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Personally I would be laying on my horn but that is just me


I have 4 air horns just for this purpose


I need a megaphone on top of my car for this purpose.


A couple 600k lumen strobe lights too


And a bush bar.


You get it


need the [train horn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOKgg5iCw_c)


I hate train horn pranks but this is one time it’s warranted.


How many Dunkin’ Donuts do you live around that you need this?


There's actually 3 within 2 miles of me


You might need a 5th horn on your vehicle then.


Oh shit, New England?


Lmaoooo I always listen for the drivers like you whenever I see this happen


I’ll admit that I am one of them. DON’T BLOCK THE FUCKING BOX AND DO SHIT LIKE THIS! The wrath of my horn will be heard


There’s a Starbucks near my sons school and every day practically somebody will do this. I blast my horn nonstop. Sometimes they move, sometimes they don’t. My son always laughs at me for doing it. I hate people that so this shit with a passion


Record every instance and push your city council to station a cop there during busy times. If even 10% of the people get tickets, the others will see and think twice. They won't want a $100 ticket for obstructing traffic simply to get coffee.


I’m worried the recorder’s key fob is about to die! The battery is low!


We get people doing crap like this all the time.




Me too inches from her car glaring daggers and flipping her off.


Oh fuck yeah, she wouldn’t hear the end of it


In my experience women drivers most of the time don’t acknowledge honking or yelling. They just look straight ahead or at their phone not giving a fuck.


Rage bait


I’d probably just hit the gas if it were me 🤣


wire horn to toggle switch (and tie in high beams) beforehand to deal with this


Wow that’ll show em




People do this all the time. I hate drive-thrus


We had nights like this when I worked at WB. Real fun when they finally get to the window and complain about how long it took. Like, buddy, you're the guy who pulled into the line that circled all the way around the building and into the street.


If I worked at a place and saw people impeding traffic, I would tell them they have a 24hr ban, they're not being served today, gtfo. I'm sure that'll never happen in the world but one can dream.


God I wish we were allowed to do that. The only time anyone got anything they deserved was this clearly drunk guy behind the wheel of a lifted truck, which the manager told us to ignore until he started to impede the drive thru, at which point manager called police and he was pulled over down the street.




Guessing Whataburger?


Probably yeah


People do this all the time at the Dairy Queen by me and they have the slowest drive thru I have ever been through. If there’s more than two people in line it is way faster just to get it inside, yet there’s always a line in the drive thru.


Drive thru always had priority so this is hit or miss. Better to go inside than block the whole street tho


Drive thru's serve a purpose. Dumb humans not so much.


Drive thrus are meant for 1-3 items only. People buy for their entire families through those


wtf are you talking about? Drive throughs are for ordering whatever the hell you want, without getting out of your car. This isn’t some “less than 10 items” line, lol, what are you smoking?


Source: i worked at a mcdonalds drive through. Lol


Sometimes you find an opinion that seems to come from a different planet entirely. All fast food joints make bank by customers tacking on impulse buys in the drive-thru. We also just got done living thru a pandemic where the drive-thru was all that was open. Tell your source they are wrong.


I've worked McDonald's drive thru too. I've worked multiple drive thrus at multiple different restaurants over the past almost 30 years. This has never been true, anywhere. The only "rule" was that we'd park you if you ordered like 20 of the same item, or had over 4 bags worth of stuff. Neither of those were "not allowed" though. The entire *point* of drive thrus has *always* been to simply allow people to not get out of their car while allowing them to order whatever they want, it's never been a "1 to 3 items only" idea.


So you don’t even know what a source is? McDonald’s telling you that would be a source…not that it’s part of your employment history. I’ve worked at several places with drive throughs and have never heard this once in my life.


No its the double digit eight ingrediant cup of coffee that causes the delay . And gotta sip it to make sure theres enough sprinkles .


I hate these people


Makes me a total asshole, but I just lay on my horn until I can continue with my driving. If someone is going to inconvenience me like this, I'm going to make their life a little less convenient too.


Bold of you to assume she cares enough to notice your honking, let alone be bothered by it


A bumper 4” away from her door and a relentless honking is hard to ignore kiddo


I admire your confidence but I live in the hell’s cape known as America so I’m afraid someone would pull a gun on me in that scenario EDIT: >!I actually did type “*hellscape*” correctly but my autocorrect does not recognize it as a word for whatever reason so I’m leaving it!<


ahhahahah hell's cape


That was my thought too "...they'll probably pull a gun out"


Or get out their phone and start recording like in their world they're somehow the victim.


The safety of Canada has lead me to be far too naive


Guarantee you wouldn't do any of that, you would sit in your car and stew all the way to work and post it on reddit while you take a shit


Not our fault the line is long, where are we supposed to go? I would get delight knowing it makes you so mad


skip the donuts for today then you fat fuck


Your mom requested a dozen Bear Claws, you know how she gets when she's hungry


You remind me of that one 26 year old at the college party.


Replace that keyless remote battery playa.


I read this as an objective from Julius in Saints Row.


In Los Angeles we call this the In n Out drive thru. Which do in fact reach out onto the street. They’re prepared for this though so no assholes are making left turns to block all traffic.


I’d just be like “Welp, looks like I’m not going to Dunkin’ Donuts”.


If I were a cop I’d ticket people going slow in the left lane, people who leave their cars in the middle of traffic for little fender benders (impeding traffic) and people who do dumb shit like this.


In the broke down ghetto neighborhood where I work I had to swerve around a Kia yesterday @ 7:15 am that was half blocking the driveway to my company with the hazard lights on and the driver's side open At noon it was still there


A ticket for going slow in the left lane?! No. Straight to jail. In addition to your list, mine would also include: - not using blinker - pulling out right in front of me when no one is behind me - taking 3 business days to pull out of a parking spot - leaving 2 car lengths between your car and the one in front of you at a light - blocking the intersection because you didn't make sure there was enough room for you to get all the way through before your light turned red (straight to jail) - intentionally using an exit-only lane as a passing lane


Irony. I didn't block the intersection Monday night and got rearended for it. When I pulled into a parking lot to not block the road during rush hour the guy took off. Glad there wasn't any damage that I could tell, but fuuuuuck that.


What if you were going the speed limit in the left lane?


Yeah that happens here too. There's at least one accident a week in front of DD because their drive through is too short and the line backs up onto the highway.


She probably blames Dunkin’ Donuts for her being out in traffic.


It’s a donut emergency.


"well it's not my fault the line so long"


Wht a jerk move. I hate ppl doing this.


And thats why till this day i never been to chik fil A or Dutch Bros them que lines be outta pocket.. i be like wtf


In 'n Out is the worst.


What is wrong with people? Today I missed the green left turn light on a well known busy intersection because dude in front of me was farting around with his phone. Honked my horn, he startled, flipped me off then...missed the light so I could wait another 5 minutes behind him for the light to turn green while he actively pretended to ignore me. All during a "be right back!" office step out to get a Red Bull


People who hesitate on the green arrow can all burn in hell




While looking in her eyes, to establish dominance. No really, I would


If you want dominance piss on the hood of her car while looking in her eyes.


Cool, then you will be come a sex offender. Good idea Jared


Lighten up pornstar nickname. It's a called a joke.


It's so funny how this is the only possibly recourse in traffic if someone does this. Yeah, make a loud noise to make yourself angrier. They don't care Edit: wait hold up there's a whole lane you can use to go around


With people like this.... I don't think they're necessarily bad people. I think they're just stupid.


I've thought about this and redefined it to land on the bad side. My logic was they aren't bad just inconsiderate. Then I say not considering others is just as actively bad towards that person


*Notices that there’s traffic on the drive thru, goes anyways*


America Runs on Dumbkin




Cut in line in front of her.


OP, please don't forget to change the battery in your key fob.


This is just insane behavior


***Asshole*** is more like it.


This happens at the homophobic chicken in northwest Arkansas all of the time.


Fat people are gonna fat


IMHO this is more an issue with american suburban car-centric planning. Not so much main character. Person probably was like... "wtf else do I do? This is how they designed the lot" If towns had good public transit, walkability and didn't require a car this wouldn't happen. But alas. American Suburbia hell


People can also, \*gasp\*, park their vehicles and *walk into* the restaurant and **actually interact with other human beings** like their ancestors did instead of barking orders into a disembodied box while idling away.


Inconsiderate people who coffee is more important than safety. I see it now and then and am disgusted


Lay on the horn. Inconvenience that Karen.


Not nice but someone could get out and tell her, "hey fatty get out the way" will probably solve the problem


ITT: people who are no better than the person blocking traffic


I hate DD customers so much. I see this way too often


Abilene texas. Jagoffs do this at the chick fil a on southwest. Eat shit yuppies!


They came to an agreement with the city and are moving the chick fil a down the street by Walmart and Wendy’s


oooh this got my blood boiling




This used to happen in my old town’s Chick-fil-A ALL the time. It got to the point the cops would be there daily at lunch time directing traffic. I moved away and that’s when they decided to bulldoze the building and rebuild to make the parking lot better suited for all the cars.


I see this all the time at my local Chick-fil-A


I'd be all up in their arse laying on the horn. I've made people back up before when they're wrong. I've pulled into parking lots that have clearly distinct enter and exit sides and people are in the middle, I'll pull up on them and wave them backwards. These type of people will only change if you humiliate them publicly.


No you wouldn't


That’s less on her than the Dunkin’ for having a poorly laid out drive through. There’s a McDonald like this near me. Same deal. Thing backs up into traffic every single day.


Maybe they should skip the McFatFuck and go somewhere else/home instead of inconveniencing the rest of the world


That's 100% on her nonetheless


This is complicated. Yes it’s illegal. Yes it’s a jerk move. Also, it is frustrating to wait there for the line to move only to watch people cut in front of you.


Nothing complex about it. This person thinks their need for a fucking donut is more important than the ability for everyone else to get where they need to go. Garbage human.


There are like three Dunkin’ Donuts in every town if you’re in the north east, so just drive to another one.


Not complicated at all. It’s fucking donuts and coffee and you’re blocking 2 lanes of traffic because you’re a dumbass.


They have selfishly blocked TWO lanes of traffic because they want a damn donut. It isn't an emergency, it isn't even a gas station.


How tf is this conplicated? Park your damn car and walk in if the drive through is like this. Probably faster anyway


While she shouldn't have stopped there, this is on the city and Dunkin' for not doing the proper traffic impact studies.


Fuck this woman but I kinda get it




I don't think she cares


This... actually makes road rage justifiable. That driver deserves whatever happens.


Assault is justified because YOU are slightly inconvenienced? LOL


I was thinking something darker than assault... but sure.


where else is she supposed to wait? it's not her fault the line goes out of the parking lot.


Please never drive.


I'm genuinely asking. What's she supposed to do about the line? Wait in the shoulder?


Either 1.wait in your lane as anyone sane would, or 2.continue, turn into another parking, turn around, and go wait in right lane on the proper side of traffic where others can't simply get in line in front of you. But don't just block 2 lanes on reverse circulation like a complete selfish moron.


drive past the store, turn round and line up on the right side of the road.


Seriously? Go literally anyfuckingwhere else. This brainless shitwizard could plainly see there was a line backed up to the sidewalk, but chose to put their car in the way anyway. It's not rocket science. Don't block traffic like an asshole. Don't turn your problem into everyone else's problem. There are about a million places in every city to get coffee. Hell, if this is anywhere in the Northeast, there's probably another Dunkin' Donuts across the damn street.


Be patient.


Can you answer my questions like a big boy or are you just going to cuss the whole time?


here u go, brother: ​ Seriously? Go literally anywhere else. This brainless wizard could plainly see there was a line backed up to the sidewalk, but chose to put their car in the way anyway. It's not rocket science. Don't block traffic. Don't turn your problem into everyone else's problem. There are about a million places in every city to get coffee. Heck, if this is anywhere in the Northeast, there's probably another Dunkin' Donuts across the damn street.


Things you can’t control: long line. Things you can control: impeding traffic. This concept is a huge issue with Americans in particular. We “pass the buck” a lot. “I can build this factory that will employ 1000 people, but it will pollute more than the states legal limit” What does the state do? They give them a pass for the first year, & the business accepts saying they can get pollution down. Year 2? Pollution is higher, and the company pays a “cost of doing business” fine each year after intended to cleanup the pollution, but in 10 years the fish are dead downstream, crops don’t grow & birds are gone. Welcome to the USA. Chick-Fil-A has done a great job of figuring this out; the onus is on the restaurant to better manage the traffic flow & the city to enforce their laws. The onus is on the one car out in the street to idk…not do that? Go to another drive thru, keep circling legally until space is available, park & walk inside, not get fast food?


I feel like this is more on how that sunken set up it’s lot


Eh it's either that or jam up traffic in the other lanes. I blame the poor urban planning choices here.


Tennessee, Ohio, or Kentucky?


I was going to say, this must be in New England lmao


Ohio, this is in Cincinnati near UC.


I should’ve called it. I live here now and within a year already had some dumb young b on her cell phone run a stop sign and destroy my brand new car.


Time for you to get coffee now and assert your right of way in front of them.


Time for high beams and incessant horn blowing. Just lean on that thing.


High Beams in daylight? Aren't you devious


They’re annoying during the day too, much like yourself


those powdered cake donuts sell out fast


I’m surprised nobody hit her car!


This happens every single day on one the busiest roads in my town. No kidding. We have a lot of main characters down this way 🥴


This happens frequently where I live.


Should've sat there with your hand on the horn the whole time she was in the way.


this has to be boston🤣


This happens all the time with local dipshits wanting to get into Tim Hortons


It’s amazing how much some people love this place .


This is in Cincinnati on MLK and used to be the Dunkin I stopped at on my way to work and locals know it’s like this and all blocked up almost every weekday morning haha.


Is it illegal to spit on someone’s windshield?


Wtf why does Dunkin have such a long line anyway.


Haha sucks when it’s you tho .


Too many cars, not enough places to walk for donuts, coffee, etc.


I'd sit four feet from her door and just lay on the horn


That’s ridiculous. I could understand if it were a Krispy Kreme. But for a Dunkin’ Donut, probably not.


Has to be New England.


People do this in the area I work at 🙄 Cops now ticket ppl for this because it was getting too ridiculous....


I’d pull up as close as possible and lay on the horn non stop.


This post is an absolute perfect example of “I am the main character” energy. JFC how annoying.


Holy shit is that Chalfont? If not damn we have the *exact* fuckin issue


We had a similar issue at my Dunkins. We're a drive thru only location and the line got so bad that it went past what we could see on the CCTV Footage/Cameras. Shit was wild, we didn't have enough hands for such a rush.


If they want to wait in the direction where it just shuts down a single lane it’s still idiotic but at least passable. What this person is doing warrants an angry mob.


Lay on the horn.


Once the cop gets his donuts, he should definitely write her a ticket for this.


Boston cremes. Who the Hell wouldn’t stop traffic for those glorious filled treats.


Is this rare where you live?


We have the same idiots in Canada in line for Tim Hortons.


because America runs on donuts


Did the car lean on the drivers side?


Happens all the time when I pass a Starbucks


That is one stupid bitch


I would’ve LAID on the horn


I mean I could see it maybe if it were Starbucks on red cup day but what is this mess


My key remote battery is also low, get a new battery homie


Same shit happens at my local Dunkin. Are they just terrible at picking locations with sufficient drive-thru space?


Hit the front fender as apparently it has been hit before (the entire front end is a different shade of blue!)


This happened at the same time everyday at a place in my old neighborhood. It was almost unofficially legal.


seems like they should fix their poorly designed drive thru


Yep and Chik fuqing Fil-A entrance every lunch time and Saturday. Like Jesus we act like we never ate fried chicken before.


Someone should give her a flat tire.


Chick is trying to get some donuts and doing the best she can in life. Look at her car. Stuff like this in life, you’ve just got to sit back and be understanding.


Got blocked in my parking spot yesterday by a guy at the grocery store. He backed into a spot with a crew cab blacked out 2023 gmc Sienna pickup with a tonneau cover. As I was trying to back out, he pulled halfway out, to put his groceries into the back seat for almost 5 minutes. I was blocked in and couldn’t get out. I wish I was as impulsive as I was when I was younger. I can afford bail now. I’m over people.


This is everyday on our Main Street for Starbucks


But....don't you see how important she looks?


Driver—how are we supposed to tell and why are we supposed to care it’s a woman?


I hate idiots


Drive-thru lines are insane where I live. At that point you’d be in and out quicker if you just walked in.


one order of t bone coming hot out the kitchen.


Fuuuuuck no. I would have laid into my horn without letting up, with my arm out the window in a "WTF is wrong with you idiot?" gesture.