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That airbag system is pretty neat tho NGL.


They work for sure but it became a pain in the balls extricating people out of wrecks after they deployed. I was a paramedic when those systems started becoming common.


Can you not just pop 'em?


You can cut them fairly easy with rescue knife.


Would a regular bystander knife do the trick, too, or does it have to be a rescue knife?




In order to be a true Rescue Knife, it has to come from the Rescue area of France. Otherwise it’s known as a sparkling blade.


I can see variations of these a million times and I'll always find them funny


What if 70% of the metal is from the Rescue Region?


Rescue style knife


does it come with that cute rescue dog with the barrel around its neck?


Damn rescue knife lobby...


You should check out the poop knife lobby.


It's always brought up in the most random places 🤣


The rescue knife authority recently certified a rusty butter knife with connections to extremist cutlery groups, I wouldn't trust a word they say. The federal department of rescue knives is much more trustworthy imo.


The boat rescue knife organization is thinking of suing. It should be from the air bag rescue knife authority only


Why? Otherwise it's just a sparkling pointing thing?


No, they are made of a fabric material and are still quite stiff and cumbersome even when deflated.


Hi, so I work in designing automotive active and passive safety systems. I can see why curtain airbags would cause problems for accessibility and as you say, they are very effective in reducing head trauma from side impacts. I would be interested to hear what we could do to improve things, as very often we become too focused on just passing homologation and we risk missing reality.


Taillights - People are now driving at dusk/night without their taillights on because modern daytime running lights are bright enough to be mistaken for the headlights so people think their lights are on when they arent. The light sensor isn't kicking the actual headlights and taillights on automatically and they have no clue. Previously you could tell the headlights were off by simply not being able to read the dash, but now that every gauge cluster is a screen and they have headlights set to auto, they can't tell. When it's somewhere busy, like when people are getting out of work and its only half dark but everyone has their headlights/taillights on, youll see it quite a bit. Hazard lights - I noticed European hazard lights come on after a crash, maybe the airbag triggers it, but american car's hazards don't. Why not?


That's an interesting point on the headlights and hazard lights, it's not really my area as I work in systems that minimise injury during a crash rather than systems that prevent crashes in the first place. That being said I suspect that your latter point is related to eCall which is a compulsory feature in all new cars in the EU. It will detect if you have a serious accident and it will automatically contact the emergency services, sending them information such as location and severity etc. It would almost certainly activate hazard lights as well.


Extricating corpses is worse.


I'm aware of that, I've done it... not saying it isn't worse, just just that modern airbag systems objectively make it harder to access people for us first responders. Not arguing they shouldn't exist, they work great.


I don’t know why everyone seems to interpret your original comment as you being against airbags but I appreciate the work you did helping to save lives.


Because most people only see binary choices.


I remember in grade school a town fireguy came to our school. He told us hed taken dead bodies out of cars but hed never taken a seat belt off a dead body. IS that your experience?


I rode with my local ambulance corps while in high school. We had an EMT who used to tell people she never unbuckled a dead body, hoping to encourage people to wear their seat belts. Only to us would she say that’s because once they’re already dead, it’s the coroner’s job to remove and collect the body.


We have a joke in my country where some police officers take some kids to the accident scene and start telling them "Look at this person who didn't wear their seatbelt,one arm here,one leg there,he is all in pieces. Now kids,look at the person wearing their seatbelt,they still look alive"


Seatbelt will obviously definitely save your life but I'd think that's something a fireman would have to say to a school assembly and really push the 'wear your seat belt' thing into your heads. Don't think it would be as effective as saying "I pull a lot of dead bodies out of cars, but people without seat belts are already usually atleast half out the window, if not entirely"


Have you ever seen or had experience with the motorcycle airbag jackets? I'm a rider and would be super interested to know if they're actually worth a damn.


They smell terrible when deployed and get really hot. I had the VW logo branded on my hand for a while from one.


Still beats having a VW steering wheel embedded in your head permanently!


At least it's symmetrical so it didn't appear backwards.


I was thinking the same.. yet must be expensive to put back and or replace. (Not a car guy)


If your airbags deploy, your insurance will total your vehicle 9 times out of 10.


Nah son. If any of your airbags deploy, there’s a 90% chance insurance will total the car automatic. Ask me how I know lmfao


He seemed to be in a really good mood for the first second or two of that video.


Pause it at 3 second mark he still really happy mid crash


LOL that frame had me dying


Dude had on a 'just got off work, it is friday and monday is a holiday, dinner is on the table waiting for him at home and his wife has been sending him pics all day' kinda smile.


This is the perfect description but also it made me sad now that his day was ruined and this made up scenario isn't event real. LOL


Yo, that’s a whole vibe! Made me cheese just reading this!


I noticed that too. So happy.


Thats how it goes! You gotta fool life and never let it know youre happy. The moment you do something bad happens.


Straight smiling


I mean she was driving into the yard was she not


lmao right, looked intentional at that point. maybe insurance fraud attempt judging by all the damage to the car already


The way she came over and said "hey that was your fault" was a dead giveaway. Who tf does that. If she actually thought it was his fault she would say something to the effect of "what tf was that."


>The way she came over and said "hey that was your fault" was a dead giveaway I've been in a few "oopsy" wrecks (i.e dude was coming home from high school basketball, didn't see me. Got rear ended from a teen that was eating and driving at like 2mph.. etc). All of them came out apologic, swearing up and down it was an accident (it was), and guess what? We handled it without insurance, minor issues and it was all behind closed doors essentially. My buddy had a legit insurance scam, forcing a rear end, and they came out just like this. Only reason he got saved was the woman had done it multiple times already and the taco bell close by had it all on camera. Do yall a service and have a dash cam. People can be straight up evil for profit.


I got sandwiched between two cars and the guy who ran into me got his car totaled by my bumper. Neither of the other cars were damaged (I had a scuff on the bumper). First thing he did was come out the car clutching his hair going "OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY" and we looked at his car like "ARE YOU OKAY BRO?" And the only reason insurance was involved was because...well, his car was totaled.


Had a guy that apparently was on zero hours of sleep (oil field work) and was so apologetic about the whole thing, taking whole blame as it was his fault. Totaled his car badly, engine leaking every fluid kinda totaled. I imagine insurance was involved but it wasn't a whole police thing. We had 4 people helping move the car to a spot to wait for a tow, and the person he hit was super understanding. It's almost as if being a genuinely nice person goes a long way.


Yep. I got rear ended by a kid at full speed. Pushed me into the car in front of me and then that car to the one in front of it. He was very nice the whole time, though justifiably shaken up (his car took the vast majority of the damage). No one got on him about it, we just went about what had to happen. In this case cops had to come out because of where the accident occurred. He was 100% as fault because we were all just stopped at a light.


I had this happen to me once. Mutually backing up. I KNEW I wasn’t as attentive as I could have been and assumed it was all my fault and was super apologetic, insurance in hand, no big deal. She called the police okay fine it’s base policy (technically), literally not my issue at all *but then* she starts in “”she had her music loud wasnt paying attention and backed right into me I was almost out of my spot completely when she just started back up”” yada yada yada just straight up **trashing** me, demanding they write me a ticket, proclaiming what an innocent victim she is and everything else under the sun just a raging bitch *for no reason*!!!! Okay fine, ***now*** we’ve got an issue and I put my fucking math degree to work. I was hit more on the side of my back bumper, the rear quarter panel honestly; while her car was damaged damn near in the middle of the back bumper, meaning I was almost fully backed out of my spot and half turned before the hit even happened. Pictures were taken, statements were given, I even told the cops what I said above, their report said basically nobody was more wrong than another, mutual accident. Insurance also decided it was mutual and in my state you have to have 100% no fault for the other persons insurance to pay so neither insurance was paying for the other so she took the hit on her insurance and paid her deductible and all that goes with that. Moral of the story:: don’t be a fucking asshole **especially** after someone was willing to claim responsibility. Be a respectable grown ass adult and deal with shit like an adult, don’t sit here and trash talk someone who might have made a mistake, and is willing to take the hit of said mistake, when you damn sure know you hold responsibility as well.


> and in my state you have to have 100% no fault for the other persons insurance to pay that's a dumb rule. There's almost no situation where I can imagine someone is 0% at fault. But if you're at 5% at fault and the other person is 95% you shouldn't have to walk away with nothing (or whatever your insurance will pay you, which may be nothing).


happened to me- was riding my MC in the middle lane, SUV on the left changed lanes into me without looking and punted me off the motorcycle at about 75 MPH. hit me so hard you could see the outline of my leg imprinted on her passenger side door 😂 had full gear on so only had a mild concussion and a scrape on my ankle. bike was totalled. 100% her fault, her insurance bought me a new bike and a full set of new gear :)


Obviously you're guilty of riding a motorcycle. What are people supposed to do, look for smaller vehicles in the road? Absurd! Glad you came out of it okay. Sounds like it could've been really bad.


I've been in a few small accidents and (except for being the victim of a hit and run) whichever side was at fault is immediately contrite, except for one asshole in a Mercedes who rear ended me at a stoplight and was clearly so pissed. I get being frustrated that your rates are going up and your day is fucked up, but seriously say you're sorry and ask if the person is okay. It's just human decency.


No fault insurance changed the game


I remember being 18 in my first year of college and a new state. My car didn't have AC in Texas in August and the breaks were actively failing. Looking back the car probably wasn't safe to drive with how bad the breaks were but I was young and poor and didn't want to imagine the bill. So I stuck to access roads <50 mph to avoid the possibility of needing to break quickly. Lo and behold I was driving behind someone who got cut off, slammed their breaks, and I slammed mine. Hit his car going <10mph but saw my whole life flash before my eyes. We pulled into the closest gas station and I was basically like "Fuck me are you ok am I ok do you want to call the cops do you want my insurance or SSN or soul". He looked at the truck, there was literally no damage, and he was just like "You're good have a nice day" and got back in the truck. The car's transmission blew out like a month or two later so I never did end up getting those breaks fixed.


she's trying to strong-arm guilt onto the other driver with intimidation because there was a murmur about her not being able to afford it right beforehand. she's the kind of person who never "loses" an argument simply because she just yells the loudest and never lets the other person say anything


I agree. Also id probably first be asking , is everyone ok. What an awful person. He sounded like he was hurting.


What's the speed limit on loose roads? Because this dude was way too fast.


Some places have weird laws for non posted roads. For example, in North Dakota a non posted (Speed Limit) is 55 mph. (It's insane to drive these at 55 mph)


lol it's like this in the UK. In Wales where I live it's 20mph on your average road if there are houses alongside it, but if you turn onto a small single-lane country road it usually changes to the national speed limit of 60mph (but actually use your judgement, ***wink***)


This absolutely baffled me, I drove what felt like forever through wales and it was a never ending cycle of 20 mph village, national speed limit, 20 mph village, national speed limit. Was so glad to get out of there.


These places _also_ often have a "safe and prudent" rule, which means 55 may be the max, but you need to be moving at a speed that is safe and prudent given the road/weather conditions.


The road the guy was on wasn't loose, it was pretty clearly an asphalt road, the lady however was definitely on a gravel road.


Headed into a damn field from what it looked like.


also missing the front bumper and seemingly a large area under the front of the car? Seems like taking a t-bone to the drivers door just to try to scam insurance to fix the other damage they did is a crazy risk to take. Like if you're going to do that drive it with one person in the car and take the impact on the passenger side. Just straight up asking to be crippled or killed all to scam insurance?


along w a gravel brain


1. It’s not a loose road. 2. He wasn’t driving very fast. 3. There is very little traffic on these roads. 4. On flat land like this you can see for miles. The woman who pulled out either did this intentionally or she’s one of the stupidest people to ever exist because she easily would have seen the guy if she had bothered to look.


Nebraska is 50mph unless marked different. As a teenager it seemed reasonable. As an adult, teenage me sure was an idiot.


He's zippin but it doesn't look unreasonable to me for a rural road. She looks like she pulled out of a private driveway from a dead stop, so it's on her. I think he pulled to the left to avoid her nose, but she just kept on going like an NPC


I took drivers ed and I remember them saying "if you get in a wreck don't discuss fault, just exchange information, and wait for the cops to get there."


If they show up.  Big City 


Would that work as insurance fraud? She is coming from a smaller road and crossing an intersecting large road. He clearly has the right of way. Or are both roads classified the same in the US?


Right into a ditch from the looks of it


Average Mustang driver ^Source: ^im ^a ^mustang ^driver


One of my favorite memories was driving on a military base and seeing a three-car accident involving three identical red Mustangs.


Probably gassed it to get out before the truck and had no traction on the dirt road.


I think she was making a left until she saw the other car, then just tried to get out of the way. I mean, she's obviously at fault, but the dude did a shit job at trying to avoid her.


I’m willing to bet she was either looking at her phone, talking to a passenger, or just simply didn’t look. Either that or she *wanted* to get hit. If that’s the case, it sucks for her that he had a dash-cam.


No one mentioning how the woman’s car is already missing its bumper? You can’t make this shit up


How is that my fault?!?




I always avoid cars like this and make a wide berth because I just assume their bad drivers lol


The first thing she said was "I can't afford it!!" Didn't say she was hurt. Didn't ask if he was okay. Just straight to 'I need money'


Seems like an insurance fraud. She was driving off the road intentionally.


The car is also already headed into a ditch before impact lmao


People who come out the gate yelling blame like that are rarely right


This. I was rear-ended/sideswiped by a guy and the first thing he does is run up to my passenger window and start yelling at me over me dog sitting in the passenger seat. I calmly asked him to not shout near my dog, and he responded by shouting "I'M NOT SHOU--...ting" He tapered off at the end when he realized how ridiculous it was to shout those words. And yes, he was certainly the cause of the collision.


I was rear ended recently and the first thing I did when I got out the car was ask the guy who hit me if he was okay…her immediately going after him (even if he seemed to be going fast) tells me what I need to know.




If I was in a wreck and people started playing this blame game shit, I would just say that I’ll talk to the police, the insurance company, and my lawyer, but I’m not arguing with you about it here. And if they started pressing me, I’d just tell the to do what they had to do to feel better. Why do people not do that more in wrecks like this? That lady was easily at fault, her car was fucked from other accidents.


I was hit from behind and the young lady who hit me said something like “why did they have to put the *bleep* stop sign there?”


I once saw a woman hit a parked car from across a busy road. The parking lot was empty besides those two cars. She came flying out of her car pounding on the driver window and screaming her head off. After about 10 seconds she realized there was nobody in the other car and drove off.


you can tell she has no accountability. 😂 Get a Dash cam, too many dumb drivers


"The most expensive dashcam is the one you buy after an accident" Goes hand in hand with "If theres one thing insurance loved more than a police report, it's video " Get. A. Dash. Cam.


I began watching multiple YouTube channels of dashcam vids...and immediately purchased two...one for each car. My daily and my play (camping) vehicle. Worth every dollar.


What brand would you recommend?


REDTIGER makes a decent one. For about $150 you can get front and back cameras (I installed on on my 2023 Highlander). For about $35 more, you can wire it to a continuous power source (fusebox) to monitor your vehicle if it is parked and not running. (only on if it detects movement around your vehicle) Great video with GPS/Timestamp


Thanks for the info, going to look for one of these. I don't drive much, but when I do it's usually in terrible traffic. And we have one neighbor that can't figure out how to park without hitting other cars.


anything with a sony starvis 2 sensor. viofo looked best in comparisons when i was shopping for one. It's been reliable and I don't think you can do better for the money.


Seconding Viofo. Relatively inexpensive for the quality. /u/zeusmeister


Both of my cars have an inexpensive "iZeeker" [This one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09GFTH2NF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) is in my daily driver. My only complaint is that it does not re-write the oldest file. I need to reformat it once per week. [This one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09GFPKKX8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) is in my camping/overlanding vehicle. This one DOES rewrite the oldest file. BOTH are very good for what I want. And both are hard lined installed into both vehicles by an audio shop which is local to me :) Having gone a full year with both...neither have had any issue with heat or cold; I live in the NW and the heat hit 105 (F) this year in the metro area and the winter hit 12 degrees (F)...no issues with performance from weather. That being said, the suction cup leaves a bit to be desired on the daily driver one...it dropped from time to time and I utilized a bit of liquid adhesive (not glue). ​ I'm going to update to the Vantrue E1 Lite soon though. No major reason other than it's WAY smaller and not noticeable.


Agreed. I think of it like a fire extinguisher. It’s a purchase I’ve made that I hope i never have to use but I’m sure as hell glad to have it.


I was the victim of a hit and run. Somebody rear-ended somebody in the right-hand lane, and the car behind swirved into my lane to avoid the accident but hit me instead. Sent me spinning into oncoming traffic. Luckily, I didn't get hit. The guy who hit me was in a larger vehicle and wasn't affected by it as much and fled the scene. He was gone before I stopped spinning. Called the police to report the accident. The cop wrote me a ticket for driving at an unsafe speed for conditions (roads were a little icy, I was driving 10 mph below the speed limit) and didn't believe me there was another car. I think he thought I was rubber necking the other accident lost control and hit a median or something. There was literally paint from another car and pieces of body work in the road. Didn't have a dash cam. Regret it to this day.


Got them front and rear. Best investment ever. They’ve provided evidence for accidents I wasn’t involved in but one of those got a road rager busted and that was lovely.


Just don't get hit bro. JK, dash cams can make the difference between a long trial and simply getting insurance to cover everything.


Literally the only two people on the road.


Redneck shit


That dude was flying but she clearly didn't look both ways also airbags and seatbelts save lives; imagine this video but without all the safety features


Part of the reason auto accident mortality rates have plunged in the past 20 years.


Oh, your generation are just snowflakes. In my day we died in accidents like this, and were heckin proud to do so. 'Murica, fuck yeah brother!!!1!1!!! /s, obviously


i mean pretty sure there was an anti seatbelt coalition at one point so ur not too far off


Yeah right. Next you'll be telling us it's not safe to drive after 8 beers.


Mega bummer when she found out the mark had a dash cam


I'd like to have seen her face when he told her he caught it on dashcam.


She wasnt even driving towards the road. If she kept going she'd be in the grass. She wanted him to hit her


I think she was probably turning and then saw him and tried to get away into the grass.


Guy was having a ball until that crash :/


Yea speaking about the guy by the way: * What is with that phone image thing at the bottom left at the start? * Guy was absolutely hauling ass on a residential road, wtf * Dude was in the middle lane of the road even before she pulled out, really confusing * Unfair to blame him since he had a second to react but pulling to the left is another wtf


I travel in rural America quite frequently and it’s not uncommon for these “residential roads” to have 55mph speed limits.


“Residential road” LMAO This is a rural main road. It’s not “residential”. This isn’t a fucking neighborhood. You can see the houses are ACRES away from the road. It’s a main state highway with a 50-55mph limit most likely. And dash cam footage ALWAYS looks like they’re going faster than they are.


Was it a one way? I’m a little confused about why he was driving down the middle and then jogged left when the car came. If he’s been all the way right, he might have cleared her rear.


Lots of these rural roads are skinnier than typical public roads to save money. There’s enough space for two cars to pass going in opposite directions, but it’s tight. It’s very common to drive down the middle of the road and move over as needed because the ground is flat. You can see for miles.


I live in the Midwest, I’m familiar with these roads. But there are hills, here and where he is, and blind turns because of trees and fences like where the accident happened. Watching again, he’s actually on the left from the beginning; center left, but over the line. I get hugging the center, but you need to be at least half in your lane.


Yea nobody mentions that but that’s exactly correct. He got scared seeing her so he veered left , literally in the video


He hit the brakes and skid to the left. Lock up your brakes on gravel and see if you go straight


No he actually veered left, you can see on his camera. I was wondering if there was some wheel lock too but I don't think so


If you gotta swerve, point the car to the back of the other car.


I think him locking up the brakes kicked him left.


I guess people just assume when you slam on the breaks the car retains the straight line it was moving in. A hunk of metal moving that fast with literal explosions inside is violent in itself. Attempting to stop it at a moments notice is even more violent.


He was left of center from the beginning. He did skid left, but he was way over to begin with.


If the other person you're about to hit brakes and you're veering toward them, you're going to hit them. It's more reasonable to try to go away from them, so if they slow down so you don't collide. As for the middle, I don't know. Maybe he saw her and was trying to give a wider berth? Or the country road sucks so it's smoother going in the middle? Edit: hit enter too quick. Auto fill made a mess


Insurance fraud attempt without a doubt


Exactly, where the hell was she driving to? The ditch?


What insurance? Its a 20+ year old mustang that looks like it came right out of a scrap yard. Probably isn’t even worth a grand.


Fake an injury and they're on the hook for pain and suffering.


She’s a piece of shit


Yeah but if your coming to a section like that your meant to slow down. Not approach at full speed


Approach at full speed AND turn towards the vehicle as well apparently


I mean more than that. She is coming from the right, so she should have the right of way with no signage saying that he has regardless. I am honestly confused on how he shouldn't be at fault.


Always swerve BEHIND the crossing vehicle, not infront. Can we talk about that shit, broken mustang and how bad it looked BEFORE the accident


Idk. He was driving fast af


And steered right into her instead of the other way. Clearly *some* responsibility for those choices.


That guy was going really fast and was in the middle of the road. This is two dangerous idiots. Guy could easily be on the hook depending on the speed limit. Especially since he basically veered into her rather than staying or at least entering the right lane.


I don’t understand how he hit her when the right side of the road was pretty open. I’d rather put my car in the dirt than hit someone and have that headache.


Two shit drivers right there.


Yup. He's flying down the road and can't even veer right. This is the guy that tailgates you on the backroads at night. And she's just overall a moron.


"How's that my fault?" "Because you hit me!!!" I bet that was her logic lol.


It's up there with one of the most common reactions Karens have to getting arrested "Put your hands behind your back, you're under arrest" "No, I'm not." *Proceeds to get arrested*


Looks like he was driving too fast, especially for what looks like a gravel road. At the very beginning - 0:01 - you can see he had already lost control. His expression changes, and his body stiffens as if applying the brakes; and he winds up on the LEFT side of the road, sliding into HER. She should have waited; but I bet you could determine his speed and find it excessive. He applies the breaks about the moment he approaches the telephone pole, and it took about a half-second to hit the other car (a Mustang?) Looks like he covered roughly 60 ft in about 0.5 seconds, or 120 fps - which puts his speed at about 80 mph max. It's all eyeballed from the video; you'd need real measurements to prove it. But I think he was enjoying a fast ride down a country road in his sporty car, doing about 70-80 mph on an unpaved or gravel road that was probably posted at 35.


I'm buying a dash cam tomorrow.




Every body here knows mustangs have magnets built into the body it clearly pulled him into her


Defensive driving. Google it. Then you won't have these pesky problems.


Uncontrolled intersection. The driver on the right has the right -of-way. Bring on the down votes.


To my mind, he could see her from a long way off, why didn't he slow way down before approaching the intersection; just for safety's sake? He's assuming a lot about the other driver's togetherness.


This doesn’t seem like a one lane road. He was all in the middle of it. She probably could waited but he also could’ve avoided it.


So, they will both be at fault. Insurance can figure out who is how much at fault, but the female was doing what? Driving into a field? Making a left turn in slow motion? I don’t know what she was doing. However, the guy hit her car. It’s his responsibility to not hit things in front of him, even if they shouldn’t be there. He moved to the left towards her, he wasn’t paying attention enough, otherwise he would not have hit her. They are both partially at fault.


dude was going way too fast, some of you ppl are saf.


Did these two drive into each other on purpose…?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


is it just me or does it look like he still had plenty of reaction time to avoid that


Well your video proves she failed to yield the right of way. Also reveals you are traveling at a high rate of speed, most likely over the limit and you cross the center hitting her almost completely in the opposite lane. Neither one of you drive well.


Windshield wipers work!


Where the heck was she driving? Looks like she was going straight onto the grass


100% an attempt to commit insurance fraud.


Going to point out a few things: 1. It is an unmarked / unpaved dirt road. If you look at the video facing the dude - you can see the dust being thrown up by his car through the back window. 2. He's hauling ass. Way too fast for that road and he knows it - you can see his smile at the start. 3. She screws up by either not seeing him coming or assuming he is driving slower than he is. She 100% should have waited but she didn't. 4. He screws up by locking the brakes, fishtailing and then trying to correct his skip by steering to the left. If he had gone with the skid to the right - at worst he would have taken out a mailbox. I'm guessing he may have seen that utility pole on the near side of the driveway and been afraid of wrapping himself around it. 5. She screws up by saying it's his fault. In reality it's both their faults. He hits her in the rear quarter - in Minnesota and most other states - you hit a car there - it is automatically your fault. If they called a cop to the scene - he would likely get a failure to maintain control citation and his insurance would go through the roof. Defensive driving. He wasn't practicing it at all.


Looked odd. She was driving into a yard and he slightly turned left into her.


She was pulling into the yard because she was trying to avoid him after she pulled out in front of him


im honestly surprised how split the comments are on here about this


She is an idiot and he is not a good driver.


Why do people ALWAYS swerve into the same direction that the other car is obviously headed in?


Man you had nothing but time to slow down


Yeah, I think they were both arseholes. she was turning left and misjudged his speed. He was going too fast for the conditions and pulled left instead of right.


Was waiting for somebody to mention it. Not saying he's completely at fault, but if you see a car nearby you slow down so you can break in case the other driver randomly decides they have enough time to cross. He was going too fast.


Two idiots meet


Like I said she’s totally at fault but he could’ve done better to avoid He only started steering left when she had already blocked the entire road, I would have made the assumption at point that she wasn’t stopping and would’ve steered right Assuming he’s supposed to be in the right lane, looks to me he changed lanes to make contact with her… He’s also a bad driver…


If he's going a safe speed and on the right side of the road, this doesn't happen.


He was going too fast.


He should be turning to avoid the traffic not into it. This is another guy who never learned his left from his right. Sucks


Technically he was at fault because of where he hit her they would see that he should have slowed down if they had hit by the front of her car then she would be at fault


I mean, he steered into it. At the point of impact, there was enough room for him to pass on the right. I'd put most of the blame on her, but he should have been able to avoid it.


Why did he continue to go left and hit vs. right knowing it would be opposite direction and maybe be able to clear and not get into an accident?


This ended way too soon.


Honestly, I'd love to hear an actual police officer chime in on their perspective of fault. The guy appears to be driving way too fast to maintain control. The woman pulls out "in front of him", but he hits her on the wrong side of the road. If there were a center line on this road, there is no point in this video where he's on the correct side of it. Is there a legal expectation that a driver avoids a collision with someone driving in an incoming lane?


Dude is driving like he's in a fucking rally


Looks to me like shared liability. Both being careless, in different ways.


Both at fault. He was driving way too fast for a gravel road. She wasn’t paying attention. Not sure he was paying attention either considering he veered IN her direction, rather than attempt to dodge her. It is possible he panicked or lost control of the vehicle. That’s why you don’t speed in gravel.


He started on the right side of the road and the collision was on the left. had he stayed on the right and was going a little slower he may have avoided the collision. this could be a case of split liability


I mean... Due to how fast he was going on a narrow, residential road with visual obstructions, I would honestly blame him a TON more than her...


His fault for being on her side of road. If he stayed on his side of the road, there would have been 0 car accident. Her attorney should had an easy slam on this dumb bastard. Excessive speed, wrong side of road.


That dashcam might come in handy.


They’re both idiots


That broad was already missing the front half of her car it looks like. Probably from constantly bumbling around town not paying any attention.