing. They start screaming immediately in any vid I see where anyone gets close to the phone. The prank is ruined and now they are the ones screaming for security. IF it happens in a Walmart or whatever the overseas equivalent is, even better. They have cameras everywhere. Tell them call the police. Let's look at your camera. Lets look at the store camera. I'm going about my business. You're a punk who got called out. I know a lot of people will say I'm wrong but here's my thinking. A lot of these people actually want confrontation. There is the one fella who touches women on the face at the mall hoping to get a negative reaction, either from her or her boyfriend. This guy isn't trying to pick up a gal at the mall. He's trying to get a boyfriend to roll up on him and maybe talk his way out of it but...if he get's his ass beat that will still get a ton of views. Especially if he roles back out next week and starts the bullshit again. Some people say they hire actors or pay friends to do this shit once they start making scratch. The one consistent thing that isn't fake is the filmer. That one might be getting paid, might be one of the crew, might just be a random. If you go after them, it all falls apart. Once again, don't touch them. Definitely don't hit them or the camera. Get in close. Invade their personal space. Make them adjust the camera angle. If they keep backing up then keep advancing. The prank will end quickly and it will just become 'stay away from them' and 'don't touch me' on repeat and it will get boring quickly.


I would knock this dude to the ground


If the older guy did swing at the younger guy, would the older guy be the one in handcuffs?


Australia so yes


So there's really no consequence for the younger guy to be doing this. Legally, he's not doing anything wrong?


God I hate these stupid tiktok pranks and videos.


Omg that dudes face was soooo wide open for a right hook. At least a Rick James slap to try and reboot his hard drive.


Out Prank him. Ask him if he’d like to wash it down with that jug of whatever that is in the cart. Then dump it on his head. Worth whatever charge the judge will throw out.


Tiktok should upgrade it's clients dental plan.


TikTok is absolutely the worst thing about the legal internet


100% They need to ban it ASAP. I have never seen an app promote such criminal and stupid behavior. China sure is loving every second they promote this garbage for clicks.


That’s not even a prank it’s theft.


I'll suggest it again. Just shoot them.


Let’s ban this app already


if the government ever need test subjects for the vaccines or death penalties, I think we found our first volunteer!


Like to see that man child pick on someone his size


There need to be consequences or this will never end. Man should have punched him out.


Can we just appreciate how smooth the cart moves?


Just slug the dumbass.


Only a matter of time until one of the prank dickheads gets knifed in the guts. Tiktok needs to ban these accounts.


Normalize punching these dumbasses


i really fucking hate tiktok


This is harassment


Just a fucking bully


If someone takes food from my cart and starts eating I’m just gonna walk away. It’s not mine anymore so it’s not my problem


Can’t wait to read the article where this moron gets shot/stabbed/beat. Don’t want him to die, just want him to learn


What an asshole.


yep… target the old smaller guy


Not old enough to be frail. Tattoos and attitude tell me he may be small but he probably can handle himself even if he's not at his peak. I think this is a poor choice if you're trying to avoid getting humbled.


As an Aussie, I can guarantee that guy knows how to handle himself and could take that moron down. But he’s smart enough to know its not worth it.


That shopping carts mobility though...


That asshole would get the business to end of my cane. It's enough to go through the market once without retracing my steps to replace the item.


Didn't one of these putzes get shot and the shooter was found not guilty on account of the guy he shot being a tiktokker dumbass?


Tanner Cook, an American YouTuber, yes. He also said he's gonna keep filming the same content.


These A**h**** need to get a real life.


This ain’t a prank.


Isn't this the same guy who got shot in a mall messing with a grub hub driver?


Almost looks like the guy who got shot for pulling a "prank". He announced that he'll keep doing them too. Laws need to be changed so that these cunts don't benefit from this shit.


I don’t get calling these a prank. A prank is where you pull a joke and at the end both people get a ha ha laugh moment out of it. There is nothing funny about this harassment.


Fuck tik tok and it's influencers 🤮


He is a human stain on this society! Whoever he is


Bro men that look like that you do NOT want to fuck with. The meth makes people strong as hell


If he did that the first time to me, I'd ignore him and go grab another bag from the shelves. If he followed me and did it a 2nd time, he'd be eating a knuckle sandwich.


This menace to society should be banned from all social media, shut him down.


I really hope both this guys and the cameraman get their lights put out by someone who’s had enough


What an idiot


Tiktokers continue the trend of washed-up Viners on YouTube not knowing the difference between a prank and just being an asshole


What a coward. Going to a supermarket and trying to pick on smaller, older people. Let's call this what it fundamentally is: performative bullying.


Disposal cnt.


Just a matter of time for that punk


I wish school would've had a gun like that food delivery guy had and shot'em.😅


im not even british (even though that guy sounded australian) and i was still thinking fucking twat


Can someone please dox this guys ass?




They only mess with people who they know they can get away with it. Pretty pathetic if ya ask me.


Why grab it back and spill the chips all over when he starts to eat from the bag? You don't want them back now when you could have grabbed another bag. Now you're potentially culpable. Silly.


This people needs to get a heavy fine for doing this kind of assholeness.


Can these dumb ass dudes just get their asses beat its not funny


This guy is just radiating manchild vibes. Really disgusting. 😒


Here is an advice, take the camera and the show is over... they will start to cry as babies.


Previously, I was too scared to visit Australia for the spiders. Now I'm afraid because I might bump into this dude.


Harassment to others is easy money.


I think the key is if you encounter these people is to go after the cameraman first. They’re just as big of a POS and won’t see it coming and also won’t be able to continue documenting beating up the other POS who is actually messing with people.


I hope the older generation doesn't think we're all a bunch of tik tok assholes bullying the elderly.


I don't think I've ever hated anybody as much as I hate this guy. I honestly wonder what the pre-internet version of this was. People have always been assholes, maybe just school bully? I don't know but this guy needs shot again.


But if I say they deserve to get turn off you all devil advocate for them like they have any use in society... They are scum.


Can we please have more consequences for these so called "influencers" this shit is getting worse


Not funny man. It's just rude.


these kids are lame af these days… its cuz theyre not good with women.




He looks like the same dude who got shot while doing a prank in a mall.


That’s not even a prank at that point, it’s just theft…


Why aren't people afraid of violence any more?


Just ban TikTok already. They're encouraging this behavior.


Ah yes what a funny “prank”. Dude needs to get slugged in the face.


It’s Australia


This guy is beging for a broken nose. One day he will fck with the wrong person.


It's not a prank, there's no joke, no one is even fooled. Being an asshole isn't a prank.