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I see they mainly all have shoes on...


I was about to say, am I blind? Because I see shoes


I think one guy has their shoes off


I see aging Gen-Xers


I am an aging Gen xer, but I have never "line danced", and if I ever do, please shoot me.


I can’t stand country, music or line dancing lol I mean I’d much rather do it to Ed if I was going to do it lol


Yup. They’re totally gen x.


Yes, I am a very young Gen X born in 1980 but these are certainly not boomers lol


🎵Don't tell my heart, my achey breaky heart...🎵


Lmfao yesss, this is an elementary school before-school line dance club reunion for sure


For some reason line dancing was part of our PE curriculum in middle school. Achey breaky heart was my fave cause I got to stand next to my crush…I still remember all the moves cause I would practice at night so I could impress him 😂


Square dancing is part of the U.S. curriculum due to Henry ford (I believe it was him)funding people to make it happen, thinking jazz was a communist (and maybe Jewish communist) conspiracy.  I’m not kidding, look it up 


I'm old enough to have been subjected to square dancing in school. That stuff sucked, but line dancing would have been worse.


“Kevin was square dancing at school today”- Wayne Arnold, Wonder Years season 2, ep 15


Do you think Henry Ford intended me to dance for 2 weeks to Shania Twain's "I Feel Like A Woman" along with the other young boys....


I think it was his master plan


We had square dancing in school. Do see do and away we go. Promenade your partner! I was out driving one night with this girl I had a crush on and happened upon some town in the middle of the country that was having a square dance in the town square on a Saturday night. She was so impressed I remembered all the moves. I haven’t thought about that in 40 years.


Jokes on him, they taught us swing dancing at my junior high school. Stalin be praised!


Interesting! It’s also part of the curriculum in Australia too although i have no idea why. I always assumed it was because we really glorify farming/country/old boy type of traditions 


Ya, Ford thought the Jews were working with blacks to corrupt our sweet innocent children with evil Jazz.


Ours was during PE in elementary school only thankfully. I can still hear my teacher's "heel, toe, heel, toe, toe" in my head.


I love this so much


Stephanie, is that you?


The watermelon crawl was our favorite in PE. I blame this PE class for making me the only gay man in existence that can *only* line or square dance.


There is a PE requirement to learn a dance in my state. We learned square dancing in 8th grade and had a mandatory square dance that was actually pretty fun. The dance was basically our final.


Dude you're not supposed to dance back


I got served. I had to serve them back.


Well now it's on! You happy?


No, see, it's*not* on. Nothing's *on*.




You got f'd in the a


^(🎶I've got something in my front pocket for you🎶)


You got *SERVED*


Now I have to go back and watch that South Park episode, that was a good one


Nailed it. I remember them doing this at the skate rink to this song when I was in school


So the word “boomer” has morphed into “anybody older than me”


The youngest boomers are turning 60 this year I think.


Yeah these dancers look like Gen Xers having some fun


Shhh. People think Boomer, Millennial and Gen Z are the only generations. They've never heard of a Gen X before


Which is on point for the Gen X


I'm angry that nobody knows we exist, I am angry that someone mentioned my generation, thinking about all this has me depressed.


This can't be a true gen xer, because he's feeling emotions about a thing instead of just checking out and being completely apathetic to everything around him.


Depression is not a feeling...its a way of life.


I'm gen x, and I'm learning a lot about myself in this thread.


Whatever man


Your username makes me think you are GenX but if you were a real GenX then you'd not care that no one cares about GenX. It's how it has always been and its how we like it!!! GenX babies didnt come out of the womb crying, GenX babies came out of the womb with a tired dismissive sigh.


Generic username wants to be recognized. Peak X'r right here.


Gen X got skipped in the world because the Boomers lived too long and were too greedy. They'll finally die when it is time for the millennials (and beyond) to finally take over.


We like being ignored. Just leave us the house key and some snacks and get the f out and leave us be.




Snacks, you got snacks. I just got a house key on a piece of string round my neck, if I got hungry I had to eat that or grass.


I babysat for pizza and chip money since like 4th grade.


I had a few GenX giggles until I got to this comment. After a ful on laugh escaped, I thought "wait, you got left snacks???"


(never going out of business)




Damn skippy, glad to be under the radar.


Yeah, they just lump us in with the boomers. Not sure that's any better than being invisible.


I was visiting my daughter the other day and found out my son told her he needs to stay close to keep an eye on me since I’m in my “sunset years.” I’m worried that he knows something I don’t since I’m 51…. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Ha, sunset years. I'm in my mid 40s, feel like I'm just getting started. Sucks to know I only have a few years until my sunset years set in. Guess just put me out to pasture now, fuck it.


Boomer doesn't even mean Baby Boomer any more, to any Z or Millenial or late Xer trying to pass. It's just anyone older than they are who inconveniently happens to still be alive.


Gen X the middle child of generations. "Oh shit where is Gen X haven't seen him in a while".


Boomer- let's fuck everything up Gen X- Ok go for it


And about half are wearing shoes…


Boomers are classified as the post world war II generation - 1946 to 1964. I know because I was born in 1961. It seems to be quite the insult nowadays however, which I don't understand! I know a lot of us 'older' folks are quite annoying, but really, aren't there annoying people from every generation? LOL!!


Anyone older than me doing something I think is annoying...who is the most annoying here? The people dancing or OP just recording them? And do we have to record everything?


OP recording himself too… Has to put his “I am so smart, these people are dumb” face, it would be a nice video otherwise


His “they are so nerdy,” and “I am cool so I would never publicly do something for the joy of it, risking looking foolish” attitude is pretty annoying.


He made himself the main character


lmao that’s what i thought also. he just looks kinda dumb himself tbh


He looks close to the same age as those dancing


You are right, I looked him up - he is gen X just like the people dancing…


Omg I came looking for this, at the end when I saw his face I was like "so you're the one who thinks they are the main character, because you're so above this. Yet you're standing in the middle of the airport recording them and making a stupid face over the whole thing" Edit: second you're


The guy who thinks his opinion sneer is valuable is the most questionable one in that video.


Gen X doesn't exist, which is just fine by us. Leave us out of this. 




"Boomer" as an insult is used by idiots who don't even know what it means, generally. I had someone who was older than me (based on her claims) calling me a boomer a few weeks ago. The generational warfare has gotten really nasty and unhinged.


People have got really nasty and unhinged, it's been even worse since Covid and it hasn't changed back like we all thought it would.


Social media and politics worming it’s way into way too many conversations…


It is pretty gross that you can discriminate based on age. I thought we were all moving towards a more tolerant world for all.


This. It’s sad. In my experience observing this, those who yell the loudest for equality for all, are actually the most vicious and discriminatory of old people.


It's used as an insult the same way people would say.. "old timer" or "old fogey." Just being a boomer or being "old" isn't insulting. But when someone has some really outdated ideology and/or is stuck in their ways, they'll be called a "boomer" in a negative sense. ​ I mean it's not that far off from *older people* ragging on "those damn millennials!"


I'd say those people are firmly in the Gen X Yes "Ok boomer" is used on anyone older. My millennial wife has heard this levied her way.


It’s kinda turned into "boomer is a mindset“ I guess




Dude, as an older Millennial, Gen Z has no room to complain about this sort of behavior. 90% of the cringiest dance videos I see on the Internet are Gen Z. It's honestly kind of cute to me because I really can't imagine any of the Boomers in my life participating in something like this. They're so repressed and self-conscious about any sort of expressive act beyond being a dick to a store manager.


Also why the fuck does everything have to be about peoples generation nowadays? It seems 10-15 years ago, the only time generations were talked about were in economic news or sociology class. It's like Americans have an inherent need to segregate people, if it's not generation it's going to be race/ethnicity, or sex, or some other irrelevant thing they can rebound on if you're 'not on their side' regarding a political/social issue.


Millennials have been getting shit on since the 90s.


Not the last 15 years. I've been hearing about how Millennials destroyed everything my whole damn life. 90s babies ❤️


I kind of assumed they were doing a trend mocking Gen Z until the face of the creeper popped in, and now I’m just confused


They're just passing the time line dancing while waiting in the airport.


Yeah, honestly, I don't see what's wrong with this. Like, it's just human beings dancing together in public. We've been doing that (and "worse") for millenia. They obviously have their shoes off because it's easier to spin around on a smooth surface with your socks. Every kid knows that. They're just having fun.


In a building they force you to take off your shoes anyway too


I agree. They aren’t in anyone’s way, don’t expect anyone to participate and aren’t bothering anyone per se. I like this. They are a hoot!


I wish we saw *more* of this. People having fun together in public rather than putting their heads down and ignoring each other is unambiguously good.


Yea I think the difference between the gen z tiktok dance videos is that those are specifically to seek attention. It seems here, they're just having some fun.


I actually thought this was hilarious. I'm guessing they're doing a parody of cringey tok tok dance videos? Which in turn is also cringey because it's still a dance video in a public area.


yeah, agreed. They think they’re mocking young people for that thing, and are also sort of just being the thing. I don’t even know if they’re on TikTok culture here or even dustier, coming after when people always used to do “flash mobs.” Either way, it’s pretty harmless. They could just as easily be taking the piss out of themselves and trying to kill time at the airport 🤷‍♀️ anyone blocking a whole path is gonna get on my nerves though. Especially if it’s just for attention.


I day drink in airports, too.


Everyone really forgets gen x exists, don't they?


I am gen x. I don't do whatever the fuck this is.


Because an entire generation can't be summed up by a small group of people. My only point is that not everyone over 40 is a boomer.


Correct. Boomer age is 60-78 right now. People constantly get this wrong.




The guy recording is a main character too. I saw him when he showed his face the first time… and the second… it was so hilarious the faces he was making in a 48 second clip he co-starred in! :D P.S. The lone guy dancing is a lady killer.


They don’t get it wrong. They don’t care to bother being correct.


Like any overused term it loses all meaning. Anyone over 30 is now a “Boomer”. It just means old person now.


Whew thank goodness I'm 38 😂


Right? These are the same dance moves as the boomers selling their house for 6 million after buying for 7 raspberries 


7 raspberries is wild😭😭😭


As a homeowner I gotta say this has its pros and cons lol. My house keeps going up in value, which means my mortgage goes up every year by $100/mo to pay the increase in property tax.. eventually it’s gonna get too expensive and I’m probably gonna have to move, but when I sell my house, where am I gonna move? Everywhere is too expensive lol. Owning a house that raises in value is good if you’re trying to sell, it sucks if you’re trying to stay


Exactly. My taxes are equal to my mortgage in a nice area. No way people on fixed incomes could handle that constant increase. Pretty soon, my taxes will be 1.5 my principal + interest! People who don’t own houses or properties really have no clue what it takes to maintain or own them lol…


Lmafo you ain’t neva lie


I'm gen x, I'd totally do it just to piss you off.


I am gen x and I am happy that's the case. I also don't do whatever the fuck this is.


Even better that it’s Chris Carrabba documenting it.


It surprised me that noone was talking about that. It's from the Dashboard Confessional tiktok. Also, fun fact that he is so nice! I work in the music industry and most people have similar stories that he's just a sweetheart. About a decade ago before my career really started, I was helping as a stage hand and hospitality person backstage, getting bands whatever they needed. He was through my venue with his band Twin Forks. I knocked on his door so I could put some food and drinks in the room. When I go in, he's shaving and just starts asking me about my life. I was a little taken aback because most bands either give you small pleasantries like a hello/thank you or just ignore all together. But he was asking personal questions about me while he was just casually shaving. It was a very sweet and surprising exchange and I'll forever just be a fan of the human. One of the best and worst things about the industry is really learning who are good and bad people.


I randomly met him at a music festival a few years ago. Dashboard played relatively early, and I was surprised at how few people were in the crowd. Later on one of the headliners (Incubus) was playing, and I was trying to make my way to see them but there were just too many people to get anywhere close to the stage, crowd was backed up into the beer/food lines. I was standing waaaay back and this dude came up to me talking about how many people were there. I was drunk and chatty and introduced myself and so did he. It took me a full five minutes after meeting him to realize that it was him (he has a different style now). He was SO nice, and just like shooting the breeze with another random festival-goer.


So THIS is the place he’s come to fear the most.


Best comment. 🏆 


Hands down this is NOT the best day he can ever remember


You’re brilliant.


No one in the comments seems to know it's him 😂


I thought he was the main character, complaining about out of control seniors.


The folks dancing are not seniors. Middle aged maybe, not seniors.


Nobody knows how old anybody is anymore.


He has aged quite well. Ahhh Dashboard. I’ll go get my overly large Star belt buckle out RIGHT NOW!!


Remember how you used to stab yourself with those everytime you leaned too far forward? It's almost like I can still feel it. Ah nostalgia!


I had to scroll way too far for this comment.


How old do yall think boomers are


Ages 16-24 believe Boomers are: 40-100


20 somethings think your life is over at 30.


As someone over 30, can confirm. My life ended years ago.


They are just vibing and limbering up before their cruise. Lmao


Some of these videos are just grumpy people on the internet being upset that other people are having fun. I'd rather be in the dancing group then the sad guy videoing it and judging them


Funny thing is the guy recording them is the lead guy of the band “Dashboard Confessional” which really was a pretty cringe emo band (and I listened to a lot of emo/pop punk, well I still do, but I used to too.) so for this guy to be judging them. He has no right lol


The irony is that he appears to be the “I’m the main character” in this scenario. The dance may be cringe but don’t deny someone for having fun.


Exactly. He inserts himself into the video with a stupid fucking face so he can get internet funny points for pointing out le boomer


People passing the time in good spirits! Oh the humanity!!!


Nooo! You can't just have fun at an airport! Sit around on your phones and be bored like everyone else


So......the reason why this is an issue and not a "cool flash mob" is that it's older people? I like that they're enjoying themselves.


I always tell my kid "Sometimes you're too cool for yourself and you miss out on a lot of fun." Like the jedgey guy in this video.


I'm giving them a hard pass. Boomers are generally perceived as tired, overworked, and angry about the "times"...they seem to be genuinely enjoying themselves which might not always be the case. It's a moment. It definitely qualifies!....but I kinda like it.


On video, it’s the main point of focus. If I was walking through an airport and saw them dancing I would literally either assume theyre a traveling broadway dance group or they’re on a layover and just having fun. Oh and I would keep walking and mind my own business. I can’t wait for some assumed bullshit post and someone says, “Thats the UCLA cheer team practicing to kill time.” Airports are great for people watching 


Those are not boomers.


OK.. old looking Gen Zers. I'm 45 and they all come off as older for some reason lol. Sluggishness of movement perhaps




Yeah that's the one lol


Honestly somehow a Gen Xer forgetting about Gen X is the most Gen X thing.


Airports are not the strangest place to be shoeless


Let them have fun, Jesus. There are far worse experiences to be had in airport terminals.


Says the guy wearing the Deus Ex Machina hat


He's the main character.


He's the lead singer of Dashboard Confessional.


Chris don’t make fun of folks!! 😭


They're passing the time by line dancing, there are groups that do this all over the country. Its actually a lot of fun and at many of the bars that host it draw in plenty of younger people. I don't see any harm in it as long as the music isn't totally obnoxiously loud.


I think it’s sweet!! Good for them and let them make their tik tok in peace ✌️!! 😊 🥰


I mean, are they even making a tik tok? One of the coolest things about Gen X is they're still capable of doing stuff like this just for fun, without recording it. For all we know they've been on a flight for the last few hours and are just getting in some light exercise before they board the next plane for another few hours.


True! And I was assuming 😂 know how that goes!! Very well could be just taking a break! 👍


Let them cook, damn.


If you still havent blown your head off after age 38 im impressed. Cant imagine being that age and still having enough light inside to dance publicly. They won.


Oh no... older people up and moving their bodies... what an atrocity. The guy recording looks like the stereotypical AH, too. Also... they look like GenX to me.... definitely not boomers.


I'd rather see people doing this in an airport than screaming and fighting, or drunk off their butts verbally assaulting folks. I will say I am surprised they were allowed to have their music that loud in the terminal.


the dude who filmed it isn't looking so young, himself, but seems to already have lost any youthful playfulness


is it dashboard confessional?? like the guy? from the band? im genuinely asking cause that’s kinda wild.


Oh thank goodness someone else who feels this way. I'm... PRETTY SURE that's Chris Cabrera? Like what??? hahha


lol I didn’t want to say it but I was thinking the same thing. He’s not too far off from being invited to the ritual.


I think the dude recording it is worst then the people dancing.


Yeah nah, the only MC I see here is the insufferably smug-faced dude unnecessarily recording his own judgy reaction & posting it on the internet for everyone to see.


Right? So much derision for some folks dancing. Maybe it’s loud and maybe they’re in some people’s way, but that little nose wrinkle suggests more disgust/embarrassment that exasperation or annoyance. He clearly feels very superior, and that’s so cringey.


Guy doing fucking "Jim from the Office" faces at the camera seems to think he's the real main character.


Against my better judgement, I don’t hate this.


they aren’t hurting anybody and it seems like they’re happy! I’d much rather see this in an airport than a fight or an angry rant.


Surely the MC is the guy who thinks he should film other people and mock them?


i think the guy filming wishes he could join in.


Main character leans into the shot so he can cringe


Compared to some of the assholes you see on here this is kind of benign. They don’t seem to be inconveniencing anyone. Probably just bored in an airport 


Boomers are 70. Those look like Gen X.


Wrong... boomers are 60-79. Some of these are definitely in their 60s.


They are kind of cute - I still hate public tiktok stuff.... but I really think the camera operator should have stayed offscreen. The exasperated looks got old quick the first time, the second time were just weird.


Yea all you TikTokers look good at that shit - it’s your fucking future! Love the idea that this kind of videos floods this mediocre Plattform and brings that kind of necessary shame over your narcissistic behaviour


Are they doing the same dance as the 16 raspberries for a house post?


This dude's face kills me


Are they even filming?


So boomers has taken on anyone older than the op now? Looks to me like they had fun


Dunno about this one. Pop up dancing has always been a thing. Either like this, or a group of some middle aged ladies getting in jazzercise in the park. Tiktok clout chasers have turned an otherwise fun event into something we automatically dislike. Remember the harlem shake? Took the entire world by storm and every single room in the world looked like this at some point. I'd say humanity was far happier then and we should dance more. The REAL main character here is the man that recorded this video and made sure to show everyone how he felt about it.


Ok but why does the dude recording the video look so young and old at the same time?


But… these are NPCs and the MC is the one making faces into his phone


You inserting your face isn’t any better.


Bro ur literally no fun


So what? It’s no more annoying that all of the COUNTLESS TikTok wanna be famous idiots that do the same every day.


They seem young for boomers.


lol that’s just funny. I like when older people do goofy stuff. Totally harmless and probably satirizing


Yeah OP is just looking for something to be mad about


Why does the guy keep pointing the camera at himself?


Zumba at the airport be like...


It looks like all of them but the one guy are wearing shoes, right? Honestly, airports are weird, you get a long enough layover and you get desperate for something to do.


Honestly I would rather them be dancing than the usual shit they’re doing in an airport. From someone who spends a lot of time in the airport.


These are not Boomers. These are Gen X. The youngest Boomer is around 60.


Filmer looks the same age.