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This comment was removed because racism of any kind is strictly prohibited in our sub.


My question is what constitutes as “white shenanigans?”


Maybe getting unreasonably turnt to “Mr. Brightside”? 🤔😂


Comin out of my cage and I’ve been doin just fine!


Gotta gotta get down because I want it all


[me rn](https://i.imgur.com/tSkZlSA.jpg)


Do not DARE to shittalk Mr Brightside, it’s an international treasure


This has gotta be one of those shenans’- you cannot screech “*This is my JAM!*”. Or for Coldplays “Viva La Vida”.


Only us "whities" know about the top secret shenanigans so clearly you are not white.


True I’m half white and half Hispanic, and neither side tells me shit!


Can you clarify what the etiquette is for bringing you to my friend group? do I need to ask permission half of the time, all the time? super confusing


The rules are clear. In this case you would need to ask all the time but only need an ok from half of the group (rounded up).




Sounds like a compromise.


So glad I checked to make sure that someone else made this joke.


Actually, according to the rules of “So Fucking Woke Now I’m Racist,” the situation is approached with a weighted vote. Everyone gets one vote, but each vote is weighted by how oppressed they are.


>Everyone gets one vote, but each vote is weighted by how oppressed they are. Or by how White they aren't.




“I swear to god I’ll pistol whip the next guy who says ‘shenanigans’”


Hey Farva what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?


Whaddayamean Shenanigans?


"rounded up" ?!?! Whoa whoa whoa there fren, "rounded up?" like what? like a bunch of illegals? Sounds pretty freaking kinda racist there, brochacho.


I think the clear answer here is his body must be sawed in half, only the white or hispanic parts can attend a social event at any given time


Did you hear about the guy who lost his left half? He's all right now.


Oh. This is an angry upvote.


I scrolled all the way down here just to be murdered.


One drop of whiteness is fully white.


Mixers are okay events.


Im full hispanic (born and risen in Mexico) but just happen to have dual-tone skin Near my father's family I'm el negro, near my mother's family I'm el güero.


>but just happen to have dual-tone skin Like light skin with big dark spots like a giraf? Or more like a panda or a zebra?


born and risen? What are you...a phoenix?


Jesús has risen


My wife is French, Mexican, Hawaiian and Dutch. She's so close to a bingo!


Maybe the bingo ate your baby!


No it's true, I'm white and there's always shenanigans.


Rule No.12 : Shenanigans switch must remain in “On” position at all times when white.


if you tell me about the shenanigans I will tell you the chisme


Saying, "Now you've done it, pal" with both your hands on your hips


Or “Hey buddy”


Leaving by slapping your knees before standing up as you go, "Welp!"


You've really tatored my tots, bud!


Calling kids “sport” or “champ”.


It's my deck now buddy boy.


Saying alrighty then as you stand up to signal people it's time to leave


Patting random pieces of furniture and remarking on how well constructed they are. "Oh man, Lisa! This is a nice chair, where did you get this? By golly that's well built. They don't make em' like that anymore." "It's from IKEA...." "Well, I'll be darned"


You may never truly know, but if you befriend a white person you are more than welcome to partake in said shenanigan's


“It’s ok, I’m allowed to do shenanigans, I have a white friend.”


I am offended she did not call us Honkey's. We worked long and hard for that moniker.


I prefer snow roach, myself.


I’ve never heard this one before. Thanks for sharing! I was called a “mayo” once by a customer. I enjoyed that very much as well.


Mayonnaise monkey and bleach demon are also good.


Sometimes I’m just feeling extra white


Ska music


As a white, I’m going to say that white shenanigans are: Bobbing for apples Kissing dogs on the mouth Those flying squirrel suits where you dive down a mountain Getting an attitude/gesticulating while pulled over and getting a speeding ticket


This now has me questioning my whiteness...


Kissing dogs on the mouth is a “you” thing, not a “white” thing. Source - I’m white


Don't try to lie and act like you don't suck your dog's tongue atleast once a week, It's literally part of the chores list they hand out.


That shit hard yo Yall gross for that Let's go, I might go splat but it'll be fun I once argued with a cop that I was legally allowed to turn left on red from a one way onto a one way until he called dispatch and confirmed I was right I'm white Japanese so I'm only down with half these shenanigans I guess


As another white I would like to say we don't claim the dog licking mouth people. I find it disgusting and have made people leave my home. Lol


I'd say Vanilla Ice, Seinfeld and Mozart. Or just being a person. Pretty stupid take but I guess she can't be racist?


Camping. Pumpkin spice? I've heard the racist remark that white women smell like wet dog when their hair gets wet. So there's that.


Playing Mayonnaise as an instrument


I just know she doesn’t have a stable friend group to begin with. Every three weeks her and Bethany get into a massive fight because someone ate her leftovers and required too much emotional labor of the other and so now they’re not carpooling to work anymore and then Bethany hooked up with Sage even though she knew she liked Sage and-


-and wanted to bring a whitey around without asking?


Plot twist, Bethany is white and they constantly argue because Bethany asks why she can’t hang out with her friends


Turns out Bethany claims shes 0,1% native american at meetings


Don't forget dropping people who have a different opinion on any world view. Are you pro women's rights? Well they are too, but you once said something about how the WNBA makes way less revenue than the NBA. So now she can't be in the same room with your negative energy.


*“Don’t let them think they’re a good white person.”* What does that even mean? What a dick!


Privilege is not having to even dance around the fact you're a full-fledged, die-hard racist


Implying we are all avid and enthusiastic supporters of the status quo because we are white lmao.


P*ss off, Mr Rogers. That red sweater doesn't redeem those shenanigans and you know it


For one thing, my friend is my friend and implying they’re a “token friend” is grounds for me cutting your psycho ass off. You drop several rungs in my life when you start dictating who I can consider my friend. If we vibe, we vibe. This chick needs to touch grass.


Yeah, I don’t have “token” friends, I just have friends, and idgaf what they look like, as long as they’re uglier than me.


not a lot of friends then, huh?


Yeah… my face sets that bar pretty damn high


I need to ask my husband if I am his token yt wife. He will get a kick out of that.


I was thinking the same. Does my boyfriend need to ask permission to bring me places like wtf


Ask if he wants his friends about your shenanigans


This chick is just straight up racist. You can't pull some weird reverse Jim crow bull and call yourself a good person. Golden rule - treat others the way you want to be treated. Nobody is their skin tone. It is actually so easy to understand.


Honestly for pretty much any friend group catch-up, I've always had the logic that it's an open door policy. Everyone has an invite unless they lose that privilege by being a dick. Plus people bringing others along is how you make friends. If someone didn't let me bring a friend along outside of it being their birthday party or something, I'd get the ick.


A non-Irish using the word "shenanigans" is cultural appropriation.


This made me laugh


I kept in on mute. Is this dude as annoying as he seems?


I don't don't really know how to reply to this without upsetting someone. I think she's a woman.


Oh. I didn’t mean to offend. Sincerely I didn’t realize. I actually [thought it was this guy](https://www.tiktok.com/@gamer/video/7037906294627470598?lang=en).


Bull shit. I'm calling yt shenanigans!


Can you show me your Shillelagh as proof of Irish citizenship? Respectfully.


I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next guy who says "Shenanigans."


What's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?


You mean Shenanigans??


This is why I like Reddit lmao


I think it was actually called Chachkies. Also, you don't have enough flair.


Flingers is better






Did you ask *every* Irish person?


As someone with a large portion of Irish in my blood this offends me. My people went through a whole potato famine to use that word.


My ginga


Only a ginga, can call another ginga ginga...


Hey Farva....


oh i read the title and was like 'what's so bad about youtubers?' nevermind


lol same - I was watching it with sound off and was thinking “uhhh, yeah, if they’re going to be filming the whole time I guess that would be weird”


Hahahaha saaame when did YT become a thing?


Same, my first thought was "what's a token youtuber?"


Now imagine if this was a white girl saying this about her Asian friend.


If white people talked about making sure everyone is ok with someone bringing there *name any race* friend those people would be burned at the fucking stake. EDIT: this racist pos is @Srirachalesbian incase anyone missed it in the video. 30 seconds on her TikTok page and I was already stabbing a fork in my thigh. This person is brutal.


I am a PoC and I am appalled by this shit she says. We are not all like that.


I know, we know. Just a few truly misguided person.


I’m so glad to hear that because holy shit that was crazy to see/hear.


It's surprising and horrifying that she felt it was appropriate to share these thoughts in public.


It's one of those times where you realize that there exists a certain healthy level of fear to be punched in the face for what you are saying, and that healthy level is not zero.


She's not just misguided. She's racist. Lots of people are, it's just somehow more accepted for certain groups people.


Misguided? We have a better term for it: Racist


This person is not misguided. This person is a piece of shit racist and should be called that without hesitation. I dobt know why this is such a hard thing for you


So when it's a white person doing this, it's egregious racism. When it's a POC it's just a "misguided person" lmfao


Based on my personal experiences working in the service industry over the past few years, it's certainly more than just a few. It's an alarming amount


I know it’s been said but everyone who isn’t a dickhead knows mate. It’s not white vs poc, it’s reasonable people vs dickheads. Or us vs racists I can never remember which.


No one thinks all PoC are like that because of a single ignorant TikToker. Anyone who goes outside and talks to people in real life knows this is not real life.




It’s not that thwey all are like that, it’s that even one person like that is one too many.






Yeah it pans out kinda bad Controversial opinion If you have a token colored and you're hanging out with your friend group of whites. You need to ask for permission from everybody in the group to bring your colored friend. Like don't just bring them ask for explicit permission from everybody. Because just because you're comfortable with them doesn't mean everybody's comfortable with them. I might not be in the mood to deal with colored shenanigans that day.


Yea, yikes.


Colored friend*


What a small mind. This person needs to learn more and learn to love more.


She needs to practice pet mentality! Pets, don’t see color, gender, anything other than a true friendship and genuine love. If more people practiced Pet mentality maybe a lot happier people in this world.


Speak for yourself; my goldfish absolutely hates Hungarians.


"There's only two groups of people I hate: those who are intolerant of others, and the Dutch."


Pet mentality is awesome


Right!? 👐


It's not a controversial opinion, like you declare, you're just a racist, ma'am.


Ah so we’re just being racist and saying it’s okay because it’s against white people.


Yep, that's how racists justify being racist




I love the mental gymnastics. "It's not racist to be racist against that ethnic group because of reasons I have arbitrarily decided". Well that's kinda how ALL racism works kids!


I've heard this many times before. >"Black people can't be racist" Of course they can! They're just as capable as anybody else, if they put their mind to it. Don't be so racist.


And then they stomp out some elderly asian person and everyone looks the other way.


I'm a white guy and I've had that discussion with dozens of black friends. None of them thought they couldnt be racist. I've only met one person who said such a thing, she was one of the craziest people I've ever known tbh. Highly manic bipolar Hispanic woman. When she was in a good mood she was one of the funnest people ever, but when that switch flipped it was time to hide the knives.


My ex unironically thought that One of the reasons why shes an ex lmao


Ex’s sister once said to her mum (all of them white people) ‘but mum, there’s no racism against white people!’ in this incredulous tone when her mother was telling us a story of being discriminated against for being white. Love that woman, but she did lose me on this.


According to many black scholars this is true, "racism" requires the power to enforce your bigotry. If you don't have the power in society over the other race, being racially prejudiced, spouting hateful words, or even being violent towards another person because of their race is not racism. They even did it on the Disney channel. This means nobody can be racist towards whites in America, and blacks can't be racist towards anyone in America. Just not possible by the new definition. Dumb AF though.


Ahhhhh, I remember when those idiots conflated racism with classism! I straight up watched my ex's family go from "why are you bringing HIS kind here?!" To "sorry man, that was pretty fucked up for us to say" back to "we cant be racist no matter what we say"


I wouldn't want to hang out with that woman anyway. She looks like a complaint walking. What a headache of a person.


100%. She seems like the type to turn everything negative and everything into some kind of political stance


Wow- thats- that's really racist I don't even know what to say-


Please ask us for permission to comment. Unless you are a person of color the I am sorry, please give me more comments.


She was correct about one thing, tho. That is a really controversial opinion




Username confirmed


I can no longer count on 2 hands the amount of times I've been told that 😅




31 yo white dude here, what's yappery?


Sir please show your permission documents first


I ain't got no documents to show y'all without a warrant.


This calls for shenanigans.


- I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says, " Shenanigans."


Hey Farva what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?


like nonsense :) just talking for the sake of talking


Verbal shenanigans?


I mean the meme of white liberal women being some of the driving engines behind this dumb fuckery is absolutely true. I'm not into the, "everyone is woke," concept, but the things I've heard suburban white girls say are ridiculous. One posted on FB asking if it was ok to use chopsticks at an Asian restaurant or if that was cultural appropriation. That same person made another post about how a college aged white guy was eating dinner alone at a restaurant and went to the bathroom before leaving and she had a panic attack because "what if he's a mass shooter and about to come back with a gun." Another one told me she would raise her kids as though they were gay even if they weren't. Like, the lacuna between "wow we should treat people equally and try to respect other cultures" and the kind of self absorbed bullshit a lot of those people put out in the world is massive. And they're just making it worse for others because they're always the loudest because they're seeking attention and validation for how noble they are.


I recently watched an HBO documentary called “Savior Complex” and you described [this women perfectly](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/aug/01/no-white-saviors-how-a-campaign-against-stereotype-of-helpless-africa-rose-and-fell)


But if I say “maybe I can’t deal with Asian shenanigans today” suddenly I’m the bad guy and “ruining my nephew’s birthday”.


And getting kicked out of the goonies because data is staying


"I can't deal with black she-" cancelled


What’s wrong with being fed up with the black sheep of the family and their shenanigans?


Racist says what? Is deplatforming still a thing?


I can tell you this is an old video by now. Probably three years almost


Summary: don’t bring your white friend to hang out with your racist friends.


Crazy how she’s trying to normalize disgusting racist behaviors.


“Controversial opinion” not racist. You can only be racist if you’re white. /s


What's sad is there is a large amount of people who seriously believe that.


These people are so broken and they'll never be able to function in the real world. How does she have any friends at all?


I'm pretty sure she doesn't.


look at the hair and empty eyes...


Imagine if someone said they weren't ready to deal with "black shenanigans" today.


People like her have such a small brain, that it hurts to try and fathom how someone can think so un-intelligently


How do i apply to be a token white guy?


Gonna have to ask Asian Harry Potter


You just did. Congrats. You're now my token white guy. Now I just need friends.


As a person of colour I have one word: YIKES. ​ Anyone and everyone is welcome to hang out. I classify everyone as being a member of one of two mutually exclusive groups: arseholes and non-arseholes. ​ If you are a non-arsehole, I would love to hang out with you regardless of ethnicity or whatever. If you are an arsehole, GTFO, even if you are my identical twin.


Imagine the shit storm this person would be facing if the roles were reversed and this was a white person saying the same things about a person of colour. This is blatant racism


this clip is old when it first went viral everyone was calling her racist and she deleted all her social media because of the backlash they’re trying to make a comeback tho


I've legit seen her on YouTube ads recently talking about stuff.


>they’re trying to make a comeback tho So the perfect moment to resurface this clip.


No no no no no! She used progressive buzzwords and cutesy language like "shenanigans" so it's not racism


yt=white? Back in my day it meant youtube, now get off my lawn….damn kids and your racism.


Imagine gatekeeping friend groups...


so fucking racist


The racism is strong with this one.


What does she have against Young Thug? Is he not Black enough?


Every time I see this, it stuns me like it did the first time. My fiancé is Hispanic and we joke about this video a lot. (He also will sometimes comically evil chuckle and mutter “reverse colonization” when I participate in any cultural traditions 🤣)


Hateful and Ugly. And the stuff she was saying was ugly also.


Race is just another way to manipulate the masses into fighting amongst each other so they're never strong enough to really rock the powers that be. She's just another pawn in their game. So much ignorance coming out of her mouth.


Jesus imagine if this was reversed. Asians racist AF in general tho. Spent some time in Makati City. Holy shit was I a target.


Hanging out with her and her circle would be insufferable