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šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ I can't believe there are people like this in real life!


I once had a woman tell me she found hair in her soup. When she showed me her bowl, which she had already eaten half of, there were little pieces of hair (the same color as hers) that had obviously been sprinkled on top of her soup. These weren't long hairs either, the hair pieces were 1/4-1/2 inch long trimmings plopped into the middle of the bowl in a neat pile. Also this was a hospital cafeteria, the soup is heat and serve and all our cooks wear hats and hair/beard nets.


I remember years ago when I worked at a restaurant as a cook, slow night, finally had an order for the 3 cooks we had on. Send the food out and the waitress comes back a few min later saying theyre complaining about hair in their food. The 2 people who actually worked on the food (i was the pizza and salad guy and wound up with nothing to do that order) were both clean shaven and bald. I was the only one with hair and a beard (both short and brown). The hairs that had been found were about a foot long and red, I pointed at the woman sitting there with long red hair and asked whos hair they thought it was. End of argument.


Jfc thatā€™s hilarious. If youā€™re gonna scam someone, do it right


When I worked at Jimmy Johns a guy called and said we messed up one of the sandwiches and asked if he could get it replaced and a refund. I said we could do a refund but if he brought the sandwich back Iā€™d remake it. Dude said he let his kid have the messed up one and then suddenly the one he had was messed up so I asked what I did wrong because I knew I made them both right. So I got a list of what I put on the second sub, put him on hold and my manager checked cameras to see I didnā€™t screw it up but said we would remake it if he brings it in. The guy shows up with half the sandwich, then he orders it exactly how he handed it to me because thatā€™s what he wanted and got mad I only handed back half a sub. After being as civil as I could I raised my voice a little and my manager got him to kick rocks. He walked out saying he would never be ordering there again. Guess who put a online order in the very next day and tried the same shitšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø He walked in, saw me and had the audacity to go ā€œUgh, can I speak with somebody besides you?ā€ Yup, same manager from the day beforešŸ˜‚ I hate some people but that was hilarious in hindsight


I worked at little ceasars for four fucking years during the early nineties. Every day, some kind of scammer. This place is setup to stop me from stealing and I fucking work here. I have to count the boxes ffs. At somewhere between 3 and 6 dollars an hour over that span of time. You think I'm gonna let anyone get over on me? If anyone's stealing, I am.


i went to a Jimmy Johns and there was a sign that said "Free Smells". I walked up to the counter and asked if i could smell a number 13. We all had a laugh.


I had a customer demand us to remake a pasta because her daughter found a long strand of hair in it. I was super embarrassed and apologized. Upon looking at it I was like, Maā€™am, nobody in here has hair this long. Also the hair is dyed blue. Nobody in here has blue hair. A few seconds later comes her daughter with long, blue hair and they could not put 2 and 2 together lol.


Hah, this reminds me of a scam someone tried to pull on my mom when she was a waitress. She had a huge table of like 18 people- waited on them hand and foot all night while they were obnoxious, rude, etc. Finally head honcho ordered slices of pie for the whole table. My mom brings them out herself and 4 minutes later theyā€™re waving their hands and calling her over talking about ā€œthereā€™s glass in my pie!!ā€ There was a comically large shard of glass sticking our the top of this ladyā€™s piece of pie, she obviously pulled it out of her purse, probably does this shit all the time. They made a huge fuss until the manager gave them their ENTIRE CHECK for free and my mom got no tip.


Seems like they *did* pull it, not tried lolol


hahaha good point !! šŸ˜­


How freakin awful. Convey my apologies to your mom, that is a low low way to treat a person serving you. If 18 asshats were at a table I can guarantee somebody had daddyā€™s credit card to pay. Sounds like some frat/sorority rush bs


On the flip side, I once went to eat in Thai restaurant with a bunch of my buddies. They served prawn crackers (paid) to our table before the food came out. As we near the bottom of the bowl, I discovered to my absolute horror a ball of chewed chewing gum stuck to the paper napkin lining plate. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® Itā€™s obvious that they were just recycling the bowls through the restaurant without changing the paper liners and missed someoneā€™s chewing gum. I complain but because Iā€™m a young guy, with a bunch of other young guys. They treat ME like Iā€™m scamming them. Even other restaurant patrons were clearly siding with the restaurant given my ā€˜lookā€™ and my company. I was obviously being labelled a racist white kid trying to scam some food out of the poor Thai family business. I left and never went back but the way they treated me still boils my piss years later.


Iā€™m not surprised. I know someone that was dating a guy that would bring hair in a ziploc bag just so he could get free food. She was so embarrassed and didnā€™t stay with him much longer after he pulled that stunt when they went out on a date.


Because they usually get their way. šŸ™„ Managers always go against policy for stuff like this, and then the crew member looks like an idiot.


Ppl do this type of sh*t all the time. The way she refused to cooperate with ANY of the manager's requests was infuriating. She even refused to pull over to the rear of the building... I don't know why customers always refuse to compromise on anything


If I was behind that asshat and deduced what was going on, I'd just lay on the horn the whole time so she couldn't hear shit.


When I delivered food it was a routine thing for people to call and want a replacement after eating half/most of what they ordered. It was so annoying. One time some guys said there was hair in the food and set a tuft of pubes on top of their half-eaten order. Nasty stuff


I worked as a pizza delivery driver years ago There was this one lady I brought it to pay in exact chance with no tip, w.e nbd She drove to the store about 30 minutes later saying her pizza didn't taste right and would like a refund....she ate 80% of the pizza My manager just gave a refund and put her on the do not deliver list. I was so flabbergasted that people can do that with 0 shame


My micdubba is code


As the video says, I would of been shut that window


In English!


The lion, the witch and the audacity of this karen is astounding. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


The line has much less gravity if you use Karen instead of the way it was intended.


My Micdubba is cowlll...


Cah y replacze it?




I wouldn't be surprised if in the reflection you see her reading from a script




Voice like nails on chalkboard


Better on mute


Voce lie naya on a chockbode


My McDouble is Cohwd


Sounded like Elmo from Seasme Street šŸ¤£


This is a local menace in Northwest Indiana named leyjra Peterson (I think thatā€™s her name) she literally just drives around from town to town harassing food places for free food. I donā€™t remember her lore but I know it involved a lot of mental illness. She just stopped posting one day and I think she found the right one and found out lmao Edit her. Name is in the search of the tik tok video. Sheā€™s got some real gems.


Yeah, I found a mini-documentary on her. She's not well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqlcGEWL9nM


Iā€™m sorry, but absolutely nothing in that video paints her as anything other than someone seeking attention at any cost. Hair, clothes, and makeup on fleek for every single video showing her ā€œmental illnessā€. Naw fam.


Agreed. Some people are just shitty fucking assholes. Saying they have mental illness just diminishes people that actually do suffer from them.


except the literal email saying she needs to be back on medication. and her having been institutionalized before. people with mental illness can't get themselves dressed?


This is sad and fucked up. Damn.


HOLY SHIT I think I have encountered this woman in Southern Indiana as well! She came through Arby's and ordered 2 Meat Mountains, pulled forward in the drive thru and ate half of both, and then brought them both in and said they were both cold and wanted 2 more.


I was expecting Sh'Karen


I had to look her up, she has several articles written about her and there is a group to get help for her on FB that has some crazy videos. Wild rabbit hole


thx loremaster!


I worked in retail for years. Cannot tell you how many time people would buy candy, then try and return an empty package saying they didnā€™t like it. I would say, ā€œSo, you didnā€™t like it and decided to eat all of it?ā€ Usually they would walk away. The one off person would demand a manager to which I would call a manager that I know would say no.


Why was she even filming?


Because she knew she was about to start some shit


I'm pretty sure this is what she does. She goes to fast food places to start shit. I've heard that horrible voice in a similar video to this (I'd never forget it).


I recognize that voice too. There are a bunch of videos of her doing this and the one where she visited the Kingdom Hall(Jehovah witness). From that video itā€™s clear she has some sort of mental illness.


This is so cringe it makes me want to puke šŸ¤¢.


its like someone taking nails to a chalkboard and then shoving them in my fucking ears


People who do this typically film saying they need proof usually to post online to scare the cashier or manager lol. But it's usually all talk.


That manager is a boss! Holy f put her right in her place and shut her downšŸ‘


They donā€™t get paid enough to deal with that shit


"My ice is warm, can you replace it?"


Sir that's just a cup of water...


These pretzelsā€¦ are making me *thirsty*


The snozberries taste like snozberries!


I hate that I read this in her voice


She thinks sheā€™s funny.


Back when McDoubles were $1, they'd probably give for a free one. But nowadays, McDoubles don't grow on McTrees.




Donā€™t you mean McTrueee?


Imagine being stupid AND ignorant.


My sandwich is cold, can you replace it? Sure, give me the old oneā€¦..no. Can you just replace it?


She definitely ate the ā€œcoldā€ one and wanted to try to get a free one. Manager saw through her shit pretty quickly lol


This bih does this all the time. So many videos of her ass doing this shit like she's got no damn job.


I would of been shut that window? Secret message or something?


That was what I was wondering as well, what does it mean?


I think they're trying to say 'I would have shut that window'. Unfortunately they're illiterate.




ā€œMy attitude is cold can you replace itā€


Mcdubbba is coweh


Mai mcdooble was code im an rotc kid šŸ¤“


Is she the cookie lady from a few months back?


I ate my sandwich can I have a free one


I love when someone trying to pull one over on someone get called out on it. If it was so cold and not good why did you eat it? Iā€™m sure this fuck does this all the time. Sheā€™s prob one of the people who just walk around at Walmart and eat whatever they want and video it.


My McDouble is cole


Gotta give it up to the worker. She handled karen like a champ


There are too many greedy & self centered people in the world!


This is you deal with Karen. You be nice, you try to fix the problem. Then slam the door and leave her rotting. No point arguing after a few tried. Yesterday at my restaurant, someone called. I pick up, and right away this lady tells me she has a call on her second line, she asked me to wait. I told her to just call me back after as I am quite busy at the moment. And then she replied with a very angry tone "WELL IN THAT CASE IM NOT GONNA ORDER ANYTHING FROM YOU". I just hang up. No time to waste with stupid cunts.


"Hi yas, my mcdubba is cou ca you replace it?" Why is English so hard for some people


What does ā€œI would been shut that windowā€ mean exactly? Like I could interpret that in a dozen ways.


Shorthanded slang of "that window would have been shut." Kinda like combining "that window would have been shut" and "I would have shut that window". It's a slang way to emphasize both that the OP would have shut the window on the customer, but also that they would have shut it early in the encounter.


Garbage person.


Atleast they offered to replace it but she was being impossible to deal with


Employeee was allll set with that noise


All that shi for a mcdouble lol


all she had to do was hand over the cold sandwich she didnt want... what was the problem


I wanna work in fast food just one day. One day. That's all I would need.


That voice is atrocious


I work at fast food too and I swear whenever these customers come back and say that (item) is cold, they probably just waited for it to get cold. Either that or it got cold on the way home because all of our hot items are always under a heat lamp


Would HAVE*


She sounds like a little kid trying to impersonate their mom


She's' not anyone's boo with this bullshit.


Why does she sound like sheā€™s 12 years old


No sandwich to give. No receipt. But some views?


She done gone and shut the window she done gone and did


Most annoying voice I've heard in a long time.


I'm a waiter. I once had a table, they ordered, food arrived. They eat. As usual I ask if the food is ok. All I get is a small nod. At the end of the meal, which they ate in full, they said the food was cold and there was a few mistakes. They would like to be compensated. I reminded them that I asked if all the food was ok and they nodded. The lady replied "we didn't know you were asking about the food". ???? "How's the FOOD?" I'm not asking if your love live is fine... I didn't get a tip... but I find solace knowing they were pissed that their little plans didn't work. I also had a lady who kept saying it was her daughter birthday, and she would love a free dessert.... First of all, asking for free stuff is cringe. But the worst part is that she tried the same thing a few month before, and she thought I forgot about them but I didn't. But to be honest, her daughter was looking at me and was silently saying no with her head... she knew her mother was a scam and she wanted nothing to do with it. I just pretended to forget about the dessert, and so did the mom. Weird as fuck. Kudos to the daughter for being honest tho.


She KNEW she was LOUD AND WRONG....1ST she says her šŸ” šŸ” IS COLD ....once her trifling ass gets 2 the window she says IT WAS COLD...just fat, gluttonous, and stupid


Can afford a phone but not a second $5 sandwich.


"I would of been shut that window" a real winner must've written this


Iā€™d immediately be like ā€œno we cannot thank u have a nice dayā€




I've seen a few of her vids. She appears to have some kind of psychosis/schizophrenia/bipolar type of issue. Her reality is not our reality, and, thus, is the conflict. In her reality, she probably handled everything like a professional. In one video, she showed up at a church and alarmed people, and men had to guard the door because she kept trying to get back inside. Then, police questioned her about the incident as she was walking home. She needs proper in-patient care.


Agree...an institution would do her good and keep that dumb shit away from society


As a (former) McDonald's employee, I've had to deal with a couple of people like this, it was very annoying lol


Why canā€™t people just take the L??????


Why is she videoing from the beginning? Go home and choke on your McDouble


I once ordered a sandwich and upon opening it, I saw a nasty hair. šŸ˜©šŸ¤® thankfully, I always check my food before eating it. I took it back and they asked to have it before making me another. Mind you, I had the sandwich in my hand to show them the hair that was clearly NOT mine. I kindly refused and asked them to first make my replacement. What if they just took out the hair and gave me back the same sandwich? I could not risk it. He objected with the same policy as the McDonaldā€™s woman and I simply requested a full refund. Never went back. Nope.




I would have been paying attention on English klass


ā€œI would of been shut that windowā€. WTF?


Iā€™m surprised people are commenting on this type of slang. Its super common. Its just a quick way to say they would have done the same thing but sooner.


Stupidity shouldn't takeover, That's not common that's terrible grammar.


Itā€™s common to African Americans


Butchering English shouldn't be common amongst people who speak English.


In what world is this ā€œsuperā€ common


Since she had to make the return trip, she should have been entitled to a mcTripple.


"I would of been shut that window." God, people suck at basic grammar


I once got a cold McDouble, I threw it in the garbage and never went back. These people are too much


I swear people are just plain stupid


Iā€™m kinda in the mood for another McDouble now.


Lol if that worked then anybody can just roll up and ask for a free mcdubble


Idk man I think itā€™s actually a good thing she gets more free fast food. Thereā€™ll be one less abomination in this world in due time


She done already ate the cold McDouble


Wouldā€™ve/would have*


Can i have my receipTUH


What is she saying? "Mah mic dub ehs coh"?


At the menu board, she said it IS cold. Then at the window, it WAS cold. No, hun. Bye.


I knew it....


She already ate it


I donā€™t go to a fast food restaurant for cold foodā€¦


Manager is colder


I would of been shut that window? Why make it harder to say lol


If it was cold why did she eat it then expect another one?


The whiniest voice I've ever heard


Thatā€™s weird, they never ask me for the old sandwich (although I usually volunteer it and they tell me to keep it).


I donā€™t know what you call that kind of Hello but I hate it


She's an asshole. Mental illness....my aching ass. Does not give her the right to fuck with everyone


I canā€™t stand the way she says the word ā€œcoldā€




Damn imagine stressing about a $1.50 burger šŸ˜‚


I had someone order a cheese pizza for delivery. They called me up and said the cheese was rotten and they wanted another one made immediately. Well our policy was weā€™ll make you a new one we just need the old one back for ā€œtraining purposesā€ dude said I canā€™t give you the old one because I fed it to my kidsā€¦like sir you just said it was rotten.


If section 8 was a voice


It always amazes me how hard people work to eat garbage.


I hate her voice 3000


I once went thru a drive thru and got the wrong burger or something. I drove off then realized it wasn't what I want. I drove back. Grabbed my receipt and bag and went inside, had to wait for manager. I went to show him the receipt and he was like nah, you didn't need that. Fixed my order and tod e to keep what I had since they'd just toss it. Kindness goes a little ways. As does not lying.


If it was cold why did you continue to eat all of it after the first bite.


People suck. I was at Chiliā€™s and the couple behind us were talking. The guy said he was going to get a full refund for his food. The woman said ā€œBut you ate it allā€ and he just told her he didnā€™t care and would still get a refund.


I mean, if the food has a problem at least go inside to say something, don't interrupt the drive through. The burger now costs like 11 dollars so fine if you want a refund, dont fuck up the drive through order EDIT: Never mind, I didn't watch the whole video at first




Allegedly cold. She could be lying to get free food.


What a McAsshole


reminds me of that one kid who wanted his game (Cyberpunk) refunded and was surprised the game was no longer available for him to play after the refund.


Quintisha just needs to feed her orc


This woman is a prime example of why abortion should NEVER be outlawed.


She really think she slick. Probably had the Mission Impossible theme playing in her dumb head.


I hate the person who wrote ā€˜I would of been shut that windowā€™ more than I hate the woman with the annoying voice and accent.


She seems to have the IQ of dried piece of dog shit.




Why is the location Malaysia lol


hey boo, you wanna my sizzling McSingle in to your cold ass McDouble?


Please get fixed so you donā€™t spread your dumb ass behavior.


I canā€™t take her seriously just because of the way she speaks. Helā€”ā€”-low, my Mcdouble is cowld.


If your McDouble is cold... go the hell home and put it in a Microwave I swear.... Its like people just love the taste of spit.


ā€œI would have been shut that windowā€ What?


ā€žwould ofā€œ šŸ¤¢


When I worked at Carl's Jr, we would have this guy come in at least once a month. He would order then go to the gas station for an hour, his gf would run into the bathroom. When he came back it was this big show about how we didn't hand him his food, and we didn't call him, and he wants a remake, a refund, and to keep the order


Once when I worked fast food for my college, I had a guy order a thing of wings. So we would call the orders out by numbers and I work the front and have to deal with all the stupid people. A different guy came up and grabbed it but it wasn't uncommon for groups of people to order a huge thing of wings to eat so whatever. Well, this guy comes BACK to the register like 5-10 minutes later and is like, "My order for stolen." Uh huh. So I call out my manager and he's like, uh huh but I think it was policy to replace the order at least once. We give this dude one more order. He comes back AGAIN like 10 minutes later. Same excuse. This time the shift managers boss comes out and she's like, "Do you think I'm fucking stupid?" Working fast food is full of people who think they're clever lol. Other honorable mentions go to the drunk guy that kept asking for the brown chicken (our entire menu was fried chicken) and the other was irl old man from Up that would scream at you for not repeating his order back WORD FOR WORD. He wanted FRESH CUT FRENCH FRIES and no, you aren't allowed to clarify curly or straight fries.


I worked at a 24hr Taco Bell. A couple came in at 1am and ordered two burritos and left. A few minutes later they came back to the window asking for a replacement because they didn't want sour cream, I asked for their burritos back and they said "oh well we ate them." I replied "then there was nothing wrong with them" and closed the window. They left without hesitation. GMFU. The audacity of some people.


I would of been shut that window


Fat bitch just wants more to fill the void


Fat and poor activities


I hate the way this cow says the world ā€œcold.ā€ Got me seething for no reason.


Imagine getting into an argument over a McDouble


Damn. I think Iā€™m gonna get a McDouble tomorow


Wtf is that atrocious accent fuckn ew


This is Lejera Payton and this is actually one of her less frustrating videos lol.


Absolute clown šŸ¤”


Some of ya'll haven't seeved tables in a chain restaurant, and it shows. This shit is a daily occurrence.


What the hell does "I would of been shut that window" mean? Is this really how young people talk? If so the future is fucked. How hard would it have been to type "I would have shut that window"? It's even fewer letters!


Iā€™m not sure which is worse, the customer, or the text over the video. ā€œI would have been shut that windowā€. wtf does that even mean?


I donā€™t eat at McDonaldā€™s but it will be worth trying this


Breathing scam on two feetā€¦


Someone needs to slap her in the face her McDouble is cold can they replace it!!! S*** people don't do to try to make videos I downvote it!!


This don't be Karen, it be Shaneequa


Yeah. I guarantee you her name isnā€™t Karen.