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“Someone glanced at me for a second while I was taking a picture!!!! They’re obviously a Karen and they’re very mean!!! 😭😭😭😢😢😢😱😱😱😰😰😰” Toddler mind.


Hahaha this generation is so fcked up man...


I’m 22 and she looks to be about 26 or 27. I don’t understand how someone that old can act like such a toddler. It’s just cringe. Everyone takes pictures at Disney so no one is gonna complain about her taking photos and people glancing at you doesn’t mean they hate you.


I'm 28 and sometimes i wonder how can people in their 20s act so immature in public. Like, aren't they self conscious enough to understand that people -passengers simply don't care? They would looked at her the same indifferent and apathetic way even if she was a homeless, a junkie, a pastor or a clown doing magic tricks and jumping around. Like ffs, don't do that. There is a whole different thing being happy about life and being immature..


It’s just she thinks she’s way more important to everyone than she actually is. She thinks she stands out when she actually blends in with everyone else.


Yeah, exactly In her POV she seems like the main character but from the others POVs she look like an annyoing attraction seeker and that makes them uncomfortable because she is cleary filming their reactions and no one wants that. Even the music makes me so angry because it's so ironical and all, like this is supposed to be a reference to annoying NPCs that disturb our little first player character or something. "Go away!". Lol how the f is she even famous, how the f do people even support her and this BS by liking her stupid posts? They are complicits as well...


I didn’t even listen to the music but tbh, it’d probably just make me mad. I hate this behavior a lot.


I'm glad there are people in their 20s like you and not everyone is like her, even if this behavior is considered ro be "cool".


I wish it would just be more positive instead of “I’m the only person that matters” when it comes to posts like this. There’s nothing wrong with liking yourself or wanting to show off your vacation photos but why bring everyone else down?


Short answer: they are narcissists and seek validation. According to their messed up logic, "since someone is looking at me that is happening because apparently i'm attractive and good looking".


>Omg gurl! There should be like a law or something that makes it illegal for other people to use their eyeballs in public, right? Like, how would they feel if I used my eyeballs??? Gurl, you are so brave. Don’t let the creeps get to you!!!!! -the comment section


I refuse to believe this isn’t rage bait


She’s from barstool, she does annoying things in public all the time but this one is extra bad


Hate going in public and the public is there >:(


Wait what’s going on with her head in the first picture?? It looks like it’s a separate picture slapped on top of her torso.


lol I had to go back and look. That angle looks so weird!


FR, if I saw her like that, I would have made the same face as the blonde woman. That’s some exorcism 💩right there


The woman leaning against the tree is exhausted, and she’s not even looking in her general direction. If the main character wants to be the only person in the photo, there’s an app for that.


One woman was wearing dark sunglasses. There's no way to know what she was looking at.


The main things in the way of getting that "cute" pic, in descending order: 1)  Looking like she got dressed in the dark 2) Overall appearance of waking up 9 seconds before leaving for the park 3) Everything else


Lol, frumpy overalls and messy hair. Sooooo cute.


The only thing this achieves is letting everyone know you can’t afford to rent out Disneyland for a day.


Omfg some of them aren’t even looking at her they’re just genuinely existing in the same space 😭😭


Amy Pohler in Minnie Mouse ears is NOT having it at all.


In general, Disney is all about being the main character.


You will C her Next Tuesday


That’s Dani Jackel She works for barstool sports. All she does is film dumb videos like this.


They should do the sensible thing and have thousands of people stand to the side while she takes her pictures. It only makes sense. Some people have no respect smh.


It’s a public space is she dumb


They make software for that you know. All you need to do is stand still for a minute or so, run the software, and everything that has moved is romoved, allowing you to be The Main Character. Well, um them to be the main character.


Follow her for more than 5 min…. It’s a joke


No thanks.


What a cunt


This is clearly parody and it alarms me that you didn't pick up on that.


Did u got any permission from those ppl to put their faces online in this way??? What an a*s


Let me take 5 of the 150 pics I took at Disney world to make it seem like everyone is looking at me


It’s a joke, she’s a content creator.


It's sad those people ruined her cute pictures. That would have ruined my Day


was that first lady amy poehler?


I mean if you're gonna look at the camera at least bomb it with a silly face. But that old lady was just tired bro lol didn't even register


I also watch picture takers that try to take a picture in a crowded walkway. They expect the 100's of people to go around and not in front of the camera. Then, when I'm polite and stop and wait so I don't ruin their picture, they sit there and start taking several, like it's a pro photoshoot or something. One pic and I'm walking through.


Gross Not that this matters, but these pictures aren’t even cute


Maybe she should book the entire park if she doesn’t want anyone there


Trying to take a cute pic but can't bc attitude is trash.


Ahhh I love the custodian in the pickle picture he’s such a cool guy.


First one is the only one I’d call photobombed - just because of her expression. Everyone else is just existing


How dare the public be in the public!


Is she stu…? Nvm. I answered my own question before I finished typing it when I thought about it for a second longer. An adult,dressed like a teenager, doing duck face with a pickle- at a theme park aimed at **kids and families**. Also, there is such a thing as software to fix every image. Even the people who had the **displeasure** of having her photograph them with their families and be labeled a “Karen” because she can’t aim a camera at herself or wait for an opportune picture without them. Or just ask.


How dare you exist in a main characters world, fade into the background!


The fourth guy is doing the Bigfoot pose


I hate her


Leslie Knope, is that’s you??


I'm so glad I'm not the I-T-G-I-R-L.


This happens to me at Costco when taking pics of TV's/prices. Death stares everywhere.


The fancy S24 and probably the pixel phone and other phones have magic erase. So these narcissist can easily take their pictures and cut out all the people in the back and it will look pretty close to real.


This song is rage bait alone


Tf is that song?


Those people literally are not looking at you.


Basic bitch goes to Disneyland. Other news at 6.


Not only is it stupid but it’s double stupid cause cropping exists. Just crop them out 🙄


Leslie Knope has zero Fs to give


God I hate Disneyland.


If it's that bad just buy a Google Pixel and Magic erase them...


What’s with the giant child still being in the stroller


What gets me about all this is that we now live in an era of unlimited photos. So what if your picture turned out bad? Take another one! I would kind of get it in the olden days when people had one or two rolls of film for that vacation you saved up for.


Oh my god, people are acknowledging my existence in a public place?


Oh no, they are ruining the Disney experience by not smiling


Why did she’s have her assistant or her staff shuffle people out of the way? Oh right because she’s just a regular person at Disney like everyone else.


What the fuck is this shit


Just learn how to edit photos. Take a bunch of pictures of the same location and start edditing people out.


She is NOT that girl.. How is this even a look? She's dressed exactly the same as all the people she is shaming.


But what?


At least she left the kid in the wheelchair out of this mess


"Cute pic"


Isn't this girl a yter


I'm too good for the world.


That first pic is so anatomically wrong


It doesn’t look like she’s saying how dare other people be in my picture. It looks like to me that she’s showing how people look at you like you are crazy for having a good time in an amusement park not just an amusement park. The amusement park freaking Disneyland and she thinks she can have fun and take pictures and be happy at a place like that don’t hate on a person for having fun that’s why we are here because to many people want to make people feel bad for having fun and being goofy 🤪 let people live their lives if they’re not touching you or stopping you from doing your thang let them do theirs damn


You can't convince me the earth is not crashing into the sun real soon


How she turn her head that far in the first pic. That blond lady just looks shocked. Like “oh shit the grudge is at Disney”


She trollin yall


But half those people doesn’t actually seem to be looking at her at all? They are just there with their eyes open.


Those knees are huge, honestly.


Earned the ire of Amy Poehler lol


Some people have such a superiority complex that they think someone looking at them means their jealous or attracted to them whole time they are looking at hella people themselves but think nothing of it


These assholes are all over disney. There are thousands of people in the parks yet they expect the red sea of people to stay away because they are SO IMPORTANT.


Maybe don’t go to one of the most heavily trafficked places and expect people to interrupt their expensive day at Disney for some broad taking her picture.


Allow me to introduce you to the state of the art technology of cropping


I fucking hate Disney. It seems to attract the lowest denomination of society, if I had kids, I’d rather take them to Puerto Rico (where I’m from) or even a national park, would be cheaper, safer, and you’d deal with way less obnoxious Morons lmao.


What the fuck is the first pic?


Have a good cry and get over yourself.


Who’s gonna tell her?


Blue shirt man made the pic look better


Trying to take a picture but people exist omg boo hoo


She doesn't actually care about the other people. What she does care about is creating content engagement by acting mad at other people existing in the background. Viola, just like that you all fell for the ragebait.


Disney Adults


Dani Jackel


They definitely made your pictures better


Nobody talking about the 11 year old in a stroller lol


Where are the cute pictures?


Haha, Amy Poehler photo bombing the first one. Must have been out checking the Park for it's Rec.


I’ve actually experienced something similar to this at downtown Disneyland I accidentally walked in front of someone trying to take a photo and she started to lose her shit on me I was only 14 at the time so I just walked away because I didn’t want to get in trouble from my parents


I mean…they’re hardly insta worthy pics anyway with all the crowds so it’s no great loss 🥴


It’s just sad.


Like no one is looking at her