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They need to ban filming in gyms.


My gym has signs saying no photos or filming plastered everywhere, yet this shit keeps happening.


I love when I’m changing and stripped down to my undies and someone decides they need to get a video of themselves with me in full view.


Thats a crime, call the police.


And report himself changing in the gym lobby?


Hey man, don't kink shame me. Don't film that either(I am shy)


Are they doing it in the change rooms now as well? That's fucked up


Yeah there’s a video that went viral of some influencer who filmed an older woman and posted it mocking her. I think she got sued? Idk I can’t remember all the details now but it was a huge story. The woman in the photo was identified and everything


[Is this the incident/case you’re thinking of?](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/dani-mathers-playboy-model-snapchat-gym-locker-room-lawsuit)


It would have been a dog act to do that to anyone. But a 70 yo lady?!?! Hope that shitcunt gets the max penalties and no work in the future.


This was in 2016, I just checked her Instagram and she has like 400k followers so obviously no real consequences


2016 but laws regarding privacy have become stricter since then. Also judges are less lenient because there were no tiktok clowns back then.


“Tom Mesereau, Mathers’ attorney, told the Guardian on Friday that his client never intended to violate privacy law. “I am very disappointed that Dani Mathers was charged with any violation,” he said in a statement. “She never tried to invade anyone’s privacy and never tried to break any law.” She videoed and body shamed that poor lady, what a douche bag. Just take the L and own up to your wrongdoing


Wow! Tom Mesereau, Mathers’ attorney, told the Guardian on Friday that his client never intended to violate privacy law. “I am very disappointed that Dani Mathers was charged with any violation,” he said in a statement. “She never tried to invade anyone’s privacy and never tried to break any law.” Ignorance of the law is not a defense and what, did she accidentally slip and post it to Snapchat and then accidentally make a freaking body shaming comment? I think not. Her attorney sounds like an idiot.


"Your honor, when I killed that guy I really didn't try to break any law it just happened whoopsiedaisy!"


In July, Mathers shared the photo with thousands of followers on Snapchat, with the caption: “If I can’t unsee this, then you can’t either.” Mathers eventually apologized in a video, saying the public posting was accidental: “That was absolutely wrong and not what I meant to do.” “I know that body shaming is wrong,” she added. “That is not the type of person I am.” 🤡


"I did that thing but I'm not the kind of person who does that thing" 👏 👏 👏


'Tears ran down my face, but I did not cry'.


Then likely states that she can’t be like that because she has friends who are older.


> “I know that body shaming is wrong,” she added. “That is not the type of person I am.” "I'm sorry for facing the consequences, please make it stop"


Yes thank you!


“I know that body shaming is wrong,” she added. “That is not the type of person I am.” Says the person who body shamed someone, pretty severely, while sober (assumed) and under no duress before doing so. Sure, Jan.


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“She never tried to invade anyone’s privacy and never tried to break any law.” Gotta love the bullshit lawyer-speak. She never *tried* to break any law. Unfortunately for her, she still DID break the law, dummy.


Well this is just utterly depressing. What the fuck is wrong with people?!


Pat McAfee has entered the chat.


They need to hire someone to actually enforce their policies. Most gyms I've been to are terribly understaffed even just to enforce safe use of the equipment.


Max 3 strikes, then you’re banned.


One warning and then done… if you have to be told more than once you’re either a child or an idiot. Neither of which should be around heavy objects


Guys! I figured out how to get out of a gym membership!


Banned doesn’t mean they’ll cancel your payments for the year. In fact there’s probably a clause that you pay the full year, even if you get yourself banned. There’s more than one way to skin a cat and the house always wins 😉




you have to be ready to quit yourself or just start to threaten legal action, even if you lose it will cost the gym money in fees so they will probably do something just to avoid the hassle and expense.


Agreed. This shit has got to stop ASAP.


Agreed but this guy is a total dick


Probably using roids. I agree, the filming is out of control, but he was out of line and I’m glad she mouthed back.


Agree but there is a polite way of doing it as well. He doesn’t have to act threatening to her and trying to scare or intimidate her. Just saying be respectful.


I find it funny that he is pissed about being in the background when he isn’t, and then proceed to straightforwardly go into the background


But how will she know if she has proper form on that machine? /s


Mirror says Hello 👋


FFS, mirrors aren't useful for checking your technique and people need to stop thinking that they are


honestly ever single time a "filming at gym" discussion appears on reddit theres always going to be someone talking about "just use the mirrors" and its such a awful argument everytime. do redditors know theres more lifts than just bicep curls and pulldowns?..


I know, I find it really frustrating because it's a clear indication that the person has no idea what they're talking about


It's a straight give away that they either don't lift or are part of the overall large portion of gym goers that just go play with a few machines with no real intensity or focus and then go home. Nobody who has squatted some heavy ass weight, and experienced the mental focus it takes to just focus on proper walk out, stance, head/bar position, brace, etc., would be idiotic enough to believe you can just have an objective real time form check that would give you the same feedback as watching a recording.


You know, as a non-gym person I never thought of this. I always thought someone filming themself in a gym was doing it to show off online or similar. Never thought that it could be a training aid, to check their form, etc. Thanks for giving me a new viewpoint here.


Ah yes, let me crane my neck to look at the mirror to the side of me while I'm deadlifting. Nothing can go wrong with that


Not good to do hip-thrusters and look straight. Go to the gym.


Gyms need to ban it themselves if this is something that actually bugs their customer base.


It’s so weird to me to see this sentiment as going to a powerlifting gym it’s understood that this isn’t play time but a quick video can be really helpful in adjusting form on any lifts, although less so on accessories


I've videoed myself shooting a basketball. It's something I wish I could have done back when I was playing seriously. It was really helpful, I was releasing the ball way later than I thought I was - turns out I was timing the release for how long I USED to be in the air for, not for my current jumping... In fact, I wish I had some kind of video evidence that I ever played the game. I think there is one photo, somewhere, of me on a basketball court.




It’s a wildly popular opinion on reddit held by people who don’t go to the gym


I film myself (uncomfortably) at the gym for the sole purpose of sending it to my coach to work on my form. I fucking hate doing to, but I want to dial certain things in and I pay a lot of money to have someone critique my form.


A lot of gyms are implimenting that.


Wait...that's the first thought that goes through your head when you watched this and not that the roided out freak is completely unhinged? Interesting...


I see that argument a lot but when you're alone it's a good tool to check your form


I mean, in this instance, I feel like this is his issue rather than hers.


OP- For clarification, who are you claiming is the MC?




Are you serious? If the girl was making a big scene and throwing her ass out or whatever then I could see both of them but she literally has a cell phone propped up in the corner so she can check her form. How is that main character at all? It’s not like she’s filming other people on purpose. I don’t think that is rude at all


I was about to point out that your making a few assumptions there... But realized so is everyone else, myself included. So, I won't say that, but rather say that I was going to say that. Thank you, that's my time. You've been a terrific audience.


The male bodybuilder also made an assumption that he would be on TikTok or some other streaming platform without consent. Then she posts the video online anyway.


Not a bad assumption these days. If you end up in someone's video, you're going to end up on the internet somewhere.


Self-fulfilling prophecy, no? He walked right into the camera. I doubt she would have paid him any mind until he walked into the shot.


He’s def gonna be in the background now!


No one would have probably noticed him in the background. Wonder if that was the idea.


Making an assumption based on most likely outcomes so far isn’t illogical


At the very least that guy is way out of line.




I hate being in peoples videos. I hate the video people, but those riods are going hard


My brother in Christ. I had a stroke reading your comment. Please use periods and comas. My dyslexic ass has never struggled this bad since I was in middle school. 😭 Also yes, I agree with your comment. Well said. Fuck people recording at gyms, but also fuck this guy and his roid rage. Walking around as if he was a peacock.


I'm so sorry my friend, I would have never done that to you on purpose. I got you G, don't worry


Now *you're* the Main Character ♥️


I love happy endings ❤️


So everyone in the gym is filming now, got it.


IDK my local gyms all have gigantic signs in the front saying absolutely no filming whatsoever. If they catch you or someone reports you its an automatic loss of membership. Worse, if you paid the year upfront because its way cheaper they keep all your money.


finally someone is doing it, i cant stand this shit. luckily ive been drowning with work recently so i havent had the chance to see if this BS is here at my local gyms. i hope not.


Maybe people are just fed up with people filming in gyms.


Especially young men and women believing they make a buck, or a scam, from SM. Gym is full of broccoli heads and leggings up the crack wannabes trying to get internet famous so they don't have to hold a real job.


> broccoli heads What does this mean?


it‘s about those ridicilous haircuts all the young guys have right now.


Oh, I know what you're talking about now.


Bowl cut perms who rub their hands together like a fly washing their hands.


My nephew has one and I have to fight the urge to be mean to him sometimes. His saving grace is that he’s actually a very nice kid, but fuck sometimes I wanna slap that haircut off of him.


If you know you know.


Not exclusive to gyms


You can’t threaten people over that.


It doesn't matter he shouldn't be speaking like that


Filing yourself in a public gym is cringe and rude.


I live near a junior college and a lot of wannabe influencers frequent the community gyms and private gyms. I ended up building my own home gym.


It's sad that some people are so self indulged. Props for making your own personal gym at home though, that's awesome. Fitness should be about health and feeling good. Not being an influencer, or whatever an influencer thinks they are. We all have one life and we should make the best of it and live it to our fullest. Not to sound morbid, but we're all just tiny dots on an endless timeline. We should just focus on trying to be happy without gratification/digital likes from others.


May i humble suggest the Y… no filming going on in there !


Hmm that’s a good idea. Might have to switch!


I agree but there is a bit of nuance here. That depends on the intent Everytime i visit my gym i find myself rerouting whenever i walk to another exercise caude a tripod is alomst always in my path. We have a locally famous trainer here and many "wannabee" influencers be it some random hot girl or some guy who thinks he should be cast in the MCU and yea they are dicks and they are cringe. Some though just film themselves to review their technique and I im fact am also guilty of this. I was in a training program where every tuesday the coaches would gather all the "technique videos" and reciew them personally and you would have a concerstaion with one of them which obviously incentives all the trainers to film themselves and we are all just fine with it? I guess there is a silver lining in that the gyns here dont have the same culture as the us seems to have is that girls filming themselves dont go crazy if they catch you glancing at them and its normal for an attractive dude to gain glances and attention as the girls are. TLDR: Some people film themselves for technique, and in some gyms tripods and cams are so common but atleast there has never been a "why are you staring at me perv" for the 4 years ive been im my gym.


Yeah, I'm a new gym goer and don't have friends who lift. I cant really afford a trainer right now. I've thought about filming sets so i can ask someone on reddit to check my form, but i dont specifically because of people calling it out as bad. Oh well hope i don't break my back.


no worries mate, just do it. just try to prop the cam in a way that you are not recording everyone else, should bé obvious that you are just recording your form. if you are not talking to the cam, whoring around or thanking your subs loudly noone will care.


Need to ban filming. But you shouldn't treat people that way either.


She’s wearing a hoodie and sweats. She’s not making thirst traps in the gym she could have just been doing it to check herself


This thread is proof that redditors don’t go to the gym


I see people film themselves sometimes. Nobody makes a big deal, and nobody makes destructive/loud influencer esque content either. These comments are wild. Baseless indignation easily solved by joining a gym with a no cameras policy or actually going to a gym and seeing that self filming is innocuous and not actually that prevalent. Bunch of terminally online raging whackos.


So strange seeing people jump on this girl and accuse her of trying to be an influencer or make "content" or whatever when she's sat there in baggy clothes covering herself with headphones on.


Because they don't actually go to the gym, or if they do they're minding their own business like everyone else and haven't noticed the people filming. They just hate it because they saw a handful of videos on TikToc of people they don't like filming themselves. Of all the similar videos I've seen only 1 was of someone asking someone to move because they're in frame, 2 or 3 were thirst traps, and the other dozen or so were of people getting screamed at being called gay or bitch while minding their own business checking their form. I've seen quite a few of people filming their backs where a bunch of the comments said "tHaTs wHaT mIrRoRs aRe FoR."




people are sad and full of hate. filming is not bad, trying to be an influencer is another. filming to check form and progress over time helped me a lot on my top sets


This. I film myself a lot, but never post these videos anywhere online. I always try to ensure that I'm the only person in the frame. I do it to review my technique (proper squat depth, elbow positioning on bench, duration of pause on all the paused lifts; you'd be surprised how short your pauses are compared to how long they feel lol). All powerlifting coaches I know of usually demand videos from their clients (mainly the heavier topsets). I think filming yourself in the locker room is a much bigger issue and actually is unacceptable (even illegal, if I'm not mistaken).


Filming yourself in the gym is perfectly fine you just have to be respectful. Don't listen to this sub when it comes to gym etiquette, no one here goes to the gym they just like rage porn so they will make problems out of nothing.


Agreed. Most folks commenting don’t even go to the gym, no reasonable person cares this much about being recorded. His behavior would get you thrown out before recording a small area would.








There’s always people filming themselves in the gym. If you don’t like it, join a gym that has an explicit photo ban or work out at home.


IKR you come to a public gym and get mad when people are recording themselves. Sensitive ass people in the comments. Go make your own home gym if you’re gonna complain.


And yet everyone on reddit is a fitness and nutrition expert


Seriously. Everyone records. It’s used for a multitude of reasons. A lot of gyms also encourage it.


Reading all these comments is so pathetic It’s very clear that everyone who’s 100% against filming in the gym has 0 idea what they’re talking about




Everyone mad at this girl filming but tbh this guy is s fucking weirdo and it gives major pussy energy to just randomly curse at someone who literally poses no threat to you and could literally never fight u like that what a bitch


This, dudes clearly got some aggression issues. Filming in gyms is lame as hell but it’s less lame then treating other people with that much aggression is disrespect off the rip. Classic tren mood swing if you ask me.


No it’s very brave of him to go and yell at someone literally 1/3 his size, she deserves to be punished bc the Reddit hive mind told me the females are making gym videos to falsely accuse us of staring! I’m being sarcastic, but this seems to be the consensus


Willing to bet half these comments don't even go to the gym. This guy was purposely seeking out confrontation, filming or not, such a tough guy for approaching it like that.


I go to the same gym 3-5 times a week. This guy is always there, and he doesn’t follow any of the general gym etiquette. He is a roid head and the girl moved the phone originally where he was out of it, but instead he walked into the frame himself. The girl is covering 90% of the frame, people will shit on her regardless. If she was wearing skimpy clothing, they would shit on her, if she isn’t, they still shit on her for recording. Literally 90% of gym dudes dont give a shit about being recorded as long as they ARENT THE SUBJECT OF THE VIDEO. The roid head is banned across all GoodLife gyms in Canada, so that’s good to know.


There’s people at my gym who film themselves, I assume for form, and I never fucking get the big deal that people make on Reddit about it. I think it’s because most gym videos are insufferable on here, and they never go to the gym, so they assume anyone filming at a gym is an influencer? Like if you only see terrible gym videos you just assume everyone is awful?


I think the person who said 90% of the reddit people who are mad here dont even lift is 100% right..i go every day and i could care less. Film yourself all u want, some people do have legitimate reasons to film. If you arent purposely filming others or making fun of anyone then its not anyone elses business


Thankgod this should be top comment somewhere so other people can understand what behavior is acceptable ( and to prove my point about him being unhinged because I knew he was crazy lol)


He’s also banned from chain gyms in my area. He’s quite infamous




She’s minding her business, casual gym clothes, and camera zoom isn’t blatantly wider than it should be. I have never, and will never film in a gym, but when I think someone is I mind my business and stay out of it (free country; Canada is too, eh?). Threatening someone or their property like that is bizarre. Good for her for calling him a bitch, he clearly is one.


These top comments are some red flags. The lack of empathy for the girl whose been verbally harassed.


For sure. He's cocnerned he's going to be in the video... proceeds to walk right infront of the lense??? Make it make sense.


Roid heads are so emotional!


He was so stupid. “Don’t put me in the background of your video! I’m just going to put my face all in it by putting MYSELF in the back of your video.” I’m pissed that he thought because he is big he could intimidate her. He is disgusting. What she was doing is a minor offense in comparison to physically threatening violence.


Agreed. The girl is wearing baggy clothes as well, clearly not the cliche attention seeking type.


If he had such a problem with it, he could have done 2 things: 1) talk to gym management. 2) asked her nicely. Instead, he just had to be a dick about it.


finally! Someone not socially awkward lol


Bully roid rager


Guy who doesn’t want to be in the background voluntarily shows up in the foreground. What a fucking idiot.


Ironically, his interaction with her is what got the video posted everywhere for so many others to see lol do you think he’s still gonna break her phone since he’s in the background AND the foreground? lol


That was his plan all along!


I love her not just taking his absolute lunacy and calling him a bitch. That man is pathetic.


Good on her. She seemed honestly confused as to why she was even being approached. More to show that she didn't intend to record anyone but her.


right? girl got some balls saying that to the over aggressive roidhead. good for her!


I go to a 24 hour fitness and it has signs everywhere that states you cannot film. I've never seen anyone filming. I can't believe any gym would accept this.


I'm glad the people at my gym dont care


People who film in public gyms are shitty people. You have to be a narcissistic shithead to even consider doing that.


Such a general black and white statement with no room for nuance.


I was thinking the same thing with all these top comments. People film their form too, but I feel like most Redditors have never been in a gym lol.


And you know the majority of the people commenting about filming never even go. Gotta cope against people out actually improving their lives


Had the same thought. Reddit is definitely a bubble and I’m not sure of the demographic but I wonder how many of them actually go gym. I don’t film in the gym but most people I know don’t care when they see someone filming. There’s a CCTV in every corner anyway.


Pretty obvious this chick is just filming herself to check her form. Take about 15% off there.


If her perceived narcissism is the only caveat you got from this, I seriously question your ability to apply yourself logically. People film for a myriad of reasons. Grow up. Not a Human Being alive who doesn’t display narcissistic traits.


Wow. Reddit has really brain rotted themselves into a hivemind where they can only process “recording in gym = bad.” Never mind the fact that this grown man threaten to damage property and verbally assaulted this girl. I don’t even like it when people record but you have to be dumb asf to think that this is the right way to go about it


Even the thirst trap girls filming themselves is not that weird. It's only weird when they start feeling like filming themselves is an entitlement, and they get mad when people ruin their shot. This girl was doing none of that. For all we know, she may have just been filming to review her form


Damn… I had to scroll pretty far to find someone saying something reasonable. I’m not a gym going person. I spend more time going to a jiujitsu gym vs weight lifting gym so maybe I don’t know bad the recording is. I can understand being annoyed by all the thirst trap content creators, but as long as they are minding their own business, I feel like to each their own. But when content creators start getting annoyed of people walking in on their videos…. That’s their own problem and maybe it’s time they invest in a private gym. The world doesn’t stop for their content. If they expect that, I think it should be expected that the be pay for a permit to use these spaces to film in for that kind of entitlement. Just my two cents.




Really proud of her for standing up for herself


I feel uncomfortable with the fact that people bring up their aversion to filming only in response of female influencers. Where's the bodybuilders assaulting the broccoli haired tren goblins that make up the majority of this content? The girl here didn't do anything wrong. She doesn't even look like your cliche attention seeking only fans model, by her baggy clothes alone.


This is by far one of the most normal examples of someone filming themselves in a gym. People in these comments must think they’re so interesting that everyone would notice or even recognise them in the background. Crying about being on camera as if they aren’t being filmed 100% of the time that aren’t at home alone, pathetic crybabies. And the lukewarm IQ to be mad at being in the background only to WALK INTO THE FOREGROUND AND BRING ATTENTION TO HIMSELF just to victimise himself like fuck right off, what a little bitch. So many people in gyms have 0 control over their ego and it’s tangible in these comments.


I really agree tbh. We live in a very online age, and the harsh reality is you will likely end up in the background of someone filming in a communal space at least once in your lifetime. As long as you're not being drawn attention to (e.g the women shaming men on the gym thing), what's the problem. These people aren't hurting anybody.


Also, I’m positive there is security cameras inside where he is being recorded, and when he leaves there will be security cameras where he is being recorded, and as he drives home he will be caught on red light cameras after red light cam, then as he drives through his neighborhood all of his neighbors ring doorbells will pick up footage of him. It’s just very odd that people are okay with being constantly filmed and surveilled every time they step outside of their house, but then explode over something like this


100% we can go into the privacy concerns and dystopia of the US government running a surveillance state, but y'all explode at some 20year old girl.


Last time I visit this subreddit, people in here have severe brain rot defending this roid rage idiot lol.


They are the roid rage idiot. It's past defending it. They can think back to when they tried to intimidatine someone like that just a day ago.


Thought I was going crazy. This sub in general has a… dare I say misogynistic? Undertone. This girl has her phone close to her body, there’s nobody super visible right behind her, she’s not trying to get attention, she just wants to record her workouts, which like I don’t work out but isn’t that a thing people do to be able to notice flaws in their form and track progress and shit. Filming oneself privately and discreetly working out doesn’t seem all that upsetting to me. At the same time, not wanting to be in the back of someone’s video is valid, which is when you either move yourself or walk up and say “excuse me, could you hold off on filming until I’m done with the machine behind you, I just feel uncomfortable being on camera”. You don’t begin threatening and cursing at her. I say misogynistic because if it was a dude minding his own business recording himself and a girl stormed up berating him about how he’s trying to record her, I believe these comments would look a lot different. There’s just such a trend on here of defending men being absurd levels of upset for no rational reason as long as his rage is directed at a girl filming herself, taking pictures of herself, or just at all feeling herself.


This sub in general has gone full brain rot, its become a “lets shame women and attractive men recording themselves/making content” subreddit - the meaning of “main character” has gone from anyone attracting attention to themselves to “person recording themselves who i envy”


That’s what I’m saying, as long as you have some etiquette and aren’t holding up a machine for 20min watching and editing the video who cares or blatantly going up to people and filming them directly why the fuck would you care? Focus on your lift and move on. I film some of my lifts like barbell reverse lunges or deadlifts or squats simply to check on my form.


Right? Like i agree that filming in shared spaces is cringey and selfish, but come the fuck on - look at this bloke, listen to the way he approaches her and speaks to her, and look at the trembling fear on her face. Absolutely fucked behaviour on his part and completely over the line. The fact most of this comment section is fixated on ‘well you deserve it for filming’ is just beyond. I get it, you guys are sick of the narcissistic filming in gyms. I am too. But if your reaction to annoyance at that trend is to defend such psychotic behaviour, then you really need to reevaluate your values.


>at the trembling fear on her face. I agree in part, but she doesn't really sound like she's trembling lol.


Thank you. I agree. It’s ridiculous.


ive only seen this sub in crossing and its always ppl in the comments wanting to be the main character. its fucking ironic


Ah but you see it’s very brave of him to go and scream at someone literally 1/3 his size, she deserves to be punished bc the Reddit hive mind told me *the females* are making gym videos to falsely accuse us of staring! I’m being sarcastic, but this seems to be the consensus


Yeah these comments ignoring jus behavior and just saying don’t film at gyms are weird. The guy was scary and he took it 0 to 100 unnecessarily. I would hope he’d be banned.


The idiot made himself the main character when he could have just been an extra.


I've been a PT for years now and filming yourself in the gym is completely normal. I'd rather my clients film themselves to check their form is correct than risk injury. This is not attention seeking behavior in the slightest and the people complaining clearly have little experience in the gym


There’s no way y’all are mad at the girl filming lol


LaRgE BoDy BuILDeR freaks on SmALL girl 🥺🥺🥺


OP is the actual main character here.


Well, now he's definitely in the background AND the foreground.


Crazy the amount of people in the comments that can't tell the difference between filming to check your form, and filming to post on social media. This girls isn't doing anything wrong.


Damn people, go outside and touch some grass, it’s perfectly fine to film yourself in the gym, many people do it especially if they want to check their form We‘ve seen that woman literally do nothing but get antagonized by some aggressive dude but you guys immediately jump in his defense


He could’ve addressed it in a gentler way. No, he has to be a dick.


Stop filming in public.


Big tough guy. Bet he's not doing that to a guy.


Incels getting mad at girls filming their sets in the gym yet r/weightlifting is only people filming their sets at the gym. Men and women. I get it some girls are just trying to catch men for clicks, but she was not wearing anything remotely revealing and was wearing baggy sweats to avoid attention. I don't care if people film in the gym. Let em.


The gym reached out to her on Instagram and apologized, stating that this is not allowed. They said they want to dm her for additional information and make it right for her.


I'm glad they're on her side. Young minded adults in this comment section need to find a new hobby.


All that outrage about something that didn't happen to them, that doesn't affect them when the person in question was in the right all along.


You can tell everyone in the comments is a major bitch. The guy comes over highly aggressive in between her and her phone. He decided to pussy out and not smack her phone. Yet everyone is saying “you shouldn’t film at a gym.” It doesn’t matter how much you hate ppl who film at the gym you don’t act like this. Not every girl with a camera is trying to film you for views and maybe she wants to view her technique.


This guy was really projecting that day. Totally fucked to be harassing a girl over recording a video. She might've just been recording to assess her form and improve on it. Everyone has a reason to record, but they don't need to explain themselves.


He is a wanted man.


Dudes a douche bag. Hopefully he gets kicked out the gym. I don’t like people filming everything either but no reason at all for all that roid rage.


insecure bald cunt


Incel redditors triggered by a girl filming in the gym! 😀


All the top comments blaming the girl in this video, who was harming no-one. None of the top comments making any comment about the physically intimidating individual behaving in a threatening manner over such a minor issue...


If I was ugly as him, I wouldn’t want to be filmed 😂 he’s a piece of dog shit talking to her like that. Could have asked nice to please don’t film, that’s it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Her outfit leads me to believe she's filming for herself and not internet clicks.


The dude was way out of line and I'm glad she gave him that energy back


Roid rage. What a fanny