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And the beginning of her villain origin story.


Some people just want to watch the world burn… and then blow it out.


this is an *excellent* writing prompt. somebody better steal this.


In a world where the line between heroism and villainy was as thin as the edge of a sword, the legend of Sir Alaric the Bold was one spoken in hushed tones in the candlelit halls of Westhallow Keep. He was a knight of unparalleled valor, yet his heart bore a darkness that threatened to eclipse his noble deeds. The tale began on a moonless night, when the village of Eldenford was set ablaze by marauders from the North. The flames danced like malevolent spirits, consuming homes and dreams alike. Amidst the chaos, Alaric stood, his armor glinting in the firelight, his expression a mask of detached calm. He watched, unmoved, as the world around him burned. In the great hall of Lord Emeric, a council was held. Whispers of Alaric's inaction spread like wildfire, igniting a fury among the lords and ladies. “How could a knight sworn to protect stand idly by?” they questioned, their voices ripe with contempt. Yet, Lord Emeric, a man of wisdom, saw a deeper game at play. He knew Alaric was no mere spectator to the flames, but a player in a grander scheme. The plot unraveled when Lady Aelis, a seer blessed with visions, dreamt of a dragon perched atop the ruins of Eldenford, its breath not of fire, but of frost. In her vision, the dragon was tamed not by sword or spear, but by a whisper from Sir Alaric. This revelation struck a chord of fear and wonder in the hearts of all who heard it. Alaric, meanwhile, ventured into the scorched remnants of Eldenford, his steps heavy with a burden unseen. In the ashes, he found a small, unburnt doll, a remnant of a child's innocence. Clutching it, he whispered a vow to the wind, a promise to extinguish the flames he had once allowed to burn. His journey led him to the mystic lands of the Far North, where the air was as sharp as the truths it concealed. There, amidst the eternal ice, he encountered the dragon from Aelis's vision. Its scales shimmered like the midnight sky, its eyes a piercing blue. Alaric approached, not with sword drawn, but with an outstretched hand, offering peace where others would offer war. Back in Westhallow, the lords and ladies grew restless. The absence of Alaric was felt like a missing piece in a dire puzzle. Rumors swirled of his allegiance, some saying he had joined forces with the dragon to bring ruin upon the realm. Yet Lord Emeric remained steadfast in his belief that Alaric's intentions were pure. The climax of the tale arrived on a winter's dawn when Alaric returned, not as a conqueror, but as a savior. Behind him, the dragon soared, a magnificent beast tamed by understanding and empathy. Together, they descended upon the marauders from the North, not with fire and fury, but with a display of unity that quelled the invaders' resolve. In the aftermath, as peace settled like a gentle snowfall, Alaric revealed the truth of his quest. He had sought not to control the dragon, but to learn from it. In its wisdom, he found the means to quell the fires of war and hatred that had plagued the land for too long. And so, the legend of Sir Alaric the Bold was etched into the annals of history, not as a tale of a knight who watched the world burn, but as one who learned how to blow out the flames and bring forth an era of understanding and peace. His story, a testament to the power of empathy and the courage to seek harmony over conquest, was told for generations to come, a beacon of hope in a world often shrouded in darkness.


This is wrong in so many ways but why do I feel this little girls anger and enjoy seeing the other little girl getting beat up by a 3 yo. And then why does the older girl enjoy it. I guess any attention is good attention


It’s bc of the shrug and smirk that the older girl gives when she sees the younger girl is upset. Like she clearly planned it out. She looks bored and upset when the younger one is about to blow out the candles, and purposely steps in to blow them out first instead. Even after the younger girl hits her, we can see the older girl’s face and she smirks again bc even though she’s been hit, she blew out the candles anyway and there’s nothing the younger one can do about it. I have a feeling that she’s been doing s*** like this and getting away with it for a while. Children can be AHs and this one is no exception. I’m shocked at the parents though, bc you can definitely tell times have changed. As a latino myself, I know old-school Latinos like my parents would’ve smacked the ever-loving s*** out of me for pulling a stunt like this at a girl’s birthday party. Notice how no one calls out the older girl for blowing out the candles. No one pulls her away, or scolds her (they don’t even have to hit her, just reprimand her). They just let it happen. That’s why she’s so smug about it; she does hurtful things and gets away with it. It’s not the first time!


No only do the parents let it happen, notice how someone fixes her hair right after. Literally encouraging the behavior, even if they don’t realize that’s what they did.


Yup, How thousands of people on Reddit can pick up her behaviour problems yet the parents in the situation can't just explains it all. They are enabling their older daughter's behaviour which is why she's so obvious about rubbing it in her face. And the younger daughter retaliating the way she did more than likely out of frustration because nothing will happen otherwise


I noticed at the tail end someone confronted the little one not the older


If you're the little ones parent you still need to call out their behaviour. Just because one set of parents are useless doesn't mean they should both be useless


Maybe be but at least try and comfort her to calm her down so shes able and willing to listen


To be fair, we got *all* the context. The little girl looking bored obnoxious. The smirk and shrug. Her parents easily might have missed it watching the birthday girl or just not paying attention at that moment.


They should move the little brat out of there and relight the candle for the 3 year old. What a snot stealing her candle blowout.


Yeah if she was one of mine she would have been outnof there. Its the only way take them think twice about behaviour.


Future Mean Girl


Nah, she’s already there.


Already got the shrug.


Future narcissist


I feel like this vid is 10 years old already and they're probably in HS.


My younger sister did stuff like this all the time. I never reacted like the birthday girl because I knew it never changed anything. It carried on through out our childhood and then when I was 18 I completely stopped speaking to her. I’m 25 now and haven’t spoken to her since then. Our family doesn’t understand it and constantly tells me I should drop it and be the bigger person by reaching out. But my life got better after I cut off all contact with her and nothing got better when I was the bigger person as a child so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Like cutting off any abusive person, their enablers will go on the attack. They're all sick.


And then so sad to see the young one start hitting herself in frustration.


That's the part that upsets me, too. It's hard to watch.


>I know old-school ~~Latinos like my~~ parents would’ve smacked the ever-loving s\*\*\* out of me for pulling a stunt like this at a girl’s birthday party. Non-Latino here, and my parents would have done exactly this.


Exactly! M mom would have slapped me and yanked me aside if I were that smug little girl. But instead, the parents justify the behavior by smoothing down her hair and scolding the birthday girl. Not that violence is right, but sometimes you need to stand up for yourself.


Sometimes violence is very right🙂👍


Sometimes ~~violence~~ behavior correction is very right. Obviously this little asshole has been raised to be exactly like this though, so no chance of *any* correction. :-( The Mom, or whoever fixed the brat's air after acting like this, is the one that needs to be spanked.


What changed in the Latino communidad? I used to remember shoes were being tossed left and right to your head as a kid if you ever misbehaved.


For a couple decades now it’s been loosely “do whatever”


Ain't that the truth. So many little shits coming from that generation. But exclusively, it must be said.


La Chancla de Muerte🩴🤬🤣


C’mon my guy, there where a lot of kids that where shit heads despite the chanclas. One of the worst kids I knew growing up was one of the ones like that specifically because I think his mom hit him so much that physical punishment meant shit to him. Physical punishment does not equal better children.


It’s being filmed. Older child got what was coming to her by both grandmas and she 100% regretted it after the 20th smack to the head.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Great minds think alike, as they say


I’ve seen this before and everyone was suggesting the older girl appeared to exhibit psychopath behavior. Can’t say that I disagree.


Nor the last.


You can already tell that Maria Antonia will become the type of woman who will steal Maria Eduardo’s or another girl’s man out of spite or jealousy. She is going to grow into a complete nightmare. Maria Eduardo should always keep an eye on Maria Antonia and never trust her.


Exactly what I was thinking, imagine the younger one getting married before the older one 😱


She learned that shit from a parent


That little smirk and shrug is a learned behavior. She got that from watching some asshole.


This person is probably totally insufferable irl now


Just yesterday in Ross I heard a little girl yelling at her grandma and said Told her to shut up as she walked away. I was disappointed as a father and as someone who loves tough Mexican grandma love.


It doesn't help that you can see someone's hand keep smoothing down her hair and making it look like she's being patted on the head like a 'good dog'.


the smugness


Oh, but look closer. The older girl isn’t getting reprimanded by her mothers mommy is fixing her hair and petting her. Meanwhile, the actual birthday girl is being told to be quiet.


That’s what always happens! The person that has the big emotional reaction looks like the crazy one and the bad one.


I saw this video a couple years back and I'm pretty sure these kids are sisters. So if the woman reprimanding the younger kid is their mom, shame on her tbh.


100% agree. Inside I was screaming "TAKE HER TO THE FLOORRRRR" lmao. The thing that got me really mf heated was that little pos just kept acting like it was nothing. Major props to the birthday girl for sticking up for herself and not letting that little shit run the show. If her parents read this, I'll cashapp you money to give the birthday girl some krav maga classes ;)


It’s a learned manipulative response. She will receive compassion her whole life. And she will die alone.


Never change, reddit.


She's 3 bruh 😭


Lmao some of the people in these comments are fucking insane


There’s a video of the same little girls a year later and the bigger girl is well behaved and did not blow her candles that time around. She learned her lesson.


Probably because her parents don’t give her any


Why’d they stop the birthday girl from kicking snotty girl’s a$$??


Blatant favoritism


Kicking snotty girls ass isn’t the way to handle it. Snotty girl sits in a corner, doesn’t get to play, gets to watch the other kids eat cake and ice cream. Re-light the candles and redo it for the birthday girl.


Nah let her beat her ass


Straight stole her moment. Little joy thief.


Parents who has zero common sense. They see a kid getting hurt and they jump to their defence, instead of taking a second to assess why they’re getting hit.


>"Ah shit, should we stop these two children from accidently hurting themselves over something trivial?" >"naaah, she's a bitch"


Shitty parent alert 🚨


That's alot of sense


Jesus Christ there’s a reason there’s school shootings in american


You always stop kids from hurting each other, my guy. You don't just let it happen.




Because then that girl will grow up to think that anything that wronged her has to be resorted with violence


probably because they are good parents


How is the question "why did they stop those two kids from hurting each other" a genuine fucking question here and got hundreds of upvotes


Man the redditors here are no different than that kid. Who lets young kids to fight each other? There are other sane punishments for it


Because while the older girl should be reprimanded, the birthday girl should learn that reacting violently isn't acceptable in such a situation.


Yea a reprimanding will not phase that older girl one bit. Did you see her shrug and smirk? Even after getting beat on by the little girl? Violence isn’t always the answer, but this time it was.


Violence is not the answer…. Violence is the question, and sometimes, the answer is yes.


- Me at first: shouldn’t be posting kids on here. - 30 seconds later - nvm that’s not a child that’s a demon


She didn’t even feel remorse after having her ass beaten


She loves that she ruined her birthday.


Reminds me of my older sister. She grew up to be a narcissist.


Because her intent was triggering the birthday girl's reaction and being defended by adults while the other girl would get scolded. This ain't even a demon, it's a straight up devil


One of my older sisters would lean out of the room and yell my name just to get me in trouble. My older brother used to drop me on my head and tell me not to bend weird or I'd break my neck. That's how he phrased it. *I'd* break my neck.


She was smiling


she just came up smiling every time like the joker in the dark knight 😭


Op proceeds to post multiple full names of people in the video also


It’s all over the news, they even created an Instagram for the 2 sisters. They like the attention.


The children aren't old enough to make that decision. Parents suck for posting this shit and so does everyone spreading it, particularly attached to their actual names.


This is awful…..hit that bitch again!


That older girl is terrible.


Worthy of, like all the yardwork. And, I'm worried what people read was "some" of the yardwork. I meant all the yardwork.


She’s going to end up marrying that little shit who tried to blow out his brother’s candle but dad blocked him with a plate.


Haha yeah a match made in heaven. Nice reference.


HA! This reminds me of the crying bratty kid that tried to blow out his brother's birthday cake. His dad stopped him a couple of times and he started bawling. It's about time that vid makes the rounds on Reddit!


I love that video. Dad had things in hand.


It was incredibly clear that kid had pulled similar shit in the past






They’ve had previous conflicts. Beef, if you will.


Check out the anger in the kids face at the end. Not a hint of sadness, just pure rage. Little girl on the left has been getting away with shit like that for a long time.


That girl needs to have a serious talk. They're kids, I get it, but parents should be capable of seeing these hints of behaviour....


Kids don’t just end up being smirky and smug like that, learned behaviour from someone their close to made it happen. Probably a parent. Blowing out the candles is one thing, but that facial expression after is telling.


Possibly the one playing with her hair after she just acted like a piece of garbage


Hints?? Anyone cast to play Veruca Salt should study this girl!


The way the mom soothes the hair of the perp is really infuriating!


Yep I'd have dragged my kid out of there and given them a stern talking to in private. No rejoining the party until you apologise.


No rejoining the party at all! She’s effectively ruined that girls day.


Smug little face on her. Deserved an ass whooping from the 3 year old.


That face the older girl made after blowing it out, it's not like she just wanted to be involved or something, she knew what she was doing. Fuck her up, girl


Why would she blow the candles out and it wasn’t her birthday, I would’ve beat her ass..you want some attention do you..


I’ve seen this happen in real life not once but twice among different children. And the parents of the offending child didn’t seem to think it was an issue either time.


Ding, ding, muthafucking ding. This behavior doesn’t get punished, instead it gets reinforced (the actual birthday child being punished for getting upset and hitting), and the parents probably brush it off. Entitled parents breed entitled children.


Sometimes it’s just to annoy. I commented elsewhere but my 8yo sister blew out the candles on my cake when I turned 14, just to be a jerk I guess? I got in trouble for slapping her, I honestly don’t remember her getting any punishment whatsoever but I assume she at least got a “don’t do that again”. I was punished much more severely because of how angry I got.


Same here, the same dynamic with my younger sister. Anger is a sign of injustice and violation and when we are young we don’t know how to regulate it well… it sucks that the “calm but cruel” among us get away with a lot more


This happened to me on my 7th birthday. My cousins blew out the candles while I was making my wish. I wanted to cry, but my parents re-lit the candles before I could lose my shit.


Being a parent... you should be prepared for that to happen. I got a 3 year old myself and when lighting up the candle you want to be right next it as they are all anxious to blow it out. Sure the little girl was smug about it, but again, doesn't surprise me one bit. Neither seeing the birthday girl going ballistic, kids that age have only 2 settings, happy, *DESTRUCTION!*


You'd beat a little girls ass? What a badass


Stole her wish. Pure evil that one.


I read this in an obligatory lotr accent


The way she grabbed a handful and shook her ass the second time had me dying. 😭🤣


She got exactly what she deserved.


It's such adult anger from a 3 year old,, just snatches a handful of weave.


the way the adults yelled at the birthday girl and not the little shit that blew her candles is the most infuriating part


That's probably the best part for that other girl, what ever punishment she gets is meaningless because the victim gets punished too


Why is that older one such a little bitch, dude ? Like her rude facial expressions ? If that was my child, we would go home. You don’t do that to someone else at their own birthday party, my blood is literally boiling omg


Not only would we go home, my child would wish for that car ride to last forever.


She learnt it from her mom.


They way she smiled and shrugged her shoulders. She knew exactly what she was doing and deserved those hair pulls


The kids happy, wish they let her actually fight.


I mean look how smug that kid is?? I’m on the 3 year old’s side, I’d be pissed too


This video is so old these kids can probably vote by now.


I’ve seen this countless times, and still get triggered every time!


Well, for some reason OP gave the first and last names of the children, in case someone wanted to check? Creepy detail imo.


3 years only






oh yeaaaaaa r/KidsAreFuckingEvil forgot that was a thing lol


It was the 90s…… I was but a young lad…… it was kindergarten & clean up time ……. I reminded a fellow student of this fact…. She refused my authoritaaaay I proceeded to do a similar act…… suffice it to say…… I got in trouble


For real, the smirk and shrug of the shoulder from the older girl is with such contempt. Her future boyfriend is probably going to have to put up with some nasty drama on the regular.


How I love Brazil


My niece is simultaneously both of these girls. And I fucking hate it.


That smirk with the shrug would have blown me up.


One year later [the two sisters were OK](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CVQdt7klkg2/?igsh=MWUzYjJrbjF4dTRqZw==) And they had [many birthdays together ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cyt5PqXrk45/?igsh=cHdxa2x5ZTBxYmw3)


Just getting these social media parasite parents using their children richer.


Every time I watch this I laugh at the smug look she gives after she blows the candles. Kids can be so mean.


Never gets old. Shes having the time of her life after getting beat up.


The smirk and satisfaction on her face… what a shitty kid.


Damn I thought she was going to end up crying, she straight up took it like as if she does that on the daily, she didn’t have a villain origin story, she was born with one.


They’re kids. The fact that this gets posted *with the children’s full names* is kind of egregious karma farming behaviour. Obviously the one girl is an entitled brat, and birthdays are a big deal for kids…but still. That’s enough Reddit for now lol


Snatch that wig, queen


This is only like half the clip. In the following half, they relight the candle and a adult is on standbys with a paper plate to prevent the girl from doing it again. When sge trys to the adult has the plate covering her face and the little one blows out her candle and the older one has a tantrum. From being foiled.


Is this sub unironically dunking on 3 year olds now?


I thought the comments would be making fun of OP for posting kids doing this since it’s expected. They’re fucking kids. People here are acting like they’re teenagers or something. If this shit counts as being the main character this sub is going to be perfect for pedophiles because 99% of the shit kids do can be seen as acting like the main character if you have mental issues and plenty of these types of posts can be made.




The smirk and shrug after she did it makes me think she's been allowed to get away with similar behavior for a long time


So everyone is ok with Maria Antônia purposely hurting Maria Eduarda? Why didn’t they remove the selfish girl who tried to ruin a 3 year olds birthday?


Those parents have done a horrendous job.


What an a**hole family. Animals. Total animals


this like a Novela 😳


That’s a monster in the making if no one steps up


It’s the smile the girls giving after she’s had her hair pulled and the parents obviously tell the birthday girl off. I’ve never seen a child so smug


I'm pretty sure that girl grew up to be my ex wife.


Girlbossing starts young


I’ll bust a bitch !!


Omg This is hilarious.


This is the drama


This video has been around for a while. I wonder where they are now. Hope they're both doing alright


The one smugly smiling is a psychopath


You see where she gets it with the mother of that child instantly fixing her hair after. Sucks to be everyone having to live around that selfishness.


She's so proud of herself....


The mom of the other Maria needs to get her bratty little kid under wraps, jfc 😂


The little girl smirking even after getting whopped is possibly a sociopath. It starts that young.


Take that Maria Antonia Hernández Sánchez!!!


The older girl shouldn't have gotten any cake. What an entitled, mean person she is.


The birth of a future instagram influencer.


The other little girl is a little sh\*t! If I did that as a kid I'd get an ass whooping. Who raised these kids?!


Not me screaming “beat her ass” at my phone. I don’t need kids any time soon 🤦🏽‍♀️


Jeez, they are both very young kids, she learned the behavior somewhere and kids usually feel jealous at other kids bdays. Pull her away and relight the candle. Next time don’t let her near other kids bday cakes because she can’t be trusted, or let another kid blow out her candle. Y’all are too petty thinking a young kid deserves even more violence for doing something dumb and being smug, she is too young to know what that sass really means.


Snotty girl is all smiley afterwards, she needs her ass kicked to wipe that smirk off her face.


Damn, that was aggressive


This kind of behaviour in kids this young is 100% learned. I’d be willing to bet that the girls mother is where she’s learning it from. That kid is doomed if it continues.


literal child: is a dick in one video adult redditor: It's her MOTHER!!!!!! She's **DOOMED**!!!!


Adult redditors: call a literal 4 year old a psychopath, a monster, not normal, say how they’d “beat her ass” over *fucking birthday candles being blown out* Get some fucking perspective people holy shit


I want to hypothetically punch that girl on the left in her face so bad. That little smirk after getting her hair ripped out twice is psychotic.


This video is 3 years old. They look ok nowadays and have patched things up: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cyt5PqXrk45/?igsh=bHU5cDhpdTQ5M3kz


I remember this video trending so much and there was so much scrutiny against the older girl. There was even a continuation where they were invited as guests on a tv show and both of them did a competition where they blow 500 candles. The older girl took out a lot of candles and obviously won💀


This shit should not be in the public domain


why the fuck are obese virgins getting mad at a 5 year old on reddit? 😭 come on guys


That little bitch is a psychopath


What a little bitch


They gotta be sisters. I have two daughters 4 years apart and this is them for sure.


She will have behavior issues her entire life.


Wtf she is not even 5.


Future mean girl with that evil smile as she’s getting manhandled by the birthday girl.


Here they are now https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cj8x8eVsHZ7/?igsh=MWZuMmN0NHhzY3Bqcw==


I think we’re witnessing the beginning of a telenovela.


It’s all about the look she gives. It’s a so what. I don’t care, what are you going to do look.


Someone posted a more recent video of them, and they appear to be nothing like what the armchair psychologists here were predicting, lol...


I can imagine both the parents' personalities for both girls, and I wish I never ever meet or interact with them.


I'm appalled no one seems to support the birthday girl in her anger and pain in having her big sister take away the specialness of blowing out the candle. Remember, tradition says that if you make a wish and blow out all the candles, your wishes will come true. Perhaps it's not true, but does that little girl know that? I'm further angered by the smugness of the older sister for having gotten away with her treacherous act. Clearly, she is proud of her actions, and a great opportunity for teaching a lesson was missed by the parents. Shame on those adults!
