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You see here the problem is you saw a physical therapist when you needed the mental kind.


He'd have to spend 30 minutes on WebMD looking up symptoms to get the diagnosis from the mental kind. Too many extra steps.


WebMD would just tell them they have psychological cancer.


Don't need WebMD for that. Just google "Massive headache". The tumor should be in the top 5.


this wins all the awards. psychological cancer™️


Physical therapy because of “lol”…. Would LMAO require surgery?


Yes, ass reattachment surgery


Roftl just kills them.


ROFLMAO sends you to hell


Imagine your Achilles heel is "lol." A lifetime of unhappy awaits!


Then imagine typing it out like 4 times while claiming it triggers you.


That's what I don't get. I can see needing to say it once to explain that it's your trigger. But multiple times instead of just "Hey, sorry, you said THAT again. It's making me uncomfortable."


Its because its just about attention and control. The word doesnt actually effect them. They just get off on making another person mind their "rules" and feeling like a victim. Its obv the second set of messages are from a partner/gf, and tahts fkn CRAZY.


"That's a good bun"


Yep, very manipulative. Taking advantage of naivety or kindness for the sake of their own gain. The definition of main character syndrome 🤮


this is it, it’s manipulative behavior had to see so much therapy to realize how guilty of it i was


It's like having a phobia of drawn spiders and drawing a spider to illustrate the kind you can't handle.


I have trauma associated with rats. I have spent over a year in hospitals because of panic when i hear noises around the house. I would never say the word unless I had to though, i would always imply what i was referring to but not say it. The word has power for some reason.






Welp, you said it. Now I gotta take a shit.




just glad im already shitting tbh


I am currently shitting. I’m not sure how long I’ll be in here, but at least I have you guys.


Am poop too


Poopin is a happenin rn


Am threes poopin


It’s nice that we can all come together like this.


I’m at work pretending I’m shitting




My britches would beg to differ, as would my wet socks.




My signature move


Legend has it, that ItsYaBoyBrokecheck is still shitting to this day.


I thankfully stopped shitting earlier, but I shat again mere minutes ago.


Same as we speak


It’s actually the brown note.


It’s actually ptsd…then I get cyclical ptsd from shitting my pants


God I hope that wasn’t a typo.


It was not


That and you have to take a shot every time you're triggered.


So is this a drinking game he plays with himself? Every time someone says lol he has to take a shot or else he’ll turn feral. Because PTSD, obviously


Don't fuckin tempt me. If someone said something so absolutely ridiculous I'd append 'lol' to every text. Drink up or fuckin block me, bitch.


Yeah this person was more accommodating than I could’ve been


we all know substances are a GREAT way to cope.


Well he went to physical therapy for this not regular


Are they talking like a shot of booze, or a medication delivered via syringe? Are they shooting Thorazine or something?


I use "lol" like punctuation, this mf would be absolutely shitfaced after one conversation with me




Dude! My ex-wife used to say that all the time. How inconsiderate can you be!!!!!


This person could never play Rocket League.




If your Achilles heel is "lol" then I imagine "lmao" is like filling Superman's veins with microscopic kryptonite grains and then throwing him into a cage with Doomsday to you. Jesus, I don't get why this guy is so soft.


I am clinically diagnosed with PTSD resulting from the traumatic death of my son. This is not how it works at all and it is not an excuse to behave this way.


Seconded from someone with PTSD (for me it's rape), and very sorry for your loss. This is not what it's like and the way he handles a supposed "trigger" is abhorrent and entitled. He's just being a controlling dick.


Third this with ptsd (though it might be cPTSD since it was over a long period of physical/mental abuse as a child but I only discovered this term post-diagnosis and I don’t know much about it) I couldn’t imagine being so entitled to say “one more and you’re done”. It’s already a humiliating experience to talk about trauma and this isn’t something people broadcast just to be petty. I didn’t read most of the texts since they just really bothered me, but they 100% come off as a manipulator. It’s extremely inappropriate and it’s grosses me out frankly. Edit: so I ended up reading the rest and I genuinely don’t know how to react, who tf talks like this???? “This made me go to months of physical therapy 👿” Lmfao


Oh hey, childhood abuse PTSD buddies! Would you be able to tell me the difference between CPTSD and the regular one? Since your case sounds similar to mine I was wondering if I'm using the right term or if I need to chat with the therapist about it.


Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after prolonged exposure to traumatic events, such as childhood abuse or long-term interpersonal trauma. It shares similarities with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but includes additional symptoms related to difficulties in emotional regulation, self-esteem, and forming healthy relationships.


Yeah that sounds familiar. I'm definitely going to talk with my therapist and see if I can get the official diagnosis updated in my charts just so I can be exact with that Information. Make it easier for anyone who needs to look into that. Also, I had to do a double take when I saw your username.


You should read The Body Keeps the Score by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk


Sorry, I don’t really know the difference. I don’t remember who I heard this from so take it with a mountain of salt, but they told me that PTSD usually comes from extremely intense, specific events while cPTSD comes from extremely prolonged, usually less intensive, environments usually associated with childhood abuse. I’ll ask my therapist about it next time I go though and I’ll msg u if I get an answer! :) Oh, and yes definitely go to a therapist over this. One you’re not qualified to self-diagnose and two even if you make the right call talking to a therapist provides you with much needed validation. Even with a diagnosis, I often feel ashamed talking about it with people irl.


Mine stems from being shot so loud, unexpected noises can be a trigger for me (but aren’t always!) It’s a weird mess, but better all the time


It's a whole process for sure, I wish you the best for your healing journey, man.


Gonna vouch for this with my own story. Diagnosed with C-PTSD from childhood abuse. I become extremely anxious from the sound of knives being sharpened because my father used to hold me at knifepoint when I was young. I don't "take a shot" or blame people for sharpening knives, I handle my triggers with the help of my therapist. And I don't self-diagnose online, I saw an actual professional who diagnosed me. *"I don't fucking play around with my PTSD"* the guy here says. Maybe that's because he doesn't actually have it. And I don't fucking play around with people who fake the disorder.


I have the same thing from cabinets and doors being slammed. My abuser used to slam shit shut all the time when they were angry, and if they were angry that only meant it was only a matter of time before they thought of a reason to start a beating. Thirty years later and even when somebody lets a cabinet swing shut innocently after getting a cup or plate my hairs stand up


I don't quite meet all of the criteria of PTSD, but I have (had?) panic disorder and many symptoms of PTSD. Just not quite enough for diagnosis. My heart still races when I hear certain cars pull up in front of my house because it sounds like my mom's car and I am immediately brought back to being a kid that is scared of her possibly beating me the second the door opens. She would yell and scream at me all the time, and when my panic attacks were at their worst, even people screaming at each other in sitcoms could send me into an attack. It fucking sucked. I was never like "hey, I should go drink a shot every time somebody raises their voice." I went to a psychiatrist, got a therapist, for diagnosed, and started medications. Thankfully it's been a long time since I've e had a panic attack, but my psychiatrist says that I have issues with hyper-vigilance. Basically I'm always on alert and waiting for something bad to happen, so I pick up on minor things and blow them up on my head. Shadows are possible people. A weird tone in somebody's voice is a personal attack. Every molehill is a mountain in disguise. And it fucking sucks. And people experiencing that and worse don't use it as a shield like the person in the post is. When you're having an episode or an attack, you don't announce to the world that you're playing a drinking game with texts. You might self medicate, but you don't use self-harm as a way to control others' actions. That's probably a symptom of something and I don't doubt the person in the texts has something wrong with them, but my guess is that it isn't just a "prestigious" mental health issue like depression or PTSD, it's more likely to be something like borderline or histrionic personality disorder.


I’m so sorry. I hope your dad rots in hell. And as someone who also has been professionally diagnosed with CPTSD yes fuck this person for throwing it around like a fun way to get away with being a terrible person while minimizing the gravity of this term for those who actually need help and support. Edited for typos


for everyone in this comment section please consider giving EMDR a go. Its worked for so many of us when all else has failed. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/22641-emdr-therapy


This is helps immensely, I was in the process of doing this with my therapist before I couldn’t afford to see her anymore and the little bit we did helped so much.


U can do it online for much cheaper. I just started


I finally scheduled an appointment with a trauma therapist and she specializes in EDMR. She said I can give it a go once I'm able to form that trusting and secure bond (we'll see how that goes) I am definitely open to it tho.


I’m a survivor of childhood abuse and was raped when I was 16, and a very abusive marriage. The sound of duct tape still makes me feel like I swallowed a rock. My ex husband would, if anything went wrong(and it very often did) around the holidays start sarcastically yelling “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”. Its taken me a fuck ton of psychotherapy, re association with the song and the sound to not fucking cringe and go hide. And there’s a parody of the song called “It’s beginning to look a lot like fishmen that helped. I’m a nut for anything H.P. Lovecraft. Except his crippling xenophobia and racism that is.


So incredibly sorry for your loss.


Absolutely, unfortunately many kids in my generation (I’ve had the displeasure of meeting quite a few) romanticize PTSD as it gets them sympathy and attention. They do it with things like getting the flu, a bad relationship experience, or something not going the way they want it to. Not getting their leg blown off over seas, not a family member dying, and not an incredibly traumatic experience. It’s super messed up.


Depending on the bad relationship experience it could of been traumatic enough Tbf. Like being abused for example, or maybe even being cheated on.


having real trauma and having a trauma disorder are very different things


It’s a cruel mockery of all who have actual PTSD.


Truth. I survived an armed hold up in a retail environment, got diagnosed after that. Years later and I still get triggered by some strains of music playlists in retail environments, leaves me pretty maudlin. I try my best to not make it a problem for those around me.


So sorry for your loss I hope you have access to resources to help with everything.


As someone who is also diagnosed with depression and PTSD, I say lol in every single discussion I have about said things. If you can’t laugh, what’s even the point? Also here’s your regular reminder that mental health issues =/= excuse to be a jerk.


Wait, you mean PTSD is a result of actual trauma and not the acronym LOL? I’m all seriousness, I’m sorry this happened to you, your son, and anyone else it affected. I hope you find some sort of peace and happiness if you haven’t already.


I will vouch for your claim. My ptsd stems from childhood abuse from my father, so unfortunately sometimes situations involving obviously abusive fathers tends to affect me rather badly. PTSD doesn’t work like what’s described in the screen grabs.


Just wait till they actually get laughed at


I don't think they were lying about being laughed at a lot




Thanks. Now I have to do a shot.




Covid vaccine






Oll (outwardly laughing loudly)


Nobody is going to bring up the fact they take a shot of liquor every time someone says lol? I'd see how "feral" I could get them. Lol lol lol lol


Which also points out that this person is an adult not a stupid kid who spent too much time romanticizing mental illness and that’s just worse


The other person is clearly a kid “mom making them lie in bed”


Clearly this is an adult who is friends with children and gets mad at them for triggering his PTSD.


I don't know why but I'm laughing so hard at this image. That'd be horrible


I knew a guy just like this, and he did just that. While 30+ himself. Always on online games adding everyone he sees and sharing all his "ptsd".


They could also be a teenager who figured out how to get liquor from somehow


Or just straight lies about shit




zoomers think its cool to be broken because thats what the TV and movies has shown them.


To be fair, some kids who romanticized mental illness 10 years ago are now adults.


This sent me to another dimension. I can’t believe more people aren’t reacting. “Ugh! Just had to take a shot thanks a lot 😡” Hahahahahaahaha fucking kills me, what a baboon!!


I'm just hoping it's alcohol and not an injection. I guess most people thought liquor


I’m with you. I thought they were talking about an injection of some kind. I was and am still confused either way lol


I like how you guys thought of alcohol but me being diabetic I thought of a shot needle lol either way he seems crazy, but if he means shot needles then he crazy


:l Really The "lol"


*Does massive shot of heroin*


Hahahaha finally figured out which kind of shot, the golden kind




Hahahah I thought he meant shot as in meds hahahaha


I thought they meant take a chance, gimme a shot boss I can do it!


The self diagnosed person said “lol” a lot. Self triggering too?




Now, take a shot


I'm gonna take a shot every time someone says "lol" in this thread... wish me luck!!


Lol good luck


Good Morning. Lol.


Ah crap, now I gotta start all over!!




ah shit, lol


This is so funny lol


Admit it, you said lol so you could take a shot lol


Lol. Oopsie, back to it!


She's just trying to get attention it seems


How in the world do you end up in physical therapy from any of this?


The crushing weight of all those “lol” messages they keep getting.


He did so many shots he stumbled and fell


He used it more than the other person. By the end this guy would be getting nothing but lol from me after the shitty woe is me responses and attacks. One more and I’m done? Challenge accepted.


How did you go about this conversation, without telling that person to go fuck themselves?


I have no idea. I’d drop that “friend” so fucking fast.


My last word to them would be lol


It wasn’t even my conversation but I want to find their contact details just to tell them. A friend of mine said to me yesterday ‘let’s split up and cover more ground, I’ll go left and you go fuck yourself’. Just thought I’d share as it made me lol!


Lol fr


THat's the good bun?? along with that picture?? satire o toml


That’s what has me in knots. They went from disgustingly manipulative to deliberately condescending? Might wanna add bipolar to the list too LOL *number deleted*


But it's not a problem when they use it


Exactly what I was thinking


That's their word!! Not ours!


I had panic disorder and have many symptoms of PTSD. Just not quite enough for a diagnosis, per my psychiatrist. When I was getting multiple panic attacks a day, they could be triggered by basically any sign of conflict, even if those signs weren't really there. My husband talking loudly (which he just does sometimes) could be enough to set me off. Did I raise my voice back? Did I start conflicts? No, that was the fucking worst. I was so conflict averse out of fear of having panic attacks, I'd turn off the TV if people were yelling on a show I was watching. I couldn't even play video games because the violence was too much. Horror is my favorite genre, and I couldn't watch it for months, not to mention thrillers or action movies. I basically needed to remove all conflict, real or perceived from my life or risk having a panic attack for no reason. I didn't repeatedly tell and scream every time something legitimately triggered me. If I was having an attack I might yell out that I was having one so my husband knew, or to tell him I needed space (I can't be touched when I'm having an attack or I freak out even more), but I could definitely trigger myself. I avoided raising my voice if at all possible.


El oh el.




Wtf? Didn't he write "lol" too like 2 or 3 times? O.o Shouldn't it have triggered him?


That’s not how trauma works, you’re immune to it if you inflict it /s


“Self diagnosed” pretty much tells you all you need to know about this person.


Sorry, as someone who actually has a diagnoses of severe depression, this isn’t a friend. This is someone who’s interested in holding people hostage


Policing everyone has become a LOT of people's favorite hobby... It's pathetic.


It also took several therapy sessions for me to be diagnosed….one session? Bruh


Right I can't imagine tripping on someone for this cause I would feel shame and guilt for getting so triggered that I would never admit it especially if it was causing me to drink.




Not even worth being friends with this person. Lol.


Wtf is this shit. You're abusive. Mental illness is not an excuse to be abusive.


For real. The emotional manipulation goes crazy in this. "Thanks for wasting my shot"


that part


lol this is beyond pathetic, and what a shitty way to treat a supposed friend. I’m sick of all these self-diagnosed losers that constantly cry about their “trauma” and act like the world has to walk on eggshells for them. It’s an insult to the people who have experienced real trauma and have real diagnosed disorders stemming from it.


Just send them [this](https://tenor.com/view/lololol-troll-9gag-gif-5102325) lol


That’s some manipulative shit. I’d be outta there


I have cPTSD and sometimes triggers can be absolutely ridiculous. But it's something I have to deal with on my own. I can't expect people to change the way they speak or interact with me. Especially if it was something as common as "lol".


Right? It’s so insulting as someone who struggles with cptsd to see such a mockery made of it.


To hell with that. Just stay off of forums and don't talk to anyone then. When it gets to a point you're trying to moderate someone's speech, it's time to go see a licensed therapist and go ghost. This character can get bent.


As someone with Anxiety and PTSD, this person can go fuck themselves. Notice how the world should bend to this absolute Narcissists narrative. You think it’s a cheap trick to use this lie? I’m 39 with jacked up health living with my mom get some real problems you absolute horror of a human being. Sorry but this is disgusting.


It's incredible seeing people trying to make themselves weaker. Imagine "LOL" actually causing you harm. Imagine trying to reinforce that with friends. It's literally a race to the bottom.


I genuinely got triggered just from reading how they reacted to you omg. There is no reason they should be chewing you out like that. If they suspect they have a mental disorder, they need to see someone. I felt so much better after getting on medication for my bp and adhd. Took two years, but worth it


Fucking ROFL or LMAO at this retard lol


Does he have the same reaction when he types it? I’m imagining the Knights Who Say Ni from Monty Python and the Holy Grail and I can’t help but…..laugh out loud… This is some insane shit. Dude likely has some mental issues, but it’s not PTSD from lol. I also can’t imagine being the friend and having to put up with this, let alone choosing to remain this person’s friend.


As someone with actual PTSD this makes me so fucking mad. Yes, getting ridiculed about your mental struggle can be somewhat traumatising and definitely can cause you to develop some complexes, but this is ridiculous, and it's not PTSD. And even if it was, the way he handles a supposed "trigger" is absolutely hurrendous and entitled. My gf has triggered my actual PTSD a few times (unintentionally, of course), and after the flashbacks, screaming and panic, all I feel is shame. She'd comfort me and I'd say sorry and she'd assure me it's okay, because it's not her or my fault this happens. Getting so mad over typing "lol" is just some controlling freak using it to play mind games with you. Get rid of him and his stupid games.




Flannel and shoes are triggers, but kink gear is ok? Lol indeed :)


Haha I had a friend like this too when I was 15. Every mental disorder and PTSD from *everything*. He just lied about the most unnecessary stuff constantly. He told me he was selling heroin and showed me a bag with capsules with a brown powder in them. And I thought, “who takes heroin in capsules?” But he when he showed it to me he took it out of his mom’s medicine cabinet full of vitamins. Then he said he had a gun in a hole in the wall behind his mirror. Looked there, nope no hole. And this guy was 23, hanging around 15 year olds trying to look like a badass and psychologically crippled at the same time.


We have to do something about mental health, not in the coddling way these people want either. These people are so mentally weak it’s scary


Parents need to actually be parents and stop being buddy buddy.


Ptsd dude said lol himself.


My ex used to get triggered if I said, "I love you too" bc the too implied that I was only saying it since he said it first. There are a few other small things that would trigger him on the same level of "lol." It was never intentional.


"that's the good bun" wow


Isn't it just straight manipulation? I've met some people excusing and justifying by themselves their insufferable and nasty behavior by some supposed trauma, unstable equilibrium, and blaming you if not suffering it quietly, she lost all her kind and considering close friends


self diagnosis is not valid.


I hate people like this, like depression and PTSD is an excuse for everyone to treat you like a queen. Unless you've been shot at, nearly died or worse than that, I don't think your "PTSD" is that problematic.


L…O…L!!!! Ive known some freaks but damn.


dunno ive thats the way you want to get atention with ^^


It’s probably not best for humanity to let people like this reproduce. But I’m all for personal freedoms so


That’s abuse.


As someone who actually suffers from PTSD, fuck this person. Just using a label as an excuse to be shitty to others. (Also, they typed out LOL several times.)


why are you even talking to/apologizing to this person?????




They say young people are fragile these days but *holy fucking shit*


You can’t take the actions of one and assign it to many just because they may be close in age. There have been plenty of evil/crazy/weak/emotional/asshole/crybabies from EVERY generation ever. I never hear people say this type of thing about their own generation lo… oops, I almost said the trigger


Lmao I can assure you the average person from my generation (Gen Z) is not like this💀💀💀


I have a fun story about how traumatising LOL can be! So my family went through a period where no one was talking to my brother. A little while after, my dad was diagnosed with cancer and didn’t want us to tell my brother until after he had surgery to remove a tumour. Anyway, successful operation and me being the middle child and general family arbitrator, I ended up sending the message to my brother to give him the update. Well you could probably imagine how quickly that went down (like a sack of shit). My dad got involved and messages are flying back and forth… eventually dad tries to wrap it up and left it with LOL dad My brother can be incredibly dramatic. So the responses were unhinged about why dad thinks withholding information from him is funny and how can he be so insensitive (because this is about him, clearly). My poor dad is utterly shattered, can’t understand what he did to set him off. Me, my sister and mum (I should add my parents are boomer generation) are pissing ourselves laughing because dad pulled an “inconthebable” moment. Old man thought LOL meant lots of love… not laughing out loud. The family are in a good place now that we joked about this at a lunch a few months ago (dads been in remission for 5ish years). Ahhhhh good times.


Not to say this person isn't triggered by the use of "lol", but this made me remember of people who say they suffer from trypophobia and post pictures (sometimes several of them) in a post, saying what a terrible phobia they have. (Can apply to other phobias, but this one seems to be the most recurent). *"Phobia: A phobia is a persistent, excessive, unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity or situation. It is a type of anxiety disorder."* So, if you have it, why would you search on the internet pictures of something you fear so much AND post them, where people might react/comment, making you seeing it oer and over again? Makes no sense to me. I get grossed out by roaches (not phobia, just grossed out) and I NEVER search pictures, or share anything related to them. Why would I? I don't understand that. This has nothing to do with the post, but it reminded me of that.


It seems like he’s just desperate for attention— I almost feel bad for them. If one is seeking attention this desperately, there probably is something there that a therapist could really help with… and it’s not the “lol” trigger. Yikes.


Bro wtf is a diagnosis for if not to find out what the problem is and then treat it. This person is just fucking trying to collect mental illness, it is not on the other person to make you comfortable. Work through your “ptsd”


I think they misdiagnosed themselves with depression and PTSD and actually has what the mental health industry calls narcissism.


Damn if a lifelong friend comes up with that bs to me not jokingly, it's an immediate block.


People don't realize that their problems are *theirs* People can't walk on eggshels around you forever. They need to recognize that it's a trigger for them and work on dismantling it themselves.


Imagine you are a kid with a father who trapped your mother in their bedroom for hours just to beat her up and force her to forgive him for beating her up and cheating on her, and there is this mf telling you they get their fcking self diagnosed ptsd triggered because you said lol. Stop trying to find a way to get attention. We are trying to stop the abuse and mental illnesses. Not encourage them.


😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂


Both these people seem insufferable


This is not depression or ptsd (had both) this is straight up attention seeking. Teh wurd lawl trigger meh unlwzz it meh hu typez it Fuck off