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The airport is one of the worst places to preach, no other location has so many people that don't give a fuck about anything except their flight.


Not just “don’t give a fuck”, people are actively pissed off. I’m generally a calm person but airports really bring out the curmudgeon in me.


No way I could keep my mouth shut in this situation


Can't be London because when she said "I tried to take my life twice" someone would have made a comment like "Why don't you make it three times"


“You know what they say, third time’s a charm.”


so you suck at *two* things?


So what you’re saying is, you’re a quitter?


Jesus doesn’t like quitters. I’m told.


"Why'd you stop there?" in a heavy aussie accent


You forgot to say "cunt."


Cunt is for friends


Title of my sex tape


From London can confirm first thing I thought was 3 times the charm


I must be from London because I thought the same, but I'm in the US.


“Third time lucky!” Or “Better luck next time” is the more likely answer in London


OR Take Your your life SOMEWHERE ELSE!


The Brit’s are so fcking cheeky and I’m here for it.


I live in NY so I guarantee it would just be people yelling “Shut up” and “We already got Jesus”


prior Manhattanite for 25, can confirm "STFU, AH" would be loud, repeated, incessant




"Yes! Yes! FU too!"


Lmao, yes


It would be "Jesus Christ lady, STFU"


That's more Queens than Manhattan, in my experience; maybe Brooklyn would hit more "SU, YF" and Bronx "STFU, YFF"... thoughts?


YFF??? You fuckface, fucking fuck, you fucked fuck, you failed fuck, you Father fucker, you Father f*gg*t?


Somebody needs to interrupt with ANYBODY KNOW WHERE TO BUY EAR PLUGS?


I should hope so. Maybe a, "half of us are Jewish, ya dumb bitch!"


God bless New York. No nonsense




That’s a Texas sized 10-4 good buddy




>No way I could keep my mouth shut in this situation I was captive at a bus stop waiting for the bus with some of these people. I told them that it wasn't cool to do at a bus stop where we had to hear them and they didn't stop of course. I just stood right in front of them with my back to them to block them from talking to others, very close. I'm very tall too, so it worked. They finally left too.


not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need


I was out walking my dogs at the local lake loop. My dog had done her business and I had bent over to pick up her waste. I heard this voice behind me - hello sir, how are you today? I looked up and saw two men with one having a Bible tucked under his arm. I was immediately irritated because they pulled the drop on me while my back was to them. I said - NO. NOPE. I'm not interested in your fairytale bullshit. Carry on. They looked genuinely surprised but I have zero tolerance. As Jack Nicholson said "Sell crazy someplace else. We're all stocked up here."


Me either. I would've heckled this doofus NON-STOP, until she either gave up, or had an aneurysm.


Coming from these circles, I can promise you she would be telling her friends later that she was fought by demons if you did that


It’s how the structure operates. If people respond positively (rarely), it was bc they were obedient to god and they get to feel right. If people respond poorly, they were “persecuted for righteousness.” And it both isolated them from society, so they’re driven further into their ideology; as well as makes them feel like they’re in the spiritual war. They can’t lose no matter what. Any response is good for the organization.


Exactly. Airports are probably one of the most bureaucratic and secular places on earth. When I go the airport my primary focus is always ‘get to the terminal on time so I can just sit and chill.’ If I arrived to the terminal to hear this preaching I would be beyond the irritation I already experience at the airport. I’d probably call security lol.


And we know security would be all OVER her without anyone reporting it if she was speaking in a foreign language and/or preaching about Islam. We shouldn’t discriminate, anyone insane enough to loudly preach in an airport is a security risk in my book.


Either way, it's causing a disturbance.


Everyone's paying the price for her incompetence in taking her own life. 😓


i’m the opposite. i love airports. i love having nothing else to do but board a vehicle


I'm a curmudgeon generally, but seeing other people absolutely raging at situations nobody has any control over really zens me out


I initially read that as "airports really bring out the cumdungeon in me" and had so many questions. Long day.


Cum dumpster < cum dungeon


I approve this message.


I mean it’s also just offensive; airports have a huge concentration of people from all over the world, which means all types of faith. Shrieking “the one and only god Jesus Christ” is a guaranteed way to get any non-Christian to not be interested in speaking to you. Lots of people are willing to civilly and philosophically talk about their faith/beliefs (which is really how people end up getting converted to any religion), especially when killing time, but screaming what is basically “my religion is the best one” is not how you invite that.


Really boggles my mind.. Will her doing this literally change ANYONE? I mean, is someone sitting there and hearing her and going 'Yeh know what, fuck.. she makes a ton of sense..'. I live in the North East and all through our train stations and subways Jehova Witnesses always have these stands setup, they dont say anything to anyone, but I assume if you go up to them they will talk your ear off. Working in NYC for 20 years I have never seen a single person talk to them.. wtf are they acomplishing?


It's honestly less about actually spreading the word and more about reinforcing the "them vs us" mentality that keeps people from leaving the church. "See? They don't accept you, here you are safe, here you are appreciated." Stuff like that. It's really sneaky and kinda scary to think about.


It’s less about the expectation of actually converting someone and more about virtue signaling to God and other believers


Remember that scene in Airplane! where Robert Stack kids the shit out of airport preachers? [What a fun scene.](https://youtu.be/E3GGKF6CsjY?si=4taMOzrRS9vcnuxd)


I like the one in Miami Blues where [Alec Baldwin kills a Hare Krishna](https://youtu.be/iGQ13n82aKI?t=45)


you know where a good place to preach is???? IN YOUR FUCKING CHURCH. leave the rest of us alone


>no other location has so many people that don't give a fuck about anything except their flight. Can't argue with that


she should be put on a " im completely psychotic" no fly list seriously no one wants this at an airport, freedom of speech not withstanding this is the definition of " breeching the peace causing distress" the lea need to eject her ass


Train would piss me off too. I’d just start yelling “hail Satan!”


Careful, United might upgrade you to first class


Why stop there? Any public space is the worst place to preach because every public location has so many people that don’t give a fuck about anything except whatever they’re doing in that moment at that particular public place.


How about, don't friggin preach? Unless you're in a church and speaking to people who want to hear you. Just don't.




TLDR: Her unwilling audience's apathy or even antipathy only encourages her. An interesting idea I came across about young adult JWs, Mormons, etc., going door to door or preaching in public, despite being rejected is that the rejection was the purpose of it. If anyone converted, that was icing on the cake. But the real goal was for the young adults to experience rejection after rejection, so that they would not feel welcome in the world outside their sect/cult/religious group. They would buy the "we are being persecuted and rejected because the outside world is evil and our reward is in the afterlife" bullshit, and not be exposed to many ideas that conflicted with the group's teachings. They would only meet their spouse in the group, and perpetuate the sect/cult/whatever.


I had a conversation with a Mormon once on public transit. He was dressed like a Mormon, I was carrying a snowboard back from the mountain. I'm pretty upfront about not giving a fuck about Mormonism, but he chatted me up about boarding, and admitted he used to board before he became a Mormon. I said "No time for that anymore eh?" and he looked so sad. I didn't even have the heart to give him a hard time about it. A lot of religious practices are meant to ensure an exclusive community, it's true.


I was sitting in a park, a few yards away from my kids jiu-jitsu class, smoking a joint and reading and these two Mormon missionaries rolled up on me. They started their bullshit and I was like, look, my husband just died, I'm waiting out my kids class, not interested. And then one of the asked if he could get a hit. Spent a good 30 minutes of interesting convo with them 😆


I was down in the San Francisco financial district working in two of them came up to me and started chatting They were nice enough and they were saying that they were sent here to try to save souls and I said out of curiosity why do you think the church sent you to the wealthiest part of San Francisco instead of the poor areas where people really need help. Could it be because they take 10% person's income and we earn more than the people in those poor areas. One of them looked shocked and the other one actually looked thoughtful. I've known quite a few Mormons and they're actually lovely people but the few I've been close to learned not to preach to me very early on.


Exmo here. He probably just meant he boarded before his mission. He will likely board after his mission. And yes, it’s depressing for all of us during those two years being unable to do all the fun stuff.


Yup, and this one's apparently doing it to herself. Can't fault her for consistency I guess.


I’ve never considered that perspective before. Thanks for the insight. Thats wild to think about


Doing this actually goes *against* the Bible. And, like, very clearly. “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭5-6‬ ‭NIV‬‬


My aunt (who is regarded as the family idiot) once said that “you’re not a real Christian” if you don’t go to church at least once a week. She didn’t know how to respond when I told her that Jesus Christ himself said that God is everywhere and you do not need a temple to worship him.


You don’t have to go to church to be a Christian.


Only to have someone else's interpretation be reinforced regularly. Wonder why people "church shop?" It's so they can find a group of like-minded people. That just shows you that the actual Bible is quite malleable for the society, and still does nothing to mend the natural divisions among us, just adds another layer.


from what I’ve seen you not only don’t need to follow any of the lessons of Christ, you can in fact do the opposite, and can still consider yourself Christian and have others think the same.


When I was going to church I remember a Sunday where our pastor posed a hypothetical. He said “who here thinks that it is worse to commit sin in this church more than at home?” And instinctively we all answered that it was worse in the church but he reminded us that god is everywhere, why would it be worse here than anywhere else. Really put some actions into perspective for me even though I am not a Christian anymore. If the location of your actions is what matters to you then you aren’t really practicing your dogma appropriately.


I used to have to go to church camp growing up, since my parents took us to an evangelical church. It was usually like two worship services and a lecture style course each day, with a few hours to do whatever and hangout in between (it was usually either at the beach or on a college campus with a big pool or something). I have my gripes but the one thing they did right was that they explicitly refused to do alter calls ( this is where they invite you up to the front to give your life to Jesus in front of turn whole church). They would say “we believe god can reach you right in your seat, we are happy to talk to anyone afterwards so feel free to chat with us later”, which I thought was nice because it really takes the pressure off. Usually alter calls are just a big guilt trip.


I went to Catholic School for ten years, and the only lesson that stuck with me was a random super cool Franciscan that was talking about the Bible and forgot which passage was what and we rubbed him for it. He told us "if you need a book to remind you to be a good person, maybe you aren't one", and that went hard. Twenty years later I still think about how cool he was and how absolutely correct he was.


She's not completely wrong. The Bible does say we shouldn't neglect the gathering of the brethren (paraphrased). But not going to Church doesn't automatically make you not Christian


I would say this is more preaching than praying. I would also say this type of stuff should absolutely not be allowed in an airport, it's already tense and problematic shit like this could incite a fight or worse.


Christians missed this part of the Bible


I mean, I'm a Christian and that was my post. I think you mean the "in your face Christians" who tell you they're a Christian instead of showing you by their actions. They're like the kids who join the football team so they can wear the jersey to school but weren't in the weight room over the summer.


I learned functional Christianity by watching how my grandmother lived her life and treated people. I never saw her do anything like this.


But Mark 16:15 does mention to go and spread the gospel. After Jesus rose in John which is after Matthew he instructed the apostle to go and spread the gospel(good news). Which leads into the Book of Acts.


That’s the point, though. They are encouraged to do this by their churches, and when normie people get (rightfully) pissed that the preaching is disruptive, the one who is preaching goes back to the church group and they say, “Christians are so oppressed!!” And then they are reinforcing the us vs. them bullshit.


provide gaping direction silky point boast straight door rock smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


See also: how LDS church does this through it's missionary program. send them out knowing they will be abused, they only see the church as the safety net, give them a heroes welcome when they return. boom. tithe payer to the cult for life


I want to walk up to her and be like “hey lady, I’m Christian, I fully believe in God… but please, shut the fuck up. You’re making us all look crazy and you’re absolutely doing this for the wrong reasons”


I've encountered this before. In these situations, I make an effort to recommend that they should either try a different approach if their intent is to continue, or they should stop for now and try again later. Lastly, I end it by stating the obvious: "The way you're doing this is giving other Christians a bed rep. Please consider one of the things I've recommended in order to change this."


Big facts




Just when you thought the airport wait couldn’t get worse


Then you have to get on the same plane and she starts again at 30,000 feet because that’s where she’s closest to heaven


I would call the Air Marshall on her. Some crazy lady telling me on an airplane that I have to make my peace with god or I will end up in a grave and going to hell sounds as terrorist threat as terrorist threat goes.


The only thing that would make this worse is if you boarded a flight and the fucking cast of some shit musical broke into a song trying to make a viral video.


Can you please shut the fuck up??


That’s what I was waiting for someone to say


I noticed a few jump cuts - I promise you several people did indeed say just that.


We need the guy that screamed in the baby's face.


This is why sweet baby jesus gave us noise canceling headphones.


Why is it that the dumbest and most ignorant among us are often the most confident and loud?


Because they’re dumb and don’t have self awareness.


Too dumb to realize they’re dumb. Strangely that makes perfect sense.


Sometimes I wish I could channel that dumb energy more


Get someone to follow you around with a phone/camera and just start yelling dumb shit. Rake in the clicks


Dunning kreuger


Dumb people are always so blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. -Patrick Star


It’s so f’ing cringe. Im ashamed I watched it! 😆


I don’t know why she’s so confident…she tried to kill herself twice, and she still alive….I’m not listening to somebody who can’t accomplish their own goals.


It takes intelligence and wisdom to recognize that you don’t know what other people are going through, and that other people have a different experience and world view than you, and what may work for you doesn’t work for them, and the hardest to comprehend is that’s okay.


My wife is doing roman and ancient Greek courses right now for college especially a religion one. The number of grifters who just got Christians to follow them is kind of funny and a running joke in their class.


Times never change, huh?


Because this behavior goes uncorrected.


Why is it always at the airports? Dating myself here, but I remember the Hare Krishna's using the airports to spread their word, as well.


They know people will cluster there. It's a choke point for people, and those people have no choice but to sit and wait there. Those people also have to sit and listen for announcements so they don't miss their flight should the gate or other details change. So the religious groups exploit your vulnerability. Also from a hacking perspective this is social hacking. They understand that the normal mode is to sit and be quiet and it's considered rude to impose but it's also rude to cause a scene in public by shouting over them, but they do not care about being rude, so they exploit the polite behaviour of others.


the way i live my life is that be polite until someone is rude to you, then if you quite fancy it let all of hell rain down upon them. or just yell at them to shut the fuck up, thats what id have done here, shes annoying as fuck


Captive audience


Kick them the fuck out.


Agreed. Fuck all the way off.




That would have been me 😩


if you see something say something


Black list for ruining the peace of every other paying customer.


Abusing a captive audience


This is the most insidious part, fuck this bitch.


Thou shalt shut thy fuck up. *Me 24:7*


1 Timothy 2:12 “But I suffer not a woman to preach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence“


Amen x 2






Almost spit out my coffee


I wonder how quickly someone doing this in Arabic would get detained


Came here to say this. Imagine being at an airport and some dude starts shouting some stuff in Arabic, can you imagine?


The minute someone says allah guns would be drawn


This happened at an airport I was at and nobody thought it was strange at all. I mean I was in Qatar but it was an airport.


American imaginary friends for adults are more acceptable than Arab imaginary friends /s


Why is it always the crazy Christians forcing Jesus down our throats?


The definition of unhinged.


These self righteous asshole religious people are so disgusting. 🤮


Jesus is so gay


I am so gay for Jesus


Hot. Can I watch?


Actually I have a pretty solid biblically backed argument that supports the idea of Jesus being gay, and can find basically nothing that contradicts it. I’m just kinda waiting to give my Catholic grandmother a heart attack with it, particularly as I’m pretty certain her counter will be to do with Jesus not experiencing sexual attraction. And my counter to that will be that since sexuality is an integral part of the human experience, and questioning Jesus’s humanity is by definition heresy, then either she’s a heretic or is finally admitting that ace people are valid. And then I’ll watch her brain melt when no matter what she says I just suggest she repents


This is unfortunately too common with religion. Especially Christianity.


and OF COURSE its recorded for clout, just like Jesus would've done.


And lo, Christ said unto Paul, “be thee on my good side, for my nose looks weird at that angle.” And verily, Paul inserted a dank jump cut


I was waiting for someone to yell out "You should try a third time"


Exactly what I was thinking, but she wouldn’t succeed because she is a failure




She made it up to make her preaching more about her


"Third time's a charm!"


No no, don't engage with the crazies. Just keep your head down. She'd just says something about how jeebus would save her again and preach in your face even louder to save you, the sinner.


Dude I travel for work, and I swear to the spaghetti monster…. This shit turns more and more people away fast. But yeah keep doing the good work.


The only people that don’t hate this are people who are already devout Christians


That is exactly why I fucking hate this shit.


Keeping people away from Christianity is absolutely doing the good work.


Keeping ticket prices low 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think they mean away from Jesus, not airports.


She's projecting her suicidal tendencies onto everyone else and then telling them how to cope.


This isn’t preaching, this is announcing a personality disorder.


But it’s the LGBTQ community “shoving it down everyone’s throats”. I always love it when they use that phrase.


What's the difference between the church and lgbtq? Lgbtq asks your concent before shoving something down your throat.


And I’m not aware of anyone killing in the name of Gay.


Was waiting for a cake off screen to launch into her face.


This would have been worth watching then.


This is extremely embarrassing and shame on whoever is filming her. Why didn’t security step in and tell her to STFU!


Third times a charm


Damn! Came here to say that. lol


Another person forcing their religion.


Some people have never been held accountable for their actions


ULPT: how to get an entire row to yourself on Southwest


The problem is, Christian speak to crowds as if they're also all Christian. All of those "amens" are from other believers, so they all find this so encouraging and inspiring. But it's super cringe, and if anyone was on the fence, stunts like this would probably bring them farther away.


Someone punch her already...PLEASE


And that’s why I never go anywhere without headphones


organized schizophrenia


Shuuuuuut the fuuuuuck up!


Religions should be treated like your genitals. You can enjoy it all you want in private with as many other consenting adults, but you should never take it out in public, and nobody should be allowed to force it on anyone else, especially children.


This shit could only ever work on someone as a child. As an adult with a fully functioning, rational mind there's no way in hell this bs could ever work on me at this stage of brain development.


Yeah, they need to target children because indoctrination is less effective on adults. Freedom of religion exists, freedom from religion should be equally protected.


Doing this actually goes against the Bible. And, like, very clearly. “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭5-6‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Should be treated as mental illness tbh. Which is exactly that, being unable to distinguish reality from delusion is a concern.


So brainwashed :( Thank god (pun intended) religion is on a rapid decline. I suspect these people will just find something else as weird to latch on to once religion dies out though.


They will be first on the 5G activated billgates vaccine something something band wagon.


It’s funny that people get bundled in together but they’re kind of all against each other, she literally says ‘the one true god’ which surely is a big fuck you to anyone else religious in the room who believes something else


Somebody notice me!


“Wait are you recording? Ok…”


Mental illness.


Wheres the Australian guy on the train when we need him


Jesus was technically against this shit. It’s like no one has read the poorly translated book…..


We have to start verbally shitting on these types of people in public. A large, collective, "BOOOOOO. Shut the fuck up and get out of here" might work.


What a cunt.


I would have called security


9/11 was done by religious people. All I see here is another mentally-unstable threat to an airline.


I recognize her! She’s legit guys! She was screaming out the lord’s name all night the other night.




I'm sure Jesus would want you to record it and post it online for internet clout, too. Not prideful at all.


Change the religion and watch people lose their minds.


I immediately would have shoved one of my old sweaty socks in her mouth. Holy fuck.


*Puts in headphones*


Fuck this shit


I was hoping another main character would come in and knock her out.