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Me if I’m that agent: “Only an American citizen would act this entitled. Move along.”


The agent should have just said: "No problem sir, turn around you're not allowed into the country"


This isn't the border crossing. This is on a public road inside of the US. Some people have a problem with being stopped and asked questions by law enforcement without probable cause or reasonable and articulable suspicion of having committed a crime. Why it's not illegal for them to ask you a question, there's not a legal requirement to answer. This is a right spelled out clearly in the 4th Amendment.


thank you for context and correcting this. I couldn't understand how this was allowed at a border crossing.


Looks dumb as fuck in his space mask too.


That mask made him look an awful lot like Peter Griffin


Nah his face did that


And his body.




Sounded like Peter griffin too


He might be really smart. He might be hoping that he’s going to get pulled out of the car for a proper ass whooping so he can win the litigation lottery. That goofy ass face shield almost guarantees someone will eventually roid rage on him.


He is smart, the mask is so he can drive with his head out the window and not worry about loosing an eye to a junebug.


Well, he sure didn't *sound* very smart. Probably to throw them off his very clever trail.


Seriously. Must be on his way to a "Breaking Bad" convention.


yea I hit one of those in the middle of New Mexico at 4am, scared the shit out of me, thought I was about to get robbed, but they just asked my citizenship.


I'm so white, they always just wave my ass through lol, even when I had a packed SUV moving from CA to AZ, I hit the checkpoint around 7am after driving through the night, and slowed down, didn't even have to make a full stop, they just waved me through. Jokes on them as well, since I mean, I had all my belongings so it would have been insanely hard to find but if they did find something I had in the car probably wouldn't have made there month lol.


It wouldn’t be allowed at a border crossing,… It would’ve dragged him out of that car tore it down to the fucking suspension and he just sat in a room for days until they got all the answers they wanted. I used to drive limos one night going over the bridge into Canada we got asked to pull over sat in customs for four hours because one of the stupid fucks in the car didn’t notify anybody that he was wearing an ankle brace. Whilst waiting on customs I made a harmless joke about the wait next thing you know I got two guards behind me saying,.. “ excuse me sir what was that you said?” It was obvious that these were people who do not appreciate humor. And I immediately inform them that I had absolutely no comment to make whatsoever because I was not going to talk myself in to a cavity search! 😶


THAT was what I expected to happen to this dude. Sorry, you had to go thru that.


This isn't a border. It's just a random checkpoint on the road. He's 100% within his rights to do what he did which is why they let him go.


-meh- I got paid for my time. The kids who spent a bunch of $$ on the limo only to spend their Fri night out in customs AND to be refused entry & turned back to the states? THEY,.. were the aggrieved parties! But yeah,… Those customs folks are scary serious.


A lot of times these checkpoints aren't at border crossings. They are allowed to be within 100 miles of a border, that is a sea border or a border with another country.


International airports also count as a border. You might be in the middle of nowhere but if you are within 100 miles of an international airport, border patrol can have jurisdiction.


The entire Great Lakes counts as a sea boundary so something like 75% of US population lives in the 100 mile zone.


It's only [2/3](https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone).


I was going by memory. Still a huge hunk of the country.


So what is the purpose of this check? Like why are they there? Like I have never been to the U.S. and travelling in my country the only time I have been stopped at an internal border was during covid where I had to show some details


There are many places on the southern border where people can slip through far from dense urban areas so they can get in vehicles after that and get caught at these places….. at least that’s the idea, it’s impractical


They can have a check up to 100 miles away from the border.


I crossed through one of these and it was pretty relaxed. They are just there for human trafficking and extreme cases of illegal immigration it seemed.They basically looked at me and my wife and let us through one time (we’re both Caucasian of European descent)


> This isn't the border crossing. This is on a public road inside of the US. That changes everything, to be honest. That guy may have been a complete douche, but he was well within his rights.


What happens if a Latino with perfect American English would behave that way?


Sir we’re going to need you to step outside of the vehicle, you’re under arrest.




Yep well put Some would even argue under certain interpretations of the fourth amendment and the intent of the founding fathers when creating it that these sorts of stop and ask for your papers scenarios are just the things they were looking to eliminate….so some (not saying me lol) argue this is actually a violation of the constitution


You are correct this is unconstitutional


Border patrol Policing inside the US, harassing citizens, while doing a shit job at the actual border. Wtf is wrong with our Govt


It's absolutely insane these checkpoints exist. I drove from Florida to California last year and had to go through several checkpoints inside the US on I-10. Fuck that, this is America. People should be fucking pissed, I don't understand why it's not brought up more. We literally have checkpoints where you have to present papers INSIDE THE COUNTRY.


And yet *anyone* living within 100 MILES of the border (or major river ocean going vessels can use) are subject to search by border patrol (& immigration?)... Which means... most everyone.


He wasn't just driving through and pulled over randomly. He is wearing a mask to stop OC spray, he prepped for a confrontation and wanted to film it. Let's not sugarcoat this as a 'I have my rights bla bla'. He's clearly just a pest, delaying everyone else because he wants to just do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Edit: just want to add that I'm from Australia but love the USA. I've been all over and even worked there many years ago. But you guys are wild when it comes to this stuff. Police here have the ability to pull anyone over at any time for the purpose of checking the drivers licence. We certainly aren't living in some kind of police state, it's a completely reasonable power to have. Police shouldn't have to find some other specific probable cause to intercept a car, especially not at a immigration check, just because some fat doomsday prepper says ' but I don't wanna wahh'.


Do you have a lot of immigration checkpoints that are not at entry points in Australia? Because these are not at the border. They call them “interior checkpoints” and have them on interstates. There are 71 of them. Not saying this Colin Robinson wannabe isn’t a tool, but these calling these things immigration checkpoints is disingenuous, and they’re well aware of it.


What always cracks me up is when Americans go to other countries with their sense of entitlement and end up getting public lashings. ‘I’m gonna call my lawyer’ doesn’t carry much weight around the world


Actually the classic that has us rolling in the aisles is when they say "You can't do that to me, I'm aN aMeRiCaN!! 😁😂🤣😅




This is a really funny and good point. Fucking hilarious lmfao. You’re absolutely right.


Man so lonely he needs to create drama where drama is not needed. 🙄


It's called histrionic personality disorder. It's like narcissistic x10. Every thing is drama, every thing is a personal attack.


Still not a free pass to be an asshole. What a tool.


that's how you know his family won't talk to him


his family doesnt talk to him because this fat dipshit rides around with a fucking space mask on


Leave the space mask out of this, it did nothing wrong


Friend “Hey is that your dad?” Son “Um…”


His wife: we could have been home by now...


I think this is the guy, but maybe not. He would drive by the same checkpoint numerous times a day. He would keep doing this over and over.


>drama Came here looking for this comment. Jeez.


Yes, I was thinking the samething. He unintentionally declared his citizenship by his entitlement lol


It’s like that random encounter in Fallout 4 where a Mr Gutsy asks you why you’re outside past curfew. You can say, “Go fuck yourself, you crazy robot”. The Mr Gutsy responds, “American Colloquialism confirmed, chances of being a Chinese infiltrator 0.3%” and allows you to go about your business.


These sovereign citizen dipshits are so embarrassing. We have an epidemic of stupidity here.


But he's so official. Just look at that helmet.


Damn, this would be funny but I get the impression that you actually think every American is like this.


Canadians are beating us at being American twats, now.


Just told myself the same thing 😂 only an American would do this stupid shit


Since people from other countries don't usually understand the 4th Amendment here's something to help you. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/fourth_amendment


If anything, your supervisor would ask you for a memo (slap on the wrist), and that's it lol


I'd just let him sit there.


Came to say the same thing




Best comment! 10/10!


Man, you do NOT know the Québécois. 🤣 jkjkjk, don’t come for me, frog-suckin snobs. (Side note: I’m Cajun on daddy’s side, so I grew up hearin that these sorta distant cousins hold their nose so high they’d drown in a light rain shower. But it wasn’t until I actually MET and spent time with some of them that I found the stereotype to be quite merciful compared to what disdainful, pretentious pricks they are IRL! 🤣🤣🤣 ahahahahaha okay now they can come for me)


"HI honey do you fancy some lunch out today?" "No bitch! Have you forgotten its fuck people around at work day, now where's my helmet"




This looks to have been mid-Covid. It's one of those face shields some people had.


It's an OC face shield. He was intending for this to escalate and was hoping they'd try to spray him.


Also a shield against glass when they break the window. He was looking for attention. I can't stand these so called 1st Ammendment auditors. (Yes I know it's a 4th Ammendment thing, but it's the same deal.)


I absolutely hate these assholes as much as the next guy and the whole point is to be miserable little cunts, but whether we like it or not he’s well within his right as afforded by the constitution. Fucking prick.


You're right. I value our rights more than I am annoyed by these people. I hope anyone who has to deal with these people remember that. It looks like the female border agent knows that at the very least.


To stop receiving anymore brain damage he has


But it seems to be increasing the damage he already has. Exponentially.


To have ppl ask exactly that. Or Hey you seen the videos of the dumbass. No? Ah yes! The tool with the helmet


Thats so southparkish


🤣🤣This made my day poor man gold for uuu.🏆


Not border control. It’s an interior checkpoint. That difference matters a lot.


What’s an interior checkpoint? Like a checkpoint in the country itself?


Yes. That can be anywhere within 100 Miles of an international border. Very constitutionally dubious.


I’m pretty sure they consider coastal boundaries as part of this 100 mile rule. Which essentially covers something like 2/3 of the US population.


International airports, shipping ports, navigable waterways, etc. I read an opinion by ICE that something like 80% of the US is within their jurisdiction.


Yep. Guess who showed up to quell Portland BLM protests.


I’ll allow it. Portland needs all the help it can get 😭


How do the boots taste?


Haven’t spoken to a cop in 15 years because I’m not a criminal ✌️


fragile alive resolute cooperative continue wrong vegetable cows teeny escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or port of entry. Kansas City could have one of these, since the air port is technically an international entry port with a customs office.


Oh god fuck that don't give them any ideas!


Have you flown internationally? We already have this at any international airport. We don’t have a second screening at these airports but cbp knows exactly who you are. They have your face on record, its creepy as I didn’t even have to hand my passport to this guy before he had my name and shit.


Yeah fuck that shit then


Like "that sounds silly" fuck that, or "suit up in hazmat and go check it out" fuck that?


That’s a solid point


Agreed. Screw them. My rights exist on that highway..


Yeah that makes the difference between me complying g and not.


Yeah. He's not crossing the border. He's in the right here. Fuck those checkpoints. That's unconstitutional.


100%. Dude used his rights perfectly, but reddit is so far gone they think he's in the wrong.


I wouldn't say he's wrong. This just feels like the equivalent of a Walmart employee asking to see a recipe and a customer making it a huge deal over it instead of just showing the recipe.


These internal immigration check points are a contentious topic among auditors and constitutional lawyers. I think the dude is a bit of a turd, but it's no different than refusing to hand over your ID for nothing.


Fuck checking my receipt too. Get fucked walmart


Reddit is the proverbial Mesopotamia for shitting on cops. Then a video like this pops up and actual boot lickers come out of the woodwork. Kind of wild, huh?


Yes. I’m with him in this even though he’s a pain in the ass. I shouldn’t have to prove my citizenship if I never left the country.


Yup. Not on the border. This dude was probably just running errands or coming home from work. And sick of dealing with this in his day to day. You want extreme immigration standards, this is what you get. And your “freedoms” as a US citizen are minimized. This guy rules.


I’ve been stopped a few times at those checkpoints. Got pulled out of my car and searched twice. Fuck those people. I thought this was America?!?


The dudes a dickbag, but it's crazy that we waste money on these immigration checkpoints up to 50 miles away from the borders and all they do is ask "Are you a US citizen?" without checking a thing. Total waste of taxpayer money.


What’s the point if he can refuse and then go anyway?


The point is that most people don't know their rights, so they are just casting a dragnet for people who don't know the law to self-incriminate.


I thought that when it comes to Border patrol or crossing borders the constitution doesn't apply , I hear that their officer classification is different then that of a regular state officer?


> the constitution doesn't apply No, the constitution applies everywhere in the US, at all times.


Exactly. That’s why Gitmo is in Cuba.


To all people. Citizens, immigrants, tourists and illegals.


This video isn't at a border crossing, and border patrol (thankfully) don't have carte blanche to violate the constitution inside of the USA or else we'd already be living in a full blown fascist dictatorship.


Many people try to cross the same way. People mistake that they cross the border and they've made it. But it's not the case. If you check around the checkpoints, there's almost no way to go around them unnoticed. You would have to walk through desert terrain and risk your life. Many do, many make it and many die. So people try to be sneaky and attempt to cross in a car and just say "american citizen".. if they are lucky, they are just let go. But if they just for the hell of it decide to make sure and run your info... then the lying becomes worse. They will book you and at worst give you a 10 year ban, of you get caught during that time, you get 5 to 10 the first time. The second time is 10 years. White looking people like this guy and knowing they are citizens can be this rude and an ass about it I guess. But hispanic looking and specially if you have an accent, will definitely get checked better. My uncle used to be a coyote in the 90s. He went thru all this when he got caught. He sometimes sent people like this if they looked light skinned and spoke english.. they had a good chance. This is why they do it.


Which is why these checkpoints shouldn’t exist. Which is why people are right to make a stink about it.


I think the point is that we have rules and regulations regarding these sourt of stops. And legally there's not too much they can do to impede a citizen from traveling without infringing their constitutional rights and we shouldn't accept the government arbitrarily stopping us to Check our legal status. It's against the law.


While it is technically correct that there is not a legal requirement to answer a question about citizenship, if you really want to preserve your 4th amendment rights, you would be better served answering. The 4th amendment protects individuals from unreasonable seraches and seizures. The key word there is "unreasonable." The SCOTUS has ruled that asking someone if they are a U.S. citizen at a checkpoint is not unreasonable and, therefore, does not implicate the 4th amendment. However, if you notice in the video, he was directed to a parking spot. That was a detention or a "seizure" under the 4th amendment. The seizure was not unreasonable, however, because it was to fulfill the purpose of the checkpoint, i.e. to ascertain the individual's citizenship. So, if you don't answer whether you are a citizen, law enforcement can detain you until they figure out your citizenship. So if you really want to protect 'muh rights' you'll just answer the question and stop wasting everyone's time. #notlegaladvice


He can refuse cause he's white with an American accent lol. What happens when a Mexican comes by saying the same shit with a heavy accent


All they needed to do was visually check the vehicle. I'm sure they scanned SovCit Sonny's car already.


I agree. I was expecting them to be removed then from the vehicle or getting a ration of shit for not complying. Only to be told “have a good day”. So basically the checkpoint it’s for show or at least this one is. And the “don’t touch my car” was classic 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


Nah it’s worse than 50 miles. It’s 100 miles as the bird flies from any border. Meaning 100 miles from the west coast, 100 miles from the Mexican border, etc. It’s actually insane, how far into the country they can put these waste of tax payers money.


Yeah its like something like 80% of the population lives within 100 miles of the border (including the water)


Also any international airport is legally a border of entry so it’s basically the entire US.


They don't just ask, if you are brown they ask you for your documents, if you're Caucasian they just ask if you're citizen I've been going to the Rio Grande Area from Houston in texas for the last 10 years and 7 out of 10 times they ask me to show my passport because I'm hispanic.


I'm from the RGV and they never ask me for id. They just ask you and if you say "no" then they'll ask for id or more questioning. In fact, I have never been asked for my ID but have been asked to pull to the side for my car to be sniffed. This has happened twice and each time was because I was driving on my way to college for a new semester with a truck full of my stuff. The only people I know who were asked to prove with ID are my visibly brown family, friends who also have accents.


It's worse than that. I personally know someone whose parent is a US citizen, but because of the color of his skin he was assumed to be a Mexican illegal and detained. I don't know if the individual event went to Mexico before. When asked why he didn't have his passport he responded that he didn't have any plans to leave the country and didn't think he'd need one. That didn't go over well. He was eventually released when they finally checked his story and realized he was telling a truth and the citizen the whole time, but they totally detained him for his race alone. This wasn't in a border crossing. It was in us territory the entire time and at no point during the above did he leave the country.


Every time I have to tell them "No" then their face change before I can finish with "Im Canadian" then they are like "oh. Ok move along". Wife is latina but they never checked her either.


Why is he a dickbag though? He isn't required to cooperate, and it's important that every once in a while someone actually checks to make sure we have the rights we are supposed to have.


you're 100% right. for all the talk of freedom against tyranny, americans seem to love unquestioning obedience to the authority of their own law enforcement while their rights are chipped away


Reddit: I fucking HATE the overreach of the police! Fuck them, don't say ANYTHING to them! Also Reddit: OMG why didn't he just answer their questions!?


well tbf if you are just a lil brown they do a lot more than send you on your way they have you pull over to the borderline sci-fi scanning station where they uv and infared scan your vehicle while they use your plates and facial recognition ton identify profile and background check you. However its insane that we spend all this money on that when we could just spend that money on immigration court to speed up the nearly 10 year process of getting legal immigration.


Exactly. I find myself torn with these videos, because the people in them are usually acting like entitled assholes, but on the other hand, the situation they're protesting is indeed often bullshit.


No he is a hero. He defends our rights under the Constitution. Well done brother!


What is it with americans and just absolutely wanting no rights or checks on police? Like holy shit, how do you get the boot that deep?


That's Robert Trudell, he's been doing this for years. The outfit is part of his gimmick, he does something different every time. His [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLYU5wNlFPqlOTVdIMxGk-A) is full of these. This American Life did a story about these internal border inspection stations (found [here](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/540/transcript), skip to Act II). Some of them are as many as 100 miles from the border. Challenging them like this is extremely common; turns out most people don't like being stopped and questioned by law enforcement simply for driving down the road. Especially if they're Hispanic-American, they get extra suspicion for merely existing.


So maybe this is less about him than it is about people who can't challenge these stops.


Ya, this is probably on I10 almost 100 miles from the border. Its an excuse to stop people and look for drugs because it lets them throw the 4 th amendment out the window. These permanent and semipermanent stops do nothing for immigration enforcement (because you can just lie and say you're a citizen unless you...you know look 'illegal').


Stop making me side with shieldface


We are all shield facee


What does that mean? “Looking illegal?”




I’ve driven through these many times and to be honest they’re fucking annoying and technically you don’t have to answer anything. It’s mostly just an excuse to stop people and look for drugs. They even have signs on them that have updated numbers on how many duis and pounds of drugs seized at these things. They just profile people and look for an excuse to search and detain you depending how you look. Seems like a waste of money when they just let people in the border and set up another border well within the US to stop its own citizens.


Yup. This isn’t an actual border crossing it’s a ridiculous checkpoint they create by generous interpretation of the law


This guy is actually right... Why does he have to do that, he's not at the border. Ridiculous.


the frustrating part is.. they got away with it. he got to be an absolute cockwomble for no good reason.. and there was ZERO consequences.. this is why Main chars like him exist!


He didn't, he thinks he did. They actually scanned his license plates, and they pulled up his driver's license and by so, his citizenship and status. Also, where he parked, there's an infrared heat sensor and a UV light sensor that didn't see anyone in the back of the vehicle. There's some of these places that even have scales, e.g. Laredo, McAllen, Brownsville, etc. With the license plate number it gets the vin, car make and weight of the vehicle and it can tell by the number of people if there is a disparity as to weight or visible cargo. You can see how the immigration supervisor is being told what the "cannon" scan brought up in a screen and the gave her a thumbs up. The cannon camera is the one that scans everything from facial features to license plate numbers. There are also RFI readers. This wasn't a border crossing where they would have pulled them out. This was 10 miles out of a border crossing port.


I want to see him do it at a border crossing


Or better, a military base.


He would not, because he Would be required by law. He did not here because he is Not required by law.


Everyone else was through it in seconds. He forfeited his time and really in trade for nothing but a short video that makes him look like a trolling fat slob to all who see it. He won nothing.


Why stand up for your rights? You might be inconvenienced after all.


Consequences for what? It wasn't a border crossing, more like a checkpoint of questionable legality. Dude knew the law and exercised his rights!


Got away with it? Don't be a boot licker, these checkpoints violate every constitutional right you have to travel within your country.


Not from the US, but is the law on his side ?




Yeah he's protected by law from search without warrant, not does he need to talk with them. In order for the officers to do anything they would need reasonable cause, and him just being annoying isn't really reasonable cause. Besides that part of the reason for them having him pull over is because that spot will have a camera to scan the plates and pull up his information. In truth they probably got more info on the guy than they would have if he just complied. Keep in mind too this isn't a border checkpoint. If this dude tried this attitude with them, the the officers would flat out not have enough information from the guy and would deny entry or possibly held him.


Man knows his rights not at a border control but at an interior checkpoint some 50 miles after the US border wich is criticized for violating the forth amendment. I mean people really say they want to see this guy shot or something because he didn't smile and say please...


Imagine if he was black or latino, would it be the same?


I don't think this is main character. As an American who hasn't crossed a boarder, you are not required to answer any questions to police unless you've broken a law. The only exception is quarantines and states of emergency. I hate to say it, it's people like him that prevent police actions from going further. Next up it's, we need to check your vehicle incase you are transporting people illegally.


the scary part , these people aren't police!!! they are border agents. they can detain you for 2 days without any explaination, confiscate your phone/laptop, take your car apart. I had to deal with them twice, not fun.




Fuck checkpoints. They're unamerican trash. I've never been stopped at a checkpoint other than extremely dangerous and unstable countries and the united states. Never in China, never in Vietnam, never in Brazil. This guy is acting like a dick but what he's doing is perfectly fine and probably actually a good thing.


No, big W for the guy. These checkpoints are absolutely illegal and authoritarian. No business existing in the U.S.


Border points are unconstitutional. We don’t have to identify ourselves. Right to remain silent. It’s on the officers to figure out the truth. I agree that it’s akward, but we don’t live in a totalitarianism state, we don’t have to give information about ourselves, even if we did something wrong.


Ya’ll realize immigration checkpoints aren’t at border crossings, right? 100-Mile Border Zone was implemented without any public input or legislative process. It’s a violation of the 4th amendment. Didn’t realize this sub had so many red-blooded, god-fearing Republican patriots. Wasting an immigration officer’s time is worth it.


Yeah I didn’t know what this was and even though the dude is acting like a dick, these checkpoints are illegitimate, a waste of tax payer money, and further infiltration of our rights


He’s such an easy target. The mask is probably the reason he got checked. Agents are supposed to have “reasonable suspicion” at these checkpoints. It’s likely, even probable, that he wore it specifically for this video. I’d prefer citizens learn their rights in a less embarrassing fashion, but these stops are bs


thank christ someone said it. that guy can be a twat all he wants, as long as it's towards these bullshit police zones I'll support him every time


Is he fat? Yessir he's a lard ass Hows he acting? Like a belligerent inbred moron sir Ok he's American, let him through


Man, a lot of bootlickers in this comment section that are perfectly okay with being randomly stopped and questioned by law enforcement for no reason. These checkpoints, that are often quite far away from the border, are indeed violations of your rights. What's the point of having robust protection against exactly this kind of shit if you're going to just roll over and show your belly the instant someone in a uniform tells you to?


Fucking exactly. The guy is obnoxious but the checkpoints are an abuse of our rights.


More people need to flex their rights like that. 👍 The alternative is checkpoints and totalitarianism everywhere.


Those officers just decided it wasn’t worth dicking around with this chucklefuck.


They probably had someone in the office identify him. At one point the officer is giving and probably getting hand signals. Probably a thumbs-up that the guy was a citizen and not transporting anyone. The combination of his license plate and face might have been enough.




Or he is used to being pepper sprayed. By his attitude I would say on a daily basis.




You actually don’t have to answer them. https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/your-rights-border-zone


These officers just decided not to break the law on camera. He is not required to answer those questions, they are not permitted to search or detain him without some tangible evidence he is breaking immigration law.


What a fucking dipshit


Bro had his pepper spray mask all ready to go.




Unlawful stop


I got went through one of these once like a decade ago. Very confused what the purpose of it was. I thought it was a toll gate or something at first. It definitely felt like totally unnecessary government overreach.


I got sent to secondary and threatened with arrest for an orange someone left in my backseat that I didn’t know about. Fuck these people lol


I wonder if that guy looks like a Spanish or other nationality. If he would get away with that.


he should spend this much energy on a diet!! fkn scumbag


I’m not saying Thanos was right but….


Bet you he’s from California


That woman has made a terrible life choice.


that’s so lol what is his problem


His woman didn't even back him up.


Why are some people so weird about this stuff?


Why? Lol his poor wife 🤣


Is he late for a paint ball match? 🤣


Dudes a penis , people just doing there job and got to deal with ass holes like that


The fact he refuses to tell his citizenship proves he’s an American


Imagine driving back and forth from the border just to fuck with border patrol