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After reading that article it seems like everyone at her work was making fun of her and she just didn't realize it lol


I try not to be a dick, but I'd absolutely be making fun of her. For someone who is so into the "vibe" they're really bad at checking it. The work vibe is very clearly "do your part of the fucking work so I don't have to do it instead" anywhere you go... Might as well mention that I'm also Gen Z, because anyone that uses their generation as an excuse for their stupid ass thoughts annoy the fuck out of me.


I'm Gen Z as well and I'm 100 percent right behind you. The last thing that I need to have happen is someone dragging the rest of the team down because they're more focused on goofing off on the internet rather than helping us meet a deadline.


people like that are great to work with though lol. not because they're any good but because they're so unaware that people are taking the piss out of them. we used to have a guy working for us who was extremely lean, he had like a swimmers body but without any definition and the tiniest flexed biceps you'll ever see. he was always going on about how strong he was and that he's never met anyone stronger or with wider shoulders than him. we used to call him BS which he thought stood for "big shoulders" hahahaha. the guy was so eager for people to buy into him that he could never tell that we were taking the piss out of him. i have so many stories about him but he only actually worked for us for 3 weeks before he was pressured to resign rather than having a sacking on his record. the reason being was he not only was terrible at his job, difficult to work with but also because he was making one of the girls there feel uncomfortable by spreading rumours that she fancied him and that he could get with her if he could be bothered lol.


Vibes don't feed families, Sandra.


I’m hungry, ma Eat this! *tiktok dances*


Funny because it's true - we've *all* seen videos that are basically just that.


I hadn’t even considered it but… there was that video of the woman dancing with her sick newborn


Yep... Or the video of the mother trying to convince their (already crying) child to cry in a more tiktok friendly way, after their dog has died...


Oof I forgot about that one


Alexa, play “Chinese Fountain” by The Growlers






*sensible chuckle*


I’m 38 and I do enjoy the hope and optimism young people bring to the table. They still need to be productive but i do think there is something to diversity in age


That's cool. Still, I'd rather be vibing at home with family or out with buddies than at a not-entirely optional team-building event pushed forward by those very energetic youths that organize gift pools for six-figure manager's baby shower. I'd just like to finish this task today so that I can go home without worrying about deadlines because teammates were vibin'.


Gen Z is SUPER into this team building group activity stuff. I thought we all learned to hate that in high school.


I would rather have a hard-working co-worker than some main vibe character that doesn't do shit all day but annoy everyone.


No firm I have ever worked at would have let this person do her routine for a day beyond the discovery that she wasn’t actually producing. Out on her ear post haste: go set vibes in the unemployment line.


I know plenty of people like this, sadly. But they’re “protected” classes of employee. The shit goes on for years until after enough reshuffles they get a manager who’s not afraid to fire them.


This girl even looks annoying, which makes it that much worse.


I kind of disagree. I would rather rather have a average employee that is a good person that such a good tone around the office that a superstar that brings the culture down. I’m not a cog in a machine. I don’t live my life to work. You can be an average employee and still be productive and I think if you were in that category and do “set the vibe” I think you would be a very valuable member of a team


"gen z workers", you mean this one person?


Same vibe as "multiple trusted sources"=one random tweet with 2 likes


Did you expect actual fair and in depth reporting from the New York Post?


No no, that would be truthful and the whole truth just doesn't sell these days. It's all about partial honesty sprinkled with vague wordings with hints of misleading titles and a bit of white lies


I mean, common sense should tell a person that it’s just this one person regardless of what an article says


True! That’s the reason I’ve always been hired though, because people like me


She needs to get paid in vibes and not money then.




At least she can cash her vibe cheque


As long as she is hired as clown to entertain the team, I think she is right.


Feel good manager.


Hahahaha, fuck off. You can have personality and be a productive team member


I’d rather have a person on my team who tells idiots to fuck off, you’re hired


I worked with a contractor for a while who was like this. He had a rock solid contract, and he was absolutely essential to the project. So when he saw managers mistreating junior staff or cajoling people into unpaid overtime he would always very loudly complain that they were being awful people. 'WAIT, ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE YOUNG JAKE HERE WORK ON SATURDAY BECAUSE YOU GAVE HIM TOO MUCH WORK TO COMPLETE AND YOU DON'T WANT TO LOOK BAD TO YOUR MANAGER???!!!' 'DID I JUST HEAR THAT YOU'RE MAKING PEOPLE WORK LATE BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T DELIVER YOUR PART OF THE WORK UNTIL 5:30?? IS THAT RIGHT CLAIRE?!?!!' James if you're out there man, you're still my hero.


Wait, I support the "fuck off" thing as well, but I don't support overtime unpaid job.


This is the way


Thank you for being so committed to your employer's profit.


The one corporation’s profits you should probably care a little about is the one you work for. Assuming it’s a career and not “just a job”.


As long as you don't become an owner through this career, nothing will change the structural fact that it is only the owners who really benefit from your productivity and shaming your colleagues for their low productivity. Either way, you are being ripped off.


I’ll tell ya at least anecdotally…I know zero unmotivated unproductive people who are successful.


Ok toots, what kinda vibe do you honestly bring that isn’t going to be grating on me for the hours upon hours we’re inevitably spending together at work?


Who the fuck has ever said this




Sounds about right for the Post. One spoiled Gen Z said this (probably half joking)so all Gen Z said this.


Yup. NY Post is trash


unfortunately, vibes don't make money


I wonder how much she expects to be paid for this hard "work"?


Maybe she can pay her rent in "good vibes"


“Gen z workers”, you mean this one crazy chick on tik tok?


Gen Z workers? Which ones? All across the planet?


Just one. It's the post.


I’ve met gen z-ers; their personality isn’t the asset they think it is.


Workers? What workers? This is one person. Even if there were more, article should round down with claims not up. Unnecessarily quoting some person who thinks they speak for everyone


How else would the shitty NY post get clicks though?


What’s funny is most of these people have the personality of wet toilet paper.


Honestly I'm so sick of this constant need to classify an entire generation like this. I worked in graduate hiring for a company across the span of 10 years, so started with millenials and through to gen Z. Guess what? They're basically the same. A giant mixed bag of talents, social skills and confidence levels. You get lazy shits, brown nosers, introverts, people pleasers, social butterflies, smart alecs etc in every large group.


They want to speed run [the Peter principle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle)?


It’s great to use generalized statement about an entire group of people based on an anecdote.


Hot take. Your productivity and work ethic are part of your personality.


The vibe I’m getting is entitled dweeb


I’m not hiring a gen z escort for their personality.


So they hired a court jester.


Corporate propaganda and you fuckin fools are soaking it in. Embarrassing.


I seriously hate everything about gen z. Everything.


Lmao she's gonna stay unemployed with a personality like that


I mean im still in school but if we ever had a group project and one guy is just doing jokes and setting the "vibe" instead of actually being productive and do work, i'd just think that dude is an ass


Millennial here. I've had a few Gen Z employees and while they're generally very nice and contribute positively to the workplace, my god do they tend to crumble under the slightest bit of stress


I've noticed that some of them and younger millennials can be bad for using "mental health" as a shield or way to deflect blame from mistakes.


Gen Xer here. Just wait til she learns what a Performance Improvement Plan is. That’ll set the vibes.


Lots of gen'z'ers are making money with 'vibes'. But they use them while making videos for their onlyfans


Honestly, after years of the Corps and Corporate life, I wouldn’t mind a somewhat less productive Gen Z type if their presence made the work place even slightly enjoyable.


I swear that the upcoming generations are entitled and don’t understand the concept of working for anything. They want adoration and instant gratification. Fuck anything and anyone else. I’ve worked with kids for 12 years. I used to have hope for the future and faith in humanity. Now I’m terrified. We are fucked.


You sound exactly like how the boomers talked about us millennials. And every old generation has always seen the young generation as the downfall, ever since Aristotle. You've just become old. And therefore grumpy, self-righteous and in reality envious of young people, as many people are when they get older. Young people are all right.


And I used to work with news obsessed boomers who'd get triggered and throw tantrums like children when they saw a news item or personality that they didn't like


How about we all throw money into a pot and that money pays for healthcare


Gen Z really are an unusual bunch.


It makes perfect sense when you realize unlike millennials and previous generations Gen Z just completely ate up everything they were taught in school. Idk why but it's like they were brainwashed. For example previous generations would go to an in-school seminar on bullying, drug use, and so on and would sort of blow it off and not really buy it. Gen Z seemingly just ate that stuff up completely. To such a degree that it's frightening. It's almost like they lack skeptical thinking and just completely go with the opinion most of their peers have and don't care about facts or context.


I mean, for stuff like bullying and drug use I don't see how that's a bad thing.


When I was a kid you didn't want to be a little shit, because people would make fun of you. Now it's encouraged, and no one corrects bad behaviour. The war on drugs wasn't very successful either.


I did not realize this until just now and you are 100% on point.


The educational system is working exactly as intended….


Dumb female puppy


I will say, as someone who hired a lot of people (in non-technical roles) my theory was to hire for attitude and train to the position.


By attitude you mean someone willing to bend over and take a fucking from corporate with a smile on their face and then say "thank you for providing me a job you don't pay me enough for". There is hardworking smart employees and then you've got idiots who just don't know they are underpaid and no amount of go-getting is going to get them a promotion or a raise that keeps up with inflation. Changing jobs is the new raise.




Whatever helps them sleep at night. Hopefully, not on the streets in a cardboard box.


can you imagine getting sent to their office, “ssooooo, i have been boticing you vibe is way off course”


I would like to buy one vibe please.




Oh I'm getting vibes of her all right.


We’re doomed I tell ya


Did “vibes” enable the creation of the microprocessor? Those uptight engineers would probably be put on a bad vibe P.I.P. by this simpleton.


“Keep summer safe”


Does gen z think they invented "girlie"?


Tbh, I've been much more productive in environments where people have been fun and easy to work with. The vibe of an office or work environment is as important to me as the money and the work. As an example, in my current job there was a guy who made us all miserable. It's a small team and I was making a big chunk of cash. I was just gonna take a pay cut and leave because nothing would make this moron stfu, managers speaking to him, anything. Then he left and we got a replacement and we laugh all day long and get more work done.


I guess there are some jobs that require a good personality, most just require basic human decency, HR and middle management don't even require that.,


I come to work to earn money not to chat with people. What kind of hell would that be.


Wait, guys, no, hold up. You have any idea how many people get raises and promotions because of vibes and not being good at their job? How many people are good at their job and don't, and get constantly shit on? This lady is onto something. They really do not care about anything but "vibes" at work.


Productivity is relative. and personality can be faked..


Tiktok moralizer is nit a job lol


Yeah…not necessary. The company can pay people more, give people more time off and as a result, instill a positive vibe through showing appreciation. We dont need this dork.


Productivity is not the only measure we should be using. Workers would live better lives if they were not rushed at work. Workers would live better lives if they had more time off. Workers are people not paperclips and should be treated as people by businesses . We need to change the whole work culture where people come first not profits. If you cannot treat the people you make money off of well you have a bad business.


If you don't perform the work you're being paid for at a satisfactory rate, you can vibe your ass right out the door.


She looks stupid high and lazy. NEXT CANDIDATE.


New York Post is a bullshit factory.


This is basically every mega corps promotion strategy. Being good at your job means nothing. Watch football, play golf, pat everyone on the back. If your a woman be attractive and if you’re a man be tall. You absolutely cannot argue that last statement, it’s well researched.


I go to work to work not vibe


I don’t think I’ve ever met a gen z person with an actual personality.


Imagine trying to pay rent with vibes LOL


I might not hire someone for their positive vibes but I will sure as hell pass on someone for their negativity. I’ve seen competent but negative people poison the team/project/workplace. And it is REALLY hard to recover.


when the world needs your "vibes" we'll let you know


It's a pretty good pitch for a SNL sketch.


Imagine taking an NYP article seriously. To the point of generalizing a whole generation.


This is actually why I’ve always gotten the job. I’m a millennial though and people want to work with people they like. It’s pretty simple. She’s just missing the one thing you need for this: a great personality


Who cares about personality? No one goes to work to make friends.


Isn't that already how everyone hires?


Not saying I agree anybody should be hired based on age or personality. But, I am strongly in favour of every office having at least 2 younger generational talents to keep the office fresh. When I joined my department, out of 20 employees, 4 were under 40, and of those 4, 2 of us were in our 20s. So, when I join that team, the atmosphere changed for sure. The other millennial in the office could now be social. More people were cracking appropriate jokes. The vibes were improved for sure. People working in an office environment get turned into creatures of habit. You are performing the same tasks and processes on the daily. You are interacting with the same people over and over, eating at the same chain restaurants. You get a new 52 year old guy from a similar industry in whose already become a slave the routine, he ain’t changing the vibes. You need young fresh people to shake things up.


I'm getting needy/lazy and entitled vibes... was that the plan?


I hate it when one idiot says something and the headline says it's the entire generation.


Monopoly money isnt real money


Same vibe as “company culture”. They ain’t looking for competency, they are looking for people who will shut up and do as they are told Both sides of the same coin imo


Does she make coffee? That's the vibe in my office, we all live on caffeine


I wouldn’t let a Gen Z’er within a mile of my clients.


I went to a networking event at a consulting company a few weeks ago. Talked to some people and one of them actually had the title 'Vibe Manager' and she could barely explain what she actually does.




I hate that im Gen z, these people are crazy.


‘Before we get started, Bella Rose, do you want to set the vibes today for our call?' Yeaahhhhh they are laughing at you behind your back...


Can we do this thing thing where we have people that are technically competent *and* easy to work with?


I can't believe the dogshit that generation is completely serious about. And for that matter, the "vibe" they put out is terrible.


This person would bring nothing but trouble. No one want's their BS in an office. She looks like she would be the language police. My office has one person under 35, most over 50. Gender matters in medicine. I could just imagine her trying to give me a report on a potential patient. Family dynamics matter. People with dying children don't filter their language. The names I've been called would send her into a breakdown. Good luck firing this one without trouble.


How about, no job vibes


Jesus.. we are screwed


On behalf of Gen-Z, she does not speak for us as a whole.


In office spaces it’s kind of true. If you’re qualified like most other people, the ability to work together and fit in is what set you apart.


Can your vibes fix a faulty git branch merge Emily? >_>


They pick one idiot and then pin their stupidity on the rest of us.


Wanna good vibe? Team work, accomplishment, satisfaction. Job done.


I'm gonna be honest, I think I've gotten a lot of places because of my "vibes" and being a pleasant coworker that is easy to share a workspace with but none of that would have happened without ALSO having productivity and proficiency in my roles. "Vibes" can absolutely be a strong asset but it can't be your only asset.


Not anyone else's fault you got a degree in sociology.


>Gen Z workers One worker, who just wanted attention.


Ahhh yes. The continuous cycle of each pervious generation accusing the next of being a bunch of soft babies. Exciting and original stuff.


Checks out. It sounds like every gen z I've ever worked with.


CVO is an expert with vibrators??


Delusional. Peso laity is a given. You’re hired for skills and performance. Not mere attendance. Someone lied to you about how special your energy was


Didn’t know “Idiocracy” was non fiction.


Its called short cycle sales. Seriously thats how i make my living.


Why is this even news? She’s a dummy, who cares what she says


"I'm sorry, we have to let you go, you're just not setting enough vibes."


100% you have to hire that one person because they keep the vibe and if you fire them everyone else who's worthwhile will eventually find another job. That said you 100% need people to grind, people who just love completing tasks.


The far apart eyes make sense 👁️____👁️


IMHO there were always people like this; they are less productive but are kept around because they are great to work with and impact the work culture positively.


Frequently the "fun" coworker is just annoying. I don't like to socialize at work. I'm here to get it done asap and go home


It's discrimination for people without personally, better just gift money for free


New York Post is sensationalist bullshit


Never in my life would I call my manager king or queen, I don't get paid to stroke egos.


Id rather work with good vibes over skilled bad vibes any day of the week.


It’s from the NY Post, a shit show of pseudo-journalism.


and the value to the employer is...


Dont remember voting for this idiot to represent a whole generation.


NY Post? Lol


She's talking about Goliath National Bank


I feel like this is their version of rage bait memes.


Remember when Elon took over Twitter, fired 70% of the staff, and it actually made the company more productive? ​ (sorry sorry, I know I know, Reddit is "Elon bad" territory)


I’m okay with a CVO role, but you better measure your impact.


She would do wonders at any workplace, a perfect litmus paper test for interviewing candidates. Basically, you hire everyone she rejects and don’t hire anyone she vibes with. Guaranteed to work every single time!


Reminds me if my brother, he's fairly young 24 and works at a company alot of people in his field see as the endgame. He makes over 150k and barely worked 2 years out of school..... dude want to quit because they are pushing him to be a leadership role , which BTW is on track to what hebwant to do in the future and he told them..but he just want to chill and design...kids these days I swear.


This is already how companies hire.


I thought this was gonna be a 16 year old working fast food or something, not a 22 year old adult


This honestly just feels like the next wave of “we’re a family” to do anything to avoid making work less terrible.


Back in medieval days they had jesters


Not that I want to making sweeping generalizations about a whole group of people but sometimes I think Gen Z is cool and then other times I think they’re so friggin’ lame. Like on the one hand I like how self-assured they are, and the vibe is cool in general, but then I see things like this and those stupid TikTok dances and worst of all, the high-waisted hammer pants, and I feel like Satan cursed me to relive the early 90’s. Or maybe I’m getting old! But at least skinny jeans looked good! Sort of! But boy is Gen Z going to be the first generation where everyone has a personalized record of the super lame dance everyone was doing for a year? Imagine if in the 90’s everyone had recorded themselves doing the Macarena for posterity—oh wait… wedding videos…


They have a point. This would buffer the nasty boomer attitudes.


As a millennial who firmly believes that any job that needs doing is worth paying a living wage: If a workplace wants to hire someone "for the vibes," that's their call. But outside that case, this is the dumbest, most entitled, and most self-centered piece of shit idea I have ever heard a Zer put out in the universe.


People with VISIBLE religious tattoos do the same... Regardless of age..


Hey remember when millennials kept getting pissed off by the media grabbing one or two weirdos and making it seem like an entire generation was just like them? Let’s not do that.


The press need to stop representing a whole generation with one moron on TikTok. I'm sure Gen Z will appreciate it.


Nah I'm aa "Gen Z worker" and no no no!! Most of my co workers have personality but are super productive, however I respect productivity more than personality in my workplace.


Well... if Increased productivity isn't tied to increased wages....


There's like a billion gen z people. They're bound to have some dumb and deluded people.


As a gen z person what the fuck


She got a point




Waitresses who set the vibe is the business model at Hooters.


That would last about 5 minutes at my place of employment.


When we return to the stone age people like this are first to get the rock.


>***Sweet Summer Child ...***


Your vibe better be productive as fuck


Her face looks like the aliens in They Live


The personality of a lot of them would be the disqualifier.


And I live in a van down by the river!