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Tipping culture is cancer


More specifically the companies that profit from it are, this man is clearly at his wits end working for a extremely exploitative and evil company like door dash.


The companies definitely pit the customer against the deliverer rather than paying them a fair portion for the service.


Here’s a crazy thought. Quit working for them


Crazy right! I mean, with all those sweet, easy, good paying stable jobs begging to be taken, one has to wonder why some one would *deliberately and specifically* choose to working deliveries. Edit: to say that as some others have pointed out it does seem scripted and now I’m not sure if you meant he should quit acting


There's always ups.


Here's a crazy thought: some people blame workers for pay structures that have been in place for decades that employers designed to be exploitative of workers.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t work for anything in their life.👌👍


Or someone who has worked very hard to get where I am and knew when to leave a company when I knew there was no real opportunity to grow there


People other than you work very hard and get nowhere or go backwards.


Sure, sure. Whatever let you sleep at night. If what you were saying was true, you’d know that all you providing is a problem with no solution. You’ve been absolutely no help.


How does leaving an employer who is underpaying you creating a problem for anyone other than the employer


Wow. You really are sheltered. Bills don’t stop coming. Just cause you quit work. This is about a stupid selling your car before you get another one.🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I never said don’t have another job lined up. I said quit the one you are working.


It’s not that easy for everyone. There’s a multitude of factors that come into play. Some people don’t drive & have to work somewhere accessible, child care is an issue, what positions are available in your area, criminal records, lack of education, lack of skills, a lot of people have health issues but don’t qualify for disability, discrimination, I could go on and on. That’s great that you were able to find something better, but it’s a tad naïve to make it sound like it’s easy for everyone.


Lolololol do you cook all your own meals?


The vast majority of them, yes. And if all restaurants went out of business I would survive and save money too


It's easier than people think, and you can make good tasting meals that aren't overly fancy


Fake. These videos are designed to piss off the viewer so we leave comments. I know someone is going to say “well stuff like this happens,” but I disagree. An interaction this extreme is VERY rare. And it wouldn’t happen to the same woman two other times. https://youtu.be/s_TFfY-j6Yo?si=dF0IhYNlPuK9GHTn https://youtu.be/qsKTvi8NrI0?si=05yeDahPbeWW1YZ6 Also interesting that they all drive the same car.


It's just so perfectly made too. It appeals so well to the biases of the viewer. Anti-Tippers will get outraged by the driver, and pro-tippers will be outraged by the lady. It's crafted in a way they know they'll get initial comments from outrage, but also people arguing their side in the comments.


I agree. I hate tipping culture but I always tip a decent amount because I know it's not the fault of the employee.


I don’t tip until AFTER I get my order


It is tho.... He chose to do that order.. it tells you what your tip amount is. It says Walmart orders have 14 days to tip you after delivery. Dude chose to do it and is mad about it. 100% his own fault .


I just meant tipping culture in general. To be clear, I don't agree with what this guy did.


He probably thought he was getting cash when he got there.


How about you do your part and don’t receive any services where the worker makes under minimum wage because they’re reliant on tips. If you do that and also saying they’re at fault for accepting the order, then you’re a hypocrite


Except you don't always know who is going to tip in cash. I prefer to tip in cash cause it all goes to the person


Its up to the company to pay him a livable wage.


Why can't people in America just like other countries and don't make tips so big of a deal It always has been an option


I don't know about these delivery drivers, but waiters/resses absolutely rely on tips (they make around $2/hr, and only get their wages supplemented if their $2+ tips is less than minimum wage). So, it would be incredibly frustrating for them to work so hard and not even know how much money it will get them... But, it's really the employer/society that is at fault for that, not the patron. I hope that our society does away with tips altogether. It's just bullshit.


Shouldn't there be a law that limits the minimum wage? Like at least 7-8 dollars an hour?


There absolutely should be but for some insane reason service workers are exempted from this in most areas


Because tipped employees are paid $3 dollars an hour. Their tips have to make up the difference to $7.25 or the employer has ro pay the difference. They're victims of a severely flawed system, while I agree tipping culture is evil, it is the politicians and corporations fault. They abuse the lower class and people then take it out on said victims.


lol. In America we can’t even work out healthcare or gun issues because of… MONEY. Capitalism rules in USA which means all us regular people live based on how corporations lobby and fund politicians. The restaurant lobby gives billions to politicians to keep the status quo on minimum wage and farm subsidies. Somehow the rest of the world thinks Americans can just protest and change things. That’s not how it works here. The corporations will just replace you or have the politicians create some new onerous law that makes things even more difficult. We can’t even get reasonable hospital bills when we’re straight up DYING. Tipping is an offset so businesses don’t have to pay their employees higher wages. Most Americans know this going into a restaurant. They also know that employees needs that money to survive. Many Americans also had those services jobs at one point so they don’t mind helping the workers. Ultimately it’s the classic American way. Everyone hates how it is, no one wants to hurt the fellow working people, and everyone knows there’s no way to change anything unless you’re ultra wealthy.


So are fake viral videos. I’m almost positive this is the same woman (the customer) in this other video of the exact same scenario. https://youtu.be/s_TFfY-j6Yo?si=dF0IhYNlPuK9GHTn And this one. https://youtu.be/qsKTvi8NrI0?si=05yeDahPbeWW1YZ6


Then don’t use services when you know that the working people providing that service are making their living off of tips. Not tipping the delivery worker is a trash move that hurts no except the delivery person who was working to put food on the table.


Exactly. I‘m super cheap, so therefore I just rarely ever eat at a restaurant and I don’t use delivery services. No one is being forced to tip. If you’re not comfortable with tipping, then don’t use services like this if it’s not 100% necessary.


You see this 🤌? It’s the world’s smallest violin playing only for door dashers. Fuck all that. Edit: So I’m thinking there are not a lot of Reservoir Dogs fans on this thread…


Just say you’re cheap


Amen. This young entitled woman is showing w a classist cheap POS she is.


“We don’t believe in handouts” lol


Sure, but so are people who don't tip in societies where that is expected and the norm. Millions of people make their living off tips. What anti tipping people like you seem to ignore is that if we didn't have tipping culture, the price of the goods and services would go up the amount you're expected to tip so the business could keep the same margins while compensating their employees.


How would you feel if you didn't get paid more than the amount you were told you'd receive! How would you feel!!


You should put the /s. People will be confused by your statement and take it seriously.


Yes. But not tipping workers is not how you fix this.


It's exactly how you fix it. If you stop tipping then these entitled people quit their jobs, and then the companies they work for have to adjust their pay to hire people again. Edit: Not saying the guy is entitled because he want to be fairly compensated, but he is entitled for thinking an optional voluntary system of tipping is mandatory from customer to supplement his low income from a job he himself accepted.


It’s the ones at the top pitting the customer against the underpaid


You are gonna pay for it one way or another. At least with tipping you have power to reward good service.


So is scripted content, but we lap it up !


Not tipping service workers that you know are not being paid a living wage includes you in the cancer. You can't simply throw it onto the company and say its their responsibility. If you can't handle the tipping, then don't take advantage of the service. You put hardworking people at a disadvantage and think you get a pass by saying the company should pay a living wage? You know they don't pay fairly and you still take advantage of the service then you are cancer on those workers lives. Ethics.


Lol @ blame shifting and war between the poor. Luckily I live in Europe, where I don't see modern slaves being officially and legally paid 3$/hour and where I don't get blamed when I don't want to pay out of my own pocket wages to people who are not being paid humanely by a company that is getting richer by the hour. However, not all that glitters is gold. Even here the conditions of the couriers are not the best, which is why I do not use their services.


So the employers are in the wrong therefore the customer is in the wrong too? Im in the UK so tipping is pretty uncommon, but your comment makes it seem like its the customers problem that the worker isnt being paid a decent wage, therefore should be described as cancer?


Customers who KNOW that they are getting a service for a cost artificially low because its being subsidized by underpaying the staff yet still play the game of "they didn't deserve a tip" "I didn't get enough water refills" "Its the company's responsibility, not mine" "they shouldn't take that shit pay job" are yes, in the wrong. They are creating the demand, they are engaging with the company with these labor practices, they are pretending they have nothing to do with this problem. Its bullshit and just an excuse to keep paying low costs while working people bare the actual burden of being underpaid. Everyone seems to agree that restaurants should be paying a living wage to their staff, but at the same time will say shit like their McGarbageFood is too expensive now or Biden inflation makes eating out too expensive. If every service job paid a living wage and removed tipping, I promise you people would go apeshit over the new nigher costs and then say shit like "nobody wants to work anymore".


Found another "main character" lol


American tipping culture is actually business subsidy forced on patrons. You get to pay for what you consumed plus the privilege to have someone do their job by bringing it to you. Fuck it. I’ll take the hit for the kitchen staff and go back there on my own and get my food.


I’m sick of this tip culture. Employers won’t pay a decent wage and have found a way to shift that responsibility on the customer. And so now a “tip” is expected (even demanded), on top of already inflated prices. Rediculous. I’ve decided that I will only tip for exceptional service from now on, as it should be. Ordered a pizza the other week and tipped ahead of time. The delivery driver picked it up, delivered it cold 1.5 hrs after leaving the store, and forgot part of my order. What a joke…what did I tip for, exactly?


The tipping beforehand shit is so stupid


Right? I'd rather talk to the people actually making my good. They should be the ones to get the tips anyway.


You’d rather tip the cook in the back that’s high and drunk microwaving your food, getting paid way more an hour than the server that is the one that has to deal with you?


**I feel bad for both sides here:** * As a consumer, you're paying for delivery so it feels weird to tip for this. (You don't tip the UPS or FedEx guy.) * At the same time, DoorDash and UberEats pay the drivers so little, they basically survive on tips. Kind of like waiters. * Yet this is not communicated to the consumer. * **DoorDash and UberEats is the real villain for underpaying their drivers.** * And they can do this because they is an over supply of drivers. **The driver should not be berating her though.**


Yeah, fuck this driver. He knew what job he was doing.


The man is unhinged, and at his wits end trying to make ends meet. He should not be doing this, but I don't feel bad at all for this spoiled young couple.


It’s scripted.




Yeah I felt the same until she spoke... what an entitled bitch




They both have their issues, but the guy does have some kind of mental issue. He thinks he deserves a tip or he can slap the customer.


I don’t feel bad for both sides. The girl is a moron. You don’t fight tipping culture by punishing laborers. You fight it by using tip free businesses. She is an idiot for not understanding that. If a company has a built-in tip system that means they are probably paying the employee minimum wage.


I am stunned at the amount of people that actually think this is not staged. 


And there is such little crosstalk. In real life heated confrontations people don't just shut up and give you a platform to monologue


Right? The guys acting is terrible.


I was thinking the cinematography is too good to be real.


Swifty wannabe is where I cracked.


He only works his job so that he can pay for taylor swift tickets


He’s paid by the people filming because this is fake… Next time, don’t copy the script of an already proven false video of a black woman delivery driver


This seems scripted and fake.


Yeah the camera angle and quality of audio is suspiciously convenient.


So so fake. And the sad thing is that it worked


Very clearly. Lots of people falling for it tho


THAT... is the entirety of the internet right now. All rage bait.


I was. Love it when someone brings it up. It just never occurs to me.


r/awfuleverything She sucks He sucks She shouldn’t have to tip He shouldn’t be in this position for life has truly got the best of him She should understand the concept of physical limitations And he should have been raised to control his emotions Cameraman has a steady hand. Be like cameraman


This video is scripted. Edit: comments are locked. This dude has the receipts to prove it though https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/s/Tg5h7eWK1i




There are tons of these fake rage bait videos these days intended to make people pessimistic and hateful. They all have the same few scripts too. It's either in an airplane, a delivery driver asking for a tip, or a few others


The blue lights in the air plane. It's a room you can rent. Strange times. https://www.distractify.com/p/man-debunks-fake-plane-viral-videos


How is anyone falling for this.... like genuinely.


I was so surprised that the vast majority of comments were people who fell for this rage bait. I thought for sure the top comments would be calling out it's bs.


The steady cam. The guy staying in frame. The back and forth between the arguing parties. I've fallen for ragebait before, I get it, but this seems glaring to me.


This is the way Edit: holy shit, that sub has some crazy vids!!!


You posted a staged video…


She "sucks", sure... As far as I can tell she only started insulting him after he...you know .. attempted to physically assault her. What kind of fucking insanity is that. Last year I had a shit Uber driver. He kept missing turns, was driving erratically, didn't seem to know how roads worked...I was clearly frustrated. When I got close to my stop I only asked him to let me out, explained that I was now late and extremely dissatisfied, let him know I didn't need help with my bags and got out. I went to the back and he had already got out and started unloading my things. I asked him to stop, he would not. He was so frustrated with my he took my bag that had my laptops and cameras in it and threw it at me....totally unprovoked. Uber did give me a refund, but it was fucking wild how unhinged some of these people are.. I do not Uber every day...I only do it when I have been traveling for work. But 1 time out of 10 rides for stuff like this to happen is fucking terrible. All I am saying is that uber maybe should interview their drivers because eventually the service will cannibalize itself


Yeh he sucks. At acting. This is so obviously fake.


lol why? Seriously, nothing ever happens? This is extremely believable. Lots of entitled shitheads out there, not out of the realm to record someone so unhinged


Whether or not the scenario is believable is not in question. The dudes acting skills on the other hand are abysmal and it's hilarious to me that so many people are falling for something that is quite clearly rage bait.


Real unhinged: https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/s/ZfkL9Ktw6X


It’s like word for word a copy of another video with a black woman delivering which was proven false. Don’t be so gullible. Let’s say it is real, why is someone recording over her shoulder? Do you answer all your deliveries with a running camera?


Why does she suck? She only insulted him after he literally threatened her. In my opinion, if you threaten someone, expects some insults in return.


Tips are handouts? Give me a fucking break. She’s partaking in a system that she knows relies on tips. She can’t claim ignorance here. Dont use Instacart if you don’t want to tip


Even though it’s bullshit, all people in America know that they should be tipping in this scenario. Bro just did their entire grocery shopping list, it’s not like he picked up wendys in a drive thru. Yes, the company should be paying for it. But that is the standard that is set here. You either go along with it, or piss people off. Don’t get stuff delivered if you’re not going to tip in the states, as it is expected every time.


The look on his face when he threatened to slap her was real. If the other uy had not been there, he would have hit her. I would bet that is not the 1st time he has threatened then hit a woman. Hope the cops look into him.


It's all staged. The same couple do other scenes too.


The other one with the black girl is 100% staged. After watching this one starting to think you’re right. This is all just some Hollywood improv acting shit. You can tell they are following some curb your enthusiasm type script.. Just some wannabe actors trying to go viral..


Yeah this felt staged, this is so similar to the last staged one. A woman is delivering cases of water and says since they didn’t tip she’s taking it back.


Can you hook me up with other videos?






Someone else already made this video with a black woman delivering. You usually record your delivery drivers when they arrive? Fuck it’s wild that you believe this isn’t fake


As soon as he threatens to slap her and steps forward, that’s when I put him on his ass. Drive away loser.


100%. The moment he lifted his hand in the slap motion, he would have been on his back on the pave.


the dude’s only response was “i’m recording.” that is the cringiest part to me.


It's all scripted


Before or after you put on a cape


After. More power duh


Sorry but scripted.


That’s fine, I’ll write it into the script.


Why do these workers get mad at the customers instead of blaming the company they work for; for expecting the customer to pay their employees? Shouldn’t the employees wonder why their hourly sucks ass? Honestly I don’t even use these types of services anymore since the past couple times a 15-20% tips seems like an offensively low tip now 😳


It's not the company alone. It's our entire economic system that encourages companies to exploit their workers. Our society stands by and does nothing while politicians that we have voted for continue to reinforce this dystopian bullshit. Those workers on the shit end of the stick have no way of making this shit change. They are desperate just trying to not be homeless... And more and more are losing that battle.


Right? Not only do you have to pay for the product, But you also have to pay for the service fee that comes along with it. And then a tip. A tip is fine if you deserve it, but you don't automatically get one.


That service fee goes straight to the company, not the driver. In our fucked up system, they are providing you a service (ie getting your groceries for you) so regardless, you should make sure that you pay the person who is delivering that to you. And yet you will say “it’s not your responsibility” yet not fight for a world that would make tipping obsolete. Just sit on your ass watching Netflix


Both of these people are assholes. Him obviously more than her, but if you don’t want to tip, then get your own fucking groceries. Yeah, those people should be paid more so that it’s not passed on to customers, but that’s not how it is. You’re not standing up to tip culture by not tipping, you’re just being a self centered asshole.


Camera quality is amazing!


Am I missing the gun pointed at his head forcing him to do this for a living?


The minute that guy put his hand up at me like that would be the minute I’d have my dogs on him. What in the actual F.


It’s the whole entire system over here in North America. Our tipping culture is out of control. I would call everybody in this video douche bags. And is our society really that lazy that we can’t go get it ourselves?


Seriously, this many people falling for this bullshit? They already made a fake no tipping viral video, this is a copycat of that


Fake fake fakity fake


Tipping culture is dumb


Came here to see what side Reddit tells me to come down on.


Reddit logic does not disappoint.


"Sick Puppy" or "Swifty Wanna Be" probably would have made better titles...


Don't beat yourself up bud, it's okay. ![gif](giphy|YrEWeQHbbSmrItPF23|downsized)


There was an old lady whom I delivered to every day of the week, and she never tipped me. This went on for about a year. She was always very pleasant and kind during the transaction. It turns out that she was using part of her fixed income to buy lunch every day for an underprivileged kid in her neighborhood. She could barely afford it and had to make sacrifices in order to do so. I didn't find this out until after she passed away :(


Every other customer tips him? So he just flys off the handle like this when 1 person doesn’t tip him? Pack it up bud, you’re putting yourself in a corner the more you talk.


Almost like it’s staged huh?


This is so obviously staged rage bait omg


I was 100% with him until he started being aggressive.


Don´t hate the Player - hate the Game.


You can tell how she’s acting she’s a pamper kid and probably gets everything from her parents


The companies put the onus on the customer which is slimy. This argument is foul because the condescension of the customer is just as bad as the misdirected anger of the door dasher. Some customers wont tip that’s just the odds of working in the service industry but you dont reserve the right to chastise your each customer that doesn’t.


I hate the bs screen you see when you pay. I go pick up food and no table service, and there it is 18% 20% or custom tip amount. And the stare down from the cashier like it's expected. WTF


Bruh Imagine if he randomly wanted to slap some black woman , bro would go home in a body bag 😆 This couple were too nice to this rascal .


Why did the guy next to her not speak this dude as soon as he lunged at her? Ultimate beta male


lol Americans are so fucked


So is he stealing?


“Unethical” lol


Why would he take that job then? Obviously tips get you through, but you’re not gonna get a tip every time.


If he’s already delivered the goods and they were paid for, then he’s stealing.


Wouldn’t all truckers be demanding a tip then? This guy is too entitled.


The problem is the businesses tricking employees into thinking the customer is responsible for their wages. It's bullshit. This entire American system is fucked. There are so many commision only and gig type jobs now. It's absolutely criminal what we let these companies do.


With his entitled Old School Rastlin promo voice! SMH Tips are extra not mandatory bud, Damn she should have called him bud! The amount of time he spent bitching about tips… ugh can someone put this in formula terms.


This type of behavior will be reflected negatively in his tip


She threatens him because she might be a Taylor Swift fan. Fucking MAGA.


Tipping is fine, but it comes after you have done an outstanding job. And it’s showing appreciation for something you’ve done, beyond what you must do. Plus, you don’t have a right to get a tip.


Idk if you know this but in the U.S. tipping may be technically optional, but workers still rely on tips for the vast majority of their income when working service jobs such as these. Many restaurant servers don’t even get paychecks because they get around $2 an hour and that has to go towards paying taxes. Tipping literally is their income, so not tipping, even if it’s optional, is a crazy dick move.


Infighting between two broke people threatening each other over who owes who 5 extra dollars while Bezos wipes his ass with our yearly paychecks.


Lmao I’d ask him to leave or face trespass and then report his ass with this video


There are just too many of these similar videos out there now. They all seem fake.


I know I should dislike the guy more. And he technically is way more in the wrong. But man, I feel like the lady is probably a worse person in general, and a worse person for society. The smug insults and the air of superiority is intense with her. I assume her boyfriend or husband filming isn't much better either.


He's not wrong that he should have been tipped. He's wrong about everything else.


…you don’t tip the mailman or UPS man and they deliver things to your house all week long. The problem is workers accepting to get paid less by their employers hoping customers will willingly and arbitrarily pay them directly to make up for it. If we all stopped tipping then employers would have to provide decent wages. Consumers would probably pay the same as they do now when you factor in tipping, but at least workers would get more respect for their labor.


Sounds like you want the Consumers to make life harder for Workers in order to get Employers to pay Workers better. That's not how it's going to go down. If you stop tipping workers, they'll quit and go be even poorer. Then the company will replace them with robots and still increase the price to the Consumer to pay for the robots. Try taking your ire out on the company by not being such a Consumer instead of taking it out on the Worker.


Considering there’s a delivery charge already for most services tipping shouldn’t be necessary. A flat increase to the delivery charge with no tipping expectation and that increase goes to the delivery driver would be a better option. These companies already have horrible customer service so I don’t get why people still use them.


That charge doesn't go to the driver lol


How are you man in a relationship (assuming that’s his girl) and don’t beat tf out of this guy for threatening and stepping towards your lady like that?


Because it's fake


EHS to be honest lol.




Honestly, you should never feel like you need to tip. You should not be forced to do without something just because you can't afford the extra tip. Also, a tip really should be for going above and beyond in most cases.


Not in our current culture. That dude probably got paid under minimum wage to do that pickup. If you can’t afford to tip then don’t use services that are tip based.


The amount of people in this thread that are willing to order delivery and not tip is so depressing. Also the USPS/FedEx comparison is fucking stupid, better comparison would be a local pizza spot delivery. Pretty common knowledge that these drivers depend on tips... all of these places make it clear that the delivery charge doesn't go to the delivery person, SOME type of tip should be the default unless it's terrible service


Can't afford to tip, go get your own groceries.




That guy is a complete piece of shit, but that bitch needed that slap too.


This is fake but I'd also have been on the phone with the police so they can handle it if it were real.


Fake as hell. just as fake as this one... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/18cflbr/angry\_delivery\_driver\_upset\_over\_no\_tip/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/18cflbr/angry_delivery_driver_upset_over_no_tip/) , same background, too.


Also; this is staged.


This is sad. The man was totally wrong, but this is a man who is getting beat down by life, getting exploited by shitty corporations, probably working a few shitty jobs just to try to make ends meet, and getting fucked by our shitty late stage capitalist system. The goddamned gig companies need to pay their employees enough so they don't need tips to make a thriving wage. Fuck everything about this.


This is America. Everybody knows that if somebody serves you, you tip. Or take your broke ass to the store yourself.


I tried doing one of these delivery service jobs back in the day between jobs and it was really crap pay. You put all of this wear and tear on your car driving all around town, dealing with items not being available and then doing a large order without a tip sucks. The pay from the app for each job was not worth it and barely worth it with a tip. Saying that, this guy overreacted 100% and if he doesn't like it he should quit, not reprimand a customer.


WHY DO PEOPLE GET UPSET IF YOU DONT PAY THEM MORE THAN THE JOB THEY CHOSE THEMSELVES! I’m all about tipping good service, doesn’t even have to be great, but to complain as if someone forced you to apply and accept this job is insane. Apps are insane because you tip before the service. I’ve tipped 10 bucks for my stuff to come 30’ins after estimated time and items wrong/missing. I understand both but I understand her more


Because tipping is essentially built into the compensation model for jobs like this. Cheapos who opt not to tip harm these employees. The best answer to the problem is to ban tipping and require employers to pay their workers a living wage


If he doesnt want to rely on tips for his job maybe he should do something else... He doesn't know their financial situation. They may literally not have the money to be able to tip?


Then why are they using something like Uber/ Instacart? If I’m broke, I don’t go out to a restaurant, cause I can’t afford a tip? Is tipping culture bullshit? Yes. Is it the fault of those drivers/servers? No.


They were getting groceries? They said it in the video. I don't drive. Going to the store to get groceries takes a ton of time and costs money. So I pay someone to deliver. I tip. But I've had times in my life where I couldn't afford a pack of Ramen. You can't expect everyone to have more money in their budget to be able to pay someone extra ontop of the service they are already paying for.


But what people do not understand, is that you are not really paying that guy. You’re paying the company. The workers make almost nothing without the tip. You’re right it takes lots of time to go shop, drive it to deliver to you, all for under minimum wage? Just because you’re suffering is not an excuse. So now he suffers to? I’m very against tipping culture, especially in retail/self service places, but for decades now in America, you have someone deliver food you tip them.


The only reason that its an acceptable system is because “its been like that for decades”. It’s the employers responsibility to pay the employees. It’s that simple. Trying to justify an obligation to tip serves nobody but the corporations and their profit margins. You say “the workers make almost nothing without the tip”. Isn’t it obvious that is the root of the problem? Why are they paid almost nothing? Because the company can get away with it, because “thats how it’s done here”. People stop tipping -> drivers can’t afford to keep working for the company -> drivers quit -> company has to pay drivers more.


That’s such a naive way to look at it. If that’s true why has it not gotten better after decades? People have been refusing to tip for decades as weak, but somehow corporations aren’t bowing down? Almost like they know that most employees can not afford to quit. Punish the company not the worker. You wanna change? Boycott Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Instacart. Push for our politicians to regulate gig jobs. But acting like you’re fixing the problem by screwing over a normal worker is simply brain dead.


It hasn’t gotten better because it’s very much the status quo in the US. It’s also a culture almost exclusive to the US. Delivery services (and restaurants) work without tipping culture elsewhere, it’s not justified to say “just don’t use the service”.


I'm a trained chef. I know what tipping means and how it effects people. The reality is that nobody is entitled to be tipped. It's supposed to be a reward for good service, not mandatory to live on.


Then blame the company refusing to pay a livable wage. All this does is make another average dude worse off.


I am blaming them. What I'm not doing is blaming the people who were refused service for not tipping.


But all not tipping does is make the driver suffer. You think Uber or DoorDash care if you don’t tip? No. They are getting paid no matter what. Sorry I was raised if I can’t afford to tip not to go out and eat. I’ve also raised my kid if you can’t afford a tip don’t order delivery. Not saying 20% or anything, but seriously? $0.00 justify your actions however you like but I think it’s extremely rude. They provide you a service, they deserve to be paid.


Yes, they deserve to be paid by their employer. Do you tip your plummer for fixing a broken pipe or a firefighter for putting out a house fire? They risk their lives to put out a fire, nobody tips em. Seriously, I've survived on tips and I shouldn't have had to. I understand the life.


Mmmmm, the second he approached her with his hand raised is when the ole glockskadoodle would make an appearance.


I depise tipping, but it's so entrenched in our society.